/* * $Id: ProductPriceBusinessBean.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:15 idegaweb Exp $ * Created on Aug 10, 2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.block.trade.stockroom.business; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.block.trade.stockroom.data.PriceCategoryBMPBean; import com.idega.block.trade.stockroom.data.ProductPrice; import com.idega.block.trade.stockroom.data.ProductPriceHome; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.business.IBOLookupException; import com.idega.business.IBORuntimeException; import com.idega.business.IBOServiceBean; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.data.IDOLookupException; import com.idega.data.IDORuntimeException; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; public class ProductPriceBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements ProductPriceBusiness{ private HashMap mapForProductPriceMap = new HashMap(); public Collection getProductPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, int[] visibility, IWTimestamp date) throws FinderException { return getProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, -1, visibility, null, date); } public Collection getProductPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, boolean netbookingOnly, IWTimestamp date) throws FinderException { return getProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, -1, netbookingOnly, null, date); } public Collection getProductPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, boolean netbookingOnly, String key, IWTimestamp date) throws FinderException { return getProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, -1, netbookingOnly, key, date); } public Collection getProductPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, int currencyId, boolean netbookingOnly, String key, IWTimestamp date) throws FinderException { int[] vis; if (netbookingOnly) { vis = new int[] {PriceCategoryBMPBean.PRICE_VISIBILITY_BOTH_PRIVATE_AND_PUBLIC, PriceCategoryBMPBean.PRICE_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC}; }else { vis = new int[] {PriceCategoryBMPBean.PRICE_VISIBILITY_BOTH_PRIVATE_AND_PUBLIC, PriceCategoryBMPBean.PRICE_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE};//, PriceCategoryBMPBean.PRICE_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC}; } return getProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, currencyId, vis, key, date); } public Collection getProductPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, int currencyId, int[] visibility, String key, IWTimestamp date) throws FinderException { String visString = ""; if (visibility != null) { for (int i = 0; i < visibility.length; i++) { visString += visibility[i]; } } boolean lookForDate = false; String mapKey = productId+"_"+timeframeId+"_"+addressId+"_"+currencyId+"_"+visString+"_"+key; String mapDateKey = mapKey; if (date != null) { mapDateKey += "_"+date.toSQLDateString(); lookForDate = true; } HashMap priceMap = getPriceMapForProduct(new Integer(productId)); // System.out.println("[ProductPriceBusinessBean] mapKey = "+mapKey); // Timer t = new Timer(); // t.start(); Collection prices = null; // Checking for stored price for this day if (date != null) { if (priceMap.containsKey(mapDateKey)) { prices = (Collection) priceMap.get(mapDateKey); lookForDate = false; } } // Checking for stored price in general if (prices == null) { prices = (Collection) priceMap.get(mapKey); } if (prices == null || lookForDate) { Collection tmp = null; if (prices != null) { tmp = prices; } else { tmp = getProductPriceHome().findProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, 0, currencyId, visibility, key); } if (date != null) { prices = new Vector(); Date exactDate = date.getDate(); Iterator iter = tmp.iterator(); ProductPrice price; while (iter.hasNext()) { price = (ProductPrice) iter.next(); Collection coll = getProductPriceHome().findProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, currencyId, price.getPriceCategoryID(), exactDate); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator tmpIter = coll.iterator(); while (tmpIter.hasNext()) { prices.add( tmpIter.next() ); } } else { prices.add(price); } } // Adding the new "improved" prices to the map priceMap.put(mapDateKey, prices); } else { // Adding the orginal collection to the map priceMap.put(mapKey, tmp); prices = tmp; } } // t.stop(); // System.out.println("[ProductPriceBusinessBean] time to get prices = "+t.getTimeString()); return prices; } private HashMap getPriceMapForProduct(Object productID) { HashMap t = (HashMap) this.mapForProductPriceMap.get(productID); if (t == null) { t = new HashMap(); this.mapForProductPriceMap.put(productID, t); } return t; } public boolean invalidateCache(String productId) { return invalidateCache(productId, null); } public boolean invalidateCache(String productID, String remoteDomainToExclude) { this.mapForProductPriceMap.put(new Integer(productID), null); getStockroomBusiness().executeRemoteService(remoteDomainToExclude, "invalidatePriceCache&productID="+productID); return true; } public Collection getMiscellaneousPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, boolean netBookingOnly) throws FinderException { return getProductPriceHome().findMiscellaneousPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, netBookingOnly, -1); } public Collection getMiscellaneousPrices(int productId, int timeframeId, int addressId, boolean netBookingOnly, int currencyId) throws FinderException { return getProductPriceHome().findProductPrices(productId, timeframeId, addressId, netBookingOnly, 1, currencyId, null); } protected StockroomBusiness getStockroomBusiness() { try { return (StockroomBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(), StockroomBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } public ProductPriceHome getProductPriceHome() { try { return (ProductPriceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ProductPrice.class); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { throw new IDORuntimeException(e); } } }