package com.idega.block.websearch.presentation; /** * This class is a part of the websearch webcrawler and search engine block. <br> * It is based on the <a href="">Lucene</a> java search engine from the Apache group and loosly <br> * from the work of David Duddleston of<br> * * @copyright Idega Software 2002 * @author <a href="">Eirikur Hrafnsson</a> */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.idega.idegaweb.*; import com.idega.presentation.*; import com.idega.presentation.text.*; import com.idega.presentation.ui.*; import*; import*; import; public class WebSearcher extends Block { private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.websearch"; private final static String SEARCH_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_search"; private final static String CRAWL_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_crawl"; private final static String CRAWL_REPORT_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_cr_re"; private final static String HITS_PER_SET_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_hi_p_s"; private final static String EXACT_PHRASE_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_ex_ph"; private final static String PUBLISHED_FROM_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_pb_fr"; private final static String DETAILED_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_de"; private final static String DIRECTION_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_set_dir"; private final static String HITS_ITERATOR_SESSION_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_hitsiterator"; private final static String HITS_MAP_SESSION_PARAM = "iw_bl_ws_hitsmap"; private final static String INDEX_NO_REPORT = "0"; private final static String INDEX_MINOR_REPORT = "1"; private final static String INDEX_NORMAL_REPORT = "2"; private final static String INDEX_DETAILED_REPORT = "3"; private final static String DIRECTION_NEXT = "next"; private final static String DIRECTION_PREV = "prev"; private WebSearchIndex index; private Crawler crawler; private boolean showResults = false; private boolean crawl = false; private boolean exact = false; private boolean detailed = false; private boolean canEdit = false; private boolean showOnlySearch = false; private boolean showButtonsAsLinks = false; private String queryString = null; private String direction = null; private Image searchImage = null; private String searchWidth = null; private Link titleLinkProto = new Link(); private Text contentTextProto = new Text(); private Text extraInfoTextProto = new Text(); private String contentTextProtoStyle = null; private String extraInfoTextProtoStyle = null; private String titleLinkProtoStyle = null; private int hitsPerSet = 10; private int publishedFromDays = 0; private int report = 0; private IWBundle iwb = null; private IWResourceBundle iwrb = null; private static final int VERTICAL_LAYOUT = 1; private static final int HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT = 2; private int layout = HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT; private String searchStyleClass; private String arrowStyleClass; private ICPage submitPage; private String inputStyle; private String inputWidth; private int spaceBetween = 3; private Collection ignoreParameters; public WebSearcher() { } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } private void parseAction(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(SEARCH_PARAM)) { this.showResults = true; this.queryString = iwc.getParameter(SEARCH_PARAM); this.exact = iwc.isParameterSet(EXACT_PHRASE_PARAM); this.detailed = iwc.isParameterSet(DETAILED_PARAM); String fromDays = iwc.getParameter(PUBLISHED_FROM_PARAM); if (fromDays != null) { this.publishedFromDays = Integer.parseInt(fromDays); } String perSet = iwc.getParameter(HITS_PER_SET_PARAM); if (perSet != null) { this.hitsPerSet = Integer.parseInt(perSet); } this.direction = iwc.getParameter(DIRECTION_PARAM); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(CRAWL_PARAM)) { this.crawl = true; String sReport = iwc.getParameter(CRAWL_REPORT_PARAM); if (sReport != null) { = Integer.parseInt(sReport); } } if (this.showOnlySearch) { this.showResults = false; } this.canEdit = this.hasEditPermission(); } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#main(IWContext) */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); parseAction(iwc); if (this.showResults) { prepStyles(); search(iwc); } else if (this.crawl) { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(HITS_MAP_SESSION_PARAM); crawl(); } else { add(getSearchForm()); } } private void crawl() throws Exception { add(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("indexing", "Indexing...")); addBreak(); this.index = WebSearchManager.getIndex("main"); //this should not be hard coded if ( > 0) { this.crawler = new Crawler(this.index,; //change so that crawler return an arraylist and then print that or something } else { //no report this.crawler = new Crawler(this.index); } this.crawler.addIgnoreParameters(this.ignoreParameters); this.crawler.crawl(); addBreak(); add(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("done", "Done!")); addBreak(); add(new BackButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("back", "back"))); } private Form getSearchForm() { Form searchForm = new Form(); if (this.submitPage != null) { searchForm.setPageToSubmitTo(this.submitPage); } Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); if (this.searchWidth != null) { table.setWidth(this.searchWidth); } TextInput search = new TextInput(SEARCH_PARAM); if (this.queryString != null) { search.setContent(this.queryString); } else { search.setContent(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("search_entire_site", "Search entire site")); search.setOnFocus("this.value=''"); } if (this.inputStyle != null) { search.setStyleAttribute(this.inputStyle); } if (this.inputWidth != null) { search.setWidth(this.inputWidth); } Link crawl = null; if (this.canEdit) { crawl = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Index this site (done every 24h)")); crawl.addParameter(CRAWL_PARAM, "true"); crawl.addParameter(CRAWL_REPORT_PARAM, INDEX_NORMAL_REPORT); } if (this.layout == HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT) { table.setCellpadding(3); table.add(search, 1, 1); if (!this.showButtonsAsLinks) { SubmitButton button = null; if (this.searchImage != null) { button = new SubmitButton(this.searchImage); } else { button = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("search", "Search")); } table.add(button, 2, 1); } else { Link link = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("search", "Search")); link.setToFormSubmit(searchForm); if (this.searchStyleClass != null) { link.setStyle(this.searchStyleClass); } table.add(link, 2, 1); } if (crawl != null) { table.mergeCells(1, 2, 2, 2); table.add(crawl, 2, 2); } } else if (this.layout == VERTICAL_LAYOUT) { table.add(search, 1, 1); table.setHeight(2, this.spaceBetween); Link link = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("search", "Search")); link.setToFormSubmit(searchForm); if (this.searchStyleClass != null) { link.setStyle(this.searchStyleClass); } Link arrow = new Link(">>"); arrow.setToFormSubmit(searchForm); if (this.arrowStyleClass != null) { arrow.setStyle(this.arrowStyleClass); } table.add(link, 1, 3); table.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 1, 3); table.add(arrow, 1, 3); if (crawl != null) { table.setHeight(4, 6); table.add(crawl, 1, 5); } } searchForm.add(table); return searchForm; } private void search(IWContext iwc) { add(getSearchForm()); addBreak(); WebSearchHitIterator hits = getHitsFromSession(iwc,HITS_ITERATOR_SESSION_PARAM + this.queryString); if (hits == null) { try { searcher = new"main")); //hits per page searcher.setHitsPerSet(this.hitsPerSet); // exact phrase searcher.setPhraseSearch(this.exact); // from days if (this.publishedFromDays > 0) { searcher.setFromDays(this.publishedFromDays); } hits =; setHitsToSession(iwc,HITS_ITERATOR_SESSION_PARAM + this.queryString, hits); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); add(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "You need to run the indexer first!")); } } if(hits!=null) { addBreak(); add(getResultSetInfo(hits)); addBreak(); Table results = new Table(); results.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); //results.setHeight(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); results.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); int row = 1; int row2 = 1; while (hits.hasNextInSet()) { WebSearchHit hit =; //String bgColor = (hit.getRank()%2==0)?"#BBBBBB":"#CDCDCD"; Table hitTable = new Table(1, 3); hitTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); hitTable.setHeight(50); hitTable.setCellpadding(0); hitTable.setCellspacing(1); //hitTable.setColor(bgColor); //if detailed ? //hitTable.add(new Text("Score: "+hit.getScore()),1,row++); //hitTable.add(new Text("Published: "+ hit.getPublishedFormated()),1,row++); //hitTable.add(new Text("Content Type: "+hit.getContentType()),1,row++); //hitTable.add(new Text("Keywords: "+hit.getKeywords()),1,row++); veit ekki afhverju thetta skilar alltaf null !? //hitTable.add(new Text("Categories: "+hit.getCategories()),1,row++); //hitTable.add(new Text("Description: "+hit.getDescription()),1,row++); Link title = (Link) this.titleLinkProto.clone(); title.setURL(hit.getURL()); String sTitle = hit.getTitle(); if (sTitle == null) { sTitle = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("websearch.untitled", "Untitled"); } else if (sTitle.equals("null")) { sTitle = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("websearch.untitled", "Untitled"); } title.setText(sTitle); hitTable.add(title, 1, row++); String contents = hit.getContents(this.queryString); //could be heavy.... if (contents != null) { contents = "..." + contents + "..."; Text contentsText = (Text) this.contentTextProto.clone(); contentsText.setText(contents); hitTable.add(contentsText, 1, row++); } String extraInfo = hit.getHREF() + " - " + hit.getContentType() + " - " + this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("rank", "rank") + ": " + hit.getRank(); Text extraInfoText = (Text) this.extraInfoTextProto.clone(); extraInfoText.setText(extraInfo); hitTable.add(extraInfoText, 1, row); row = 1; results.add(hitTable, 1, row2++); results.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, row2++); } add(results); } } private void prepStyles() { if (this.contentTextProtoStyle != null) { this.contentTextProto.setFontStyle(this.contentTextProtoStyle); } else { this.contentTextProto.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL); this.contentTextProto.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); } if (this.extraInfoTextProtoStyle != null) { this.extraInfoTextProto.setFontStyle(this.extraInfoTextProtoStyle); } else { this.extraInfoTextProto.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL); this.extraInfoTextProto.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); this.extraInfoTextProto.setFontColor("#008000"); } if (this.titleLinkProtoStyle != null) { this.titleLinkProto.setFontStyle(this.titleLinkProtoStyle); } else { this.titleLinkProto.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_12_HTML_3); this.titleLinkProto.setFontColor("#0000CC"); } } private Table getResultSetInfo(WebSearchHitIterator hits) { //temporary html tags inline and need to localize Table info = new Table(); info.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); info.setColor("#3366cc"); // Get Set by direction if (this.direction != null && this.direction.equals(DIRECTION_NEXT)) { hits.nextSet(); } if (this.direction != null && this.direction.equals(DIRECTION_PREV)) { hits.previousSet(); } Text textProto = new Text(); textProto.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); textProto.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL); textProto.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); Text text1 = (Text) textProto.clone(); Text text2 = (Text) textProto.clone(); Text text3 = (Text) textProto.clone(); text1.setText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("searched.for", "Searched for") + " : <b>" + hits.getQuery() + "</b>. " + this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("results", "Results") + " "); info.add(text1, 1, 1); if (hits.hasPreviousSet()) { Link prev = new Link("<< "); prev.addParameter(DIRECTION_PARAM, DIRECTION_PREV); prev.addParameter(SEARCH_PARAM, this.queryString); prev.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); prev.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL); prev.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); prev.setBold(); info.add(prev, 1, 1); } text2.setText("<b>" + hits.getSetStartPosition() + " - " + hits.getSetEndPosition() + "</b>"); info.add(text2, 1, 1); if (hits.hasNextSet()) { Link next = new Link(" >> "); next.addParameter(DIRECTION_PARAM, DIRECTION_NEXT); next.addParameter(SEARCH_PARAM, this.queryString); next.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); next.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL); next.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); next.setBold(); info.add(next, 1, 1); } text3.setText(" " + this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("of", "of") + " <b>" + hits.getTotalHits() + "</b>" + "."); info.add(text3, 1, 1); return info; } public void setContentTextStyle(String style) { this.contentTextProtoStyle = style; } public void setExtraInfoTextStyle(String style) { this.extraInfoTextProtoStyle = style; } public void setTitleLinkStyle(String style) { this.titleLinkProtoStyle = style; } private Map getSessionMap(IWContext iwc) { Map sessionMap = (Map) iwc.getSessionAttribute(HITS_MAP_SESSION_PARAM); if (sessionMap == null) { sessionMap = new HashMap(); iwc.setSessionAttribute(HITS_MAP_SESSION_PARAM, sessionMap); } return sessionMap; } private WebSearchHitIterator getHitsFromSession(IWContext iwc, String value) { return (WebSearchHitIterator) getSessionMap(iwc).get(value); } private void setHitsToSession(IWContext iwc, String value, WebSearchHitIterator wshi) { getSessionMap(iwc).put(value,wshi); } /** * @param showOnlySearch The showOnlySearch to set. */ public void setShowOnlySearch(boolean showOnlySearch) { this.showOnlySearch = showOnlySearch; } /** * @param arrowStyleClass The arrowStyleClass to set. */ public void setArrowStyleClass(String arrowStyleClass) { this.arrowStyleClass = arrowStyleClass; } /** * @param inputStyle The inputStyle to set. */ public void setInputStyle(String inputStyle) { this.inputStyle = inputStyle; } /** * @param searchStyleClass The searchStyleClass to set. */ public void setSearchStyleClass(String searchStyleClass) { this.searchStyleClass = searchStyleClass; } /** * @param submitPage The submitPage to set. */ public void setSubmitPage(ICPage submitPage) { this.submitPage = submitPage; } public void setVerticalLayout(boolean vertical) { if (vertical) { this.layout = VERTICAL_LAYOUT; } else { this.layout = HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT; } } /** * @param inputWidth The inputWidth to set. */ public void setInputWidth(String inputWidth) { this.inputWidth = inputWidth; } /** * @param spaceBetween The spaceBetween to set. */ public void setSpaceBetween(int spaceBetween) { this.spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } public void setParameterToIgnore(String parameter) { if (this.ignoreParameters == null) { this.ignoreParameters = new ArrayList(); } this.ignoreParameters.add(parameter); } public void setShowButtonsAsLinks(boolean showButtonsAsLinks) { this.showButtonsAsLinks = showButtonsAsLinks; } public void setSearchImage(Image searchImage) { this.searchImage = searchImage; } public void setSearchWidth(String searchWidth) { this.searchWidth = searchWidth; } }