package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; public class ResultDataHandler { private int tournamentId_ = -1; private int tournamentGroupId_ = -1; private int tournamentType_ = -1; private int[] tournamentRounds_ = null; private String gender_ = null; private int memberId_ = -1; // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType) { // tournamentId_ = tournamentId; // tournamentType_ = tournamentType; // } // // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int tournamentGroupId) { // tournamentId_ = tournamentId; // tournamentType_ = tournamentType; // tournamentGroupId_ = tournamentGroupId; // } // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, String gender) { // tournamentId_ = tournamentId; // tournamentType_ = tournamentType; // gender_ = gender; // } // // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int[] tournamentRounds) { // tournamentId_ = tournamentId; // tournamentType_ = tournamentType; // tournamentRounds_ = tournamentRounds; // } // // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int tournamentGroupId, String gender) { // tournamentId_ = tournamentId; // tournamentType_ = tournamentType; // tournamentGroupId_ = tournamentGroupId; // gender_ = gender; // } // // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int tournamentGroupId, int[] tournamentRounds) { // tournamentId_ = tournamentId; // tournamentType_ = tournamentType; // tournamentGroupId_ = tournamentGroupId; // tournamentRounds_ = tournamentRounds; // } // public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int[] tournamentRounds, String gender) { tournamentId_ = tournamentId; tournamentType_ = tournamentType; tournamentRounds_ = tournamentRounds; gender_ = gender; } public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int tournamentGroupId, int[] tournamentRounds, String gender) { tournamentId_ = tournamentId; tournamentType_ = tournamentType; tournamentGroupId_ = tournamentGroupId; tournamentRounds_ = tournamentRounds; gender_ = gender; } // added by gimmi public ResultDataHandler(int tournamentId, int tournamentType, int tournamentGroupId, int[] tournamentRounds, int member_id) { tournamentId_ = tournamentId; tournamentType_ = tournamentType; tournamentGroupId_ = tournamentGroupId; tournamentRounds_ = tournamentRounds; memberId_ = member_id; } public Vector getTournamentMembers() throws SQLException { Connection Conn = null; Vector result = null; try{ Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); Conn = com.idega.util.database.ConnectionBroker.getConnection(); Statement stmt = Conn.createStatement(); ResultSet RS = stmt.executeQuery(getSQLString()); int a = 0; while ( { int member_id = RS.getInt("member_id"); String first_name = RS.getString("first_name"); String middle_name = RS.getString("middle_name"); String last_name = RS.getString("last_name"); int tournamentGroupId = RS.getInt("tournament_group_id"); String abbrevation = RS.getString("abbrevation"); int tournamentPosition = RS.getInt("tournament_position"); int dismissal = RS.getInt("dismissal_id"); ResultsCollector r = (ResultsCollector)hash.get(Integer.toString(member_id)); if (r == null) { r = new ResultsCollector(tournamentType_); r.setMemberId(member_id); r.setFirstName(first_name); r.setMiddleName(middle_name); r.setLastName(last_name); r.setTournamentGroupId(tournamentGroupId); r.setAbbrevation(abbrevation); r.setTournamentPosition(tournamentPosition); r.setDismissal(dismissal); hash.put(Integer.toString(member_id),r); } Statement stmt2 = Conn.createStatement(); ResultSet RS2 = stmt2.executeQuery(getMemberSQLString(member_id)); a = 0; int roundNumber = 0; while ( ) { double stroke = RS2.getDouble("stroke_count"); int holeNumber = RS2.getInt("hole_number"); double point = RS2.getDouble("point_count"); int par = RS2.getInt("hole_par"); //double handicap = RS2.getDouble("tournament_handicap"); double handicap = RS2.getDouble("tournament_handicap"); int holes = RS2.getInt("holes"); int numberOfRounds = RS2.getInt("rounds"); if ( a == 0 ) { r.setHandicap(handicap); r.setHoles(holes); r.setNumberOfRounds(numberOfRounds); } if ( roundNumber != RS2.getInt("round_number") ) { roundNumber = RS2.getInt("round_number"); r.addRoundNumber(roundNumber); } if ( RS2.getTimestamp("scorecard_date") != null ) { //System.out.println("RESULT_DATA_HANDLER : scorecard_date = "+RS2.getTimestamp("scorecard_date")); r.setDate(new IWTimestamp(RS2.getTimestamp("scorecard_date"))); } r.addStroke(holeNumber,stroke); r.addPoints(point); r.addPar(par); r.addPointsWithoutHandicap(Math.max(0, (par - (int) stroke + 2))); a++; } RS2.close(); stmt2.close(); } RS.close(); stmt.close(); result = new Vector(hash.values()); hash.clear(); } finally{ com.idega.util.database.ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(Conn); } return result; } public String getSQLString() { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select m.member_id,m.first_name,m.middle_name,m.last_name,u.abbrevation,tm.tournament_group_id,tm.tournament_position, tm.dismissal_id"); sql.append(" from tournament t, member m, tournament_member tm, union_ u"); sql.append(" where m.member_id = tm.member_id"); sql.append(" and tm.tournament_id = t.tournament_id"); sql.append(" and tm.union_id = u.union_id"); sql.append(" and t.tournament_id = "+Integer.toString(tournamentId_)); //added by gimmi 07.08.2001 if ( memberId_ != -1) { sql.append(" and m.member_id = '"+memberId_+"'"); } // gimmi done if ( gender_ != null ) sql.append(" and m.gender = '"+gender_+"'"); if ( tournamentGroupId_ != -1 ) sql.append(" and tm.tournament_group_id = "+Integer.toString(tournamentGroupId_)); sql.append(" order by m.first_name,m.middle_name,m.last_name"); return sql.toString(); } private String getMemberSQLString(int memberId) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select tr.round_number,tm.tournament_group_id,tou.holes,tou.rounds,st.stroke_count, t.hole_number, st.point_count,st.hole_par,s.scorecard_date,"); sql.append(" cast(( s.handicap_before * s.slope / 113 ) + ( s.course_rating - f.field_par ) as numeric(3,0)) as tournament_handicap"); sql.append(" from scorecard s, stroke st, tee t, tournament_round tr, tournament tou, field f, tournament_member tm"); sql.append(" where t.tee_id = st.tee_id"); sql.append(" and st.scorecard_id = s.scorecard_id"); sql.append(" and s.member_id = tm.member_id"); sql.append(" and tm.tournament_id = tr.tournament_id"); sql.append(" and tr.tournament_id = tou.tournament_id"); sql.append(" and s.tournament_round_id = tr.tournament_round_id"); sql.append(" and s.field_id = f.field_id"); sql.append(" and tou.tournament_id = "+Integer.toString(tournamentId_)); sql.append(" and s.member_id = "+Integer.toString(memberId)); if ( tournamentRounds_ != null ) { for ( int a = 0; a < tournamentRounds_.length; a++ ) { if ( a == 0 ) sql.append(" and ( tr.tournament_round_id = "+Integer.toString(tournamentRounds_[a])); if ( a > 0 && a < tournamentRounds_.length -1 ) sql.append(" or tr.tournament_round_id = "+Integer.toString(tournamentRounds_[a])); if ( a == tournamentRounds_.length -1 ) sql.append(" or tr.tournament_round_id = "+Integer.toString(tournamentRounds_[a])+" ) "); } } sql.append(" order by s.member_id,tr.round_number,t.hole_number"); //System.out.println("ResultDataHandler: "+sql.toString()); return sql.toString(); } }