package; import; import*; import*; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.*; import com.idega.presentation.text.*; import com.idega.presentation.ui.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock; import; /** * IdegaWeb presentation class for wizard input of a new Report Generator * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2004/06/29 16:30:07 $ by $Author: thomas $ * * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg</a> * @version $Revision: 1.13 $ * @see */ public class ReportLink extends CommuneBlock { final private static String PREFIX = "report_"; // Actions final private static String TRY_SQL_ACTION = PREFIX + "try_sql_action"; final private static String SAVE_GENERATOR_ACTION = PREFIX + "save_generator_action"; final private static String EDIT_GENERATOR_ACTION = PREFIX + "report_admin_action"; // Localized key and default value pairs final private static String COLUMN_NAME_KEY = PREFIX + "column_name"; final private static String CURRENT_REPORT_KEY = PREFIX + "current_report"; final private static String NO_ROWS_FOUND_KEY = PREFIX + "no_rows_found"; final private static String REPORT_NAME_DEFAULT = "Rapportens namn"; final private static String REPORT_NAME_KEY = PREFIX + "report_name"; final private static String SAMPLE_DEFAULT = "Exempeldata"; final private static String SAMPLE_KEY = PREFIX + "sample"; final private static String SAVE_GENERATOR_DEFAULT = "Spara rapportgenerator"; final private static String SAVE_GENERATOR_KEY = PREFIX + "save_generator"; final private static String SQL_ERROR_DEFAULT = "Ett fel intr�ffade med anledning av databasanropet"; final private static String SQL_ERROR_KEY = PREFIX + "sql_error"; final private static String SQL_QUERY_DEFAULT = "SQL-fr�ga"; final private static String SQL_QUERY_KEY = PREFIX + "sql_query"; final private static String STEP_1_TRY_SQL_DEFAULT = "1. Prova ut ett SQL-kommando till rapporten"; final private static String STEP_1_TRY_SQL_KEY = PREFIX + "step_1_try_sql"; final private static String STEP_2_NAME_REPORT_DEFAULT = "2. Namnge rapporten"; final private static String STEP_2_NAME_REPORT_KEY = PREFIX + "step_2_name_report"; final private static String TRY_SQL_DEFAULT = "Prova SQL"; final private static String TRY_SQL_KEY = PREFIX + "try_sql"; /** * Dispatches according to action parameter. If none is set, then check if * there is a defined report for this object instance and show at as a link * or else display the report creation wizard. */ public void main (final IWContext context) { setResourceBundle (getResourceBundle (context)); final Report report = findReport (context); if (report != null) { showReportLink (report); } else if (context.isParameterSet (SAVE_GENERATOR_ACTION)) { saveGenerator (context); } else if (context.isParameterSet (TRY_SQL_ACTION)) { trySql (context); } else if (context.isParameterSet (EDIT_GENERATOR_ACTION)) { editGenerator (); } else { showSqlForm (context); } } /** * Edits an allready saved report generator * @param reportInfo current report generator properties to edit */ private void editGenerator () { add ("administrateReport"); } /** * Displays a link to the report associated with this block. The report is * dynammically generated as soon as the link is clicked. * @param reportInfo current report generator properties */ private void showReportLink (final Report report) { final Window window = new Window ("Report", "/servlet/MediaServlet"); window.setResizable (true); window.setMenubar (true); window.setHeight (400); window.setWidth (500); final Link link = new Link (report.getName ()); link.setWindow (window); final String encryptedClassName = IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName (; link.addParameter ("wrcls", encryptedClassName); link.addParameter (ReportGenerator.REPORT_ID, ((Integer)report.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); add (link); } /** * Shows the sql form and also a column name form if an sql was just entered */ private void trySql (final IWContext context) { final String sql = context.getParameter (SQL_QUERY_KEY); showSqlForm (context); showReportNameForm (context); final HttpSession session = context.getSession (); session.setAttribute (SQL_QUERY_KEY, sql); } /** * Shows a sql form where the user can try a query to be used in a * report generator. The sql form is pre filled with the last entered query, * if any, during this session. */ private void showSqlForm (final IWContext context) { final Form form = new Form (); final Table table = new Table (); form.add (table); add (form); int row = 1; table.add (getHeader (localize (STEP_1_TRY_SQL_KEY, STEP_1_TRY_SQL_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); final TextArea textArea = new TextArea (SQL_QUERY_KEY); if (context.isParameterSet (SQL_QUERY_KEY)) { textArea.setContent (context.getParameter (SQL_QUERY_KEY)); } textArea.setColumns (60); textArea.setRows (10); final SubmitButton submit = (SubmitButton) getButton (new SubmitButton (TRY_SQL_ACTION, getLocalizedString (TRY_SQL_KEY, TRY_SQL_DEFAULT))); final Text header = getSmallHeader (localize (SQL_QUERY_KEY, SQL_QUERY_DEFAULT) + ":"); table.add(header, 1, row++); table.add(textArea, 1, row++); table.add(submit, 1, row++); } /** * Shows sample data that is fetched with last user query, a form where the * user can name the report and submit button for storing the new report * generator. */ private void showReportNameForm (final IWContext context) { if (context.isParameterSet (SQL_QUERY_KEY)) { final Form form = new Form (); final Table table = new Table (); form.add (table); add (form); int row = 1; try { final Table fetchTable = getFetchTable (context.getParameter (SQL_QUERY_KEY)); table.add (getHeader (localize (STEP_2_NAME_REPORT_KEY, STEP_2_NAME_REPORT_DEFAULT)), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader (localize (REPORT_NAME_KEY, REPORT_NAME_DEFAULT) + ":"), 1, row++); table.add (getStyledInterface (new TextInput(REPORT_NAME_KEY)), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader (localize (SQL_QUERY_KEY, SQL_QUERY_DEFAULT) + ":"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText (context.getParameter (SQL_QUERY_KEY)), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader (localize (SAMPLE_KEY, SAMPLE_DEFAULT) + ":"), 1, row++); table.add (fetchTable, 1, row++); table.setRowAlignment(row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); table.add (getSmallText ('[' + DateFormat.getTimeInstance ().format (new Date ()) + ']'), 1, row++); final SubmitButton submit = (SubmitButton) getButton (new SubmitButton (SAVE_GENERATOR_ACTION, getLocalizedString (SAVE_GENERATOR_KEY, SAVE_GENERATOR_DEFAULT))); table.add (submit, 1, row++); } catch (Fetcher.FetchException e) { table.add (getSmallHeader (localize (SQL_ERROR_KEY, SQL_ERROR_DEFAULT) + ":"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText(e.getMessage ()), 1, row++); } } } /** * Stores a new report generator in the databse. Also creates a report * category if it didn't exist. */ private void saveGenerator (final IWContext context) { // 1. get web form posted parameters final String sql = getSqlParameter (context.getSession ()); final String reportName = context.getParameter (REPORT_NAME_KEY); final List columnHeaderList = new ArrayList (); for (int col = 0; context.isParameterSet (COLUMN_NAME_KEY + col); col++) { columnHeaderList.add (context.getParameter (COLUMN_NAME_KEY + col)); } final String [] columnHeaders = (String []) columnHeaderList.toArray (new String [columnHeaderList.size ()]); // 2. get report category id - or create if it didn't exist final int objectInstanceId = getICObjectInstanceID (); ICCategory category = findCategory (objectInstanceId); if (category == null) { category = ReportBusiness.createReportCategory (objectInstanceId); } final int categoryId = ((Integer)category.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); // 3. save report //final ReportEntityHandler business = new ReportEntityHandler (); final Report report = ReportEntityHandler.saveReport (reportName, null, columnHeaders, sql, categoryId); // 4. show feedback to user final Table table = new Table (); int row = 1; table.add (getHeader ("Ny rapportgenerator"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader ("Id:"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText (report.getPrimaryKey () + ""), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader ("Namn:"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText (report.getName ()), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader ("SQL:"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText (report.getSQL ()), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallHeader ("Kolumnrubriker:"), 1, row++); table.add (getSmallText (report.getHeader ()), 1, row++); add (table); } /** * @return report if available as either a session attribute or else in the * database stored on this objectInstanceId */ private Report findReport (final IWContext context) { final HttpSession session = context.getSession (); final int objectInstanceId = getICObjectInstanceID (); Report result = (Report) session.getAttribute (CURRENT_REPORT_KEY + objectInstanceId); if (result == null) { // there was no report in the session object final ICCategory category = findCategory (getICObjectInstanceID ()); if (category != null) { // a category were found, let's look for reports in it final int categoryId = ((Integer)category.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); final Report [] reports = ReportEntityHandler.findReports (categoryId); if (reports.length > 0) { // at least one report was found in this category result = reports [0]; session.setAttribute (CURRENT_REPORT_KEY + objectInstanceId, result); } } } return result; } /** * @return ICCategory if available for this objectInstanceId or else null */ private ICCategory findCategory (final int objectInstanceId) { ICCategory result = null; List categoryList = null; try { categoryList = ReportFinder.listOfEntityForObjectInstanceId (objectInstanceId); } catch (final Exception e) { logWarning ("ReportFinder.listOfEntityForObjectInstanceId (" + objectInstanceId + ") -> " + e.getMessage ()); } if (categoryList != null && categoryList.size () > 0) { result = (ICCategory) categoryList.iterator ().next (); } return result; } /** * @return fetches data from db according to this sql statement */ private Table getFetchTable (final String sql) throws Fetcher.FetchException { final Fetcher.FetchResult result = Fetcher.fetchFromDatabase (sql, 5); final String [][] data = result.getData (); final Table table = new Table (); final int rowCount = data.length; if (1 > rowCount) { table.add (getSmallText (localize (NO_ROWS_FOUND_KEY, NO_ROWS_FOUND_KEY)), 1, 1); return table; } final int colCount = data [0].length; table.setColumns (colCount); table.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); table.setCellspacing (getCellspacing ()); table.setWidth(getWidth()); // show headers and column name inputs table.setRowColor (1, getHeaderColor()); final String [] columnLabels = result.getColumnLabels (); for (int col = 0; col < colCount; col++) { final HiddenInput hidden = new HiddenInput (COLUMN_NAME_KEY + col, columnLabels [col]); table.add (hidden, col + 1, 1); table.add (getSmallHeader (columnLabels [col]), col + 1, 1); } // show fetched content for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { table.setRowColor(row + 2, row % 2 == 0 ? getZebraColor1() : getZebraColor2()); for (int col = 0; col < colCount; col++) { table.add (getSmallText(data [row][col]), col + 1, row + 2); } } return table; } private static String getSqlParameter (final HttpSession session) { final String original = (String) session.getAttribute (SQL_QUERY_KEY); if (original == null) return ""; final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer (original); for (int i = 0; i < result.length (); i++) { if (Character.isWhitespace (result.charAt(i))) { result.setCharAt (i, ' '); } } return result.toString (); } /** * Convinience method for accessing the localized version of a string */ private String getLocalizedString(final String key, final String value) { return getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString(key, value); } }