package; import com.idega.presentation.ui.AbstractChooserWindow; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.caching.Cache; /** * Title: * Description: The the media toolbar for selecting deleting or editing files<br> * it can be extended by registering extra MediaToolbarItem(s) your bundle. The button<br> * will get the icfile_id of the media from the db that is being viewed or a <br> * MediaProperties object for an uploaded file. * @todo move some action to mediaviewerwindow? * * @author Eirikur S. Hrafnsson * @created 16. mars 2002 * @version 1.0 */ public class MediaToolbar extends Block { /* * these are used for creating a chooser function that has a unique name for this chooser */ private final static String ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME = "fileselect"; private final static String FILE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME = "media_file_id"; private final static String FILE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "media_file_name"; private String fileInSessionParameter = ""; private MediaProperties props = null; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private int mediaId = -1; private boolean choosingImage = false; /** * Constructor for the MediaToolbar object */ public MediaToolbar() { } /** * Constructor for the MediaViewer object */ public MediaToolbar(int mediaId) { this.mediaId = mediaId; } /** * Constructor for the MediaToolbar object * * @param props MediaProperties */ public MediaToolbar( MediaProperties props ) { this(); this.props = props; this.mediaId = props.getId(); } /** * The main method were mediaid's and props get sent to the toolbaritems * * @param iwc The IWContext * @exception Exception A random exception ;) */ public void main( IWContext iwc ) throws Exception { this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); //get the mediaId parameter name this.fileInSessionParameter = MediaBusiness.getMediaParameterNameInSession( iwc ); String action = iwc.getParameter(MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_PARAMETER_NAME); /**@ is this necessery**/// MediaBusiness.saveMediaIdToSession( iwc, mediaId ); //use for filtering String chooserType = (String)iwc.getSessionAttribute(MediaConstants.MEDIA_CHOOSER_PARAMETER_NAME); this.choosingImage = ( (chooserType!=null) && (chooserType.equals(MediaConstants.MEDIA_CHOOSER_IMAGE)) ); if(action==null) { action = ""; } //for extra toolbar items // List extension = (List)iwc.getApplicationAttribute(TOOLBAR_ITEMS); // if (extension != null) { // Iterator it = extension.iterator(); // while (it.hasNext()) { // IBToolbarButton b = (IBToolbarButton); // xpos++; // if (b.getIsSeparator()) // toolbarTable.add(separator, xpos, 1); // else // toolbarTable.add(b.getLink(), xpos, 1); // } // if( (this.mediaId==-1) && (this.props==null) ) { this.mediaId = MediaBusiness.getMediaId(iwc); } if( this.mediaId!=-1 ) { if( action.equals( MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_USE ) ){ /*selecting and closing the window only reaches this state in the builder selecting images*/ MediaBusiness.saveMediaIdToSession( iwc, this.mediaId ); getParentPage().setOnLoad( "top.window.close()" ); } else if( action.equals( MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_DELETE ) ) { /*displaying confirm delete*/ confirmDeleteMedia( this.mediaId, iwc ); getParentPage().setOnUnLoad( "parent.frames['" + MediaConstants.TARGET_MEDIA_TREE + "'].location.reload()" ); } else if( action.equals( MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_DELETE_CONFIRM ) ) { /*deleting*/ MediaBusiness.deleteMedia( this.mediaId ); MediaBusiness.removeMediaIdFromSession( iwc );//not really necessary addBreak(); add( new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.file.deleted","The file was deleted")) ); } else{ /*viewing from db*/ viewFileFromDB( iwc, this.mediaId ); } } else if( this.props != null ) { viewFileFromDisk( iwc, this.props ); } } /** * Displays a confirm message * * @param mediaId The media to delete * @param iwc The IWContext */ protected void confirmDeleteMedia( int id, IWContext iwc ) { Cache cache = FileTypeHandler.getCachedFileInfo( id, iwc ); ICFile file = ( ICFile ) cache.getEntity(); Table T = new Table( 1, 3 ); T.setAlignment( 1, 3, "center" ); Link confirm = new Link( this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.delete","delete") ); confirm.setAsImageButton( true ); confirm.addParameter( MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_PARAMETER_NAME, MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_DELETE_CONFIRM ); confirm.addParameter( this.fileInSessionParameter, this.mediaId ); T.add( confirm, 1, 1 ); Link cancel = MediaBusiness.getMediaViewerLink(); cancel.setText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.cancel","cancel") ); cancel.setAsImageButton( true ); cancel.addParameter( this.fileInSessionParameter, this.mediaId ); T.add( cancel, 1, 1 ); Text warning = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("","Are you sure you want to delete this file")); warning.setFontSize( 4 ); warning.setFontColor( "FF0000" ); warning.setBold(); T.add( file.getName(), 1, 2 ); T.add( Text.getBreak(), 1, 3 ); T.add( warning, 1, 3 ); add( T ); } /** * Finds the right filehandler and displays the media from disk * * @param iwc Description of the Parameter * @param props Description of the Parameter * @exception Exception Description of the Exception */ protected void viewFileFromDisk( IWContext iwc, MediaProperties props ) { Link submitSave = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("","save")); submitSave.addParameter(MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_PARAMETER_NAME,MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_SAVE); submitSave.setAsImageButton(true); //submitSave.addParameter(fileInSessionParameter,(String)props.getParameterMap().get(fileInSessionParameter)); /**@todo fix to use iwc**/ submitSave.addParameter(this.fileInSessionParameter,iwc.getParameter(this.fileInSessionParameter)); Link submitNew = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.cancel","cancel")); submitNew.addParameter(MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_PARAMETER_NAME,MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_NEW); submitNew.addParameter(this.fileInSessionParameter,(String)props.getParameterMap().get(this.fileInSessionParameter)); submitNew.setAsImageButton(true); add(submitNew); add(submitSave); } /** * Finds a correct filehandler and displays the media * * @param iwc the IWContext * @param mediaId The media id */ protected void viewFileFromDB( IWContext iwc, int mediaId ) { Cache cache = FileTypeHandler.getCachedFileInfo( mediaId, iwc ); ICFile file = ( ICFile ) cache.getEntity(); Table T = new Table( 1, 1 ); T.setVerticalAlignment( 1, 1, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP ); T.setColumnAlignment( 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT ); T.setHeight( 1, "15" ); T.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); getAssociatedScript().addFunction( ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, "function " + ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "(" + FILE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME + "," + FILE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME + "){ }" ); getAssociatedScript().addToFunction( ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, "top." + AbstractChooserWindow.SELECT_FUNCTION_NAME + "(" + FILE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME + "," + FILE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME + ")" ); Link use = MediaBusiness.getUseImageLink(); use.setTextOnLink( this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.use","use") ); use.setAsImageButton( true ); use.addParameter( this.fileInSessionParameter, mediaId ); if(this.choosingImage){ use.setOnClick( "top.window.opener.setImageId('" + file.getPrimaryKey() + "','" + this.fileInSessionParameter + "');"); } else{ use.setURL( "#" ); use.setOnClick( ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + file.getName() + "','" + file.getPrimaryKey() + "');top.window.close()" ); } T.add( use, 1, 1 ); /** * @todo use mediabusiness* */ Link newLink = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.upload","upload"), MediaUploaderWindow.class ); newLink.setTarget( MediaConstants.TARGET_MEDIA_VIEWER ); newLink.setAsImageButton( true ); newLink.addParameter( this.fileInSessionParameter, mediaId ); newLink.addParameter( MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_PARAMETER_NAME, MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_NEW ); T.add( newLink, 1, 1 ); Link delete = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.delete","delete"), MediaViewerWindow.class ); delete.setTarget( MediaConstants.TARGET_MEDIA_VIEWER ); delete.setAsImageButton( true ); delete.addParameter( this.fileInSessionParameter, mediaId ); delete.addParameter( MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_PARAMETER_NAME, MediaConstants.MEDIA_ACTION_DELETE ); T.add( delete, 1, 1 ); if( MediaBusiness.isFolder( file ) ) { Link folder = MediaBusiness.getNewFolderLink(); folder.setText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.folder","folder")); folder.setAsImageButton( true ); folder.addParameter( this.fileInSessionParameter, mediaId ); T.add( folder, 1, 1 ); } Link rename = MediaBusiness.getRenameFileLink(); rename.setText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("","properties")); rename.setAsImageButton(true); rename.addParameter(this.fileInSessionParameter,mediaId); T.add(rename,1,1); Link move = MediaBusiness.getMoveLink(); move.setText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("mv.move","move")); move.setAsImageButton(true); move.addParameter(this.fileInSessionParameter,mediaId); T.add(move, 1, 1); add( T ); } /** * Gets the bundleIdentifier attribute of the MediaToolbar object * * @return The bundleIdentifier value */ public String getBundleIdentifier() { return MediaConstants.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } }