/* * $Id: IWActionURI.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:25 idegaweb Exp $ * Created on Jan 31, 2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.core.uri; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; /** * * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:25 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * A "parser" class for an action URI that divides an action uri into three parts: action, path and identifier * @author <a href="mailto:eiki@idega.com">eiki</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class IWActionURI { private String actionPart; private String pathPart; private String identifierPart; private String handlerIdentifierPart; private String contextURI = "/"; private final static String UNDEFINED_HANDLER_IDENTIFER = "default"; private int INDEX_OF_ACTION = 0; private int INDEX_OF_HANDLER_IDENTIFIER = 1; public IWActionURI() { } /** * */ public IWActionURI(String requestURI) { parseRequestURI(requestURI); } public void parseRequestURI(String requestURI){ setActionPart(extractActionPart(requestURI)); setHandlerIdentifier(extractHandlerIdentifierPart(requestURI)); setPathPart(extractPathPart(requestURI)); setIdentifierPart(extractIdentifierPath(requestURI)); setContextURI(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getApplicationContextURI()); } /** * @param requestURI * @return the identifer part of the requesturi */ protected String extractIdentifierPath(String requestURI) { //get the identifier part return requestURI.substring(requestURI.lastIndexOf("/")+1); } /** * @param requestURI * @return the handler identifier part of the requesturi */ protected String extractHandlerIdentifierPart(String requestURI) { //get the path part StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(extractActionURI(requestURI),"/"); for(int i = 0; i < this.INDEX_OF_HANDLER_IDENTIFIER;i++){ if(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ tokenizer.nextToken(); } } if(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ return tokenizer.nextToken(); } return null; } /** * @param requestURI * @return the path part of the requesturi */ protected String extractPathPart(String requestURI) { //get the path part String actionPath = extractActionURI(requestURI); String prefix = getActionPart()+"/"+getHandlerIdentifier(); int index = actionPath.indexOf(prefix); if(index>=0){ return actionPath.substring(index+prefix.length()); } return null; } /** * @param requestURI * @return the action part of the requesturi */ protected String extractActionPart(String requestURI) { //get the action part String action = extractActionURI(requestURI); action = action.substring(0,action.indexOf("/")); return action; } /** * @param requestURI * @return the action path of the requesturi e.g. "edit/files/cms/article/1.xml" from "/idegaweb/action/edit/files/cms/article/1.xml" */ protected String extractActionURI(String requestURI) { //get the action path int index = requestURI.indexOf(IWActionURIManager.IDEGAWEB_ACTION_PATH_PREFIX); String actionPath = requestURI.substring(index+IWActionURIManager.IDEGAWEB_ACTION_PATH_PREFIX.length()); return actionPath; } /** * @return Returns the actionPart, e.g. "edit" from /idegaweb/action/edit/default/files/cms/article/1.xml */ public String getActionPart() { return this.actionPart; } /** * @return Returns the pathPart, e.g. "/files/cms/article/01012005.article/en.xml" from /idegaweb/action/edit/default/files/cms/article/01012005.article/en.xml */ public String getPathPart() { return this.pathPart; } /** * @return Returns the identifierPart, e.g. "01012005.article/en.xml" from /idegaweb/action/edit/default/files/cms/article/01012005.article/en.xml */ public String getIdentifierPart() { return this.identifierPart; } /** * @return Returns the handlerIdentifier, e.g. "default" from /idegaweb/action/edit/default/files/cms/article/1.xml */ public String getHandlerIdentifier() { return (this.handlerIdentifierPart!=null)?this.handlerIdentifierPart:UNDEFINED_HANDLER_IDENTIFER; } public String getContextURI(){ return this.contextURI; } public static void main(String[] args){ IWActionURI uri = new IWActionURI("/idegaweb/action/edit/default/files/cms/article/01012005.article/en.xml"); System.out.println(uri.getContextURI()); System.out.println(IWActionURIManager.IDEGAWEB_ACTION_PATH_PREFIX); System.out.println(uri.getActionPart()); System.out.println(uri.getHandlerIdentifier()); System.out.println(uri.getPathPart()); System.out.println(uri.toString()); } /** * @param actionPart The actionPart to set. */ public void setActionPart(String actionPart) { this.actionPart = actionPart; } /** * @param identifierPart The identifierPart to set. */ public void setIdentifierPart(String identifierPart) { this.identifierPart = identifierPart; } /** * @param pathPart The pathPart to set. */ public void setPathPart(String pathPart) { this.pathPart = pathPart; } /** * @param handlerIdentifier The handlerIdentifier to set. */ public void setHandlerIdentifier(String handlerIdentifier) { this.handlerIdentifierPart = handlerIdentifier; } public void setContextURI(String uri){ this.contextURI = uri; if(this.contextURI != null && !this.contextURI.endsWith("/")){ this.contextURI = this.contextURI+"/"; } else if(this.contextURI==null){ this.contextURI = "/"; } } public String buildActionURI(){ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(getContextURI()); buffer.append(IWActionURIManager.IDEGAWEB_ACTION_PATH_PREFIX); buffer.append(getActionPart()); buffer.append("/"); buffer.append(getHandlerIdentifier()); buffer.append(getPathPart()); return buffer.toString(); } public String toString(){ return buildActionURI(); } }