/* * $Id: PageTreeNode.java,v 2007/01/12 19:31:48 idegaweb Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.builder.business; import com.idega.builder.data.IBPageName; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.core.data.ICTreeNode; import com.idega.core.localisation.business.ICLocaleBusiness; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; /** * @author <a href="mail:palli@idega.is">Pall Helgason</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class PageTreeNode implements ICTreeNode { private static final String PAGE_TREE = "ib_page_node_tree"; private static final String NAME_TREE = "ib_page_node_tree_names"; protected int _id = -1; protected String _name = null; protected PageTreeNode _parent = null; protected List _children = null; protected Object _extra = null; protected int _order = -1; protected IWApplicationContext _iwac; protected boolean _isCategory = false; protected ICPage _page; protected PageTreeNode(int id, String name) { this(id, name, -1, false); } protected PageTreeNode(int id, String name, int order) { this(id, name, order, false); } protected PageTreeNode(int id, String name, boolean isCategory) { this(id, name, -1, isCategory); } protected PageTreeNode(int id, String name, int order, boolean isCategory) { this._id = id; this._name = name; this._parent = null; this._children = new Vector(); this._extra = null; this._order = order; this._isCategory = isCategory; } /** * */ public PageTreeNode(int id, IWApplicationContext iwc) { this._iwac=iwc; Map tree = PageTreeNode.getTree(iwc); PageTreeNode node = (PageTreeNode) tree.get(new Integer(id)); if (node != null) { this._id = node._id; this._name = node._name; this._parent = node._parent; this._children = node._children; this._extra = node._extra; } else { this._id = id; this._children = new Vector(); } } /** * */ public void setNodeId(int id) { this._id = id; } /** * */ public void setNodeName(String name) { this._name = name; } protected static Map getNamesFromDatabase() { Map names = new Hashtable(); Collection col = TreeNodeFinder.getAllPageNames(); if (col != null) { Iterator it = col.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IBPageName nameEntry = (IBPageName)it.next(); int pageId = nameEntry.getPageId(); int localeId = nameEntry.getLocaleId(); Locale loc = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocale(localeId); Integer locId = new Integer(pageId); Map localizedNames = (Map)names.get(locId); if (localizedNames == null) { localizedNames = new Hashtable(); names.put(locId,localizedNames); } StringBuffer localizedKey = new StringBuffer(loc.getLanguage()); String country = loc.getCountry(); if (country != null && !country.equals("")) { localizedKey.append("_"); localizedKey.append(country); } localizedNames.put(localizedKey.toString(),nameEntry.getPageName()); } } return names; } protected static Map getTreeFromDatabase() { List page = null; List template = null; List rel = null; List rel2 = null; try { page = TreeNodeFinder.listOfAllPages(); rel = TreeNodeFinder.listOfAllPageRelationships(); template = TreeNodeFinder.listOfAllTemplates(); rel2 = TreeNodeFinder.listOfAllTemplateRelationships(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Map tree = new Hashtable(); Iterator it = null; if (page != null) { it = page.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ICPage pages = (ICPage) it.next(); PageTreeNode node = null; int order = pages.getTreeOrder(); if (order == -1) { node = new PageTreeNode(pages.getID(), pages.getName(), pages.isCategory()); } else { node = new PageTreeNode(pages.getID(), pages.getName(), order, pages.isCategory()); } node.setPage(pages); tree.put(new Integer(node.getNodeID()), node); } } if (template != null) { it = template.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ICPage pages = (ICPage) it.next(); PageTreeNode node = null; int order = pages.getTreeOrder(); if (order == -1) { node = new PageTreeNode(pages.getID(), pages.getName()); } else { node = new PageTreeNode(pages.getID(), pages.getName(), order); } node.setPage(pages); tree.put(new Integer(node.getNodeID()), node); } } if (rel != null) { it = rel.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer parentId = (Integer) it.next(); Integer childId = (Integer) it.next(); PageTreeNode parent = (PageTreeNode) tree.get(parentId); PageTreeNode child = (PageTreeNode) tree.get(childId); if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(child); } if (child != null) { child._parent = parent; } } } if (rel2 != null) { it = rel2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer parentId = (Integer) it.next(); Integer childId = (Integer) it.next(); PageTreeNode parent = (PageTreeNode) tree.get(parentId); PageTreeNode child = (PageTreeNode) tree.get(childId); if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(child); } if (child != null) { child._parent = parent; } } } return tree; } /** * */ public Collection getChildren() { return this._children; } /** * */ public Iterator getChildrenIterator() { if (this._children == null) { return null; } return this._children.iterator(); } /** * */ public boolean getAllowsChildren() { return true; } /** * */ public ICTreeNode getChildAtIndex(int childIndex) { /** * @todo fix this */ return null; } /** * */ public int getChildCount() { return this._children.size(); } /** * */ public int getIndex(ICTreeNode node) { return 0; } /** * */ public ICTreeNode getParentNode() { return this._parent; } public ICPage getPage() { return this._page; } public void setPage(ICPage page) { this._page = page; } /** * */ public boolean isLeaf() { /*int children = getChildCount(); if (children > 0) { return false; } else { return true; }*/ return true; } /** * Returns the node name for this node */ public String getNodeName() { return this._name; } /** * Returns the Localized node name for this node */ public String getNodeName(Locale locale) { IWApplicationContext iwac = getIWApplicationContext(); return getNodeName(locale,iwac); } public String getNodeName(Locale locale, IWApplicationContext iwac){ return getLocalizedNodeName(iwac,locale); } public String getLocalizedNodeName(IWContext iwc) { Locale curr = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); return getLocalizedNodeName(iwc,curr); } public String getLocalizedNodeName(IWApplicationContext iwc,Locale locale) { Hashtable names = (Hashtable)iwc.getApplicationAttribute(NAME_TREE); if (names == null) { return getNodeName(); } Hashtable pageNames = (Hashtable)names.get(new Integer(getNodeID())); if (pageNames == null) { return getNodeName(); } //Locale curr = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); StringBuffer localeString = new StringBuffer(locale.getLanguage()); String country = locale.getCountry(); if (country != null && !country.equals("")) { localeString.append("_"); localeString.append(country); } String localizedName = (String)pageNames.get(localeString.toString()); if (localizedName != null && !localizedName.equals("")) { return localizedName; } return getNodeName(); } public void setLocalizedNodeName(String locale, String name, IWContext iwc) { Hashtable names = (Hashtable)iwc.getApplicationAttribute(NAME_TREE); if (names == null) { names = new Hashtable(); iwc.setApplicationAttribute(NAME_TREE,names); } Integer nodeId = new Integer(getNodeID()); Hashtable pageNames = (Hashtable)names.get(nodeId); if (pageNames == null) { pageNames = new Hashtable(); names.put(nodeId,pageNames); } pageNames.put(locale,name); } /** * */ public int getNodeID() { return this._id; } /** * */ public int getSiblingCount() { return (0); } /** * */ public boolean removeChild(PageTreeNode child) { int index = this._children.indexOf(child); if (index != -1) { this._children.remove(index); return true; } return (false); } /** * */ public boolean addChild(PageTreeNode child) { child._parent = this; if (this._children.contains(child)) { int index = this._children.indexOf(child); this._children.add(index, child); } else { if (this._children.isEmpty()) { this._children.add(child); } else { //Check where in the tree this node should be (from the tree_order field) if (child._order < 0) { this._children.add(child); } else { ListIterator it = (new LinkedList(this._children)).listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PageTreeNode node = (PageTreeNode) it.next(); if (node._order == -1 || node._order > child._order) { int i = it.previousIndex(); this._children.add(i, child); return true; } } this._children.add(child); } } } return true; } /** * */ public void setExtraInfo(Object extra) { this._extra = extra; } /** * */ public Object getExtraInfo() { return this._extra; } /** * Gets the tree and preloads it and stores in cache */ public static Map getTree(IWApplicationContext iwc) { Map tree = (Map) iwc.getApplicationAttribute(PageTreeNode.PAGE_TREE); if (tree == null) { tree = getTreeFromDatabase(); iwc.setApplicationAttribute(PageTreeNode.PAGE_TREE, tree); Map names = getNamesFromDatabase(); iwc.setApplicationAttribute(PageTreeNode.NAME_TREE, names); } return tree; } /** * Clears the tree from cache * @param iwc */ public static void clearTree(IWApplicationContext iwc){ iwc.removeApplicationAttribute(PageTreeNode.PAGE_TREE); iwc.removeApplicationAttribute(PageTreeNode.NAME_TREE); } /** * */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof PageTreeNode) { PageTreeNode node = (PageTreeNode) obj; if (node._id == this._id) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } protected IWApplicationContext getIWApplicationContext(){ if(this._iwac==null){ try{ //Workaround solution if iwac is not set normally this._iwac = IWContext.getInstance().getApplicationContext(); } catch(Exception e){ System.err.println("PageTreeNode.getIWApplicationContext() : Tried to get IWApplicationContext from runtime but failed : "+e.getMessage()); } } return this._iwac; } /** * @return */ public boolean isCategory() { return this._isCategory; } }