/* * $Id: DefaultIWBundle.java,v 2007/01/12 19:31:59 idegaweb Exp $ * * Created in 2001 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.idegaweb; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import com.idega.core.component.business.BundleRegistrationListener; import com.idega.core.component.business.RegisterException; import com.idega.core.component.data.ICObject; import com.idega.core.component.data.ICObjectBMPBean; import com.idega.core.component.data.ICObjectHome; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.data.IDOLookupException; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.user.business.UserProperties; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.LocaleUtil; import com.idega.util.SortedProperties; import com.idega.util.logging.LoggingHelper; import com.idega.xml.XMLElement; /** * The Default implementation if the IWBundle class to serve as a wrapper for an idegaWeb Bundle. * <br> * <br> * An idegaWeb Bundle is a wrapper for contained components and their properties and resources. * <br> * <br> * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class DefaultIWBundle implements java.lang.Comparable, IWBundle { //Static final constants: private static final String DOT = "."; static final String propertyFileName = "bundle" + IWPropertyList.DEFAULT_FILE_ENDING; static final String BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY_KEY = "iw_bundle_identifier"; static final String COMPONENTLIST_KEY = "iw_components"; private final static String COMPONENT_NAME_PROPERTY = "component_name"; private final static String COMPONENT_TYPE_PROPERTY = "component_type"; private final static String COMPONENT_ICON_PROPERTY = "component_icon"; private final static String COMPONENT_CLASS_PROPERTY = "component_class"; private final static String COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE = "component_property_file"; private final static String BUNDLE_STARTER_CLASS = "iw_bundle_starter_class"; private static final String slash = "/"; private static final String shared = "shared"; //Parameter that can be passed to the system to let it read bundles from another directory //than directly under the webapp, e.g. an Eclipse workspace folder. public static final String SYSTEM_BUNDLES_RESOURCE_DIR="idegaweb.bundles.resource.dir"; //Member variables: private boolean autoMoveComponentPropertiesToFile = true; private HashMap componentPropertyListMap; private String identifier; private String rootVirtualPath; private String rootRealPath; private String resourcesVirtualPath; private String resourcesRealPath; private String propertiesRealPath; private String classesRealPath; private IWMainApplication superApplication; private Map localePathsLookup; private Map resourceBundlesLookup; private boolean autoCreateLocalizedResources = true; private boolean autoCreate = false; //private Map handlers; private Map localeRealPathsLookup; //private SortedMap localizableStringsMap; private Properties localizableStringsProperties; private File localizableStringsFile; private IWPropertyList propertyList; private List bundleStarters; protected DefaultIWBundle(String rootRealPath, String bundleIdentifier, IWMainApplication superApplication) { this(rootRealPath, rootRealPath, bundleIdentifier, superApplication); } protected DefaultIWBundle(String rootRealPath, String rootVirtualPath, String bundleIdentifier, IWMainApplication superApplication) { this(rootRealPath, rootVirtualPath, bundleIdentifier, superApplication, false); } protected DefaultIWBundle( String rootRealPath, String rootVirtualPath, String bundleIdentifier, IWMainApplication superApplication, boolean autoCreate) { this.autoCreate = autoCreate; this.superApplication = superApplication; this.identifier = bundleIdentifier; //handlers = new HashMap(); //localeRealPaths = new HashMap(); //resourceBundles = new HashMap(); setBundleBaseRealPath(rootRealPath); setRootVirtualPath(rootVirtualPath); try { loadBundle(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log(e); } this.setProperty(BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY_KEY, bundleIdentifier); } /** * Discards all unsaved changes to this bundle and loads it up again */ public void reloadBundle() { reloadBundle(false); } /** *Reloads all resources for this bundle and stores the state of this bundle first if storeState==true *@param storeState to say if to store the state (call storeState) before the bundle is loaded again */ public void reloadBundle(boolean storeState) { this.unload(storeState); loadBundle(); } /** *Loads all necessary resources for this bundle */ protected void loadBundle() { setResourcesVirtualPath(getRootVirtualPath() + "/" + "resources"); setResourcesRealPath(getBundleBaseRealPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + "resources"); setPropertiesRealPath(getBundleBaseRealPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + "properties"); setClassesRealPath(); if (this.autoCreate) { this.initializeStructure(); this.propertyList = new IWPropertyList(getPropertiesRealPath(), propertyFileName, true); } else { this.propertyList = new IWPropertyList(getPropertiesRealPath(), propertyFileName, false); } StringBuffer SystemClassPath = new StringBuffer(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); SystemClassPath.append(File.pathSeparator); SystemClassPath.append(getClassesRealPath()); System.setProperty("java.class.path", SystemClassPath.toString()); if(!getApplication().isInDatabaseLessMode()){ installComponents(); } try { if(!getApplication().isInDatabaseLessMode()){ createDataRecords(); registerBlockPermisionKeys(); } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { log(e); } catch (FinderException e) { debug("No bundle components found for " + getBundleIdentifier()); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } private void createDataRecords() throws Exception { Collection entities = getDataObjects(); //eiki used to be (SLOW!): //Collection entities = icoHome.findAllByObjectType(ICObjectBMPBean.COMPONENT_TYPE_DATA); if (entities != null){ Iterator iter = entities.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICObject ico = (ICObject) iter.next(); try { Class c = ico.getObjectClass(); IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(c); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logError("Loading bundle: " + this.getBundleIdentifier() + " : Class " + e.getMessage() + " not found"); } } } } /** * Returns all the DATA component types registered to this bundle * @return a collection of ICObjects. * @throws IDOLookupException * @throws FinderException */ public Collection getDataObjects() throws IDOLookupException, FinderException { ICObjectHome icoHome = (ICObjectHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICObject.class); Collection entities = icoHome.findAllByObjectTypeAndBundle(ICObjectBMPBean.COMPONENT_TYPE_DATA, this.identifier); return entities; } private void registerBlockPermissionKeys(Class blockClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Object o = blockClass.newInstance(); if (o instanceof Block) { ((Block) o).registerPermissionKeys(); } } private void registerBlockPermisionKeys() throws IDOLookupException, FinderException { ICObjectHome icObjectHome = (ICObjectHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICObject.class); Collection objects = icObjectHome.findAllBlocksByBundle(this.getBundleIdentifier()); if (objects != null) { Iterator iter = objects.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICObject ico = (ICObject) iter.next(); try { Class c = ico.getObjectClass(); registerBlockPermissionKeys(c); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { getLogger().info("Class not found for Block: " + ico.getName()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log(e); } } } } /** * call the default bundle starter first (IWBundleStarter) because this starter might register some classes that are used by the other starters. */ public void runBundleStarters() { // starting of default bundle starter // call the default start first because this starter might register some classes that are used by // the other starters // IWBundleStartable defaultStarter = getNewDefaultBundleStarterInstance(); if(defaultStarter!=null){ defaultStarter.start(this); getBundleStartersList().add(defaultStarter); } // starting starter defined in bundle property String starterClassName = this.getProperty(BUNDLE_STARTER_CLASS); if (starterClassName != null) { try { IWBundleStartable starter = (IWBundleStartable) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(starterClassName).newInstance(); starter.start(this); getBundleStartersList().add(starter); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } } protected List getBundleStartersList(){ if(this.bundleStarters==null){ this.bundleStarters=new ArrayList(); } return this.bundleStarters; } private IWBundleStartable getNewDefaultBundleStarterInstance() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(getBundleName()); buffer.append(DOT); buffer.append(IWBundleStartable.DEFAULT_STARTER_CLASS); String className = buffer.toString(); try { Class starterClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className); return (IWBundleStartable) starterClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // nothing to worry about, some bundles don't have a starter class } catch (InstantiationException ex) { logError("[IWBundle] Instantiation of bundle starter class failed: "+ className); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { logError("[IWBundle] Instantiation of bundle starter class failed, access problem: "+ className); } return null; } /** *Stores this bundle and unloads all resources; */ public synchronized void unload() { if(getApplication().getSettings().getWriteBundleFilesOnShutdown()){ unload(true); } else{ unload(false); } } /** *Unloads all resources for this bundle and stores the state of this bundle if storeState==true *@param storeState to say if to store the state (call storeState) */ public synchronized void unload(boolean storeState){ //resourceBundles.clear(); this.resourceBundlesLookup=null; this.localizableStringsProperties = null; this.localePathsLookup=null; this.localeRealPathsLookup=null; if(storeState){ storeState(); } stopBundleStarters(); this.localePathsLookup=null; this.resourceBundlesLookup=null; this.localeRealPathsLookup=null; this.localizableStringsProperties=null; Iterator valueIter = getComponentPropertiesListMap().values().iterator(); while (valueIter.hasNext()) { IWPropertyList element = (IWPropertyList) valueIter.next(); element.unload(); } this.componentPropertyListMap=null; if(this.propertyList!=null){ this.propertyList.unload(); this.propertyList=null; } } private synchronized void stopBundleStarters() { List l = getBundleStartersList(); for (Iterator iter = l.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IWBundleStartable starter = (IWBundleStartable) iter.next(); starter.stop(this); } this.bundleStarters=null; } private void installComponents() { List list = this.getComponentKeys(); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String className = (String) iter.next(); String componentName = getComponentName(className); String componentType = this.getComponentType(className); if(className!=null && componentName != null && componentType!=null){ try{ addComponentToDatabase(className, componentType, componentName); } catch(Throwable e){ logError("Error registering component to database: "+e.getMessage()); } } else{ logError("Error registering component className="+className+",componentName="+componentName+",componentType="+componentType+" in bundle="+this.getBundleIdentifier()); } } } /** * gets the base path of this bundle.<br> * e.g. /home/idegaweb/webapp/iw1/idegaweb/bundles/com.idega.core.bundle */ public String getBundleBaseRealPath() { return this.rootRealPath; } protected String getRootVirtualPath() { return this.rootVirtualPath; } public Image getIconImage() { return new Image(getProperty("iconimage")); } public String getProperty(String propertyName) { return this.propertyList.getProperty(propertyName); } public String getProperty(String propertyName, String returnValueIfNull) { String prop = getProperty(propertyName); if (prop == null) { if (getApplication().getSettings().isAutoCreatePropertiesActive()) { if (getApplication().getSettings().isDebugActive()) { log("Storing property: " + propertyName); } setProperty(propertyName, returnValueIfNull); } return returnValueIfNull; } else { return prop; } } public boolean getBooleanProperty(String propertyName) { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(propertyName)).booleanValue(); } public boolean getBooleanProperty(String propertyName, boolean returnValueIfNull) { String prop = getProperty(propertyName); if (prop == null) { if (getApplication().getSettings().isAutoCreatePropertiesActive()) { if (getApplication().getSettings().isDebugActive()) { log("Storing property: " + propertyName); } setBooleanProperty(propertyName, returnValueIfNull); } return returnValueIfNull; } else { return Boolean.valueOf(prop).booleanValue(); } } public void setBooleanProperty(String propertyName, boolean setValue){ setProperty(propertyName,Boolean.toString(setValue)); } public void removeProperty(String propertyName) { this.propertyList.removeProperty(propertyName); } public void setProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) { this.propertyList.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } public void setProperty(String propertyName, String[] propertyValues) { this.propertyList.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValues); } public void setArrayProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) { this.propertyList.setArrayProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } public IWMainApplication getApplication() { return this.superApplication; } public void setProperty(String propertyName) { this.propertyList.removeProperty(propertyName); } private void setResourcesRealPath(String path) { this.resourcesRealPath = path; } private void setResourcesVirtualPath(String path) { this.resourcesVirtualPath = path; } private void setPropertiesRealPath(String path) { this.propertiesRealPath = path; } /** * Sets the base path of this bundle.<br> * e.g. /home/idegaweb/webapp/iw1/idegaweb/bundles/com.idega.core.bundle * @param path */ protected void setBundleBaseRealPath(String path) { this.rootRealPath = path; } public void setRootVirtualPath(String path) { this.rootVirtualPath = path; } public Image getLocalizedImage(String name, Locale locale) { return getResourceBundle(locale).getImage(name); } /** * Convenience method - Recommended to create a ResourceBundle (through getResourceBundle(locale)) to use instead more efficiently */ public String getLocalizedString(String name, Locale locale) { return getResourceBundle(locale).getString(name); } protected String getClassesRealPath() { return this.classesRealPath; } private void setClassesRealPath() { this.classesRealPath = this.getBundleBaseRealPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + "classes"; } public String[] getAvailableProperties() { return ((String[]) (this.propertyList.getKeys()).toArray(new String[0])); } public String[] getLocalizableStrings() { //return (String[]) getLocalizableStringsMap().keySet().toArray(new String[0]); return (String[]) getLocalizableStringsProperties().keySet().toArray(new String[0]); } public boolean removeLocalizableString(String key) { Iterator iter = getResourceBundles().values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWResourceBundle item = (IWResourceBundle) iter.next(); item.removeString(key); } return getLocalizableStringsProperties().remove(key) != null ? true : false; } protected Properties getLocalizableStringsProperties() { initializePropertiesStrings(); return this.localizableStringsProperties; } public String getLocalizableStringDefaultValue(String key) { return getLocalizableStringsProperties().getProperty(key); } /*protected Map getLocalizableStringsMap() { initializePropertiesStrings(); return localizableStringsMap; }*/ private void initializePropertiesStrings() { if (this.localizableStringsProperties == null) { this.localizableStringsProperties = new SortedProperties(); try { this.localizableStringsProperties.load(new FileInputStream(getLocalizableStringsFile())); //localizableStringsMap = new TreeMap(localizableStringsProperties); } catch (IOException ex) { log(ex); } } } private File getLocalizableStringsFile() { if (this.localizableStringsFile == null) { try { this.localizableStringsFile = com.idega.util.FileUtil.getFileAndCreateIfNotExists(getResourcesRealPath(), "Localizable.strings"); } catch (IOException ex) { log(ex); } } return this.localizableStringsFile; } public IWPropertyList getUserProperties(IWUserContext iwuc) { UserProperties properties = (UserProperties) getUserProperties(iwuc); if (properties != null) { return properties.getProperties(this.getBundleName()); } return null; } public IWResourceBundle getResourceBundle(IWContext iwc) { return getResourceBundle(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); } public IWResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale) { IWResourceBundle theReturn = (IWResourceBundle) getResourceBundles().get(locale); try { if (theReturn == null) { File file; /** * @todo: Look into this autoCreateLocalizedResources is always set true */ if (this.autoCreateLocalizedResources) { file = com.idega.util.FileUtil.getFileAndCreateIfNotExists(getResourcesRealPath(locale), "Localized.strings"); } else { file = new File(getResourcesRealPath(locale) + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + "Localized.strings"); } theReturn = new IWResourceBundle(this, file, locale); getResourceBundles().put(locale, theReturn); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex); } return theReturn; } /** * Returns a Map of all loaded resourcebundles * @return */ public Map getResourceBundles(){ if(this.resourceBundlesLookup==null){ this.resourceBundlesLookup=new HashMap(); } return this.resourceBundlesLookup; } public String getVersion() { String theReturn = getProperty("version"); if (theReturn == null) { theReturn = "1"; } return theReturn; } public String getBundleType() { String theReturn = getProperty("bundletype"); if (theReturn == null) { theReturn = "bundle"; } return theReturn; } public static String getFileSeparator() { return FileUtil.getFileSeparator(); } public synchronized void storeState() { //This method is not called on shutdown if getApplication().getSettings().getWriteBundleFilesOnShutdown() is false debug("Storing State"); this.propertyList.store(); boolean storeResourcesOnStore=getIfStoreResourcesOnStore(); if(storeResourcesOnStore){ this.storeLocalizableStrings(); this.storeResourceBundles(); } Iterator valueIter = getComponentPropertiesListMap().values().iterator(); while (valueIter.hasNext()) { IWPropertyList element = (IWPropertyList) valueIter.next(); element.store(); } } /** * Gets if to store the resoures in the storeState() method * @return */ protected boolean getIfStoreResourcesOnStore() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } synchronized boolean storeLocalizableStrings(){ try { /*getLocalizableStringsProperties().clear(); Iterator keyIter = getLocalizableStringsMap().keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { Object key = keyIter.next(); if (key != null) { Object value = getLocalizableStringsMap().get(key); if (value != null) { getLocalizableStringsProperties().put(key, value); } } }*/ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getLocalizableStringsFile()); getLocalizableStringsProperties().store(fos, null); fos.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log(ex); return false; } return true; } synchronized void storeResourceBundles(){ Iterator iter = getResourceBundles().values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWResourceBundle item = (IWResourceBundle) iter.next(); item.storeState(); } } public String getResourcesRealPath() { return this.resourcesRealPath; } public String getResourcesURL(Locale locale) { return getResourcesVirtualPath(locale); } public String getResourcesURL() { return getResourcesVirtualPath(); } public String getResourcesVirtualPath(Locale locale) { return this.getResourceBundle(locale).getResourcesURL(); } public String getResourcesVirtualPath() { return getApplication().getTranslatedURIWithContext(this.resourcesVirtualPath); } /** * @returns Returns the virtual path to the resources folder in the bundle, without the context. **/ public String getResourcesPath() { return this.resourcesVirtualPath; } /** * Current locale for the user comes from IWContext. * @return returns vitual path to the current locale resource folder, without the context. */ public String getResourcesPathForCurrentLocale() { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); return getResourcesPath(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); } public String getResourcesRealPath(Locale locale) { String path = (String) getLocaleRealPaths().get(locale); if (path == null) { path = getResourcesRealPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + locale.toString() + ".locale"; getLocaleRealPaths().put(locale, path); } return path; } /** * * @param locale * @return returns vitual path to the locale resource folder, without the context. */ public String getResourcesPath(Locale locale) { String path = (String) getLocalePaths().get(locale); if (path == null) { path = getResourcesPath() + "/" + locale.toString() + ".locale"; getLocalePaths().put(locale, path); } return path; } protected Map getLocaleRealPaths(){ if(this.localeRealPathsLookup==null){ this.localeRealPathsLookup=new HashMap(); } return this.localeRealPathsLookup; } protected Map getLocalePaths(){ if(this.localePathsLookup==null){ this.localePathsLookup=new HashMap(); } return this.localePathsLookup; } public String getPropertiesRealPath() { return this.propertiesRealPath; } public void addLocale(Locale locale) { String LocalePath = getResourcesRealPath(locale); File file = new File(LocalePath); file.mkdirs(); } protected void initializeStructure() { String[] dirs = new String[5]; String resourcesDirectory = this.getResourcesRealPath(); dirs[0] = resourcesDirectory; String propertiesDirectory = this.getPropertiesRealPath(); dirs[1] = propertiesDirectory; String classesDirectory = this.getClassesRealPath(); dirs[2] = classesDirectory; Locale english = Locale.ENGLISH; Locale icelandic = LocaleUtil.getIcelandicLocale(); String enLocalePath = getResourcesRealPath(english); dirs[3] = enLocalePath; String isLocalePath = getResourcesRealPath(icelandic); dirs[4] = isLocalePath; for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { File file = new File(dirs[i]); file.mkdirs(); } } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return this.identifier; } /** * temp implementation */ public String getBundleName() { return this.getBundleIdentifier(); } public String getImageURI(String urlInBundle){ return getResourcesURL() + slash + urlInBundle; } public Image getImage(String urlInBundle) { return new Image(getImageURI(urlInBundle)); } public String getVirtualPathWithFileNameString(String filename) { return getResourcesURL() + slash + filename; } public String getVirtualPath() { return getResourcesURL(); } public String getRealPathWithFileNameString(String filename) { return getResourcesRealPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + filename; } public String getRealPath() { return getResourcesRealPath(); } public Image getImage(String urlInBundle, int width, int height) { return getImage(urlInBundle, "", width, height); } public Image getImageButton(String text) { return this.getApplication().getImageFactory().createButton(text, this); } public Image getImageTab(String text, boolean flip) { return this.getApplication().getImageFactory().createTab(text, this, flip); } public Image getImage(String urlInBundle, String name, int width, int height) { return new Image(getResourcesURL() + slash + urlInBundle, name, width, height); } public Image getSharedImage(String urlInBundle, String name) { return new Image(getResourcesURL() + slash + shared + slash + urlInBundle, name); } public Image getImage(String urlInBundle, String overUrlInBundle, String name, int width, int height) { Image returnImage = new Image(name, getResourcesURL() + slash + urlInBundle, getResourcesURL() + slash + overUrlInBundle); returnImage.setWidth(width); returnImage.setHeight(height); return returnImage; } public Image getImage(String urlInBundle, String overUrlInBundle, String name) { Image returnImage = new Image(name, getResourcesURL() + slash + urlInBundle, getResourcesURL() + slash + overUrlInBundle); return returnImage; } public Image getImage(String urlInBundle, String name) { return new Image(getResourcesURL() + slash + urlInBundle, name); } /** * Returns the ICObjects associated with this bundle * Returns an empty list if nothing found */ public Collection getICObjectsList() throws FinderException, IDOLookupException { return getICObjectHome().findAllByBundle(this.getBundleIdentifier()); } /** * Returns the ICObjects associated with this bundle * Returns null if there is an exception * @deprecated Replaced with getICObjectsList() */ public ICObject[] getICObjects() { try { Collection l = getICObjectsList(); return (ICObject[]) l.toArray(new ICObject[0]); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Returns the ICObjects associated with this bundle and of the specified componentType * Returns null if there is an exception */ public Collection getICObjectsList(String componentType) throws FinderException, IDOLookupException { return getICObjectHome().findAllByObjectTypeAndBundle(componentType, this.getBundleIdentifier()); } /** * Returns the ICObjects associated with this bundle and of the specified componentType * Returns null if there is an exception * @deprecated replaced with getICObjectsList(componentType); */ public ICObject[] getICObjects(String componentType) { try { //return (ICObject[])(((com.idega.core.data.ICObjectHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(ICObject.class)).createLegacy()).findAllByColumn(com.idega.core.data.ICObjectBMPBean.getBundleColumnName(),this.getBundleIdentifier(),com.idega.core.data.ICObjectBMPBean.getObjectTypeColumnName(),componentType); Collection l = getICObjectsList(componentType); return (ICObject[]) l.toArray(new ICObject[0]); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private IWPropertyList getPropertyList() { return this.propertyList; } private List getAvailableComponentTypes() { return com.idega.core.component.data.ICObjectBMPBean.getAvailableComponentTypes(); } private IWPropertyList getComponentList() { IWPropertyList list = getPropertyList().getPropertyList(COMPONENTLIST_KEY); if (list == null) { list = getPropertyList().getNewPropertyList(COMPONENTLIST_KEY); } return list; } public void addComponent(String className, String componentType) { addComponent(className, componentType, className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); } public void addComponent(String className, String componentType, String componentName) { IWProperty prop = getComponentList().getNewProperty(); prop.setName(className); String componentPropertyFileName = getDefaultComponentPropertyFileName(className); prop.getNewPropertyList().setProperty(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE, componentPropertyFileName); IWPropertyList pl = initializeComponentPropertyList(className, componentPropertyFileName); pl.setProperty(COMPONENT_NAME_PROPERTY, componentName); pl.setProperty(COMPONENT_TYPE_PROPERTY, componentType); //setComponentProperty(prop, COMPONENT_NAME_PROPERTY, componentName); //setComponentProperty(prop, COMPONENT_TYPE_PROPERTY, componentType); addComponentToDatabase(className, componentType, componentName); } /** * @param className * @param componentPropertyFileName * @return */ private IWPropertyList initializeComponentPropertyList(String className, String componentPropertyFileName) { IWPropertyList pl = new IWPropertyList(this.getPropertiesRealPath(), componentPropertyFileName, true); getComponentPropertiesListMap().put(className, pl); return pl; } /** * @param className * @return */ protected String getDefaultComponentPropertyFileName(String className) { int length = className.length(); if (length > 250) { return className.substring(length - 250) + IWPropertyList.DEFAULT_FILE_ENDING; } else { return className + IWPropertyList.DEFAULT_FILE_ENDING; } } private void addComponentToDatabase(String className, String componentType, String componentName) { RefactorClassRegistry rfregistry = RefactorClassRegistry.getInstance(); boolean classIsRefactored = rfregistry.isClassRefactored(className); String newRefactoredClassName = rfregistry.getRefactoredClassName(className); ICObjectHome icoHome; try { icoHome = (ICObjectHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICObject.class); try { ICObject ico = icoHome.findByClassName(className); if (classIsRefactored) { try { ico.setObjectClass(Class.forName(newRefactoredClassName)); ico.store(); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } changeComponentInBundleRegistry(className, newRefactoredClassName); if (!ico.getBundleIdentifier().equals(this.getBundleIdentifier())) { log( "[DefaultIWBundle] : Updating bundle registry for component: " + ico.getClassName() + " from " + ico.getBundleIdentifier() + " to " + this.getBundleIdentifier()); ico.setBundleIdentifier(getBundleIdentifier()); ico.store(); } } } //The object is not found by its class name in the database catch (FinderException fe) { if (classIsRefactored) { changeComponentInBundleRegistry(className, newRefactoredClassName); getComponentPropertyList(newRefactoredClassName); } else { try { ICObject ico; ico = icoHome.create(); Class c = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className); ico.setObjectClass(c); ico.setName(componentName); ico.setObjectType(componentType); ico.setBundle(this); ico.store(); if (componentType.equals(ICObjectBMPBean.COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT) || componentType.equals(ICObjectBMPBean.COMPONENT_TYPE_BLOCK)) { com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.AccessControl.initICObjectPermissions(ico); if (componentType.equals(ICObjectBMPBean.COMPONENT_TYPE_BLOCK)) { registerBlockPermissionKeys(c); } } // new register part Class[] implementedInterfaces = c.getInterfaces(); boolean isRegisterable = false; for (int j = 0; j < implementedInterfaces.length; j++) { if (BundleRegistrationListener.class.getName().equals(implementedInterfaces[j].getName())){ isRegisterable = true; } } if(isRegisterable){ BundleRegistrationListener regObj =(BundleRegistrationListener)c.newInstance(); regObj.registerInBundle(this, ico); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logWarning( "[IWBundle] : Loading bundle: " + this.getBundleIdentifier() + " : Class " + e.getMessage() + " not found. Could be deprecated"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log(e); } catch (RegisterException e) { log(e); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } } } catch (IDOLookupException e1) { log(e1); } } /** * @param className * @param newClassName */ private void changeComponentInBundleRegistry(String className, String newClassName) { IWProperty propOld = getComponentList().getIWProperty(className); IWPropertyList pl = propOld.getPropertyList(); IWProperty propNew = getComponentList().getNewProperty(); propNew.setName(newClassName); propNew.setPropertyList(pl); getComponentList().removeProperty(className); } public void setComponentProperty(String className, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { if (propertyName.equals(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE)) { IWProperty prop = getComponentList().getIWProperty(className); if (prop != null) { setComponentProperty(prop, propertyName, propertyValue); } } else { IWPropertyList propl = getComponentPropertyList(className); propl.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } } public IWPropertyList getComponentPropertyList(String className) { boolean fetchFromBundlePropertyFile = getIfFetchComponentPropertyFromBundlePropertiesFile(className); if (fetchFromBundlePropertyFile) { IWProperty prop = getComponentList().getIWProperty(className); if(prop!=null){ return prop.getPropertyList(); } } else { IWProperty prop = getComponentList().getIWProperty(className); IWPropertyList propertyList = (IWPropertyList) getComponentPropertiesListMap().get(className); if (propertyList == null) { if(prop!=null){ String fileName = prop.getPropertyList().getProperty(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE); propertyList = initializeComponentPropertyList(className, fileName); } } return propertyList; } return null; } /** * @param className * @return */ private boolean getIfFetchComponentPropertyFromBundlePropertiesFile(String className) { IWPropertyList cl = getComponentList(); IWProperty prop = cl.getIWProperty(className); if (prop != null) { IWPropertyList pl = prop.getPropertyList(); if (pl.getProperty(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE) == null) { if (this.autoMoveComponentPropertiesToFile) { try { moveComponentPropertyFromBundleToFile(className, pl); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param autoMoveComponentPropertiesToFile * @param pl */ private void moveComponentPropertyFromBundleToFile(String className, IWPropertyList oldComponentPL) throws IOException { String fileName = this.getDefaultComponentPropertyFileName(className); IWPropertyList newPL = this.initializeComponentPropertyList(className, fileName); try { IWPropertyList cl = getComponentList(); cl.removeProperty(className); XMLElement mapElement = oldComponentPL.getMapElement(); mapElement.removeParent(); newPL.setMapElement(oldComponentPL.getMapElement()); newPL.store(); IWProperty prop = cl.getNewProperty(); prop.setName(className); prop.getNewPropertyList().setProperty(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE, fileName); this.propertyList.store(); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } private Map getComponentPropertiesListMap() { if (this.componentPropertyListMap == null) { this.componentPropertyListMap = new HashMap(); } return this.componentPropertyListMap; } /** * @deprecated This method is obsolete * @param component * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue */ private void setComponentProperty(IWProperty component, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { IWPropertyList list = component.getPropertyList(); if (list == null) { list = component.getNewPropertyList(); } list.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } public String getComponentProperty(String className, String propertyName) { if (propertyName.equals(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE)) { IWProperty prop = getComponentList().getIWProperty(className); if (prop != null) { return prop.getPropertyList().getProperty(COMPONENT_PROPERTY_FILE); } } else { IWPropertyList propl = getComponentPropertyList(className); if(propl!=null){ String value = propl.getProperty(propertyName); return value; } } return null; } public String getComponentName(Class componentClass) { return getComponentName(componentClass.getName()); } public String getComponentName(String className) { return getComponentProperty(className, COMPONENT_NAME_PROPERTY); } public String getComponentType(Class componentClass) { return getComponentType(componentClass.getName()); } public String getComponentType(String className) { return getComponentProperty(className, COMPONENT_TYPE_PROPERTY); } /** * Returns getComponentName(componentClass) if localized name not found */ public String getComponentName(Class componentClass, Locale locale) { String name = getComponentName(componentClass.getName(), locale); if(name!=null){ return name; } else{ return componentClass.getName(); } } /** * Returns getComponentName(className) if localized name not found */ public String getComponentName(String className, Locale locale) { String name = getComponentName(className, locale, getComponentName(className)); if(name!=null){ return name; } else{ return className; } } public void setComponentName(Class componentClass, Locale locale, String sName) { setComponentName(componentClass.getName(), locale, sName); } public String getComponentName(Class componentClass, Locale locale, String returnIfNameNotLocalized) { return getComponentName(componentClass.getName(), locale, returnIfNameNotLocalized); } public String getComponentName(String className, Locale locale, String returnIfNameNotLocalized) { return this.getResourceBundle(locale).getLocalizedString("iw.component." + className + ".name", returnIfNameNotLocalized); } public void setComponentName(String className, Locale locale, String sName) { this.getResourceBundle(locale).setString("iw.component." + className + ".name", sName); } public void removeComponent(String className) { IWPropertyList pl = this.getComponentPropertyList(className); pl.delete(); getComponentPropertiesListMap().remove(className); getComponentList().removeProperty(className); com.idega.core.component.data.ICObjectBMPBean.removeICObject(className); } public List getComponentKeys() { return getComponentList().getKeys(); } public int compareTo(Object o) { IWBundle bundle = (IWBundle) o; return this.getBundleIdentifier().compareTo(bundle.getBundleIdentifier()); } public void addLocalizableString(String key, String value) { getLocalizableStringsProperties().put(key, value); storeLocalizableStrings(); } public boolean containsLocalizedString(String key) { return (getLocalizableStringsProperties().containsKey(key)); } private ICObjectHome getICObjectHome() throws IDOLookupException { return (ICObjectHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICObject.class); } public String toString(){ return this.getBundleIdentifier(); } //STANDARD LOGGING METHODS: /** * Logs out to the default log level (which is by default INFO) * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void log(String msg) { getLogger().log(getDefaultLogLevel(),msg); } /** * Logs out to the error log level (which is by default WARNING) to the default Logger * @param e The Exception to log out */ protected void log(Exception e) { LoggingHelper.logException(e,this,getLogger(),getErrorLogLevel()); } /** * Logs out to the specified log level to the default Logger * @param level The log level * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void log(Level level,String msg) { getLogger().log(level,msg); } /** * Logs out to the error log level (which is by default WARNING) to the default Logger * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void logError(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(getErrorLogLevel(),msg); } /** * Logs out to the debug log level (which is by default FINER) to the default Logger * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void logDebug(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(getDebugLogLevel(),msg); } /** * Logs out to the SEVERE log level to the default Logger * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void logSevere(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE,msg); } /** * Logs out to the WARNING log level to the default Logger * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void logWarning(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(Level.WARNING,msg); } /** * Logs out to the CONFIG log level to the default Logger * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void logConfig(String msg) { //System.err.println(msg); getLogger().log(Level.CONFIG,msg); } /** * Logs out to the debug log level to the default Logger * @param msg The message to log out */ protected void debug(String msg) { String logMsg = "[IWBundle] : "+getBundleIdentifier()+" : "+msg; logDebug(logMsg); } /** * Gets the default Logger. By default it uses the package and the class name to get the logger.<br> * This behaviour can be overridden in subclasses. * @return the default Logger */ protected Logger getLogger(){ return Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } /** * Gets the log level which messages are sent to when no log level is given. * @return the Level */ protected Level getDefaultLogLevel(){ return Level.INFO; } /** * Gets the log level which debug messages are sent to. * @return the Level */ protected Level getDebugLogLevel(){ return Level.FINER; } /** * Gets the log level which error messages are sent to. * @return the Level */ protected Level getErrorLogLevel(){ return Level.WARNING; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle#getJSPURI(java.lang.String) */ public String getJSPURI(String jspInBundle) { return this.rootVirtualPath+"/jsp/"+jspInBundle; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle#getLocalizedText(java.lang.String) */ public HtmlOutputText getLocalizedText(String localizationKey) { HtmlOutputText t = new HtmlOutputText(); t = (HtmlOutputText) getLocalizedUIComponent(localizationKey, t); return t; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle#getValueBinding(java.lang.String) */ public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String localizationKey) { return getValueBinding(localizationKey,localizationKey); } public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String localizationKey, String defaultValue) { FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); return getValueBinding(ctx,localizationKey,defaultValue); } public ValueBinding getValueBinding(FacesContext ctx, String localizationKey, String defaultValue) { String valueBinding = "#{localizedStrings['"+getBundleIdentifier()+"']['"+localizationKey+"']}"; ValueBinding vb = getApplication().createValueBinding(valueBinding); Object obj = vb.getValue(ctx); if(obj==null){ //TODO store to localization files vb.setValue(ctx,((defaultValue==null)?"":defaultValue)); } return vb; } public String getLocalizedString(String localizationKey) { return getLocalizedString(localizationKey,localizationKey); } public String getLocalizedString(String localizationKey, String defaultValue) { FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding(ctx,localizationKey,defaultValue); return (String)vb.getValue(ctx); } public UIComponent getLocalizedUIComponent(String localizationKey, UIComponent component) { return getLocalizedUIComponent(localizationKey,component,localizationKey); } public UIComponent getLocalizedUIComponent(String localizationKey, UIComponent component, String defaultValue) { // String valueBinding = "#{bundles['"+getBundleIdentifier()+"']['"+localizationKey+"']}"; FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); component.setValueBinding("value",getValueBinding(ctx,localizationKey,defaultValue)); return component; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle#getLocalizedImage(java.lang.String) */ public HtmlGraphicImage getLocalizedImage(String pathAndName) { return getLocalizedImage(pathAndName, IWContext.getInstance()); } public HtmlGraphicImage getLocalizedImage(String pathAndName, IWContext context) { HtmlGraphicImage t = new HtmlGraphicImage(); Locale locale = context.getCurrentLocale(); // Removing the context // copied from WebDAVListManagedBean (create by Eiki) t.setUrl(context.getIWMainApplication().getURIFromURL(getResourcesVirtualPath(locale)+pathAndName)); return t; } //ENTITY SPECIFIC LOG MEHTODS: }