package se.cubecon.bun24.viewpoint.presentation; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.*; import com.idega.presentation.text.*; import com.idega.presentation.ui.*; import*; import*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.*; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import*; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock; import se.idega.util.PIDChecker; /** * ViewpointForm is an IdegaWeb block that inputs and handles viewpoints from * all kind of system users. It is based on session ejb classes in * {@link} and entity ejb classes in * {@link}. * <p> * The user enters viewpoints by first selecting in a category tree and then * writes the message. This makes it possible for the system to act as a * broker when deciding who should be able to manage the viewpoint and send an * answer. * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2004/11/03 10:07:17 $ by $Author: gimmi $ * * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg</a> * @version $Revision: 1.51 $ * @see * @see com.idega.presentation * @see com.idega.presentation.text * @see com.idega.presentation.ui * @see * @see * @see javax.ejb * @see * @see */ public class ViewpointForm extends CommuneBlock { public final static String PARAM_ACTION = "vp_action"; public final static String PARAM_CATEGORY = "vp_category"; public final static String PARAM_SUBJECT = "vp_subject"; public final static String PARAM_MESSAGE = "vp_message"; public final static String PARAM_ANSWER = "vp_answer"; public final static String PARAM_SSN = "vp_ssn"; public final static String PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID = "vp_viewpoint_id"; public final static String PARAM_ROAD_ID = "vp_road_id"; public final static String PARAM_GROUP_ID = "vp_group_id"; public final static String PARAM_NAME = "vp_name"; public final static String PARAM_EMAIL = "vp_email"; private final static String SHOWTOPCATEGORIESFORM_ACTION = "vp_showtopcategoriesform_action"; private final static String SHOWSUBCATEGORIESFORM_ACTION = "vp_showsubcategoriesform_action"; private final static String REGISTERVIEWPOINT_ACTION = "vp_registerviewpoint_action"; public final static String SHOWVIEWPOINT_ACTION = "vp_showviewpoint_action"; private final static String ACCEPTTOHANDLEVIEWPOINT_ACTION = "vp_accepttohandleviewpoint_action"; private final static String ANSWERVIEWPOINT_ACTION = "vp_answerviewpoint_action"; private final static String FORWARDVIEWPOINT_ACTION = "vp_forwardviewpoint_action"; private final static String SHOWFORWARDFORM_ACTION = "vp_showforwardform_action"; private final static String CANCEL_ACTION = "vp_cancel_action"; private final static String ANSWER_KEY = "viewpoint.answer"; private final static String ANSWER_DEFAULT = "Svar till medborgare"; private final static String APPLIES_KEY = "viewpoint.applies"; private final static String APPLIES_DEFAULT = "Avser"; private final static String CANCEL_KEY = "viewpoint.cancel"; private final static String CANCEL_DEFAULT = "Avbryt"; private final static String CONFIRMANSWERSENT_KEY = "viewpoint.confirmAnswerSent"; private final static String CONFIRMANSWERSENT_DEFAULT = "Ditt svar har nu skickats till medborgaren."; private final static String CONFIRMENTERVIEWPOINT_KEY = ViewpointBusiness.CONFIRMENTERVIEWPOINT_KEY; private final static String CONFIRMENTERVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT = ViewpointBusiness.CONFIRMENTERVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT; private final static String CONFIRMSETHANDLER_KEY = "viewpoint.confirmSetHandler"; private final static String CONFIRMSETHANDLER_DEFAULT = "Du �r nu registrerad som handl�ggare f�r det h�r �rendet."; private final static String CONTINUE_KEY = "viewpoint.continue"; private final static String CONTINUE_DEFAULT = "Forts�tt"; private final static String DESCRIPTION1_KEY = "viewpoint.description1"; private final static String DESCRIPTION1_DEFAULT = "N�r du anv�nder 'Synpunkter' s� ska du ange vilken typ av " + "synpunkter du vill l�mna. Det m�jligg�r f�r oss att l�nka dem till " + "r�tt tj�nsteman f�r snabb handl�ggning och respons. De olika " + "kategorierna ger ocks� m�jlighet till en systematisk uppf�ljning av " + "hur medborgarna uppfattar verksamhet och service i kommunen."; private final static String DESCRIPTION2_KEY = "viewpoint.description2"; private final static String DESCRIPTION2_DEFAULT = "Problem ska i f�rsta hand l�sas d�r de uppst�r. Om du har " + "synpunkter p� hur en enskild skola eller f�rskola fungerar s� ska " + "du d�rf�r i f�rsta hand v�nda dig till personal, rektor eller " + "f�rskolechef."; private final static String EMAIL_KEY = ""; private final static String EMAIL_DEFAULT = "E-post"; private final static String ENTERSUBCATEGORY_KEY = "viewpoint.enterSubCategory"; private final static String ENTERSUBCATEGORY_DEFAULT = "Vilket underomr�de vill du ge synpunkter om?"; private final static String ENTERROAD_KEY = "viewpoint.enterRoad"; private final static String ENTERROAD_DEFAULT = "Gata - om relevant"; private final static String ENTERTOPCATEGORY_KEY = "viewpoint.enterTopCategory"; private final static String ENTERTOPCATEGORY_DEFAULT = "Vilket omr�de vill du ge synpunkter om?"; private final static String FORWARDTO_KEY = "viewpoint.forwardTo"; private final static String FORWARDTO_DEFAULT = "Vidarebefordra till:"; private final static String FORWARDEDTO_KEY = "viewpoint.forwardedTo"; private final static String FORWARDEDTO_DEFAULT = "vidarebefordrad till"; private final static String FORWARD_KEY = "viewpoint.forward"; private final static String FORWARD_DEFAULT = "Vidarebefordra"; private final static String FROMCITIZEN_KEY = "viewpoint.fromCitizen"; private final static String FROMCITIZEN_DEFAULT = "Fr�n medborgare"; private final static String GROUPNAME_KEY = "viewpoint.groupName"; private final static String GROUPNAME_DEFAULT = "Gruppnamn"; private final static String GROUPID_KEY = "viewpoint.groupId"; private final static String IACCEPTTOHANDLETHISVIEWPOINT_KEY = "viewpoint.iAcceptToHandleThisViewpoint"; private final static String IACCEPTTOHANDLETHISVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT = "Jag accepterar att handl�gga den h�r synpunkten"; private final static String LOGINNAME_KEY = "viewpoint.loginName"; //private final static String LOGINNAME_DEFAULT = "Anv�ndarnamn"; private final static String MESSAGE_KEY = "viewpoint.message"; private final static String MESSAGE_DEFAULT = "Meddelande"; private final static String NAME_KEY = ""; private final static String NAME_DEFAULT = "Namn"; private final static String NOTAUTHORIZEDTOSHOWVIEWPOINT_KEY = "viewpoint.notAuthorizedToShowViewpoint"; private final static String NOTAUTHORIZEDTOSHOWVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT = "Du har inte r�ttigheter att se den h�r synpunkten. F�r att kunna se" + " en synpunkt m�ste du antingen ha matat in den sj�lv, vara" + " synpunktens handl�ggare eller ha r�ttigheter att bli synpunktens" + " handl�ggare."; private final static String ROADINFO_KEY = "viewpoint.roadInfo"; private final static String ROADINFO_DEFAULT = "Gata"; private final static String SSN_KEY = "viewpoint.ssn"; private final static String SSN_DEFAULT = "Personnummer"; private final static String SENDANSWERTOCITIZEN_KEY = "viewpoint.sendAnswerToCitizen"; private final static String SENDANSWERTOCITIZEN_DEFAULT = "Skicka svar till medborgare"; private final static String SUBJECT_KEY = "viewpoint.subject"; private final static String SUBJECT_DEFAULT = "Rubrik"; private final static String SUBMITVIEWPOINT_KEY = "viewpoint.submitViewpoint"; private final static String SUBMITVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT = "Skicka synpunkt"; private final static String USERID_KEY = "viewpoint.userId"; private final static String VIEWPOINTS_KEY = "viewpoint.viewpoints"; private final static String VIEWPOINTS_DEFAULT = "Synpunkter"; private final static String VIEWPOINT_KEY = "viewpoint.viewpoint"; private final static String VIEWPOINT_DEFAULT = "Synpunkt"; private final static String GOBACKTOMYPAGE_KEY = "viewpoint.goBackToMyPage"; private final static String GOBACKTOMYPAGE_DEFAULT = "Tillbaka till Min sida"; private final static String UNKNOWN_PAGE = "Unknown Page"; /** * main is the event handler of ViewpointForm. * * @param context session data like user info etc. */ public void main(final IWContext context) { setResourceBundle (getResourceBundle(context)); final boolean isLoggedOn = context.isLoggedOn (); try { if (!isUserIdentified (context)) { showIdentificationForm (); } else if (context.isParameterSet (SHOWSUBCATEGORIESFORM_ACTION)) { showSubCategoriesForm (context); } else if (context.isParameterSet (REGISTERVIEWPOINT_ACTION)) { registerViewpoint (context); } else if (context.isParameterSet (CANCEL_ACTION)) { add (getStartPageLink (context)); } else if (isLoggedOn && context.isParameterSet (ACCEPTTOHANDLEVIEWPOINT_ACTION)) { acceptToHandleViewpoint (context); } else if (isLoggedOn && context.isParameterSet (ANSWERVIEWPOINT_ACTION)) { answerViewpoint (context); } else if (isLoggedOn && context.isParameterSet (SHOWFORWARDFORM_ACTION)) { showForwardForm (context); } else if (isLoggedOn && context.isParameterSet (FORWARDVIEWPOINT_ACTION)) { forwardViewpoint (context); } else if (isLoggedOn && context.isParameterSet (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)) { showViewpoint (context); } else { showTopCategoriesForm (context); } } catch (final Exception exception) { logWarning ("Exception caught in " + getClass ().getName () + " " + (new Date ()).toString ()); logWarning ("Parameters:"); final Enumeration enumer = context.getParameterNames (); while (enumer.hasMoreElements ()) { final String key = (String) enumer.nextElement (); logWarning ('\t' + key + "='" + context.getParameter (key) + "'"); } exception.printStackTrace (); add ("Det intr�ffade ett fel. F�rs�k igen senare."); } } private void showIdentificationForm () { final Form form = new Form(); final Text useSsnHeader = getSmallHeader ("Du som redan har medborgakonto"); final Text useSsnText = getSmallText ("Om du redan har ett medborgarkonto s� kan du l�mna en synpunkt utan att logga in genom att ange ditt perssonnummer nedan:"); final TextInput ssnInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface (new TextInput (PARAM_SSN)); ssnInput.setLength (10); final SubmitButton submit = getSubmitButton (SHOWTOPCATEGORIESFORM_ACTION, CONTINUE_KEY, CONTINUE_DEFAULT); final Text applyHeader = getSmallHeader ("Om du vill ans�ka om medborgarkonto"); final Text applyText = getSmallText ("Om du bor i kommunen, men �nnu inte har skaffat medborgarkonto s� kan du g�ra en ans�kan nu genom att klicka p� ans�kningsl�nken i �vre marginalen."); final Text submitNameAndEmailHeader = getSmallHeader ("Du som bara vill l�mna en synpunkt"); final Text submitNameAndEmailText = getSmallText ("Du kan ocks� l�mna en synpunkt genom att ange ditt namn och din e-post nedan:"); final TextInput nameInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface (new TextInput (PARAM_NAME)); nameInput.setLength (40); final TextInput emailInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface (new TextInput (PARAM_EMAIL)); nameInput.setLength (50); final Table table = new Table (); table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellpadding (0); table.setCellspacing (0); int row = 1; table.add (useSsnHeader, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (useSsnText, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); final Table ssnTable = new Table (2, 1); ssnTable.setWidth(1, 100); ssnTable.add (getLocalizedHeader (SSN_KEY, SSN_DEFAULT), 1, 1); ssnTable.add (ssnInput, 2, 1); table.add (ssnTable, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (submit, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 24); table.add (applyHeader, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (applyText, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 24); table.add (submitNameAndEmailHeader, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (submitNameAndEmailText, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); final Table nameAndEmailTable = new Table (2, 2); nameAndEmailTable.setWidth(1, 100); nameAndEmailTable.add (getLocalizedHeader (NAME_KEY, NAME_DEFAULT), 1, 1); nameAndEmailTable.add (nameInput, 2, 1); nameAndEmailTable.add (getLocalizedHeader (EMAIL_KEY, EMAIL_DEFAULT), 1, 2); nameAndEmailTable.add (emailInput, 2, 2); table.add (nameAndEmailTable, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (submit, 1, row++); form.add (table); add (form); } private void showTopCategoriesForm (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final Form form = new Form(); final Text text1 = new Text (getLocalizedString (DESCRIPTION1_KEY, DESCRIPTION1_DEFAULT)); final Text text2 = new Text (getLocalizedString (DESCRIPTION2_KEY, DESCRIPTION2_DEFAULT)); final DropdownMenu categoryDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface (new DropdownMenu (PARAM_CATEGORY)); final TopCategory [] categories = getViewpointBusiness (context).findAllTopCategories (); for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { final String id = categories[i].getPrimaryKey().toString(); categoryDropdown.addMenuElement (id, categories [i].getName ()); } final SubmitButton submit = getSubmitButton (SHOWSUBCATEGORIESFORM_ACTION, CONTINUE_KEY, CONTINUE_DEFAULT); final Table table = new Table (); table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellpadding (0); table.setCellspacing (0); int row = 1; table.add (text1, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (text2, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (ENTERTOPCATEGORY_KEY, ENTERTOPCATEGORY_DEFAULT), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (categoryDropdown, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (submit, 1, row++); form.add (table); add (form); } private void showSubCategoriesForm (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { if (!context.isParameterSet (PARAM_CATEGORY)) { showTopCategoriesForm (context); return; } final Form form = new Form(); final DropdownMenu categoryDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface (new DropdownMenu (PARAM_CATEGORY)); final DropdownMenu roadDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface (new DropdownMenu (PARAM_ROAD_ID)); final int topCategoryId = Integer.parseInt (context.getParameter (PARAM_CATEGORY)); final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness (context); final SubCategory [] categories = viewpointBusiness.findSubCategories (topCategoryId); for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { final String id = categories [i].getPrimaryKey ().toString(); categoryDropdown.addMenuElement (id, categories [i].getName ()); } final RoadResponsible [] roads = viewpointBusiness.findAllRoadResponsible (); roadDropdown.addMenuElement ("-1", "Ej relevant"); for (int i = 0; i < roads.length; i++) { final RoadResponsible road = roads [i]; final String id = road.getPrimaryKey ().toString(); roadDropdown.addMenuElement (id, road.getRoad () + " (" + road.getArea () + ")"); } final TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface (new TextInput (PARAM_SUBJECT)); textInput.setLength (40); final TextArea textArea = (TextArea) getStyledInterface (new TextArea (PARAM_MESSAGE)); textArea.setColumns (40); textArea.setRows (10); textArea.setMaximumCharacters (400); final SubmitButton submit = getSubmitButton (REGISTERVIEWPOINT_ACTION, SUBMITVIEWPOINT_KEY, SUBMITVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT); final Table table = new Table (); table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); int row = 1; table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (ENTERSUBCATEGORY_KEY, ENTERSUBCATEGORY_DEFAULT), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add (categoryDropdown, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (ENTERROAD_KEY, ENTERROAD_DEFAULT), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add (roadDropdown, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (SUBJECT_KEY, SUBJECT_DEFAULT), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add (textInput, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (VIEWPOINTS_KEY, VIEWPOINTS_DEFAULT), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 6); table.add (textArea, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (submit, 1, row++); form.add (table); add (form); } private void showViewpoint (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { if (!context.isParameterSet (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)) { add (UNKNOWN_PAGE); return; } final User currentUser = context.getCurrentUser (); final int currentUserId = ((Integer) currentUser.getPrimaryKey ()).intValue (); final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness(context); final int viewpointId = Integer.parseInt (context.getParameter (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)); final Viewpoint viewpoint = viewpointBusiness.findViewpoint (viewpointId); final User handler = viewpoint.getOwner (); final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup .getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); final Collection currentUsersGroups = userBusiness.getUserGroups (currentUserId); final Group handlerGroup = viewpoint.getHandlerGroup (); final boolean isCurrentUserHandler = handler != null && currentUserId == ((Integer) handler.getPrimaryKey ()).intValue (); final Integer userId = viewpoint.getUserId (); final boolean isCurrentUserOriginator = null != userId && userId.intValue () == currentUserId; final boolean isCurrentUserPotentialHandler = handler == null && currentUsersGroups.contains (handlerGroup); if (isCurrentUserPotentialHandler) { // ask user if he wants to handle this viewpoint showAcceptForm (context); } else if (isCurrentUserHandler && !viewpoint.isAnswered ()) { // user handles this viewpoint, let him send answer showAnswerForm (context); } else if (isCurrentUserOriginator || isCurrentUserHandler) { // user just wants to see the viewpoint final Table table = createViewpointTable (viewpoint, context); int row = 6; if (viewpoint.isAnswered ()) { table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (ANSWER_KEY, ANSWER_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break (), 1, row); table.add (new Text (viewpoint.getAnswer ()), 1, row++); } table.add(getStartPageLink (context), 1, row++); add (table); } else { // user is not authorized to see this particular viewpoint add (getLocalizedHeader (NOTAUTHORIZEDTOSHOWVIEWPOINT_KEY, NOTAUTHORIZEDTOSHOWVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT)); } } private void showAcceptForm(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness (context); final int viewpointId = Integer.parseInt (context.getParameter (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)); final Viewpoint viewpoint = viewpointBusiness.findViewpoint (viewpointId); final Form form = new Form(); form.add(new HiddenInput (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID, viewpointId + "")); final Table table = createViewpointTable (viewpoint, context); final SubmitButton submit = getSubmitButton (ACCEPTTOHANDLEVIEWPOINT_ACTION, IACCEPTTOHANDLETHISVIEWPOINT_KEY, IACCEPTTOHANDLETHISVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT); int row = 6; table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (submit, 1, row++); table.add (getSubmitButton (CANCEL_ACTION, CANCEL_KEY, CANCEL_DEFAULT), 1, row++); form.add(table); add(form); } private void acceptToHandleViewpoint(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { // 1. parse input final int viewpointId = Integer.parseInt(context.getParameter(PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)); // 2. registerhandler final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness(context); viewpointBusiness.registerHandler(viewpointId, context.getCurrentUser ()); // 3. print feedback final Text text = new Text(getLocalizedString(CONFIRMSETHANDLER_KEY, CONFIRMSETHANDLER_DEFAULT)); text.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); final Table table = new Table(1, 2); int row = 1; table.setWidth(600); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(14); table.setColor(getBackgroundColor()); table.add(text, 1, row++); table.add(getStartPageLink (context), 1, row++); add(table); } private void showAnswerForm(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { // 1. find viewpoint final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness (context); final int viewpointId = Integer.parseInt (context.getParameter (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)); final Viewpoint viewpoint = viewpointBusiness.findViewpoint (viewpointId); // 2. add answer form final TextArea textArea = new TextArea (PARAM_ANSWER); textArea.setColumns (40); textArea.setRows (10); textArea.setMaximumCharacters (400); final SubmitButton answerButton = getSubmitButton (ANSWERVIEWPOINT_ACTION, SENDANSWERTOCITIZEN_KEY, SENDANSWERTOCITIZEN_DEFAULT); final SubmitButton cancelButton = getSubmitButton (CANCEL_ACTION, CANCEL_KEY, CANCEL_DEFAULT); final Table buttonTable = new Table (); buttonTable.add (answerButton, 1, 1); buttonTable.add (cancelButton, 2, 1); // 3. add forward form final SubmitButton forwardButton = getSubmitButton (SHOWFORWARDFORM_ACTION, FORWARD_KEY, FORWARD_DEFAULT); final Table table = createViewpointTable (viewpoint, context); int row = 6; table.add (getLocalizedHeader(ANSWER_KEY, ANSWER_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break(), 1, row); table.add (textArea, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (buttonTable, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 24); table.add (getLocalizedHeader (FORWARDTO_KEY, FORWARDTO_DEFAULT.toUpperCase ()), 1, row++); final Table radioButtonTable = new Table (3, 2); final RadioButton button1 = getRadioButton (FORWARDTO_KEY, GROUPNAME_KEY); button1.setSelected (); final TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface (new TextInput (GROUPNAME_KEY)); textInput.setLength (40); radioButtonTable.add (button1, 1, 1); final String headerText = getLocalizedString (GROUPNAME_KEY, GROUPNAME_DEFAULT); radioButtonTable.add (getSmallHeader (headerText + ":"), 2, 1); radioButtonTable.add (textInput, 3, 1); final RadioButton button2 = getRadioButton (FORWARDTO_KEY, GROUPID_KEY); radioButtonTable.add (button2, 1, 2); final DropdownMenu dropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface (new DropdownMenu (PARAM_GROUP_ID)); Group [] groups = viewpointBusiness.findAllHandlingGroups (); for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { dropdown.addMenuElement (groups [i].getPrimaryKey ().toString (), groups [i].getName ()); } radioButtonTable.add (dropdown, 2, 2); table.add (radioButtonTable, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (forwardButton, 1, row++); // 4. create actual form object final Form form = new Form(); form.add(new HiddenInput (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID, viewpointId + "")); form.add (table); add (form); } private void answerViewpoint(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, CreateException, FinderException { // 1. parse input final int viewpointId = Integer.parseInt(context.getParameter(PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)); final String answer = context.getParameter(PARAM_ANSWER); // 2. register answer final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness(context); viewpointBusiness.answerAndDeregisterViewpoint(viewpointId, answer); // 3. print feedback final Text text = new Text(getLocalizedString(CONFIRMANSWERSENT_KEY, CONFIRMANSWERSENT_DEFAULT)); text.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); final Table table = new Table(1, 2); int row = 1; table.setWidth(600); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(14); table.setColor(getBackgroundColor()); table.add(text, 1, row++); table.add(getStartPageLink (context), 1, row++); add(table); } private void forwardViewpoint (final IWContext context) { final Table table = new Table (); int row = 1; table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); add (table); final String forwardType = context.getParameter (FORWARDTO_KEY); Link homeLink = null; try { final int viewpointId = Integer.parseInt (context.getParameter (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID)); final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness (context); homeLink = getStartPageLink (context); String receiverName = null; if (null != forwardType && forwardType.equals (LOGINNAME_KEY)) { // Login name entered final String loginName = context.getParameter (LOGINNAME_KEY); final User receiver = getUserByLogin (context, loginName); viewpointBusiness.registerHandler (viewpointId, receiver); receiverName = receiver.getName (); } else if (null != forwardType && forwardType.equals (SSN_KEY)) { // SSN entered final String ssn = getSsn (context, SSN_KEY); final User receiver = getUserBySsn (context, ssn); viewpointBusiness.registerHandler (viewpointId, receiver); receiverName = receiver.getName (); } else if (null != forwardType && forwardType.equals (USERID_KEY)) { // User id entered final String userId = context.getParameter (USERID_KEY); final User receiver = getUserById (context, userId); viewpointBusiness.registerHandler (viewpointId, receiver); receiverName = receiver.getName (); } else if (null != forwardType && forwardType.equals (GROUPNAME_KEY)) { // Group name entered final String groupName = context.getParameter (GROUPNAME_KEY); final Group receiver = getGroupByName (context, groupName); viewpointBusiness.registerHandler (viewpointId, receiver); receiverName = receiver.getName (); } else if (null != forwardType && forwardType.equals (GROUPID_KEY)) { // Group id entered final String groupId = context.getParameter (PARAM_GROUP_ID); final Group receiver = getGroupById (context, groupId); viewpointBusiness.registerHandler (viewpointId, receiver); receiverName = receiver.getName (); } else { table.add (new Text("Ok�nd typ av vidarebefordran"), 1, row++); } table.add (new Text(getLocalizedString (VIEWPOINT_KEY, VIEWPOINT_DEFAULT) + " " + viewpointId + " " + getLocalizedString (FORWARDEDTO_KEY, FORWARDEDTO_DEFAULT).toLowerCase () + " " + receiverName), 1, row++); } catch (final FinderException e) { table.add (new Text (e.getMessage ()), 1, row++); } catch (final RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace (); table.add (new Text ("Ett fel intr�ffade."), 1, row++); } if (null != homeLink) { table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (homeLink, 1, row++); } } private void registerViewpoint(final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, CreateException, FinderException { final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness (context); final int subCategoryId = new Integer (context.getParameter (PARAM_CATEGORY)).intValue(); final SubCategory subCategory = viewpointBusiness.findSubCategory (subCategoryId); final TopCategory topCategory = subCategory.getTopCategory (); final Group handlerGroup = subCategory.getHandlerGroup (); final int handlerGroupId = ((Integer) handlerGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); final int roadId = new Integer (context.getParameter (PARAM_ROAD_ID)).intValue(); final String subject = context.getParameter (PARAM_SUBJECT); final String message = context.getParameter (PARAM_MESSAGE); final User user = getCurrentUser (context); if (null != user) { viewpointBusiness.createViewpoint (user, subject, message, topCategory.getName () + "/" + subCategory.getName (), handlerGroupId, roadId); } else if (isUserIdentifiedByEmailAndName (context)) { final HttpSession session = context.getSession (); final String userName = (String) session.getAttribute (NAME_KEY); final String userEmail = (String) session.getAttribute (EMAIL_KEY); viewpointBusiness.createViewpoint (userName, userEmail, subject, message, topCategory.getName () + "/" + subCategory.getName (), handlerGroupId, roadId); } final Text text1 = new Text (getLocalizedString (CONFIRMENTERVIEWPOINT_KEY, CONFIRMENTERVIEWPOINT_DEFAULT)); text1.setWidth (Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); final Table table = new Table (); int row = 1; table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); table.add (text1, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (getStartPageLink (context), 1, row++); add (table); } private void showForwardForm (final IWContext context) { final Form form = new Form(); final Table table = new Table (); int row = 1; table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (0); form.maintainParameter (PARAM_VIEWPOINT_ID); final String forwardType = context.getParameter (FORWARDTO_KEY); table.add (getLocalizedHeader (FORWARDTO_KEY, FORWARDTO_DEFAULT.toUpperCase ()), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); form.add (table); add (form); Link homeLink = null; try { homeLink = getStartPageLink (context); if (null != forwardType && (forwardType.equals (GROUPNAME_KEY) || forwardType.equals (GROUPID_KEY))) { Group group = null; String groupName = null; RadioButton groupRadioButton = null; if (forwardType.equals (GROUPNAME_KEY)) { // Group name entered groupName = context.getParameter (GROUPNAME_KEY); group = getGroupByName (context, groupName); groupRadioButton = getRadioButton (FORWARDTO_KEY, GROUPNAME_KEY); form.maintainParameter (GROUPNAME_KEY); } else { // Group id entered group = getGroupById (context, context.getParameter (PARAM_GROUP_ID)); groupName = group.getName (); groupRadioButton = getRadioButton (FORWARDTO_KEY, GROUPID_KEY); form.maintainParameter (PARAM_GROUP_ID); } final GroupBusiness groupBusiness = (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, GroupBusiness.class); final RadioButton userRadioButton = getRadioButton (FORWARDTO_KEY, USERID_KEY); userRadioButton.setSelected(); final Collection users = groupBusiness.getUsersRecursive (group); final DropdownMenu userDropdown = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface (new DropdownMenu (USERID_KEY)); for (Iterator i = users.iterator (); i.hasNext ();) { final User user = (User) (); final String id = user.getPrimaryKey ().toString(); userDropdown.addMenuElement (id, user.getName ()); } final Table radioTable = new Table (2, 2); radioTable.add (groupRadioButton, 1, 1); radioTable.add (new Text(groupName), 2, 1); radioTable.add (userRadioButton, 1, 2); radioTable.add (userDropdown, 2, 2); table.add (radioTable, 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); final SubmitButton forwardButton = getSubmitButton (FORWARDVIEWPOINT_ACTION, FORWARD_KEY, FORWARD_DEFAULT); final SubmitButton cancelButton = getSubmitButton (CANCEL_ACTION, CANCEL_KEY, CANCEL_DEFAULT); final Table buttonTable = new Table (); buttonTable.add (forwardButton, 1, 1); buttonTable.add (cancelButton, 2, 1); table.add (buttonTable, 1, row++); } else { table.add (new Text("Ok�nd typ av vidarebefordran"), 1, row++); } } catch (final FinderException e) { table.add (new Text (e.getMessage ()), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (homeLink, 1, row++); } catch (final RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace (); table.add (new Text ("Ett fel intr�ffade."), 1, row++); table.setHeight (row++, 12); table.add (homeLink, 1, row++); } } private User getUserById (final IWContext context, final String userId) throws FinderException { User result = null; try { final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); result = userBusiness.getUser (Integer.parseInt (userId)); } catch (RemoteException dummy) { // nothing, since algorithm is in finally clause } finally { if (null == result) { throw new FinderException ("Hittade inte anv�ndaren med id " + userId); } } return result; } private User getUserByLogin (final IWContext context, final String loginName) throws FinderException { User result = null; try { final LoginTable loginTable = LoginDBHandler.getUserLoginByUserName (loginName); final int userId = loginTable.getUserId (); final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); result = userBusiness.getUser (userId); } catch (RemoteException dummy) { // nothing, since algorithm is in finally clause } finally { if (null == result) { throw new FinderException ("Hittade inte anv�ndarnamnet " + loginName); } } return result; } private User getUserBySsn (final IWContext context, final String ssn) throws FinderException{ User result = null; try { final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); result = userBusiness.getUser (ssn); } catch (RemoteException dummy) { // nothing, since algorithm is in finally clause } catch(FinderException ex){ log ("Hittade inte anvandaren " + ssn + " Felaktigt personnummer"); throw ex; } return result; } private Group getGroupByName (final IWContext context, final String groupName) throws FinderException { Group result = null; try { final GroupBusiness groupBusiness = (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, GroupBusiness.class); Collection col = groupBusiness.getGroupHome().findGroupsByName(groupName); if(col!=null && col.isEmpty()){ result = (Group) col.iterator().next(); } } catch (RemoteException dummy) { // nothing, since algorithm is in finally clause } finally { if (null == result) { throw new FinderException ("Hittade inte gruppen " + groupName + ". T�nk p� att skillnaden p�" + " versaler och gemener �r" + " signifikant."); } } return result; } private Group getGroupById (final IWContext context, final String id) throws FinderException { Group result = null; try { final GroupBusiness groupBusiness = (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, GroupBusiness.class); result = groupBusiness.getGroupByGroupID (new Integer (id).intValue ()); } catch (RemoteException dummy) { // nothing, since algorithm is in finally clause } finally { if (null == result) { throw new FinderException ("Hittade inte gruppen med id " + id); } } return result; } private Link getStartPageLink (final IWContext context) { Link result = null; try { if (context.isLoggedOn ()) { final Text userHomePageText = new Text (getLocalizedString (GOBACKTOMYPAGE_KEY, GOBACKTOMYPAGE_DEFAULT)); final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); final User user = context.getCurrentUser (); final int homePageId = userBusiness.getHomePageIDForUser (user); result = new Link (userHomePageText); result.setPage (homePageId); } } catch (Exception e) { // nothing, since algorithm is in finally clause } finally { if (null == result) { result = new Link ("Tillbaka till startsidan", "/"); } } return result; } private SubmitButton getSubmitButton (final String action, final String key, final String defaultName) { return (SubmitButton) getButton (new SubmitButton (action, getLocalizedString (key, defaultName))); } private Table createViewpointTable (final Viewpoint viewpoint, final IWContext context) throws RemoteException{ final Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth (getWidth ()); table.setCellspacing (0); table.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); int row = 1; table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (APPLIES_KEY, APPLIES_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break (), 1, row); table.add (new Text (viewpoint.getCategory ()), 1, row++); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (FROMCITIZEN_KEY, FROMCITIZEN_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break (), 1, row); final Integer userId = viewpoint.getUserId (); if (null != userId) { final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup .getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); final User user = userBusiness.getUser (viewpoint.getUserId ()); table.add (new Text (user.getName ()), 1, row++); } else { table.add (new Text (viewpoint.getUserName () + " (" + viewpoint.getUserEmail () + ")"), 1, row++); } table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (SUBJECT_KEY, SUBJECT_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break (), 1, row); table.add (new Text (viewpoint.getSubject ()), 1, row++); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (ROADINFO_KEY, ROADINFO_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break (), 1, row); final Integer roadInfoId = viewpoint.getRoadResponsibleId (); String road = "-"; if (roadInfoId != null) { try { final ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = getViewpointBusiness(context); final RoadResponsible roadResponsible = viewpointBusiness.findRoadResponsible (roadInfoId.intValue ()); road = roadResponsible.getRoad () + " (" + roadResponsible.getArea () + ")"; } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } table.add (new Text (road), 1, row++); table.add (getLocalizedSmallHeader (MESSAGE_KEY, MESSAGE_DEFAULT), 1, row); table.add (new Break (), 1, row); table.add (new Text (viewpoint.getMessage ()), 1, row++); return table; } private boolean isUserIdentified (final IWContext context) { return context.isLoggedOn () || isUserIdentifiedBySsn (context) || isUserIdentifiedByEmailAndName (context); } private boolean isUserIdentifiedBySsn (final IWContext context) { boolean result = false; final HttpSession session = context.getSession (); try { if (null != session.getAttribute (SSN_KEY)) { result = true; } else { final String ssn = getSsn (context, PARAM_SSN); final UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup .getServiceInstance (context, UserBusiness.class); final User user = userBusiness.getUser (ssn); final Integer userId = (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey (); final LoginTable loginTable = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin (userId.intValue ()); if (loginTable != null) { // user has a citizen account session.setAttribute (SSN_KEY, user); result = true; } } } catch (final Exception e) { result = false; } return result; } private boolean isUserIdentifiedByEmailAndName (final IWContext context) { boolean result = false; final HttpSession session = context.getSession (); try { if (null != session.getAttribute (EMAIL_KEY)) { result = true; } else { final String email = context.getParameter (PARAM_EMAIL).trim (); final String name = context.getParameter (PARAM_NAME).trim (); if (email.length () > 0 && name.length () > 0) { session.setAttribute (EMAIL_KEY, email); session.setAttribute (NAME_KEY, name); result = true; } } } catch (final Exception e) { result = false; } return result; } private User getCurrentUser (final IWContext context) { User result = null; if (context.isLoggedOn ()) { result = context.getCurrentUser (); } else if (isUserIdentifiedBySsn (context)) { final HttpSession session = context.getSession (); result = (User) session.getAttribute (SSN_KEY); } return result; } private static String getSsn(final IWContext context, final String key) { final String rawInput = context.getParameter(key); if (rawInput == null) { return null; } final StringBuffer digitOnlyInput = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rawInput.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(rawInput.charAt(i))) { digitOnlyInput.append(rawInput.charAt(i)); } } final Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); final int currentYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (digitOnlyInput.length() == 10) { final int inputYear = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(0, 2)).intValue(); final int century = inputYear + 2000 > currentYear ? 19 : 20; digitOnlyInput.insert(0, century); } final PIDChecker pidChecker = PIDChecker.getInstance(); if (digitOnlyInput.length() != 12 || !pidChecker.isValid(digitOnlyInput.toString())) { return null; } final int year = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(0, 4)).intValue(); final int month = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(4, 6)).intValue(); final int day = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(6, 8)).intValue(); if (year < 1880 || year > currentYear || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31) { return null; } return digitOnlyInput.toString(); } private String getLocalizedString(final String key, final String value) { return getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString(key, value); } private ViewpointBusiness getViewpointBusiness (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException { return (ViewpointBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, ViewpointBusiness.class); } }