package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.invoice.presentation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.presentation.ExceptionWrapper; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Parameter; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SelectOption; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import; import com.idega.user.presentation.UserSearcher; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.AccountingBlock; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.ButtonPanel; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.OperationalFieldsMenu; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.RegulationSearchPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Last modified: $Date: 2004/10/07 17:10:21 $ by $Author: thomas $ * * @author <a href="">Roar Skullestad</a> * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg</a> * @version $Revision: 1.39 $ */ public class ManuallyPaymentEntriesList extends AccountingBlock { private String ERROR_OWN_POSTING_NULL = "error_own_posting_null"; private String ERROR_PLACING_NULL = "error_placing"; private String ERROR_AMOUNT_ITEM_NULL = "error_amount_item"; private String ERROR_AMOUNT_TOTAL_NULL = "error_amount_total"; private String ERROR_POSTING = "error_posting"; private String ERROR_USER = "error_user"; private String ERROR_PERIODE_NULL = "error_periode_null"; private String ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT = "error_amount_format"; private String ERROR_CHECK = "error_check"; private String ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION = "error_no_user_session"; private String ERROR_NO_VAT = "errror_no_vat"; private String LOCALIZER_PREFIX = "regular_payment_entries_list."; private static final String KEY_OPERATIONAL_FIELD = "operational_field"; private static final String KEY_AMOUNT_TOTAL = "amount_total"; private static final String KEY_CANCEL = "cancel"; private static final String KEY_FROM = "from"; private static final String KEY_PLACING = "placing"; private static final String KEY_REMARK = "remark"; private static final String KEY_SAVE = "save"; private static final String KEY_TO = "to"; private static final String KEY_VAT_PR_MONTH = "vat_pr_month"; private static final String KEY_VAT_TYPE = "vattype"; private static final String KEY_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM = "amount_pr_item"; private static final String KEY_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS = "number_of_items"; private static final String KEY_SCH_TYPE = "school_type"; private static final String KEY_SCH_YEAR_HOURS = "school_year_hours"; private static final String KEY_SCH_GROUP = "school_group"; private static final String KEY_SELECT="select"; private static final String PAR_AMOUNT_TOTAL = KEY_AMOUNT_TOTAL; private static final String PAR_SEEK_FROM = "SEEK_" + KEY_FROM; private static final String PAR_PLACING = KEY_PLACING; private static final String PAR_REMARK = KEY_REMARK; private static final String PAR_TO = KEY_TO; private static final String PAR_SEEK_TO = "SEEK_" + KEY_TO; private static final String PAR_USER_SSN = "usrch_search_pid"; //Constant used in UserSearcher... private static final String PAR_VAT_PR_MONTH = KEY_VAT_PR_MONTH; private static final String PAR_VAT_TYPE = KEY_VAT_TYPE; public static final String PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER = "selected_provider"; private static final String PAR_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS = KEY_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS; private static final String PAR_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM = KEY_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM; private static final String PAR_SCH_TYPE = KEY_SCH_TYPE; private static final String PAR_SCH_YEAR_HOURS = KEY_SCH_YEAR_HOURS; private static final String PAR_SCH_GROUP = KEY_SCH_GROUP; private static final String PAR_PK = "pk"; private static final String PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE = "par_reg_spec_type"; private static final String PAR_USER_ID = "user_id"; private static final int MIN_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 150; private UserSearcher searcher = null; private boolean newPayment = false; //prevents the posting strings to be generated from old data, when new payment is created private static final int ACTION_SHOW = 0, ACTION_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN = 5, ACTION_SAVE = 8, ACTION_CANCEL_NEW_EDIT = 9, ACTION_OPFIELD_DETAILSCREEN = 10, ACTION_CANCEL = 12; private static final String PAR = "PARAMETER_"; private static final String PAR_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN = PAR + ACTION_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN, PAR_SAVE = PAR + ACTION_SAVE, PAR_CANCEL_NEW_EDIT = PAR + ACTION_CANCEL_NEW_EDIT, PAR_OPFIELD_DETAILSCREEN = PAR + ACTION_OPFIELD_DETAILSCREEN; public void init(final IWContext iwc) { int action = parseAction(iwc); try { switch (action) { case ACTION_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN: case ACTION_OPFIELD_DETAILSCREEN: handleEditAction(iwc); break; case ACTION_SAVE: handleSaveAction(iwc); break; case ACTION_CANCEL: handleCancelAction(); default: newPayment = true; handleEditAction(iwc); } } catch (Exception e) { add(new ExceptionWrapper(e, this)); } } private School getSchool(IWContext iwc){ return getSchool(iwc.getParameter(PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER)); } private School getSchool(String schoolId){ School school = null; try{ SchoolHome sh = (SchoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(School.class); school = sh.findByPrimaryKey(schoolId); }catch(IDOLookupException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); }catch(FinderException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } return school; } /* * Returns the action constant for the action to perform based * on the POST parameters in the specified context. */ private int parseAction(IWContext iwc) { String userSearchCommited = iwc.getParameter(UserSearcher.SEARCH_COMMITTED); String userSearchCleared = iwc.getParameter(UserSearcher.SEARCH_CLEARED); if (new Boolean(userSearchCommited).booleanValue() || new Boolean(userSearchCleared).booleanValue()){ return ACTION_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN; } if (iwc.getParameter(RegulationSearchPanel.SEARCH_REGULATION) != null){ return ACTION_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN; } int action = ACTION_SHOW; for (int a = 0; a <= 20; a++){ if (iwc.isParameterSet(PAR + a)){ action = a; break; } } return action; } private void handleCancelAction(){ } private void handleSaveAction(IWContext iwc /*, School school*/){ Map errorMessages = new HashMap(); if (iwc.getCurrentUser() == null){ errorMessages.put(ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION, localize(ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION, "Not logged in.")); } checkNotNull(iwc, PAR_AMOUNT_TOTAL, errorMessages, ERROR_AMOUNT_TOTAL_NULL, "Amount must be set"); checkNotNull(iwc, PAR_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM, errorMessages, ERROR_AMOUNT_ITEM_NULL, "Amount must be set"); checkNotNull(iwc, RegulationSearchPanel.PAR_VALID_DATE, errorMessages, ERROR_PERIODE_NULL, "Periode must be set"); checkNotNull(iwc, RegulationSearchPanel.PAR_PLACING, errorMessages, ERROR_PLACING_NULL, "Placing must be set"); PaymentRecord pay = null; int schoolId = -1; Date periode = null; if (errorMessages.isEmpty()){ PaymentHeader payhdr = null; SchoolCategory category = null; //Finding paymentHeader (if existing) try{ SchoolHome schoolHome = (SchoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(School.class); schoolId = new Integer(iwc.getParameter(PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER)).intValue(); School school = schoolHome.findByPrimaryKey("" + schoolId); SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = (SchoolBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc.getApplicationContext(), SchoolBusiness.class); String opField = getSession().getOperationalField(); category = schoolBusiness.getSchoolCategoryHome().findByPrimaryKey(opField); periode = parseDate(getValue(iwc, RegulationSearchPanel.PAR_VALID_DATE)); payhdr = getPaymentHeaderHome().findBySchoolCategorySchoolPeriod(school, category, periode); }catch(RemoteException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); }catch(FinderException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } // When "huvudverksamhets flow are set to in and "regelspectyp" = check - we should not be able to save // String pk = category.getPrimaryKey().toString(); // String cc = SchoolCategoryBMPBean.CATEGORY_CHILD_CARE; if (category.getPrimaryKey().equals(SchoolCategoryBMPBean.CATEGORY_CHILD_CARE) && getValue(iwc, PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE) != null && getValue(iwc, PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE).length() != 0){ try { ExportDataMapping expMapping = ((ExportDataMappingHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ExportDataMapping.class)).findByPrimaryKey(category.getPrimaryKey()); RegulationSpecType regSpecType = ((RegulationSpecTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(RegulationSpecType.class)).findByPrimaryKey(getValue(iwc, PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE)); if (expMapping.getCashFlowOut() && regSpecType.getRegSpecType().equals(RegSpecConstant.CHECK)){ errorMessages.put(ERROR_CHECK, localize(ERROR_CHECK, "Checks must be created/changed in invoice")); } } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //Creating paymentHeader if not found if (payhdr == null){ try{ payhdr = getPaymentHeaderHome().create();; //must do store here for setSchoolCategory not to throw exception... payhdr.setPeriod(periode); payhdr.setSchoolID(schoolId); payhdr.setSchoolCategory(category);; }catch(CreateException e){ e.printStackTrace(); add(new ExceptionWrapper(e, this)); return; } } //Creating paymentRecord try{ pay = getPaymentRecordHome().create(); }catch(CreateException e){ e.printStackTrace(); add(new ExceptionWrapper(e, this)); return; } pay.setPaymentHeader(payhdr); //Store values in paymentRecord long amountTotal = 0; try{ amountTotal = AccountingUtil.roundAmount(new Float(iwc.getParameter(PAR_AMOUNT_TOTAL)).floatValue()); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); errorMessages.put(ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT, localize(ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT, "Wrong format for amount")); } pay.setTotalAmount(amountTotal); long amountPrItem = 0; try{ amountPrItem = AccountingUtil.roundAmount(new Float(iwc.getParameter(PAR_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM)).floatValue()); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); errorMessages.put(ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT, localize(ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT, "Wrong format for amount")); } pay.setPieceAmount(amountPrItem); pay.setPlacements(getIntValue(iwc, PAR_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, 1)); String note = iwc.getParameter(PAR_REMARK); if (note == null || note.length() == 0){ note = " "; //Oracle stores empty string as "null" } pay.setNotes(note); pay.setPaymentText(iwc.getParameter(PAR_PLACING)); pay.setTotalAmountVAT(new Float(iwc.getParameter(PAR_VAT_PR_MONTH)).floatValue()); pay.setDateCreated(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); pay.setPeriod(periode); pay.setStatus(ConstantStatus.PRELIMINARY); pay.setCreatedBy (getSignature (iwc.getCurrentUser())); try { RegulationSpecType regSpecType = ((RegulationSpecTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(RegulationSpecType.class)).findByPrimaryKey(getValue(iwc, PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE)); pay.setRuleSpecType (regSpecType.getRegSpecType()); } catch (Exception e) { logWarning("Couldn't set reg spec type for new manual payment record"); e.printStackTrace (); } int vatType = -1; try{ vatType = new Integer(iwc.getParameter(PAR_VAT_TYPE)).intValue(); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ errorMessages.put(ERROR_NO_VAT, localize(ERROR_NO_VAT, "No Vat type specified")); } pay.setVATRuleRegulationId(vatType); // inv.setVATType(vatType); /* } pay.setTotalAmount(amountPrMonth); pay.setNotes(iwc.getParameter(PAR_REMARK)); pay.setPaymentText(iwc.getParameter(PAR_PLACING)); pay.setTotalAmountVAT(new Float(iwc.getParameter(PAR_VAT_PR_MONTH)).floatValue()); pay.setDateCreated(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); // pay.setUser(getUser(iwc)); int vatRuleRegulationId= new Integer(iwc.getParameter(PAR_VAT_TYPE)).intValue(); pay.setVATRuleRegulation(vatRuleRegulationId); inv.setVATRuleRegulation(vatRuleRegulationId); try{ PostingBlock p = new PostingBlock(iwc); pay.setOwnPosting(p.getOwnPosting()); pay.setDoublePosting(p.getDoublePosting()); } catch (PostingParametersException e) { errorMessages.put(ERROR_POSTING, localize(e.getTextKey(), e.getDefaultText())); } */ try{ PostingBlock p = new PostingBlock(iwc); String ownPosting = p.getOwnPosting(); String doublePosting = p.getDoublePosting(); if (ownPosting == null || ownPosting.trim().length() == 0){ errorMessages.put(ERROR_OWN_POSTING_NULL, localize(ERROR_OWN_POSTING_NULL, "Own posting must be given")); } pay.setOwnPosting(ownPosting); pay.setDoublePosting(doublePosting); } catch (PostingParametersException e) { errorMessages.put(ERROR_POSTING, localize(e.getTextKey(), e.getDefaultText())); } }// END: if(errorMessages.isEmpty()) if (! errorMessages.isEmpty()){ handleEditAction(iwc, errorMessages); }else{; // if check, then create vat record final String ruleSpecType = pay.getRuleSpecType (); if (null != ruleSpecType && ruleSpecType.equals (RegSpecConstant.CHECK)) { try { getInvoiceBusiness (iwc).createOrUpdateVatPaymentRecord (pay, /*placement.getSchoolType ()*/ null, /*placement.getSchoolYear ()*/ null, pay.getCreatedBy ()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } // if student is given, then creating detailed payment record try{ final String ssn = getValue(iwc, PAR_USER_SSN); if (ssn != null && ssn.length() > 0){ //ssn == '' returns a user... final User student = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(ssn); getInvoiceBusiness (iwc).createDetailedPaymentRecord (student, pay, iwc.getCurrentUser ()); } }catch(FinderException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace (); } if (getResponsePage () != null){ iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getResponsePage ()); } } } private static String getSignature (final User user) { if (null == user) return "not logged in user"; final String firstName = user.getFirstName (); final String lastName = user.getLastName (); return (firstName != null ? firstName + " " : "") + (lastName != null ? lastName : ""); } private void checkNotNull(IWContext iwc, String par, Map errorMessages, String errorPar, String errorMsg){ if (iwc.getParameter(par) == null || iwc.getParameter(par).length() == 0){ errorMessages.put(errorPar, errorMsg); } } private PaymentRecordHome getPaymentRecordHome() { PaymentRecordHome home = null; try{ home = (PaymentRecordHome) IDOLookup.getHome(PaymentRecord.class); }catch(IDOLookupException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } return home; } private PaymentHeaderHome getPaymentHeaderHome() { PaymentHeaderHome home = null; try{ home = (PaymentHeaderHome) IDOLookup.getHome(PaymentHeader.class); }catch(IDOLookupException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } return home; } private void handleEditAction(IWContext iwc){ handleEditAction(iwc, new HashMap()); } private void handleEditAction(IWContext iwc,Map errorMessages){ Table t1 = new Table(); t1.setCellpadding(getCellpadding()); t1.setCellspacing(getCellspacing()); t1.add(getOperationalFieldPanel(PAR_OPFIELD_DETAILSCREEN), 1, 1); Collection vatTypes = new ArrayList(); try { vatTypes = getRegulationsBusiness(iwc.getApplicationContext()).findAllVATRuleRegulations(); } catch (RemoteException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } Form form = new Form(); form.maintainParameter(PAR_USER_SSN); form.maintainParameter(PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER); form.add(getDetailPanel(iwc, vatTypes, errorMessages)); t1.add(form, 1, 2); add(t1); } private Table getOperationalFieldPanel(String actionCommand) { Table inner = new Table(); inner.add(getLocalizedLabel(KEY_OPERATIONAL_FIELD, "Huvudverksamhet"), 1, 1); OperationalFieldsMenu ofm = new OperationalFieldsMenu(); ofm.setParameter(actionCommand, " "); ofm.maintainParameter(PAR_SEEK_TO); ofm.maintainParameter(PAR_SEEK_FROM); ofm.maintainParameter(PAR_USER_SSN); inner.add(ofm, 2, 1); inner.setColumnWidth(1, "" + MIN_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH); return inner; } private UserSearcher getUserSearcher(IWContext iwc, User user){ searcher = new UserSearcher(); searcher.setPersonalIDLength(15); searcher.setFirstNameLength(25); searcher.setLastNameLength(25); searcher.setShowMiddleNameInSearch(false); searcher.setOwnFormContainer(false); searcher.setUniqueIdentifier(""); searcher.setBelongsToParent(true); searcher.setConstrainToUniqueSearch(false); searcher.maintainParameter(new Parameter(PAR_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN, " ")); searcher.setToFormSubmit(true); searcher.setHeaderFontStyle (getSmallHeaderFontStyle ()); try{ searcher.process(iwc); if (searcher.getUser() == null && ! searcher.isHasManyUsers() && ! searcher.isClearedButtonPushed(iwc)){ searcher.setUser(user); } } catch (FinderException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } return searcher; } private Table getDetailPanel(IWContext iwc, Collection vatTypes, Map errorMessages){ if (errorMessages == null){ errorMessages = new HashMap(); } final int EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT = 8; Table table = new Table(); int row = 1; if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION) != null){ table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION)), 1, row++); } if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_CHECK) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_CHECK)), 2, row++); } if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_PLACING_NULL) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_PLACING_NULL)), 2, row++); } if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_PERIODE_NULL) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_PERIODE_NULL)), 2, row++); } //Regulation search panel RegulationSearchPanel regSearchPanel = new RegulationSearchPanel(iwc, PAR_SELECTED_PROVIDER); regSearchPanel.setLeftColumnMinWidth(MIN_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH); regSearchPanel.setPlacingIfNull(getValue(iwc, PAR_PLACING)); regSearchPanel.setSchoolIfNull(getSchool(iwc)); regSearchPanel.setOutFlowOnly(true); regSearchPanel.maintainParameter(new String[]{PAR_USER_SSN, PAR_TO, PAR_AMOUNT_TOTAL, PAR_PK}); regSearchPanel.setParameter(PAR_EDIT_FROM_SCREEN, " "); table.mergeCells(1, row, 10, row); table.add(regSearchPanel, 1, row++); Regulation reg = regSearchPanel.getRegulation(); if (reg != null && reg.getRegSpecType() != null){ table.add(new HiddenInput(PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE, reg.getRegSpecType().getPrimaryKey().toString()), 1, row); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet (PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE)) { table.add(new HiddenInput(PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE, iwc.getParameter (PAR_REG_SPEC_TYPE)), 1, row); } String[] posting = new String[]{"",""}; String postingError = null; try{ posting = regSearchPanel.getPosting(); }catch (PostingException ex){ postingError = ex.getMessage(); } table.setHeight(row++, EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT); if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_AMOUNT_TOTAL_NULL) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_AMOUNT_TOTAL_NULL)), 2, row++); } if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_AMOUNT_FORMAT)), 2, row++); } long amountPrItem = reg != null ? reg.getAmount().intValue() : AccountingUtil.roundAmount(getFloatValue(iwc, PAR_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM)); addIntField(table, PAR_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM, KEY_AMOUNT_PR_ITEM, ""+amountPrItem, 1, row); String items = getValue(iwc, PAR_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS); if (items == null || items.length() == 0){ items = "1"; } addIntField(table, PAR_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, KEY_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS, items, 3, row++); //Amount, vat, remark long amount =(reg != null) ? reg.getAmount().intValue() : AccountingUtil.roundAmount(getFloatValue(iwc, PAR_AMOUNT_TOTAL)); if (reg != null && errorMessages.get(ERROR_AMOUNT_ITEM_NULL) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_AMOUNT_ITEM_NULL)), 2, row++); } addIntField(table, PAR_AMOUNT_TOTAL, KEY_AMOUNT_TOTAL, ""+amount, 1, row++); //Vat is currently set to 0 addIntField(table, PAR_VAT_PR_MONTH, KEY_VAT_PR_MONTH, ""+getVAT(iwc, PAR_VAT_PR_MONTH, reg), 1, row++); table.setHeight(row++, EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT); table.mergeCells(2, row, 10, row); addField(table, PAR_REMARK, KEY_REMARK, getValue(iwc, PAR_REMARK), 1, row++, 300); table.setHeight(row++, EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT); try{ Collection types = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).findAllSchoolTypes(); SchoolType current = regSearchPanel.getCurrentSchoolType(); int selected = current != null ? ((Integer) current.getPrimaryKey()).intValue() : -1; addDropDown(table, PAR_SCH_TYPE, KEY_SCH_TYPE, types, selected, "getSchoolTypeName", 1, row++); }catch(RemoteException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } addField(table, PAR_SCH_YEAR_HOURS, KEY_SCH_YEAR_HOURS, getValue(iwc, PAR_SCH_YEAR_HOURS), 1, row++, 40); addField(table, PAR_SCH_GROUP, KEY_SCH_GROUP, getValue(iwc, PAR_SCH_GROUP), 1, row++, 60); table.setHeight(row++, EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT); if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_POSTING) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_POSTING)), 2, row++); } if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_OWN_POSTING_NULL) != null) { table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_OWN_POSTING_NULL)), 2, row++); } if (postingError != null){ table.add(getErrorText(postingError), 2, row++); } //Posting strings table.mergeCells(1, row, 10, row); PostingBlock postingBlock = null; try{ if (reg != null){ postingBlock = new PostingBlock(posting[0], posting[1]); } else { //When searching for user, the posting info is lost postingBlock = new PostingBlock(); if (newPayment){ // Need to separate construction of object from generation of Strings, so that the object exists even if errors in generation postingBlock.setToEmpty(); }else{ try{ postingBlock.generateStrings(iwc); }catch(NullPointerException ex){ postingBlock = new PostingBlock("", ""); } } } }catch(PostingParametersException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } table.add(postingBlock, 1, row++); if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_NO_VAT) != null) { table.mergeCells(2, row, 10, row); table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_NO_VAT)), 2, row++); } addDropDownLocalized(table, PAR_VAT_TYPE, KEY_VAT_TYPE, vatTypes, getVatRuleRegulationId(iwc, PAR_VAT_TYPE, reg), "getVATRule", 1, row++); table.setHeight(row++, EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT); //user search if (errorMessages.get(ERROR_USER) != null) { table.mergeCells(2, row, 10, row); table.add(getErrorText((String) errorMessages.get(ERROR_USER)), 2, row++); } table.mergeCells(1, row, 10, row); int userId = getIntValue(iwc, PAR_USER_ID, -1); User user = null; if (userId != -1){ try{ user = getUserBusiness(iwc.getApplicationContext()).getUser(userId); }catch(RemoteException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } UserSearcher searcher = getUserSearcher(iwc, user); table.add(searcher, 1, row++); if (searcher.getUser() != null && ! searcher.isHasManyUsers()){ HiddenInput h = new HiddenInput(PAR_USER_SSN, searcher.getUser().getPersonalID()); table.add(h); } table.setHeight(row++, EMPTY_ROW_HEIGHT); ButtonPanel bp = new ButtonPanel(this); bp.addLocalizedButton(PAR_SAVE, KEY_SAVE, "Save"); bp.addLocalizedButton(PAR_CANCEL_NEW_EDIT, KEY_CANCEL, "Delete"); table.add(bp, 1, row); table.setColumnWidth(1, "" + MIN_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH); return table; } private Regulation getVatRuleRegulation(IWContext iwc, String parameter, Regulation reg) { if (reg != null){ return reg.getVATRuleRegulation(); } else { Regulation vatRule = null; try{ RegulationHome rhome = (RegulationHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Regulation.class); vatRule = rhome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(getVatRuleRegulationId(iwc, parameter, reg))); }catch(IDOLookupException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); }catch(FinderException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } return vatRule; } } private int getVatRuleRegulationId(IWContext iwc, String parameter, Regulation reg) { if (reg != null){ Regulation r = getVatRuleRegulation(iwc, parameter, reg); if (r != null){ return ((Integer) r.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } else{ return -1; } } else { return getIntValue(iwc, parameter, -1); } } private long getVAT(IWContext iwc, String parameter, Regulation reg) { float ret = 0; if (reg != null){ try{ VATBusiness vb = getVATBusiness(iwc); ret = vb.getVATPercentForRegulation(reg); }catch(IBOLookupException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); }catch(VATException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); }catch(RemoteException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { ret = getFloatValue(iwc, parameter); } return AccountingUtil.roundAmount(ret); } /** * */ private SchoolBusiness getSchoolBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException{ return (SchoolBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, SchoolBusiness.class); } /** * @param iwc * @param PAR_REMARK * @return */ private String getValue(IWContext iwc, String parName) { if (iwc.getParameter(parName) == null){ return ""; } else { return iwc.getParameter(parName); } } private float getFloatValue(IWContext iwc, String parName) { try{ return Float.parseFloat(getValue(iwc, parName)); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ return 0f; } } private int getIntValue(IWContext iwc, String parName, int defaultValue) { try{ return Integer.parseInt(getValue(iwc, parName)); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ return defaultValue; } } /** * @param table * @param KEY_REGULATION_TYPE * @param regulationType * @param options * @param PAR_REGULATION_TYPE * @param i * @param j */ private Table addDropDown(Table table, String parameter, String key, Collection options, int selected, String method, int col, int row) { DropdownMenu dropDown = getDropdownMenu(parameter, options, method); dropDown.setSelectedElement(selected); return addWidget(table, key, dropDown, col, row); } /** * @param table * @param KEY_REGULATION_TYPE * @param regulationType * @param options * @param PAR_REGULATION_TYPE * @param i * @param j */ private Table addDropDownLocalized(Table table, String parameter, String key, Collection options, int selected, String method, int col, int row) { DropdownMenu dropDown = getDropdownMenuLocalized(parameter, options, method); dropDown.setSelectedElement(selected); String selectString = this.getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString(KEY_SELECT,"Select:"); dropDown.addFirstOption(new SelectOption(selectString,"")); return addWidget(table, key, dropDown, col, row); } /** * Adds a label and a TextInput to a table * @param table * @param key is used both as localization key for the label and default label value * @param value * @param parameter * @param col * @param row * @return */ private Table addField(Table table, String parameter, String key, String value, int col, int row, int width){ return addWidget(table, key, getTextInput(parameter, value, width), col, row); } private Table addIntField(Table table, String parameter, String key, String value, int col, int row){ TextInput input = getTextInput(parameter, value); input.setAsPosNegIntegers(localize(LOCALIZER_PREFIX + "int_format_error", "Format-error: Expecting integer:" )+ " " + localize(key, "")); return addWidget(table, key, input, col, row); } /** * Adds a label and widget to a table * @param table * @param key is used both as localization key for the label and default label value * @param widget * @param col * @param row * @return */ private Table addWidget(Table table, String key, PresentationObject widget, int col, int row){ table.add(getLocalizedLabel(key, key), col, row); table.add(widget, col + 1, row); return table; } private static RegulationsBusiness getRegulationsBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (RegulationsBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, RegulationsBusiness.class); } private static VATBusiness getVATBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (VATBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, VATBusiness.class); } private static InvoiceBusiness getInvoiceBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (InvoiceBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, InvoiceBusiness.class); } }