package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Description of the Class * *@author gummi *@created 15. mars 2002 */ public class ICInformationFolderBMPBean extends implements, { private final static String DELETED_COLUMN = "DELETED"; private final static String DELETED_BY_COLUMN = "DELETED_BY"; private final static String DELETED_WHEN_COLUMN = "DELETED_WHEN"; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static String DELETED = "Y"; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static String NOT_DELETED = "N"; /** * Constructor for the ICInformationFolder object */ public ICInformationFolderBMPBean() { super(); } /** * Constructor for the ICInformationFolder object * *@param id Description of the Parameter *@exception SQLException Description of the Exception */ public ICInformationFolderBMPBean(int id) throws SQLException { super(id); } /** * Description of the Method */ public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addManyToOneRelationship(getColumnOwnerGroup(), "Owner group", Group.class); addManyToOneRelationship(getColumnLocaleId(), "Locale id", ICLocale.class); addAttribute(getColumnName(), "Name", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(getColumnDescription(), "Description", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(getColumnType(), "Type", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(getColumnCreated(), "Created", true, true, java.sql.Timestamp.class); addAttribute(getColumnValid(), "Valid", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute(getColumnDeleted(), "Deleted", true, true, String.class, 1); addManyToOneRelationship(getColumnDeletedBy(), "Deleted by", User.class); addAttribute(getColumnDeletedWhen(), "Deleted when", true, true, Timestamp.class); addManyToOneRelationship(getColumnParentFolderId(), "Parent", ICInformationFolder.class); addManyToOneRelationship(getColumnObjectId(), "Object id", ICObject.class); addManyToManyRelationShip(, "IC_OBJ_INST_INFO_FOLDER"); } /** * Gets the entityTableName attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The entityTableName value */ public static String getEntityTableName() { return "IC_INFO_FOLDER"; } /** * Gets the columnName attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnName value */ public static String getColumnName() { return "NAME"; } /** * Gets the columnDescription attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnDescription value */ public static String getColumnDescription() { return "DESCRIPTION"; } /** * Gets the columnType attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnType value */ public static String getColumnType() { return "CAT_TYPE"; } /** * Gets the columnCreated attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnCreated value */ public static String getColumnCreated() { return "CREATED"; } /** * Gets the columnValid attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnValid value */ public static String getColumnValid() { return "VALID"; } /** * Gets the columnOwnerGroup attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnOwnerGroup value */ public static String getColumnOwnerGroup() { return "OWNER_GROUP"; } /** * Gets the columnDeleted attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnDeleted value */ public static String getColumnDeleted() { return (DELETED_COLUMN); } /** * Gets the columnDeletedBy attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnDeletedBy value */ public static String getColumnDeletedBy() { return (DELETED_BY_COLUMN); } /** * Gets the columnDeletedWhen attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnDeletedWhen value */ public static String getColumnDeletedWhen() { return (DELETED_WHEN_COLUMN); } /** * Gets the columnObjectId attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnObjectId value */ public static String getColumnObjectId() { return "IC_OBJECT_ID"; } /** * Gets the columnLocaleId attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnLocaleId value */ public static String getColumnLocaleId() { return ("IC_LOCALE_ID"); } /** * Gets the columnParentFolderId attribute of the ICInformationFolder class * *@return The columnParentFolderId value */ public static String getColumnParentFolderId() { return ("PARENT_FOLDER_ID"); } /** * Gets the entityName attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The entityName value */ public String getEntityName() { return getEntityTableName(); } /** * Gets the name attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The name value */ public String getName() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnName()); } /** * Sets the name attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param name The new name value */ public void setName(String name) { setColumn(getColumnName(), name); } /** * Gets the description attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The description value */ public String getDescription() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnDescription()); } /** * Sets the description attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param description The new description value */ public void setDescription(String description) { setColumn(getColumnDescription(), description); } /** * Gets the iCObjectId attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The iCObjectId value */ public int getICObjectId() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnObjectId()); } /** * Sets the iCObjectId attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param id The new iCObjectId value */ public void setICObjectId(int id) { setColumn(getColumnObjectId(), id); } /** * Gets the parentId attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The parentId value */ public int getParentId() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnParentFolderId()); } /** * Gets the parent attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The parent */ public ICInformationFolder getParent() { return (ICInformationFolder)getColumnValue(getColumnParentFolderId()); } /** * Sets the parentId attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param id The new parentId value */ public void setParentId(int id) { setColumn(getColumnParentFolderId(), id); } /** * Gets the localeId attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The localeId value */ public int getLocaleId() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnLocaleId()); } /** * Sets the localeId attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param id The new localeId value */ public void setLocaleId(int id) { setColumn(getColumnLocaleId(), id); } /** * Gets the valid attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The valid value */ public boolean getValid() { return getBooleanColumnValue(getColumnValid()); } /** * Sets the valid attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param valid The new valid value */ public void setValid(boolean valid) { setColumn(getColumnValid(), valid); } /** * Gets the created attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The created value */ public java.sql.Timestamp getCreated() { return (java.sql.Timestamp)getColumnValue(getColumnCreated()); } /** * Sets the created attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param created The new created value */ public void setCreated(java.sql.Timestamp created) { setColumn(getColumnCreated(), created); } /** * Gets the type attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The type value */ public String getType() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnType()); } /** * Sets the type attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param type The new type value */ public void setType(String type) { setColumn(getColumnType(), type); } /** * Gets the ownerGroupID attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@return The ownerGroupID value */ public int getOwnerGroupID() { int id = getIntColumnValue(getColumnOwnerGroup()); return id; } /** * Sets the ownerGroupID attribute of the ICInformationFolder object * *@param id The new ownerGroupID value */ public void setOwnerGroupID(int id) { setColumn(getColumnOwnerGroup(), id); } /** *@return The deleted value */ public boolean getDeleted() { String deleted = getStringColumnValue(getColumnDeleted()); if ((deleted == null) || (deleted.equals(NOT_DELETED))) { return (false); } else if (deleted.equals(DELETED)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } /** *@param deleted The new deleted value */ public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { if (deleted) { setColumn(getColumnDeleted(), DELETED); setDeletedWhen(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); // setDeletedBy(iwc.getUserId()); } else { setColumn(getColumnDeleted(), NOT_DELETED); // setDeletedBy(-1); // setDeletedWhen(null); } } /** *@return The deletedBy value */ public int getDeletedBy() { return (getIntColumnValue(getColumnDeletedBy())); } /** *@param userID The new deletedBy value */ private void setDeletedBy(int userID) { // if (id == -1) // setColumn(getColumnDeletedBy(),(Object)null); // else setColumn(getColumnDeletedBy(), userID); } /** *@return The deletedWhen value */ public Timestamp getDeletedWhen() { return ((Timestamp)getColumnValue(getColumnDeletedWhen())); } /** *@param when The new deletedWhen value */ private void setDeletedWhen(Timestamp when) { setColumn(getColumnDeletedWhen(), when); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public ICInformationFolder getEntity() { return this; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getDisplayString() { return getName(); } }