package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Phrase; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author <br><a href="">Aron Birkir</a><br> * @version 1.0 */ public class StickerList extends ArrayList { /** This is the sticker height. */ private float height = 1.0f; /** This is the sticker width. */ private float width = 1.0f; /** This is the sticker indent. */ private float indent = 10f; /** Do we want to rotate the page */ private boolean rotate = false; /** This is Rectangle object presenting the page size. */ private Rectangle paperSize = PageSize.A4; /** This represents the status of the 4 sides of the rectangle. */ protected int border = Rectangle.UNDEFINED; /** This represents the margin of the page. */ protected float margin = 0.0f; protected PdfPCell defaultCell = new PdfPCell((Phrase)null); public StickerList(){ super(10); this.defaultCell.setIndent(10); this.defaultCell.setBorder(Rectangle.BOX); this.defaultCell.setLeading(1.1f,1.2f); this.border = Rectangle.BOX; } /** Gets the default <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> that will be used as * reference for all the <CODE>addCell</CODE> methods except * <CODE>addCell(PdfPCell)</CODE>. * @return default <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> */ public PdfPCell getDefaultCell() { return this.defaultCell; } /** * Returns the exact type of the border. * * @return a value */ public final int border() { return this.border; } /** * Returns the exact type of the margin. * * @return a value */ public final float margin() { return this.margin; } /** * Sets the overall margin of the stickers page. * * @param margin the sticker height * @return <CODE>void</CODE> */ public void setOverAllMargin(float margin){ this.margin = margin; } /** * Sets the heigth of these stickers. * * @param height the sticker height * @return <CODE>void</CODE> */ public void setStickerHeight(float height){ this.height = height; } /** * Sets the heigth of these stickers. * * @param width the sticker height * @return <CODE>void</CODE> */ public void setStickerWidth(float width){ this.width = width; } /** * Sets the heigth of these stickers. * * @param width the sticker height * @return <CODE>void</CODE> */ public void setBorder(int border){ this.border = border; } /** * Sets the Rectangle object representing the pageSize of these stickers. * * @param pagesize the page Rectangle * @return <CODE>void</CODE> */ public void setPageSize(Rectangle pagesize){ this.paperSize = pagesize; } /** * Sets the <CODE>Rectangle</CODE> object representing the pageSize of these stickers. * * @param urx upper right x * @param ury upper right y * @return <CODE>void</CODE> */ public void setPageSize(float urx,float ury){ this.paperSize = new Rectangle(urx,ury); } /** * Gets the rotation flag of the page. * * @param rotate the rotation flag * @return <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public void setRotation(boolean rotate){ this.rotate = rotate; } /** * Gets the heigth of these stickers. * * @return <CODE>float</CODE> */ public float getStickerHeight(){ return this.height; } /** * Gets the heigth of these stickers. * * @return <CODE>float</CODE> */ public float getStickerWidth(){ return this.width; } /** * Gets the heigth of these stickers. * * @return <CODE>Rectangle</CODE> */ public Rectangle getPageSize(){ return this.paperSize; } /** * Gets the rotation flag of the page. * * @return <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public boolean getRotation(){ return this.rotate; } /** * Adds a <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> to this <CODE>StickerList</CODE>. * * @param object an object of type <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> * @return a boolean * @throws ClassCastException when you try to add something that isn't a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or <CODE>Phrase</CODE> */ public boolean add(Object o){ try { return super.add(o); } catch(ClassCastException cce) { throw new ClassCastException("Insertion of illegal Element: " + cce.getMessage()); } } /** * Adds a <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> to this <CODE>ArrayList</CODE>. * * @param index index at which the specified element is to be inserted * @param object an object of type <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> * @return <CODE>void</CODE> * @throws ClassCastException when you try to add something that isn't a <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> */ public void add(int index,Object o){ try { super.add(index,o); } catch(ClassCastException cce) { throw new ClassCastException("Insertion of illegal Element: " + cce.getMessage()); } } /** * Adds a collection of <CODE>Paragraph</CODE>s to this <CODE>Phrase</CODE>. * * @param collection a collection of <CODE>Paragraph</CODE>s * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the action succeeded, <CODE>false</CODE> if not. * @throws ClassCastException when you try to add something that isn't a <CODE>Paragraph</CODE> */ public boolean addAll(Collection collection) { for (Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { this.add(; } return true; } }