package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import; /** *@author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> *@version 1.0 */ public class EntityPath { public final static String SERIALIZATION_DELIMITER = "@"; public final static String SERIALIZATION_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER = "#"; public final static String SHORT_KEY_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER = ":"; public final static String SHORT_KEY_ENTITY_NAME_COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER = "."; public final static String SHORT_KEY_COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER = "|"; public final static String DESCRIPTION_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER = "+"; public final static String DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_DELIMITER = "."; private static int DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH = 2; private Class sourceEntity = null; private Class targetEntity = null; private Class classOfValue = null; private ArrayList pathToEntity = new ArrayList(); private EntityPath nextEntityPath = null; public EntityPath(Class sourceEntity) { this.sourceEntity = sourceEntity; } public static SortedMap getInstances(Class sourceEntity) { return getInstances(DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH, sourceEntity); } public static SortedMap getInstances(int maximumSearchDepth, Class sourceEntity) { return getAllEntityPathes( new EntityPath(sourceEntity) , sourceEntity, 0 , maximumSearchDepth); } public static EntityPath getInstance(String serialization) throws ClassNotFoundException { EntityPath lastEntityPath = null; EntityPath firstEntityPath = null; StringTokenizer entityPathTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(serialization, SERIALIZATION_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER); while (entityPathTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { // build single entity path String singleEntityPathSerialization = entityPathTokenizer.nextToken(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(singleEntityPathSerialization, SERIALIZATION_DELIMITER); List columnNames = new ArrayList(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String columnName = tokenizer.nextToken(); columnNames.add(columnName); } int size; if ((size = columnNames.size()) < 2) { throw new ClassNotFoundException("EntityPath could not be created from string: " + serialization); } String sourceName = (String) columnNames.get(0); Class sourceEntity = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(sourceName); // remove target name columnNames.remove(size-1); EntityPath createdEntityPath; if (size == 2) { createdEntityPath = new EntityPath(sourceEntity); } else { createdEntityPath = getEntityPath(new EntityPath(sourceEntity) , sourceEntity, 0 , columnNames); } if (lastEntityPath == null) { // remember the first entity path firstEntityPath = createdEntityPath; } else { // add the child lastEntityPath.add(createdEntityPath); } lastEntityPath = createdEntityPath; } return firstEntityPath; } public Class getSourceEntityClass() { return this.sourceEntity; } public void add(String aColumnName) { this.pathToEntity.add(aColumnName); } public void add(EntityPath aPath) { if (this.nextEntityPath == null) { this.nextEntityPath = aPath; } else { this.nextEntityPath.add(aPath); } } /** @return my next entityPath or null */ public EntityPath getNextEntityPath() { return this.nextEntityPath; } private void setTargetEntity(Class targetEntityClass) { this.targetEntity = targetEntityClass; } private void setClassOfValue(Class classOfValue) { this.classOfValue = classOfValue; } public String getSerialization() { StringBuffer serialization = new StringBuffer(); getSerialization(serialization); return serialization.toString(); } private void getSerialization(StringBuffer stringBuffer) { StringBuffer serialization = new StringBuffer(); serialization .append(this.sourceEntity.getName()) .append(SERIALIZATION_DELIMITER); Iterator iterator = this.pathToEntity.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { serialization .append((String) .append(SERIALIZATION_DELIMITER); } serialization.append(this.targetEntity.getName()); stringBuffer.append(serialization); if (this.nextEntityPath == null) { return; } // put a delimiter between the two objects stringBuffer.append(SERIALIZATION_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER); this.nextEntityPath.getSerialization(stringBuffer); } /** Gets a shortkey that is used as key in the hash map * that is returned by the method getInstances * @return shortKey e.g. "" * or e.g. "" * (if this path consists of two pathes) */ public String getShortKey() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); getShortKey(buffer, true); return buffer.toString(); } /** Gets only the section of the short key of this instance */ public String getShortKeySection() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); getShortKey(buffer, false); return buffer.toString(); } private void getShortKey(StringBuffer buffer, boolean getCompletePath) { int lastIndex = this.pathToEntity.size() - 1; if (lastIndex < 0) { return; } // add name of the target entity buffer .append(this.targetEntity.getName()) .append(SHORT_KEY_ENTITY_NAME_COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER); // add all column names of this entity path Iterator iterator = this.pathToEntity.iterator(); boolean notTheFirstTime = false; while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (notTheFirstTime) { // append this delimiter not the very first time buffer.append(SHORT_KEY_COLUMN_NAME_DELIMITER); } else { notTheFirstTime = true; } String columnName = (String); buffer.append(columnName); } // go to the next entity path if (this.nextEntityPath != null && getCompletePath) { buffer.append(SHORT_KEY_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER); this.nextEntityPath.getShortKey(buffer, true); } } /** Gets the original description, do get a localized description use * getLocalizedDescription. * @return a description of the value that is representated by this instance */ public String getDescription() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); getDescription(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private void getDescription(StringBuffer buffer) { if (this.targetEntity == null) { return; } // add target name (without package path) String targetClassName = this.targetEntity.getName(); String classNameWithoutPath = targetClassName.substring(targetClassName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); buffer.append(classNameWithoutPath); // buffer.append('.').append(pathToEntity.get(pathToEntity.size()-1)); // add all column names of this entity path Iterator iterator = this.pathToEntity.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { buffer.append(DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_DELIMITER); String columnName = (String); buffer.append(columnName); } // add describtion of the next entity path if (this.nextEntityPath != null) { buffer.append(DESCRIPTION_NEXT_ENTITY_PATH_DELIMITER); this.nextEntityPath.getDescription(buffer); } } /** Gets the localized description. * @param resourceBundle the resourceBundle that serves as a source for the localization * @return String a localized description of the value that is representated by this * instance */ public String getLocalizedDescription(IWResourceBundle resourceBundle) { String description = getDescription(); return resourceBundle.getLocalizedString( description, description); } /** Returns an object or null. * This is the value of this instance without considering the next entity pathes. * Do not use this method in convertes, use rather getValues(EntityRepresentation). * @return the value of this entity path without the next entity path */ public Object getValue(EntityRepresentation entity) { Iterator iterator = this.pathToEntity.iterator(); // start Object value = entity; // sometimes you can not go down the complete path because some columns are null while (iterator.hasNext() && value != null ) { String currentColumnName = (String); // that is a little bit tricky: the column can be // a reference to another entity or a real value like a String, Integer, Date and so on. // If the path is well-defined, there will be no CastException, because the very last value // is not casted to EntityRepresentation. value = ((EntityRepresentation) value).getColumnValue(currentColumnName); } return value; } /** @return values of this entity path plus all the values of the next * entity pathes */ public List getValues(EntityRepresentation entity) { List list = new ArrayList(); getValues(list, entity); return list; } /** Returns the class of the value or if not detectable null (e.g. if this is an artificial path). * This is the class of the value of this instance without considering the next entity pathes. * Do not use this method in convertes, use rather getClassesOfValues(EntityRepresentation). * @return the class of the value or null if the class is not detectable */ public Class getClassOfValue() { return this.classOfValue; } public List getClassesOfValues() { List list = new ArrayList(); getClassesOfValues(list); return list; } public Object clone() { EntityPath entityPath = new EntityPath(this.sourceEntity); entityPath.setTargetEntity(this.targetEntity); entityPath.setClassOfValue(this.classOfValue); Iterator iterator = this.pathToEntity.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { entityPath.add((String); } if (this.nextEntityPath != null) { EntityPath nextClone = (EntityPath) this.nextEntityPath.clone(); entityPath.add(nextClone); } return entityPath; } private void getClassesOfValues(List list) { list.add(getClassOfValue()); if (this.nextEntityPath == null) { return; } this.nextEntityPath.getClassesOfValues(list); } private void getValues(List list, EntityRepresentation entity) { list.add(getValue(entity)); if (this.nextEntityPath == null) { return; } this.nextEntityPath.getValues(list, entity); } private static SortedMap getAllEntityPathes ( EntityPath motherEntityPath, Class currentEntityClass, int currentLayer, int maximumSearchDepth) { // entering a new layer.... currentLayer++; //TODO thomas: change this by using IDOEntity and EntityDefinition classes // entering a new layer.... GenericEntity entity = (GenericEntity) getEntity(currentEntityClass); if (entity == null) { return new TreeMap(); } Collection coll = entity.getAttributes(); Iterator iterator = coll.iterator(); TreeMap pathes = new TreeMap(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityAttribute attribute = (EntityAttribute); Class anEntityClass = attribute.getRelationShipClass(); EntityPath currentPath = (EntityPath) motherEntityPath.clone(); currentPath.add(attribute.getColumnName()); if (anEntityClass == null) { // finished! currentPath.setClassOfValue(attribute.getStorageClass()); currentPath.setTargetEntity(currentEntityClass); // use shortKey as key for the returned HashMap pathes.put(currentPath.getShortKey(), currentPath); } else if (currentLayer < maximumSearchDepth) { // go further! SortedMap PathesOfChild = EntityPath.getAllEntityPathes(currentPath, anEntityClass, currentLayer, maximumSearchDepth); pathes.putAll(PathesOfChild); } } return pathes; } private static EntityPath getEntityPath ( EntityPath motherEntityPath, Class currentEntityClass, int currentLayer, List columnNames) { //TODO thomas: change this by using IDOEntity and EntityDefinition classes // entering a new layer.... currentLayer++; GenericEntity entity = (GenericEntity) getEntity(currentEntityClass); if (entity == null) { return null; } EntityAttribute attribute = entity.getAttribute((String) columnNames.get(currentLayer)); Class anEntityClass = attribute.getRelationShipClass(); motherEntityPath.add(attribute.getColumnName()); if (anEntityClass == null) { // finished! motherEntityPath.setClassOfValue(attribute.getStorageClass()); motherEntityPath.setTargetEntity(currentEntityClass); } else if (currentLayer < columnNames.size()) { // go further! motherEntityPath = EntityPath.getEntityPath(motherEntityPath, anEntityClass, currentLayer, columnNames); } return motherEntityPath; } private static IDOEntity getEntity(Class currentEntityClass) { return GenericEntity.getStaticInstanceIDO(currentEntityClass); } }