package; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.event.IWPageEventListener; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWException; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import com.idega.util.Encrypter; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.reflect.MethodFinder; /** * Title: LoginBusiness The default login business handler for the accesscontrol framework * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 All Rights Reserved * Company: idega *@author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a>,<a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.1 */ public class LoginBusinessBean implements IWPageEventListener { //public static String UserAttributeParameter = "user_login"; //public static String PermissionGroupParameter = "user_permission_groups"; public static String LoginStateParameter = "login_state"; //public static String LoginStateMsgParameter = "login_state_msg"; //public static String LoginRedirectPageParameter = "login_redirect_page"; //public static String LoginFailedRedirectPageParameter = "login_failed_redirect_page"; //protected static String LoginAttributeParameter = "login_attributes"; //private static String prmReservedLoginSessionAttribute = "reserved_login_attributes"; private static String UserGroupRepresentativeParameter = "ic_user_representative_group"; private static String PrimaryGroupsParameter = "ic_user_primarygroups"; private static String PrimaryGroupParameter = "ic_user_primarygroup"; private static final String _APPADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_LIST = "ic_loggedon_list"; private static final String _LOGGINADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_INFO = "ic_loggedon_info"; public static final String USER_PROPERTY_PARAMETER = "user_properties"; public static final String LOGINTYPE_AS_ANOTHER_USER = "as_another_user"; /** * Value that the LoginStateParameter can have to signal that a login is being made */ public static final String LOGIN_EVENT_LOGIN="login"; /** * Value that the LoginStateParameter can have to signal that a log-out is being made */ public static final String LOGIN_EVENT_LOGOFF="logoff"; /** * Value that the LoginStateParameter can have to signal that a login retry is being made */ public static final String LOGIN_EVENT_TRYAGAIN="tryagain"; public static final String PARAMETER_USERNAME="login"; public static final String PARAMETER_PASSWORD="password"; public static final String SESSION_PRM_LOGINNAME_FOR_INVALID_LOGIN = "loginname_for_invalid_login"; public static boolean USING_OLD_USER_SYSTEM=false; public static final String PARAM_LOGIN_BY_UNIQUE_ID = "l_by_uuid"; public static final String LOGIN_BY_UUID_AUTHORIZED_HOSTS_LIST = "LOGIN_BY_UUID_AUTHORIZED_HOSTS"; public LoginBusinessBean() { } public static boolean isLoggedOn(IWUserContext iwc) { return getUser(iwc)!=null; //if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter) == null) { // return false; //} //return true; } //public static void internalSetState(IWContext iwc, int state) { public static void internalSetState(IWContext iwc, LoginState state)throws RemoteException{ //iwc.setSessionAttribute(LoginStateParameter, new Integer(state)); getLoginSession(iwc).setLoginState(state); } public static LoginState internalGetState(IWContext iwc) { try { /*Integer state = (Integer)iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginStateParameter); if (state != null) return state.intValue(); else return STATE_NO_STATE; */ return getLoginSession(iwc).getLoginState(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return LoginState.NoState; } /** * To get the userame of the current log-in attempt * @return The username the current user is trying to log in with. Returns null if no log-in attemt is going on. */ protected String getLoginUserName(IWContext iwc) { return iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_USERNAME); } /** * To get the password of the current log-in attempt * @return The password the current user is trying to log in with. Returns null if no log-in attemt is going on. */ protected String getLoginPassword(IWContext iwc) { return iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_PASSWORD); } /** * @return True if logIn was succesful, false if it failed */ protected boolean logInUser(IWContext iwc, String username, String password) { try { /* int didLogin = verifyPasswordAndLogin(iwc, username, password); if (didLogin == STATE_LOGGED_ON) { onLoginSuccessful(iwc); return true; }*/ LoginState didLogin = verifyPasswordAndLogin(iwc,username,password); if(didLogin.equals(LoginState.LoggedOn)){ onLoginSuccessful(iwc); return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * @return True if logOut was succesful, false if it failed */ protected boolean logOutUser(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException{ try { logOut(iwc); //internalSetState(iwc, "loggedoff"); //internalSetState(iwc, STATE_LOGGED_OUT); internalSetState(iwc,LoginState.LoggedOut); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Used for the LoggedOnInfo object to be able to log off users when their session expires. * @return True if logOut was succesful, false if it failed */ public static boolean logOutUserOnSessionTimeout(HttpSession session, LoggedOnInfo logOnInfo) { try { Map m = getLoggedOnInfoMap(session); LoggedOnInfo _logOnInfo = (LoggedOnInfo)m.remove(logOnInfo.getLogin()); if (_logOnInfo != null) { LoginDBHandler.recordLogout(_logOnInfo.getLoginRecordId()); } else { return false; } return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Invoked when the login failed * Can be overrided in subclasses to alter behaviour * By default this sets the state to "login failed" and does not log in a user */ //protected void onLoginFailed(IWContext iwc, int loginState, String username) { protected void onLoginFailed(IWContext iwc, LoginState loginState, String username)throws RemoteException { logOutUser(iwc); //internalSetState(iwc, loginState); //iwc.setSessionAttribute(UserAttributeParameter, username); internalSetState(iwc,loginState); getLoginSession(iwc).setUserLoginName(username); } /** * Invoked when the login was succesful * Can be overrided in subclasses to alter behaviour * By default this sets the state to "logged on" */ protected void onLoginSuccessful(IWContext iwc)throws RemoteException { //internalSetState(iwc, "loggedon"); //internalSetState(iwc, STATE_LOGGED_ON); internalSetState(iwc,LoginState.LoggedOn); } public static boolean isLogOnAction(IWContext iwc) { return LOGIN_EVENT_LOGIN.equals(getControlActionValue(iwc)); } public static boolean isLogOffAction(IWContext iwc) { return LOGIN_EVENT_LOGOFF.equals(getControlActionValue(iwc)); } protected static boolean isTryAgainAction(IWContext iwc) { return LOGIN_EVENT_TRYAGAIN.equals(getControlActionValue(iwc)); } private static String getControlActionValue(IWContext iwc) { return iwc.getParameter(LoginBusinessBean.LoginStateParameter); } /** * The method invoked when the login presentation module sends a login to this class */ public boolean actionPerformed(IWContext iwc) throws IWException { try { if (isLoggedOn(iwc)) { if (isLogOffAction(iwc)) { //logOut(iwc); //internalSetState(iwc,"loggedoff"); LoggedOnInfo info = getLoggedOnInfo(iwc); if (LOGINTYPE_AS_ANOTHER_USER.equals(info.getLoginType())) { this.logOutAsAnotherUser(iwc); onLoginSuccessful(iwc); } else { logOutUser(iwc); } } } else { if (isLogOnAction(iwc)) { //int canLogin = STATE_LOGGED_OUT; LoginState canLogin = LoginState.LoggedOut; String username = getLoginUserName(iwc); String password = getLoginPassword(iwc); if ((username != null) && (password != null)) { canLogin = verifyPasswordAndLogin(iwc, username, password); //if (canLogin == STATE_LOGGED_ON) { if (canLogin.equals(LoginState.LoggedOn)) { //isLoggedOn(iwc); //internalSetState(iwc,"loggedon"); // addon /*if (iwc.isParameterSet(LoginRedirectPageParameter)) { //System.err.println("redirect parameter is set"); BuilderLogic.getInstance().setCurrentPriorityPageID(iwc, iwc.getParameter(LoginRedirectPageParameter)); }*/ onLoginSuccessful(iwc); } else { //logOut(iwc); //internalSetState(iwc,"loginfailed"); /*if(iwc.isParameterSet(LoginFailedRedirectPageParameter)){ BuilderLogic.getInstance().setCurrentPriorityPageID(iwc, iwc.getParameter(LoginFailedRedirectPageParameter)); iwc.setSessionAttribute(SESSION_PRM_LOGINNAME_FOR_INVALID_LOGIN,username); }*/ onLoginFailed(iwc, canLogin, username); } } else if(isLoginByUUID(iwc)){ String uuid = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_LOGIN_BY_UNIQUE_ID); boolean success = logInByUUID(iwc, uuid); if(!success){ System.err.println("[LoginBusinessBean] Attempt to login with UUID: "+uuid+" failed from referer: "+iwc.getReferer()+" , might be an attack"); } } } else if (isTryAgainAction(iwc)) { //internalSetState(iwc, "loggedoff"); //internalSetState(iwc, STATE_LOGGED_OUT); internalSetState(iwc, LoginState.LoggedOut); } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { logOut(iwc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ex.printStackTrace(System.err); //throw (IdegaWebException)ex.fillInStackTrace(); } return true; } /** * If you want to allow all referers to login via uuid do not set the LOGIN_BY_UUID_AUTHORIZED_HOSTS application property. * The LOGIN_BY_UUID_AUTHORIZED_HOSTS property is a commaseparated list of host names and ip numbers that can login via uuid. * @param iwc * @return true if the parameter PARAM_LOGIN_BY_UNIQUE_ID is set and the referer is allowed to login by uuid. */ protected boolean isLoginByUUID(IWContext iwc) { if( iwc.isParameterSet(PARAM_LOGIN_BY_UNIQUE_ID)){ String referer = iwc.getReferer(); String allowedReferers = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSettings().getProperty(LOGIN_BY_UUID_AUTHORIZED_HOSTS_LIST,""); if(allowedReferers==null || "".equals(allowedReferers)){ return true; } else{ if(referer!=null && allowedReferers.indexOf(referer)>=0){ return true; } } } return false; } /** * * @param iwc * @return Returns null if no basic authentication request was maid. Login has index = 0 and password = 1. */ public String[] getLoginNameAndPasswordFromBasicAuthenticationRequest(IWContext iwc){ String sAuthorizationHeader = iwc.getAuthorizationHeader(); if(sAuthorizationHeader != null) { try { String encodedNamePassword = sAuthorizationHeader.substring(6); sun.misc.BASE64Decoder dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder(); String unencodedNamePassword = new String(dec.decodeBuffer(encodedNamePassword)); int seperator = unencodedNamePassword.indexOf(':'); if(seperator != -1){ String[] toReturn = new String[2]; toReturn[0] = unencodedNamePassword.substring(0,seperator); toReturn[1] = unencodedNamePassword.substring(seperator+1); return toReturn; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public String getLoginNameFromBasicAuthenticationRequest(IWContext iwc){ String sAuthorizationHeader = iwc.getAuthorizationHeader(); if(sAuthorizationHeader != null) { try { String encodedNamePassword = sAuthorizationHeader.substring(6); sun.misc.BASE64Decoder dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder(); String unencodedNamePassword = new String(dec.decodeBuffer(encodedNamePassword)); int seperator = unencodedNamePassword.indexOf(':'); if(seperator != -1){ return unencodedNamePassword.substring(0,seperator); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public String getPasswordFromBasicAuthenticationRequest(IWContext iwc){ String sAuthorizationHeader = iwc.getAuthorizationHeader(); if(sAuthorizationHeader != null) { try { String encodedNamePassword = sAuthorizationHeader.substring(6); sun.misc.BASE64Decoder dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder(); String unencodedNamePassword = new String(dec.decodeBuffer(encodedNamePassword)); int seperator = unencodedNamePassword.indexOf(':'); if(seperator != -1){ return unencodedNamePassword.substring(seperator+1); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** * @return Returns true if authentication is successful or else false */ public boolean authenticateBasicAuthenticationRequest(IWContext iwc) { String sAuthorizationHeader = iwc.getAuthorizationHeader(); try { if(sAuthorizationHeader != null) { String encodedNamePassword = sAuthorizationHeader.substring(6); sun.misc.BASE64Decoder dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder(); String unencodedNamePassword = new String(dec.decodeBuffer(encodedNamePassword)); // System.out.println("[IWAuthenticator]:Unencoded name and password: " + unencodedNamePassword); int seperator = unencodedNamePassword.indexOf(':'); if(seperator != -1){ String username = unencodedNamePassword.substring(0,seperator); String password = unencodedNamePassword.substring(seperator+1); // System.out.println("[IWAuthenticator]:Unencoded name: "+username+" and password: " + password); LoginState canLogin = LoginState.LoggedOut; LoggedOnInfo lInfo = getLoggedOnInfo(iwc,username); if(!isLoggedOn(iwc) && lInfo != null) { //used for re-logging in clients that do not keep cookies/session LoginSession lSession = getLoginSession(iwc); lSession.setLoggedOnInfo(lInfo); lSession.setUser(lInfo.getUser()); //TODO: some more variables need to be set in LoginSession if this is supposed to work for clients with more capability than just webdav-ing. Needs more refactoring than I have time for now. onLoginSuccessful(iwc); return true; } else { canLogin = verifyPasswordAndLogin(iwc, username, password); if (canLogin.equals(LoginState.LoggedOn)) { onLoginSuccessful(iwc); return true; } else { onLoginFailed(iwc, canLogin, username); return false; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { logOut(iwc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ex.printStackTrace(System.err); //throw (IdegaWebException)ex.fillInStackTrace(); } return false; } public void callForBasicAuthentication(IWContext iwc, String message) throws IOException{ iwc.getResponse().addHeader("WWW-Authenticate","Basic realm=\"" + "iw_login" + "\""); if(message!=null){ iwc.getResponse().sendError(401,message); } else { iwc.getResponse().sendError(401); } } /* public boolean isAdmin(IWContext iwc)throws Exception{ return iwc.isAdmin(); } */ public static void setLoginAttribute(String key, Object value, IWUserContext iwc) throws NotLoggedOnException { if (isLoggedOn(iwc)) { try { /* Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter); ((Hashtable)obj).put(key, value); */ getLoginSession(iwc).setLoginAttribute(key,value); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { throw new NotLoggedOnException(); } } public static Object getLoginAttribute(String key, IWUserContext iwc) throws NotLoggedOnException { if (isLoggedOn(iwc)) { try { /* Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter); if (obj == null) { return null; } else { return ((Hashtable)obj).get(key); }*/ return getLoginSession(iwc).getLoginAttribute(key); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } else { throw new NotLoggedOnException(); } } public static void removeLoginAttribute(String key, IWUserContext iwc) throws RemoteException,RemoveException{ if (isLoggedOn(iwc)) { /* Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter); if (obj != null) { ((Hashtable)obj).remove(key); } */ getLoginSession(iwc).removeLoginAttribute(key); } /*else if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter) != null) { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter); */ else if(getLoginSession(iwc)!=null){ removeLoginSession(iwc); } } public static User getUser(IWUserContext iwc) /* throws NotLoggedOnException */ { try { //return (User)LoginBusinessBean.getLoginAttribute(UserAttributeParameter, iwc); return getLoginSession(iwc).getUser(); } catch (NotLoggedOnException ex) { return null; } /*Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(UserAttributeParameter); if (obj != null){ return (User)obj; }else{ throw new NotLoggedOnException(); } */ catch (RemoteException e) { } return null; } public static List getPermissionGroups(IWUserContext iwc) { try { //return (List)LoginBusinessBean.getLoginAttribute(PermissionGroupParameter, iwc); return getLoginSession(iwc).getPermissionGroups(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static UserGroupRepresentative getUserRepresentativeGroup(IWUserContext iwc) { try { //return (UserGroupRepresentative)LoginBusinessBean.getLoginAttribute(UserGroupRepresentativeParameter, iwc); return getLoginSession(iwc).getRepresentativeGroup(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static GenericGroup getPrimaryGroup(IWUserContext iwc){ try { //return (GenericGroup)LoginBusinessBean.getLoginAttribute(PrimaryGroupParameter, iwc); return getLoginSession(iwc).getPrimaryGroup(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } protected static void setUser(IWUserContext iwc, User user) throws RemoteException { //LoginBusinessBean.setLoginAttribute(UserAttributeParameter, user, iwc); getLoginSession(iwc).setUser(user); } protected static void setPermissionGroups(IWUserContext iwc, List value) throws RemoteException { //LoginBusinessBean.setLoginAttribute(PermissionGroupParameter, value, iwc); getLoginSession(iwc).setPermissionGroups(value); } protected static void setUserRepresentativeGroup(IWUserContext iwc, UserGroupRepresentative value) throws RemoteException { //LoginBusinessBean.setLoginAttribute(UserGroupRepresentativeParameter, value, iwc); getLoginSession(iwc).setRepresentativeGroup(value); } protected static void setPrimaryGroup(IWUserContext iwc, GenericGroup value) throws RemoteException { //LoginBusinessBean.setLoginAttribute(PrimaryGroupParameter, value, iwc); getLoginSession(iwc).setPrimaryGroup(value); } /** * Use this method if the one calling this method is not logged in, else use #logInAsAnotherUser(IWContext,User) * @param iwc * @param user * @return * @throws Exception */ protected boolean logIn(IWContext iwc, User user) throws Exception { Collection logins = ((LoginTableHome)IDOLookup.getHome(LoginTable.class)).findLoginsForUser(user); if(!logins.isEmpty()) { LoginTable loginTable = (LoginTable)logins.iterator().next(); storeUserAndGroupInformationInSession(iwc, user); int loginTableId = loginTable.getID(); int loginRecordId = LoginDBHandler.recordLogin(loginTableId, iwc.getRemoteIpAddress()); storeLoggedOnInfoInSession(iwc, loginTableId, loginTable.getUserLogin(), user, loginRecordId, loginTable.getLoginType()); return true; } return false; } protected boolean logIn(IWContext iwc, LoginTable loginTable) throws Exception { //New user system uHome = (; User user = uHome.findByPrimaryKey(loginTable.getUserId()); //New user system end //Old user system // User user = ((; //Old user system end storeUserAndGroupInformationInSession(iwc, user); int loginTableId = loginTable.getID(); int loginRecordId = LoginDBHandler.recordLogin(loginTableId, iwc.getRemoteIpAddress()); storeLoggedOnInfoInSession(iwc, loginTableId, loginTable.getUserLogin(), user, loginRecordId, loginTable.getLoginType()); return true; } protected void storeUserAndGroupInformationInSession(IWContext iwc, User user) throws Exception { List groups = null; LoginSession lSession = getLoginSession(iwc); if(isUsingOldUserSystem()){ //Old user system //iwc.setSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter, new Hashtable()); //LoginBusinessBean.setUser(iwc, user); lSession.setUser(user); groups = UserBusiness.getUserGroups(user); //Old user system end } else{ //New user system //iwc.setSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter, new Hashtable()); //LoginBusinessBean.setUser(iwc, user); lSession.setUser(user); userbusiness = (,; newUser = com.idega.user.util.Converter.convertToNewUser(user); Collection userGroups = userbusiness.getUserGroups(newUser); if(userGroups!=null) { groups = ListUtil.convertCollectionToList(userGroups); //New user system end } } if (groups != null) { //LoginBusinessBean.setPermissionGroups(iwc, groups); lSession.setPermissionGroups(groups); } int userGroupId = user.getGroupID(); if (userGroupId != -1) { //LoginBusinessBean.setUserRepresentativeGroup(iwc, ((; lSession.setRepresentativeGroup(((; } if (user.getPrimaryGroupID() != -1) { GenericGroup primaryGroup = (( Integer(user.getPrimaryGroupID())); //LoginBusinessBean.setPrimaryGroup(iwc, primaryGroup); lSession.setPrimaryGroup(primaryGroup); } UserProperties properties = new UserProperties(iwc.getIWMainApplication(), user.getID()); //setLoginAttribute(USER_PROPERTY_PARAMETER, properties, iwc); lSession.setUserProperties(properties); } /** * @return */ private boolean isUsingOldUserSystem() { return LoginBusinessBean.USING_OLD_USER_SYSTEM; } protected void storeLoggedOnInfoInSession(IWContext iwc, int loginTableId, String login, User user, int loginRecordId, String loginType) throws NotLoggedOnException, RemoteException { LoggedOnInfo lInfo = createLoggedOnInfo(iwc); lInfo.setLoginTableId(loginTableId); lInfo.setLogin(login); //lInfo.setSession(iwc.getSession()); lInfo.setTimeOfLogon(IWTimestamp.RightNow()); lInfo.setUser(user); lInfo.setLoginRecordId(loginRecordId); if (loginType != null && !loginType.equals("")) { lInfo.setLoginType(loginType); } lInfo.setUserRoles(iwc.getAccessController().getAllRolesForCurrentUser(iwc)); Map m = getLoggedOnInfoMap(iwc); m.put(lInfo.getLogin(),lInfo); //getLoggedOnInfoList(iwc).add(lInfo); setLoggedOnInfo(lInfo, iwc); } private LoginState verifyPasswordAndLogin(IWContext iwc, String login, String password) throws Exception { LoginTable[] login_table = (LoginTable[]) (, login); if (login_table == null) { //return STATE_NO_USER; return LoginState.NoUser; } if (login_table.length > 0) { LoginTable loginTable = login_table[0]; User user = loginTable.getUser(); boolean isAdmin = user.equals(iwc.getAccessController().getAdministratorUser()); if (isLoginExpired(loginTable) && !isAdmin) { //return STATE_LOGIN_EXPIRED; return LoginState.Expired; } LoginInfo loginInfo = null; try { LoginInfoHome loginInfoHome = (LoginInfoHome) IDOLookup.getHome(LoginInfo.class); loginInfo = loginInfoHome.findByPrimaryKey(loginTable.getPrimaryKey()); } catch (FinderException fe) { //Nothing done } if (Encrypter.verifyOneWayEncrypted(loginTable.getUserPassword(), password)) { if (loginTable != null) { if (loginInfo!=null && !loginInfo.getAccountEnabled() && !isAdmin) { //return STATE_LOGIN_EXPIRED; return LoginState.Expired; } if (logIn(iwc, loginTable)) { loginInfo.setFailedAttemptCount(0);; //return STATE_LOGGED_ON; return LoginState.LoggedOn; } } else { try { throw new LoginCreateException("No record chosen"); } catch (LoginCreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if(isAdmin) { // admin must get unlimited attempts //return STATE_WRONG_PASSW; return LoginState.WrongPassword; } //int returnCode = STATE_WRONG_PASSW; LoginState returnCode = LoginState.WrongPassword; int maxFailedLogginAttempts = 0; try { String maxStr = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle("com.idega.core").getProperty("max_failed_login_attempts"); maxFailedLogginAttempts = Integer.parseInt(maxStr); } catch(Exception e) { // default used, no maximum } if(maxFailedLogginAttempts!=0) { int failedAttempts = loginInfo.getFailedAttemptCount(); failedAttempts++; loginInfo.setFailedAttemptCount(failedAttempts); if(failedAttempts==maxFailedLogginAttempts-1) { System.out.println("login failed, disabled next time"); //returnCode = STATE_LOGIN_FAILED_DISABLED_NEXT_TIME; returnCode = LoginState.FailedDisabledNextTime; } else if(failedAttempts>=maxFailedLogginAttempts) { System.out.println("Maximum loggin attemps, disabling account " + login); loginInfo.setAccountEnabled(false); loginInfo.setFailedAttemptCount(0); } else { System.out.println("Login failed, #" + failedAttempts); }; } return returnCode; } } else { //return STATE_NO_USER; return LoginState.NoUser; } //return STATE_LOGIN_FAILED; return LoginState.Failed; } public static void resetPassword(String login, String newPassword, boolean changeNextTime) throws Exception { LoginTable[] loginTables = (LoginTable[]) (, login); if (loginTables!=null && loginTables.length > 0) { LoginTable loginTable = loginTables[0]; LoginInfoHome loginInfoHome = (LoginInfoHome) IDOLookup.getHome(LoginInfo.class); LoginInfo loginInfo = loginInfoHome.findByPrimaryKey(loginTable.getPrimaryKey()); User user = loginTable.getUser(); changeUserPassword(user, newPassword); loginInfo.setFailedAttemptCount(0); loginInfo.setAccessClosed(false); if(changeNextTime) { loginInfo.setChangeNextTime(true); }; } } public static boolean verifyPassword(User user, String login, String password) throws IOException, SQLException { boolean returner = false; LoginTable[] login_table = (LoginTable[]) (, Integer.toString(user.getID()),, login); if (login_table != null && login_table.length > 0) { if (Encrypter.verifyOneWayEncrypted(login_table[0].getUserPassword(), password)) { returner = true; } } return returner; } protected void logOut(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { //if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter) != null) { if (getLoginSession(iwc) != null) { // this.getLoggedOnInfoList(iwc).remove(this.getLoggedOnInfo(iwc)); LoggedOnInfo info = getLoggedOnInfo(iwc); if(info!=null){ Map lm = getLoggedOnInfoMap(iwc); lm.remove(info.getLogin()); } UserProperties properties = getUserProperties(iwc); if (properties != null) {; } //iwc.removeSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter); removeLoginSession(iwc); } HttpSession session = iwc.getSession(); session.invalidate(); } /** * The key is the login name and the value is * @return Returns empty Map if no one is logged on */ public static Map getLoggedOnInfoMap(IWContext iwc) { Map loggedOnMap = (Map)iwc.getApplicationAttribute(_APPADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_LIST); if (loggedOnMap == null) { loggedOnMap = new TreeMap(); iwc.setApplicationAttribute(_APPADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_LIST, loggedOnMap); } return loggedOnMap; } /** * @return returns empty Collection if no one is logged on */ public static Collection getLoggedOnInfoCollection(IWContext iwc) { return getLoggedOnInfoMap(iwc).values(); } /** * returns null if user is not logged on */ public static LoggedOnInfo getLoggedOnInfo(IWContext iwc, String loginName) { return (LoggedOnInfo)getLoggedOnInfoMap(iwc).get(loginName); } /** * The key is the login name and the value is * @param session * @return */ public static Map getLoggedOnInfoMap(HttpSession session) { Map loggedOnMap = null; MethodFinder finder = MethodFinder.getInstance(); ServletContext context = null; try { Method method = finder.getMethodWithNameAndNoParameters(HttpSession.class, "getServletContext"); try { context = (ServletContext)method.invoke(session, null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { System.out.println("The method session.getServletContext() is not in this implementation of the Servlet spec."); e.printStackTrace(); } if (context != null) { loggedOnMap = (Map)context.getAttribute(_APPADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_LIST); } if (loggedOnMap == null) { loggedOnMap = new TreeMap(); if (context != null) { context.setAttribute(_APPADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_LIST, loggedOnMap); } } return loggedOnMap; } public static LoggedOnInfo getLoggedOnInfo(IWUserContext iwc) { try { // Not stored as LoginAttribute because it is HttpSessionBindingListener //return (LoggedOnInfo)getLoginAttribute(_LOGGINADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_INFO, iwc); //return (LoggedOnInfo)iwc.getSessionAttribute(_LOGGINADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_INFO); return getLoginSession(iwc).getLoggedOnInfo(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static void setLoggedOnInfo(LoggedOnInfo lInfo, IWContext iwc) throws NotLoggedOnException, RemoteException { // Not stored as LoginAttribute because it is HttpSessionBindingListener //setLoginAttribute(_LOGGINADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_INFO, lInfo, iwc); if(isLoggedOn(iwc)){ //iwc.setSessionAttribute(_LOGGINADDRESS_LOGGED_ON_INFO, lInfo); getLoginSession(iwc).setLoggedOnInfo(lInfo); } else { throw new NotLoggedOnException(); } } public static LoginContext changeUserPassword(User user, String password) throws Exception { LoginTable login = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(user.getID()); LoginDBHandler.changePassword(login, password); LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext(user, login.getUserLogin(), password); return loginContext; } /** * Creates a wrapper object around the users login name and password in clear text (no decoding) * @param user * @return */ public static LoginContext getLoginContext(User user) { LoginTable login = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(user.getID()); if(login!=null){ LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext(user, login.getUserLogin(), login.getUserPasswordInClearText()); return loginContext; } else{ return null; } } public static LoginContext createNewUser(String fullName, String email, String preferredUserName, String preferredPassword) { UserBusiness ub = new UserBusiness(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(fullName); String first = ""; String middle = ""; String last = ""; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { first = tok.nextToken(); } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { middle = tok.nextToken(); } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { last = tok.nextToken(); } else { last = middle; middle = ""; } LoginContext loginContext = null; try { User user = ub.insertUser(first, middle, last, "", null, null, null, null); String login = preferredUserName; String pass = preferredPassword; if (user != null) { if (email != null && email.length() > 0) { UserBusiness.addNewUserEmail(user.getID(), email); } if (login == null) { login = LoginCreator.createLogin(user.getName()); } if (pass == null) { pass = LoginCreator.createPasswd(8); } LoginDBHandler.createLogin(user.getID(), login, pass); loginContext = new LoginContext(user, login, pass); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return loginContext; } // added for cookie login maybe unsafe ( Aron ) public boolean logInUnVerified(IWContext iwc, String login) throws Exception { boolean returner = false; LoginTable[] login_table = (LoginTable[]) (, login); if (login_table != null && login_table.length > 0) { LoginTable lTable = login_table[0]; if (lTable != null) { returner = logIn(iwc, login_table[0]); if (returner) { onLoginSuccessful(iwc); } } else { try { throw new LoginCreateException("No record chosen"); } catch (LoginCreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } return returner; } public boolean logInAsAnotherUser(IWContext iwc, String personalID) throws Exception { boolean returner = false; try { user = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(personalID); returner = logInAsAnotherUser(iwc, user); } catch (FinderException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); returner = false; } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); returner = false; } return returner; } public boolean retrieveLoginInformation(IWContext iwc) throws NotLoggedOnException, RemoteException { //logout //if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter) != null) { if(getLoginSession(iwc)!=null){ Map m = getLoggedOnInfoMap(iwc); LoggedOnInfo _logOnInfo = (LoggedOnInfo)m.remove(getLoggedOnInfo(iwc).getLogin()); if ( _logOnInfo != null ) { LoginDBHandler.recordLogout(_logOnInfo.getLoginRecordId()); } } //login //Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(prmReservedLoginSessionAttribute); //Object obj = iwc.getSessionAttribute(prmReservedLoginSessionAttribute); getLoginSession(iwc).retrieve(); //if (obj != null) { if(getLoginSession(iwc).getUser()!=null){ //iwc.setSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter, obj); return true; } else { return false; } } public void reserveLoginInformation(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { //if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter) != null) { if(getLoginSession(iwc)!=null){ // this.getLoggedOnInfoList(iwc).remove(this.getLoggedOnInfo(iwc)); //UserProperties properties = (UserProperties)getLoginAttribute(USER_PROPERTY_PARAMETER, iwc); UserProperties properties = getLoginSession(iwc).getUserProperties(); if (properties != null) {; } //iwc.setSessionAttribute(prmReservedLoginSessionAttribute, iwc.getSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter)); //iwc.setSessionAttribute(prmReservedLoginSessionAttribute,getLoginSession(iwc)); getLoginSession(iwc).reserve(); //logout //iwc.removeSessionAttribute(LoginAttributeParameter); //removeLoginSession(iwc); } } public void logOutAsAnotherUser(IWContext iwc) throws NotLoggedOnException, RemoteException { LoggedOnInfo info = LoginBusinessBean.getLoggedOnInfo(iwc); int rec = info.getLoginRecordId(); retrieveLoginInformation(iwc); info.setLoginType(""); //setLoggedOnInfo(info,iwc); LoginDBHandler.recordLogout(rec); } /** * Use this method if the one calling this method is logged in, else use #logIn(IWContext,User) * @param iwc * @param user * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean logInAsAnotherUser(IWContext iwc, User user) throws Exception { return logInAsAnotherUser(iwc,user,true); } /** * Use this method if the one calling this method is logged in, else use #logIn(IWContext,User) * @param iwc * @param user * @return * @throws Exception */ private boolean logInAsAnotherUser(IWContext iwc, User user,boolean reserveCurrentUser) throws Exception { if (isLoggedOn(iwc)) { LoggedOnInfo info = LoginBusinessBean.getLoggedOnInfo(iwc); if (iwc.getUser().equals(user)) { return true; } if(reserveCurrentUser) { reserveLoginInformation(iwc); } storeUserAndGroupInformationInSession(iwc, user); int loginRecordId = LoginDBHandler.recordLogin(info.getLoginTableId(), iwc.getRemoteIpAddress(), user.getID()); storeLoggedOnInfoInSession(iwc, info.getLoginTableId(), info.getLogin(), user, loginRecordId, LOGINTYPE_AS_ANOTHER_USER); onLoginSuccessful(iwc); return true; } return false; } public boolean logInByPersonalID(IWContext iwc, String personalID) throws Exception { boolean returner = false; try { user = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(personalID); LoginTable[] login_table = (LoginTable[]) (, user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); LoginTable lTable = this.chooseLoginRecord(iwc, login_table, user); if (lTable != null) { returner = logIn(iwc, lTable); if (returner) { onLoginSuccessful(iwc); } } else { try { throw new LoginCreateException("No record chosen"); } catch (LoginCreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (EJBException e) { returner = false; } return returner; } /** * Logs you into idegaweb by a universally unique identifier UUID if it finds a user with that id. * @param iwc * @param uuid * @return true if succeeded in login on a user with his UUID * @throws Exception */ public boolean logInByUUID(IWContext iwc, String uuid) throws Exception { boolean returner = false; try { user = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUserByUniqueId(uuid); LoginTable[] login_table = (LoginTable[]) (, user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); LoginTable lTable = this.chooseLoginRecord(iwc, login_table, user); if (lTable != null) { returner = logIn(iwc, lTable); if (returner) { onLoginSuccessful(iwc); } } else { try { throw new LoginCreateException("No record chosen"); } catch (LoginCreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (EJBException e) { returner = false; } return returner; } /** * @param loginRecords - all login records for one user * @return LoginTable record to log on the system */ public LoginTable chooseLoginRecord(IWContext iwc, LoginTable[] loginRecords, User user) throws Exception { LoginTable chosenRecord = null; if (loginRecords != null) { for (int i = 0; i < loginRecords.length; i++) { String type = loginRecords[i].getLoginType(); if (!(type != null && !type.equals(""))) { chosenRecord = loginRecords[i]; break; } } } return chosenRecord; } /** * Gets the last login record date before current logged record ( second last entry) * @param userId * @return */ public static java.sql.Date getLastLoginByUser(Integer userId) throws RemoteException{ try { return getLoginRecordHome().getLastLoginByUserID(userId); } catch (FinderException e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the last login record date before current logged record ( second last entry) * @param userId * @return */ public static java.sql.Date getLastLoginByLogin(Integer loginId) throws RemoteException{ try { return getLoginRecordHome().getLastLoginByLoginID(loginId); } catch (FinderException e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } } private static LoginRecordHome getLoginRecordHome()throws RemoteException{ return (LoginRecordHome) IDOLookup.getHome(LoginRecord.class); } public boolean isLoginExpired(LoginTable loginTable) { LoginInfo loginInfo = LoginDBHandler.getLoginInfo(loginTable.getID()); return loginInfo.isLoginExpired(); } protected getUserBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwac) throws RemoteException { return (,; } public LoggedOnInfo createLoggedOnInfo(IWContext iwc) { return new LoggedOnInfo(); } public static UserProperties getUserProperties(IWUserContext iwuc) { try { //return (UserProperties)getLoginAttribute(LoginBusinessBean.USER_PROPERTY_PARAMETER, iwuc); return getLoginSession(iwuc).getUserProperties(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static LoginSession getLoginSession(IWUserContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (LoginSession) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, LoginSession.class); } private static void removeLoginSession(IWUserContext iwc) throws RemoteException,RemoveException { IBOLookup.removeSessionInstance(iwc,LoginSession.class); } }