package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author <a href=""> * @version 1.0 */ public class CampusFinanceHandler implements FinanceHandler { // private int precisionCount = 2; int count = 0; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); Logger logger = null; public CampusFinanceHandler() { logger = Logger.getLogger(""); } public String getAccountType() { return; } public boolean rollbackAssessment(IWApplicationContext iwac, Integer assessmentRoundId) { javax.transaction.TransactionManager t = com.idega.transaction.IdegaTransactionManager .getInstance(); try { t.begin(); boolean doAutomaticCharges = iwac.getApplicationSettings() .getBoolean("EXECUTE_AUTOMATIC_CHARGES", false); if (doAutomaticCharges) { try { Collection autoCharge = this.getContractService(iwac) .getAutomaticChargesHome() .findHandlingByAssessmentRound(assessmentRoundId); if (autoCharge != null) { Iterator it = autoCharge.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AutomaticCharges ac = (AutomaticCharges); ac.setChargeForHandling(true); ac.setHandlingChargeAssessment(null);; } } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { Collection autoCharge = this.getContractService(iwac) .getAutomaticChargesHome() .findTransferByAssessmentRound(assessmentRoundId); if (autoCharge != null) { Iterator it = autoCharge.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AutomaticCharges ac = (AutomaticCharges); ac.setChargeForTransfer(true); ac.setTransferChargeAssessment(null);; } } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ((CampusAssessmentBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac, CampusAssessmentBusiness.class)) .rollBackAssessment(assessmentRoundId); t.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { t.rollback(); } catch (IllegalStateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (SystemException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } return false; } public boolean executeAssessment(IWApplicationContext iwac, Integer categoryId, Integer tariffGroupId, String roundName, Integer cashierId, Integer accountKeyId, IWTimestamp paymentdate, IWTimestamp start, IWTimestamp end, Integer excessRoundID) {"Starting assessment for period " + start.toString() + "-" + end.toString()); Collection tariffs = null; Collection listOfUsers = null; String[] statuses = { ContractBMPBean.STATUS_SIGNED, ContractBMPBean.STATUS_ENDED, ContractBMPBean.STATUS_RESIGNED, ContractBMPBean.STATUS_TERMINATED }; try { tariffs = ((TariffHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Tariff.class)) .findByTariffGroup((tariffGroupId)); ContractAccountApartmentHome caah = ((ContractAccountApartmentHome) IDOLookup .getHome(ContractAccountApartment.class)); // excess round handling if (excessRoundID != null && excessRoundID.intValue() > 0) { listOfUsers = caah .findByTypeAndStatusAndOverlapPeriodAndNotInRound( getAccountType(), statuses, start.getDate(), end.getDate(), excessRoundID); } else { listOfUsers = caah.findByTypeAndStatusAndOverlapPeriod( getAccountType(), statuses, start.getDate(), end.getDate()); } } catch (IDOLookupException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (tariffs != null) { if (listOfUsers != null) { Tariff tariff; char cAttribute; ContractAccountApartment user; int attributeId = -1; Integer roundId = new Integer(-1); AssessmentRound AR = null; javax.transaction.TransactionManager t = com.idega.transaction.IdegaTransactionManager .getInstance(); try { t.begin(); AR = ((AssessmentRoundHome) IDOLookup .getHome(AssessmentRound.class)).create(); AR.setAsNew(roundName); AR.setCategoryId(categoryId.intValue()); AR.setTariffGroupId(tariffGroupId.intValue()); AR.setType(; AR.setDueDate(paymentdate.getDate()); AR.setPeriodFromDate(start.getDate()); AR.setPeriodToDate(end.getDate());; roundId = (Integer) AR.getPrimaryKey(); int totals = 0; int totalAmount = 0; double factor = 1.0d; double discount = 0.0d; int precision = getPrecision(iwac); ArrayList alreadyChargedForDownload = new ArrayList(); boolean doAutomaticCharges = iwac.getApplicationSettings() .getBoolean("EXECUTE_AUTOMATIC_CHARGES", false); boolean useContractTariff = iwac.getApplicationSettings() .getBoolean("SHOW_CONTRACT_TARIFF", false); // All tenants accounts (Outer loop) for (Iterator iter = listOfUsers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { user = (ContractAccountApartment); Contract contract = this .getContractService(iwac) .getContractHome() .findByPrimaryKey( new Integer(user.getContractId())); boolean publicPricing = false; String usePublicPricing = iwac.getApplicationSettings() .getProperty("USE_PUBLIC_PRICING", String.valueOf(false)); if (Boolean.valueOf(usePublicPricing).booleanValue()) { String publicPricingSubject = iwac .getApplicationSettings().getProperty( "PUBLIC_PRICING_SUBJECT", "181"); if (contract.getApplication() != null) { Application application = contract .getApplication(); if (application.getSubjectId() == Integer .parseInt(publicPricingSubject)) { publicPricing = true; } } } IWTimestamp validFrom = new IWTimestamp( contract.getValidFrom()); IWTimestamp validTo = new IWTimestamp( contract.getValidTo()); if (validFrom.isEarlierThan(validTo)) { discount = contract.getDiscountPercentage(); discount /= 100.0; factor = getFactor(user, start, end, precision); if (factor > 0) { totalAmount = 0; float Amount = 0; Collection contractTariff = null; if (useContractTariff) { try { contractTariff = getContractService(iwac).getContractTariffHome().findByContract(contract); } catch(Exception e) { contractTariff = null; } } if (contractTariff != null && !contractTariff.isEmpty()) { Account account = getContractService(iwac).getAccountHome().findByUserAndType(contract.getUser(), AccountBMPBean.typeFinancial); Iterator it = contractTariff.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ContractTariff ct = (ContractTariff); Amount = insertContractTariffEntry(ct, contract, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, discount, account.getAccountId().intValue()); totalAmount += Amount; } } else { // For each tariff (Inner loop) for (Iterator iter2 = tariffs.iterator(); iter2 .hasNext();) { tariff = (Tariff); Amount = 0; String sAttribute = tariff .getTariffAttribute(); // If we have an tariff attribute if (sAttribute != null) { attributeId = -1; cAttribute = sAttribute.charAt(0); // If All if (cAttribute == BuildingCacher.CHARALL) { Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, tariff.getUseDiscount() ? discount : 0.0d, publicPricing); } // other than all else { // attribute check if (sAttribute.length() >= 3) { attributeId = Integer .parseInt(sAttribute .substring(2)); switch (cAttribute) { case BuildingCacher.CHARTYPE: // Apartment type if (attributeId == user .getApartmentTypeId()) Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, tariff.getUseDiscount() ? discount : 0.0d, publicPricing); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARCATEGORY: // Apartment category if (attributeId == user .getApartmentCategoryId()) Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, tariff.getUseDiscount() ? discount : 0.0d, publicPricing); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARBUILDING: // Building if (attributeId == user .getBuildingId()) Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, tariff.getUseDiscount() ? discount : 0.0d, publicPricing); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARFLOOR: // Floor if (attributeId == user .getFloorId()) Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, discount, publicPricing); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARCOMPLEX: // Complex if (attributeId == user .getComplexId()) Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, tariff.getUseDiscount() ? discount : 0.0d, publicPricing); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARAPARTMENT: // Apartment if (attributeId == user .getApartmentId()) Amount = insertEntry( tariff, user, roundId, paymentdate, cashierId, factor, tariff.getUseDiscount() ? discount : 0.0d, publicPricing); break; } // switch } // attribute check } // other than all totalAmount += Amount; } } }// Inner loop block try { // If the contract got some invoices we // register // it to the batch work createBatchContract(user, AR); } catch (Exception e2) { System.out .println("failing to register batchcontract for user " + user.getUserId()); e2.printStackTrace(); } AutomaticCharges autoCharge = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAutomaticChargesByUser( contract.getUser()); boolean charge = false; boolean downloadCharge = false; boolean handlingCharge = false; boolean transferCharge = false; if (autoCharge != null) { downloadCharge = autoCharge .getChargeForDownload(); handlingCharge = autoCharge .getChargeForHandling(); transferCharge = autoCharge .getChargeForTransfer(); charge = downloadCharge || handlingCharge || transferCharge; } if (doAutomaticCharges) { if (!alreadyChargedForDownload .contains(contract.getUserId()) && charge) { alreadyChargedForDownload.add(contract .getUserId()); String tariffGroup = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "AUTO_CHARGES_TARIFF_GROUP", "69"); String financeCategory = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "AUTO_CHARGES_FINANCE_CATEGORY", "36"); if (downloadCharge) { String amount = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "UNLIMITED_DOWNLOAD_AMOUNT", "1200"); String accountKey = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "UNLIMITED_DOWNLOAD_ACCOUNT_KEY", "16"); Account account = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAccountHome() .findByUserAndType( contract.getUser(), AccountBMPBean.typeFinancial); AccountKey key = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAccountKeyHome() .findByPrimaryKey( Integer.valueOf(accountKey)); this.getContractService(iwac) .getCampusAssessmentBusiness() .assessTariffsToAccount( Float.valueOf( amount) .floatValue(), key.getInfo(), key.getInfo(), (Integer) account .getPrimaryKey(), Integer.valueOf(accountKey), paymentdate .getDate(), Integer.valueOf(tariffGroup), Integer.valueOf(financeCategory), contract.getApartmentId(), false, roundId); } if (handlingCharge) { String amount = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "HANDLING_AMOUNT", "5000"); String accountKey = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "HANDLING_ACCOUNT_KEY", "11"); Account account = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAccountHome() .findByUserAndType( contract.getUser(), AccountBMPBean.typeFinancial); AccountKey key = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAccountKeyHome() .findByPrimaryKey( Integer.valueOf(accountKey)); this.getContractService(iwac) .getCampusAssessmentBusiness() .assessTariffsToAccount( Float.valueOf( amount) .floatValue(), key.getInfo(), key.getInfo(), (Integer) account .getPrimaryKey(), Integer.valueOf(accountKey), paymentdate .getDate(), Integer.valueOf(tariffGroup), Integer.valueOf(financeCategory), contract.getApartmentId(), false, roundId); autoCharge .setChargeForHandling(false); autoCharge .setHandlingChargeAssessment(AR);; } if (transferCharge) { String amount = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "TRANSFER_AMOUNT", "10000"); String accountKey = iwac .getApplicationSettings() .getProperty( "TRANSFER_ACCOUNT_KEY", "16"); Account account = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAccountHome() .findByUserAndType( contract.getUser(), AccountBMPBean.typeFinancial); AccountKey key = this .getContractService(iwac) .getAccountKeyHome() .findByPrimaryKey( Integer.valueOf(accountKey)); this.getContractService(iwac) .getCampusAssessmentBusiness() .assessTariffsToAccount( Float.valueOf( amount) .floatValue(), key.getInfo(), key.getInfo(), (Integer) account .getPrimaryKey(), Integer.valueOf(accountKey), paymentdate .getDate(), Integer.valueOf(tariffGroup), Integer.valueOf(financeCategory), contract.getApartmentId(), false, roundId); autoCharge .setChargeForTransfer(false); autoCharge .setTransferChargeAssessment(AR);; } } } } totals += totalAmount * -1; } } // Outer loop block; t.commit(); return true; } // Try block catch (Exception e) { try { t.rollback(); } catch (javax.transaction.SystemException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } } } return false; } /** * Returns a multiplying factor to entry prices, for each contract The * factor makes use of the contract begin and end dates. NOT if the contract * has a delivertime, that is the begin date, NOT if the contract has a * returntime , that is the end date. */ public double getFactor(ContractAccountApartment con, IWTimestamp start, IWTimestamp end, int precision) { start.setTime(0, 0, 0); end.setTime(23, 59, 59); long begin = start.getTimestamp().getTime(); long endin = end.getTimestamp().getTime(); long valfr = con.getValidFrom().getTime(); long valto = con.getValidTo().getTime(); double ret = getFactor(begin, endin, valfr, valto, precision); return ret; } private double getFactor(long begin, long endin, long valfr, long valto, int precision) { // long del = endin - begin; IWTimestamp startMonth = new IWTimestamp(begin); startMonth.setDay(1); startMonth.setTime(0, 0, 0); IWTimestamp endMonth = new IWTimestamp(startMonth); endMonth.addMonths(1); int periodDays = IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(startMonth, endMonth); if (begin <= valto && valto <= endin) { endin = valto; } if (begin <= valfr && valfr <= endin) { begin = valfr; } int validDays = IWTimestamp.getDaysBetween(new IWTimestamp(begin), new IWTimestamp(endin)); if (validDays >= 0) { validDays++; } BigDecimal ret = new BigDecimal((double) validDays); ret = ret.divide(new BigDecimal((double) periodDays), precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); return ret.doubleValue(); } public Collection listOfAssessmentTariffPreviews(IWApplicationContext iwac, Integer tariffGroupId, IWTimestamp start, IWTimestamp end) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { Collection tariffs = null; try { tariffs = ((TariffHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Tariff.class)) .findByTariffGroup((tariffGroupId)); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // FinanceFinder.getInstance().listOfTariffs(iTariffGroupId); // List listOfTariffs = new Vector(tariffs); // List listOfUsers = // CampusAccountFinder.listOfRentingUserAccountsByType(getAccountType()); Collection listOfUsers = null; try { listOfUsers = ((ContractAccountApartmentHome) IDOLookup .getHome(ContractAccountApartment.class)).findAll(); } catch (IDOLookupException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (tariffs != null && listOfUsers != null) { Hashtable H = new Hashtable(tariffs.size()); // int rlen = listOfUsers.size(); Tariff eTariff; char cAttribute; ContractAccountApartment user; int iAttributeId = -1; String sAttribute; int precis = getPrecision(iwac); // All tenants accounts (Outer loop) for (Iterator iter1 = listOfUsers.iterator(); iter1.hasNext();) { user = (ContractAccountApartment); double factor = getFactor(user, end, start, precis); // For each tariff (Inner loop) if (factor > 0) { for (Iterator iter = tariffs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { eTariff = (Tariff); sAttribute = eTariff.getTariffAttribute(); // If we have an tariff attribute if (sAttribute != null) { iAttributeId = -1; cAttribute = sAttribute.charAt(0); // System.err.println("att // "+String.valueOf(cAttribute)); // If All if (cAttribute == BuildingCacher.CHARALL) { addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); } // other than all else { // attribute check if (sAttribute.length() >= 3) { iAttributeId = Integer.parseInt(sAttribute .substring(2)); switch (cAttribute) { case BuildingCacher.CHARTYPE: // Apartment type if (iAttributeId == user .getApartmentTypeId()) addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARCATEGORY: // Apartment category if (iAttributeId == user .getApartmentCategoryId()) addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARBUILDING: // Building if (iAttributeId == user .getBuildingId()) addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARFLOOR: // Floor if (iAttributeId == user.getFloorId()) addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARCOMPLEX: // Complex if (iAttributeId == user.getComplexId()) addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARAPARTMENT: // Apartment if (iAttributeId == user .getApartmentId()) addAmount(H, eTariff, factor); break; } // switch } // attribute check } // other than all if (sAttribute.length() >= 3) { iAttributeId = Integer.parseInt(sAttribute .substring(2)); } } } // Inner loop block } // factor check } // Outer loop block // System.err.println("count "+count); if (H != null) { return H.values(); } } // listcheck else"nothing to preview"); return null; } private synchronized void addAmount(Map map, Tariff tariff, double factor) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { // System.err.println("map size "+map.size()); Integer id = ((Integer) tariff.getPrimaryKey()); AssessmentTariffPreview preview; if (map.containsKey(id)) { preview = (AssessmentTariffPreview) map.get(id); } else { preview = new AssessmentTariffPreview(tariff.getName()); } preview.addAmount((float) (tariff.getPrice() * factor)); map.put(id, preview); count++; } private float insertEntry(Tariff T, ContractAccountApartment caa, Integer roundId, IWTimestamp paymentdate, Integer cashierId, double factor, double discount, boolean publicPricing) throws CreateException, java.rmi.RemoteException { if (factor > 0) { AccountEntry AE = ((AccountEntryHome) IDOLookup .getHome(AccountEntry.class)).create(); AE.setAccountId(caa.getAccountId()); AE.setAccountKeyId(T.getAccountKeyId()); AE.setCashierId(cashierId); AE.setLastUpdated(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); BigDecimal price = null; if (!publicPricing) { price = new BigDecimal(-T.getPrice()); } else { if (T.getPublicPrice() > 0.0f) { price = new BigDecimal(-T.getPublicPrice()); } else { price = new BigDecimal(-T.getPrice()); } } // if (discount > 0.0) { price = price.multiply(new BigDecimal(1.0 - discount)); // } price = price.multiply(new BigDecimal(factor)); BigDecimal finalPrice = price.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); if (factor < 1) { logger.fine("price=" + price.doubleValue()); logger.fine(" finalprice=" + finalPrice.doubleValue()); } AE.setTotal(finalPrice.floatValue()); // AE.setTotal((int) (-T.getPrice() * factor)); AE.setRoundId(roundId); AE.setName(T.getName()); if (T.getInfo() != null) AE.setInfo(T.getInfo() + " " + nf.format(factor)); else AE.setInfo(nf.format(factor)); AE.setStatus(; //AE.setCashierId(1); AE.setPaymentDate(paymentdate.getTimestamp()); try { Building building = ((BuildingHome) IDOLookup .getHome(Building.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer( caa.getBuildingId())); String division = building.getDivision(); if (division != null) { AE.setDivisionForAccounting(division); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; createApartmentAccountEntry(new Integer(caa.getApartmentId()), AE); return AE.getTotal(); } return 0; } private float insertContractTariffEntry(ContractTariff T, Contract contract, Integer roundId, IWTimestamp paymentdate, Integer cashierId, double factor, double discount, int financeAccountID) throws CreateException, java.rmi.RemoteException { if (factor > 0) { AccountEntry AE = ((AccountEntryHome) IDOLookup .getHome(AccountEntry.class)).create(); AE.setAccountId(financeAccountID); AE.setAccountKeyId((Integer)T.getAccountKey().getPrimaryKey()); AE.setCashierId(cashierId); AE.setLastUpdated(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal(-T.getPrice()); // if (discount > 0.0) { price = price.multiply(new BigDecimal(1.0 - discount)); // } price = price.multiply(new BigDecimal(factor)); BigDecimal finalPrice = price.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); if (factor < 1) { logger.fine("price=" + price.doubleValue()); logger.fine(" finalprice=" + finalPrice.doubleValue()); } AE.setTotal(finalPrice.floatValue()); // AE.setTotal((int) (-T.getPrice() * factor)); AE.setRoundId(roundId); AE.setName(T.getName()); AE.setInfo(nf.format(factor)); AE.setStatus(; //AE.setCashierId(1); AE.setPaymentDate(paymentdate.getTimestamp()); try { String division = contract.getApartment().getFloor().getBuilding().getDivision(); if (division != null) { AE.setDivisionForAccounting(division); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; createApartmentAccountEntry((Integer)contract.getApartment().getPrimaryKey(), AE); return AE.getTotal(); } return 0; } private void createApartmentAccountEntry(Integer apartmentID, AccountEntry AE) throws CreateException, IDOLookupException { ApartmentAccountEntry aprtEntry = ((ApartmentAccountEntryHome) IDOLookup .getHome(ApartmentAccountEntry.class)).create(); aprtEntry.setAccountEntryID((Integer) AE.getPrimaryKey()); aprtEntry.setApartmentID(apartmentID);; } private void createBatchContract(ContractAccountApartment caa, AssessmentRound round) throws CreateException, IDOLookupException { BatchContract batchContract = ((BatchContractHome) IDOLookup .getHome(BatchContract.class)).create(); batchContract.setBatchID((Integer) round.getPrimaryKey()); batchContract.setContractID(new Integer(caa.getContractId()));; } public Map getAttributeMap() { Map map = BuildingCacher.mapOfLodgingsNames(); map.put("a", "All"); return map; } public List listOfAttributes() { List list = BuildingCacher.listOfMapEntries(); list.add(0, "a"); return list; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) */ public Collection getTariffsForAccountInGroup(Integer accountID, Integer tariffGroupID) { Vector userTariffs = new Vector(); try { Collection tariffs = ((TariffHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Tariff.class)) .findByTariffGroup(tariffGroupID); ContractAccountApartment account = ((ContractAccountApartmentHome) IDOLookup .getHome(ContractAccountApartment.class)) .findByAccountAndRented(accountID, true); for (Iterator iter = tariffs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Tariff tariff = (Tariff); String attribute = tariff.getTariffAttribute(); // If we have an tariff attribute if (attribute != null) { int iAttributeId = -1; char cAttribute = attribute.charAt(0); // If All if (cAttribute == BuildingCacher.CHARALL) { userTariffs.add(tariff); } // other than all else { // attribute check if (attribute.length() >= 3) { iAttributeId = Integer.parseInt(attribute .substring(2)); switch (cAttribute) { case BuildingCacher.CHARTYPE: // Apartment type if (iAttributeId == account .getApartmentTypeId()) userTariffs.add(tariff); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARCATEGORY: // Apartment category if (iAttributeId == account .getApartmentCategoryId()) userTariffs.add(tariff); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARBUILDING: // Building if (iAttributeId == account.getBuildingId()) userTariffs.add(tariff); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARFLOOR: // Floor if (iAttributeId == account.getFloorId()) userTariffs.add(tariff); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARCOMPLEX: // Complex if (iAttributeId == account.getComplexId()) userTariffs.add(tariff); break; case BuildingCacher.CHARAPARTMENT: // Apartment if (iAttributeId == account.getApartmentId()) userTariffs.add(tariff); break; } // switch } // attribute check } // other than all } } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return userTariffs; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * .idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext, java.lang.Integer) */ public void publishAssessment(IWApplicationContext iwac, Integer roundId) { try { CampusAssessmentBusiness assBuiz = (CampusAssessmentBusiness) IBOLookup .getServiceInstance(iwac, CampusAssessmentBusiness.class); assBuiz.publishAssessment(roundId); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private int getPrecision(IWApplicationContext iwac) { String precision = iwac.getIWMainApplication() .getBundle(CampusSettings.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) .getProperty("FINANCE_FACTOR_PRECISION", String.valueOf(2)); if (precision != null) return Integer.parseInt(precision); return 2; } protected ContractService getContractService(IWApplicationContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (ContractService) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, ContractService.class); } }