package is.idega.idegaweb.project.presentation; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import; import; import com.idega.event.GenericState; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; /** * Title: IW Project * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class EntityNavigationList extends Block { protected Table table = null; protected String[] linkColumns = null; protected int columns = 2; protected int extraRows = 0; protected int iterStartIndex = 1; protected int nameColumn = 2; protected int initSelectedElement = -1; protected int minimumNumberOfRows = 8; protected int cellspacing = 0; protected int cellpadding = 0; protected boolean linesBeetween = true; protected boolean bottomLine = true; protected boolean topLine = false; boolean addLinkBefore = false; protected String separator = " "; protected String sebracolor1 = "#FFFFFF"; protected String sebracolor2 = "#CCCCCC"; protected String selectedColor = "#E9E9B7"; protected String lineColor = "#333333"; protected String width = "181"; protected String rowHeight = "20"; public static final String _SELECTED_ENTITY_ID = "enav_selentid"; private Object _firstLinkDisplayObj = "All"; public EntityNavigationList() { super(); table = new Table(); linkColumns = new String[0]; this.add(table); initDefaultState(); } public void initDefaultState(){ EntityNavigationListState defState = new EntityNavigationListState(this); defState.setSelectedElementID(-1); this.setDefaultState(defState); } public void setMinimumNumberOfRows(int number){ minimumNumberOfRows = number; } public void setSebraColor(String color1, String color2){ sebracolor1 = color1; sebracolor2 = color2; } public void setRowColor(String color){ sebracolor1 = color; sebracolor2 = color; } public void setLineColor(String color){ lineColor = color; } public void setWidth(String width){ this.width = width; } public void setRowHeight(String rowHeight){ this.rowHeight = rowHeight; } public void setSelectedColor(String color){ selectedColor = color; } public void add(PresentationObject prObject, int xpos, int ypos){ table.add(prObject,xpos,ypos); } public abstract List getEntityList(IWContext iwc) throws Exception; public abstract void initColumns(IWContext iwc) throws Exception; public void addLinkEntityColumn(String columnName){ // increase length String[] newlinkColumns = new String[linkColumns.length+1]; System.arraycopy(linkColumns,0,newlinkColumns,0,linkColumns.length); linkColumns = newlinkColumns; // done linkColumns[linkColumns.length-1] = columnName; } protected void addParameters(IWContext iwc, IDOLegacyEntity item, Link link){ if( item != null){ link.addParameter(_SELECTED_ENTITY_ID,item.getID()); }else{ link.addParameter(_SELECTED_ENTITY_ID,-1); } } private Object getDisplayedText(IDOLegacyEntity item){ if(item != null){ if(linkColumns != null){ if(linkColumns.length == 1){ Object toReturn = null; toReturn = item.getColumnValue(linkColumns[0]); if(toReturn instanceof PresentationObject || toReturn instanceof String){ return toReturn; }else if(toReturn instanceof Integer){ return ((Integer)toReturn).toString(); }else{ System.err.print(this+": datatype not instance of presentationObject, java.lang.String"); return "link"; } }else { String returnString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < linkColumns.length; i++) { if(i!= 0){ returnString += separator; } if(item.getStorageClassType(linkColumns[i]) == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_STRING){ returnString += (String)item.getColumnValue(linkColumns[i]); } else if (item.getStorageClassType(linkColumns[i]) == EntityAttribute.TYPE_JAVA_LANG_INTEGER){ returnString += ((Integer)item.getColumnValue(linkColumns[i])).toString(); }else{ System.err.println(this+": datatype not supported in multivalue mode"); } } if(returnString.equals("")){ returnString = "link"; } return returnString; } } else { System.err.println(this+": entitycolumns are not defined "); return "link"; } }else{ return null; } } public void initializeInMain(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ super.initializeInMain(iwc); this.initColumns(iwc); if(addLinkBefore){ extraRows += 1; initSelectedElement = 1; iterStartIndex += 1; } } public void setAddLinkBefore(boolean value){ addLinkBefore = value; } public void setFirstLinkFace(PresentationObject face){ _firstLinkDisplayObj = face; } public void setFirstLinkText(String localizedKey){ _firstLinkDisplayObj = localizedKey; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { IWBundle iwb = this.getBundle(iwc); IWResourceBundle iwrb = iwb.getResourceBundle(iwc); //System.err.println("EntityNavigationList hashcode: "+ this.hashCode()); EntityNavigationListState state = (EntityNavigationListState)this.getState(iwc); //temp table.empty(); //System.err.println("table.empty()"); //initColumns(iwc); int selectedElement = -1; int selectedItem = state.getSelectedElementID(); //System.err.println("selectedItem: "+selectedItem + " and getDefaultState()).getSelectedElementID():"+((EntityNavigationListState)this.getDefaultState()).getSelectedElementID()); PresentationObject firstT = null; if(addLinkBefore){ Object tObj = getDisplayedText(null); if(tObj == null){ if(_firstLinkDisplayObj instanceof String){ tObj = iwrb.getLocalizedString((String)_firstLinkDisplayObj,(String)_firstLinkDisplayObj); } else { tObj = _firstLinkDisplayObj; } } if(selectedItem <=0 && initSelectedElement == 1){ selectedElement = 1; } if (tObj instanceof String){ firstT = new Link((String)tObj); if(selectedElement == 1){ ((Link)firstT).setBold(true); } ((Link)firstT).setFontSize(1); } else { firstT = new Link((PresentationObject)tObj); } addParameters(iwc, null, (Link)firstT); } List projects = getEntityList(iwc); if( projects != null && projects.size() > 0){ //System.err.println("table.resize("+columns+","+Math.max(projects.size()+extraRows,minimumNumberOfRows)+")"); table.resize(columns,Math.max(projects.size()+extraRows,minimumNumberOfRows)); //System.err.println("table.getColuns()="+table.getColumns()+" table.getRows()="+table.getRows()); selectedElement = (projects.size()>=initSelectedElement)?initSelectedElement:-1; ListIterator lIter = projects.listIterator(); int toAddToIndex = (extraRows<iterStartIndex)?iterStartIndex-1:extraRows; if(addLinkBefore){ table.add(firstT,nameColumn,1); } while (lIter.hasNext()) { int index = (lIter.nextIndex()+1)+toAddToIndex; IDOLegacyEntity lItem = (IDOLegacyEntity); if(selectedItem == lItem.getID()){ selectedElement = index; } PresentationObject t = null; Object tObj = getDisplayedText(lItem); if(tObj == null){ if(_firstLinkDisplayObj instanceof String){ tObj = iwrb.getLocalizedString((String)_firstLinkDisplayObj,(String)_firstLinkDisplayObj); } else { tObj = _firstLinkDisplayObj; } } /*if(selectedElement > 0 && (selectedElement == index)){ if (tObj instanceof String){ t = new Text((String)tObj); ((Text)t).setFontSize(1); } else { t = (PresentationObject)tObj; } } else {*/ if (tObj instanceof String){ t = new Link((String)tObj); ((Link)t).setFontSize(1); if(selectedItem == lItem.getID()){ ((Link)t).setBold(true); } } else { t = new Link((PresentationObject)tObj); } addParameters(iwc, lItem, (Link)t); //} table.add(t,nameColumn,index); } table.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.sebracolor1,this.sebracolor2); if(selectedElement > 0){ table.setRowColor(selectedElement,this.selectedColor); } } else { int min = Math.max(1,minimumNumberOfRows); table.resize(columns,min); if(addLinkBefore){ table.add(firstT,nameColumn,1); } table.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.sebracolor1,this.sebracolor2); } table.setCellpadding(this.cellpadding); table.setCellspacing(this.cellspacing); table.setWidth(1,"10"); table.setLinesBetween(linesBeetween); //table.setBottomLine(bottomLine); table.setTopLine(topLine); table.setLineColor(lineColor); table.setWidth(this.width); //table.setBorder(1); for (int i = 1; i <= table.getRows(); i++) { table.setHeight(i,rowHeight); } //super._main(iwc); } public GenericState getStateInstance(IWContext iwc){ return new EntityNavigationListState(this, iwc); } public String changeState(PresentationObject source, IWContext iwc){ EntityNavigationListState oldState = (EntityNavigationListState)this.getState(iwc); if(this.equals(source)){ String selected = iwc.getParameter(_SELECTED_ENTITY_ID); if(selected != null){ try { oldState.setSelectedElementID(Integer.parseInt(selected)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // } } } return oldState.getStateString(); } public synchronized Object clone(){ EntityNavigationList obj = (EntityNavigationList)super.clone(); if(table != null){ obj.table = (Table)this.table.clone(); obj.empty(); obj.add(obj.table); } if(linkColumns != null){ obj.linkColumns = (String[])this.linkColumns.clone(); } obj.columns = this.columns; obj.extraRows = this.extraRows; obj.iterStartIndex = this.iterStartIndex; obj.nameColumn = this.nameColumn; obj.initSelectedElement = this.initSelectedElement; obj.minimumNumberOfRows = this.minimumNumberOfRows; obj.cellspacing = this.cellspacing; obj.cellpadding = this.cellpadding; obj.linesBeetween = this.linesBeetween; obj.bottomLine = this.bottomLine; obj.topLine = this.topLine; obj.separator = this.separator; obj.sebracolor1 = this.sebracolor1; obj.sebracolor2 = this.sebracolor2; obj.selectedColor = this.selectedColor; obj.lineColor = this.lineColor; obj.width = this.width; obj.rowHeight = this.rowHeight; return obj; } }