package; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; /** Keep a cache of open IndexReader's, so that an index does not have to opened for each query. The cache re-opens an index when it has changed so that additions and deletions are visible ASAP. */ public class IndexReaderCache { static Hashtable indexCache = new Hashtable(); // name->CachedIndex class CachedIndex { // a cache entry IndexReader reader; // an open reader long modified; // reader's mod. date CachedIndex(String name) throws IOException { this.modified = IndexReader.lastModified(name); // get mod. date this.reader =; // open reader } } public IndexReaderCache() { } public IndexReader getReader(String name) throws IOException { // look in cache CachedIndex index = (CachedIndex) indexCache.get(name); if (index != null && // check up-to-date (index.modified == IndexReader.lastModified(name))) { return index.reader; // cache hit } else { System.out.println("create new"); index = new CachedIndex(name); // cache miss } indexCache.put(name, index); // add to cache return index.reader; } }