package com.idega.block.documents.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.builder.presentation.IBPageChooser; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.core.localisation.presentation.ICLocalePresentation; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.block.presentation.Builderaware; import com.idega.idegaweb.presentation.IWAdminWindow; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CloseButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; /** * Description of the Class * *@author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> *@created 15. mars 2002 */ public class DocEditorWindow extends IWAdminWindow { private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.documents"; private Image _editImage; private Image _createImage; private Image _deleteImage; private IWBundle _iwb; private IWResourceBundle _iwrb; private FolderBlockBusiness business = null; private final static int _ACTION_OPENWINDOW = -1; private final static int _ACTION_CHANGELOCALE = 0; private final static int _ACTION_CHANGETYPE = 1; private final static int _ACTION_UPLOADFILE = 2; private final static int _ACTION_SAVEDOC = 3; private final static int _ACTION_CLOSEWITHOUTSAVING = 4; private final static int _ACTION_DELETEDOCLINK = 5; private int _action = _ACTION_OPENWINDOW; private final static String _PRM_LASTACTION = "doc_l_act"; private final static String _PRM_ACTION = "doc_act"; private final static int _MODE_NEWDOC = 0; public final static int _MODE_EDITDOC = 1; public final static int _MODE_DELETE = 2; public final static int _MODE_VERSION = 3; private int _mode = _MODE_NEWDOC; public static String _PRM_MODE = "doc_mode"; private static final String _PRM_NEW_MODE = "doc_mode_n"; public static String _PRM_DOC_ID = "doc_update"; public static String _PRM_OBJECT_ID = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_ID; public static String _PRM_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID; public static String _PRM_FOLDER_ID = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_FOLDER_ID; public static String _PRM_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER; public static String _PRM_CATEGORY_ID = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID; private boolean _hasEditpermission = false; private boolean _update = false; private boolean _delete = false; private boolean _save = false; private static int _DEFAULT_TYPE = DocBusiness.LINK; private static String _DEFAULT_TARGET = Link.TARGET_BLANK_WINDOW; private final static String _PRM_TYPE = "doc_type"; private final static String _PRM_TYPE_OLD_VALUE = "doc_type_old"; private final static String _PRM_LOCALE = "doc_locale"; private final static String _PRM_LOCALE_OLD_VALUE = "doc_locale_old"; private final static String _PRM_LINK_NAME = "link_name"; private final static String _PRM_FILE_ID = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_FILE_ID; private final static String _PRM_PAGE_ID = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_PAGE_ID; private final static String _PRM_LINK_URL = DocBusiness.PARAMETER_LINK_URL; private final static String _PRM_LAST_UPLOADED_FILE = _PRM_FILE_ID + "_old"; private final static String _PRM_LAST_SELECTED_PAGE = _PRM_PAGE_ID + "_old"; private final static String _PRM_LAST_LINK_URL = _PRM_LINK_URL + "_old"; private int _iObjInsId = -1; private int _iObjId = -1; private int _infoCatID = -1; private int _linkID = -1; private int _userID = -1; private int _type = -1; private int _fileID = -1; private int _pageID = -1; private int _localeID = -1; private int _folderID = -1; private String _linkUrl = null; private int _contentLocaleId = -1; private String _target = null; private String _docLinkName = null; /** * Constructor for the DocEditorWindow object */ public DocEditorWindow() { setWidth(420); setHeight(340); setUnMerged(); //setMethod("get"); setStatus(true); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc Description of the Parameter *@exception Exception Description of the Exception */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { = (FolderBlockBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc,FolderBlockBusiness.class); this._hasEditpermission = true; //AccessControl.hasEditPermission(this,iwc); this._iwb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(Builderaware.IW_CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); this._iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); addTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("doc_admin", "Doc Admin")); Locale currentLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); try { this._userID = LoginBusinessBean.getUser(iwc).getID(); } catch (Exception e) { this._userID = -1; } this._editImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/edit.gif"); this._createImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/create.gif"); this._deleteImage = this._iwb.getImage("shared/delete.gif"); String sLocaleId = iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_LOCALE_DROP); if (sLocaleId != null) { this._localeID = Integer.parseInt(sLocaleId); } else { this._localeID = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(currentLocale); } setActionAndMode(iwc); processParameters(iwc); setDefultValues(); this.debugParameters(iwc); if (this._hasEditpermission) { switch (this._action) { case _ACTION_OPENWINDOW : switch (this._mode) { case _MODE_NEWDOC : case _MODE_EDITDOC : lineUpElements(); break; case _MODE_DELETE : confirmLineup(); break; default : addLeft("MODE: " + this._mode + ", not yet supported"); addSubmitButton(new CloseButton(this._iwrb.getImage("close.gif"))); break; } break; case _ACTION_CHANGELOCALE : case _ACTION_CHANGETYPE : case _ACTION_UPLOADFILE : lineUpElements(); break; case _ACTION_SAVEDOC : switch (this._type) { case DocBusiness.LINK : case DocBusiness.FILE : case DocBusiness.PAGE : saveDocLink(iwc); closeEditor(iwc); break; default : //addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("error_type_not_supported","Type: "+ _type + ", not supported")); addLeft("Type: " + this._type + ", not supported"); addSubmitButton(new CloseButton(this._iwrb.getImage("close.gif"))); break; } break; case _ACTION_CLOSEWITHOUTSAVING : closeEditor(iwc); break; case _ACTION_DELETEDOCLINK : deleteDocLink(iwc); closeEditor(iwc); break; default : addLeft("ACTION: " + this._action + ", not yet supported"); addSubmitButton(new CloseButton(this._iwrb.getImage("close.gif"))); break; } } else { if (this._action == _ACTION_CLOSEWITHOUTSAVING) { closeEditor(iwc); } else { noAccess(); } } } /** * Sets the defultValues attribute of the DocEditorWindow object */ private void setDefultValues() { if (this._type == -1) { this._type = _DEFAULT_TYPE; } if (this._target == null) { this._target = _DEFAULT_TARGET; } } private void setActionAndMode(IWContext iwc) { // mode String newMode = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_NEW_MODE); String mode = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_MODE); if (newMode != null) { try { this._mode = Integer.parseInt(newMode); } catch (Exception ex) { try { this._mode = Integer.parseInt(mode); } catch (Exception e) { this._mode = _MODE_NEWDOC; } } } else { try { this._mode = Integer.parseInt(mode); } catch (Exception ex) { this._mode = _MODE_NEWDOC; } } this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_MODE, Integer.toString(this._mode))); // action String type = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_TYPE); String typeOld = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_TYPE_OLD_VALUE); String locale = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LOCALE); String localeOld = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LOCALE_OLD_VALUE); String file = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_FILE_ID); String lastAction = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LASTACTION); if (lastAction != null) { String action = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_ACTION); if (action != null && !"".equals(action)) { this._action = Integer.parseInt(action); } else if (file != null || (type != null && type.equals(typeOld) && Integer.toString(DocBusiness.FILE).equals(type))) { this._action = _ACTION_UPLOADFILE; } else if (type != null && !type.equals(typeOld)) { this._action = _ACTION_CHANGETYPE; } else if (locale != null && !locale.equals(localeOld)) { this._action = _ACTION_CHANGELOCALE; } } else { this._action = _ACTION_OPENWINDOW; } this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LASTACTION, Integer.toString(this._action))); if (type != null) { this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_TYPE_OLD_VALUE, type)); } if (locale != null) { this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LOCALE_OLD_VALUE, locale)); } } private void processParameters(IWContext iwc) { editLink = null; if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_DOC_ID) != null) { try { this._linkID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_DOC_ID)); this.getUnderlyingForm().maintainParameter(_PRM_DOC_ID); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._linkID = -1; } if (this._linkID != -1 && this._mode == _MODE_EDITDOC && this._action == _ACTION_OPENWINDOW) { editLink = DocBusiness.getLink(this._linkID); // if(editLink == null){ // // ERROR // } } } String sLocale = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER); if (sLocale != null) { try { this._contentLocaleId = Integer.parseInt(sLocale); this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER, Integer.toString(this._contentLocaleId))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ICLocale locale = ICLocaleBusiness.getICLocale(sLocale); if (locale != null) { this._contentLocaleId = locale.getLocaleID(); this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER, Integer.toString(this._contentLocaleId))); } else { this._contentLocaleId = -1; } } } if (iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_ID) != null) { try { this._iObjId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._iObjId = -1; } } String objId = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_OBJECT_ID); if (objId != null) { try { this._iObjId = Integer.parseInt(objId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._iObjId = -1; } } String instanceId = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID); if (instanceId != null) { try { this._iObjInsId = Integer.parseInt(instanceId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._iObjInsId = -1; } } String folderID = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_FOLDER_ID); if (folderID != null) { try { this._folderID = Integer.parseInt(folderID); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._folderID = -1; } } if (editLink != null) { // if _mode = _MODE_EDITDOC this._target = editLink.getTarget(); this._linkUrl = editLink.getURL(); this._docLinkName = editLink.getName(); this._infoCatID = editLink.getCategoryID(); this._fileID = editLink.getFileID(); this._pageID = editLink.getPageID(); if (this._linkUrl != null) { this._type = DocBusiness.LINK; } else if (this._pageID != -1) { this._type = DocBusiness.PAGE; } else if (this._fileID != -1) { this._type = DocBusiness.FILE; } } else { if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_TYPE) != null) { try { this._type = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_TYPE)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._type = -1; } } else { if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_TYPE_OLD_VALUE) != null) { try { this._type = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_TYPE_OLD_VALUE)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._type = -1; } } } if (iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_TARGET) != null) { this._target = iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_TARGET); } else { this._target = null; } if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LINK_NAME) != null) { this._docLinkName = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LINK_NAME); } else { this._docLinkName = null; } if (iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID) != null) { try { this._infoCatID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._infoCatID = -1; } } if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_FILE_ID) != null) { try { this._fileID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_FILE_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._fileID = -1; } this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LAST_UPLOADED_FILE, iwc.getParameter(_PRM_FILE_ID))); } else if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_UPLOADED_FILE) != null) { try { this._fileID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_UPLOADED_FILE)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._fileID = -1; } switch (this._action) { case _ACTION_UPLOADFILE : break; default : this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LAST_UPLOADED_FILE, iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_UPLOADED_FILE))); break; } } if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_PAGE_ID) != null) { try { this._pageID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_PAGE_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._pageID = -1; } this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LAST_SELECTED_PAGE, iwc.getParameter(_PRM_PAGE_ID))); } else if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_SELECTED_PAGE) != null) { try { this._pageID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_SELECTED_PAGE)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._pageID = -1; } this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LAST_SELECTED_PAGE, iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_SELECTED_PAGE))); } if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LINK_URL) != null) { this._linkUrl = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LINK_URL); if (this._linkUrl.equals("")) { this._linkUrl = null; } if (this._linkUrl != null) { this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LAST_LINK_URL, this._linkUrl)); } } else if (iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_LINK_URL) != null) { this._linkUrl = iwc.getParameter(_PRM_LAST_LINK_URL); if (this._linkUrl.equals("")) { this._linkUrl = null; } if (this._linkUrl != null) { this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_LAST_LINK_URL, this._linkUrl)); } } } } private void confirmLineup() { addLeft("Are you sure you want to delete this document?"); addSubmitButton(new SubmitButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("yes", "YES"), _PRM_ACTION, Integer.toString(_ACTION_DELETEDOCLINK))); addSubmitButton(new SubmitButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("cancel", "CANCEL"), _PRM_ACTION, Integer.toString(_ACTION_CLOSEWITHOUTSAVING))); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iLocaleId Description of the Parameter *@param instanceId Description of the Parameter */ private void lineUpElements() throws RemoteException { // DocLink link = DocFinder.getLink(_linkID); // /** // * @todo: localice // */ // // String docLinkName = null; this.getUnderlyingForm().maintainParameter(_PRM_OBJECT_ID); this.getUnderlyingForm().maintainParameter(_PRM_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID); this.getUnderlyingForm().maintainParameter(_PRM_FOLDER_ID); if (this._contentLocaleId != -1) { this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_LOCALE_DROP, Integer.toString(this._contentLocaleId))); } else { DropdownMenu localeDrop = ICLocalePresentation.getLocaleDropdownIdKeyed(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_LOCALE_DROP); localeDrop.setToSubmit(); localeDrop.setSelectedElement(Integer.toString(this._localeID)); addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("locale", "Locale") + ": ", localeDrop, false); } DropdownMenu categoryDrop = new DropdownMenu(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID); List list = null; if (this._iObjInsId != -1) { list =; } if (list != null) { for (int a = 0; a < list.size(); a++) { // LocalizedText locText = TextFinder.getLocalizedText((ICInformationCategory)list.get(a),iLocaleId); // String locString = "$language$"; // if ( locText != null ) { // locString = locText.getHeadline(); String catName = ((InformationCategory)list.get(a)).getName(); // } categoryDrop.addMenuElement(((InformationCategory)list.get(a)).getID(), catName); } categoryDrop.setSelectedElement(Integer.toString(this._infoCatID)); } TextInput linkName = new TextInput(_PRM_LINK_NAME); linkName.setLength(36); if (this._docLinkName != null) { linkName.setContent(this._docLinkName); } DropdownMenu typeDrop = new DropdownMenu(_PRM_TYPE); typeDrop.addMenuElement(DocBusiness.LINK, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("link", "Link")); typeDrop.addMenuElement(DocBusiness.FILE, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("file", "File")); typeDrop.addMenuElement(DocBusiness.PAGE, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("page", "Page")); typeDrop.setSelectedElement(Integer.toString(this._type)); typeDrop.setToSubmit(); DropdownMenu targetDrop = new DropdownMenu(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_TARGET); targetDrop.addMenuElement(Link.TARGET_BLANK_WINDOW, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("_blank", "New Window")); targetDrop.addMenuElement(Link.TARGET_SELF_WINDOW, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("_self", "Same Window")); targetDrop.addMenuElement(Link.TARGET_PARENT_WINDOW, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("_parent", "Parent frame")); targetDrop.addMenuElement(Link.TARGET_TOP_WINDOW, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("_top", "Top frame")); if (this._target != null) { targetDrop.setSelectedElement(this._target); } addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("category", "Category") + ":", categoryDrop, true); addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("link_name", "Name") + ":", linkName, true); addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("type", "Type") + ":", typeDrop, true); switch (this._type) { case DocBusiness.LINK : TextInput linkURL = new TextInput(_PRM_LINK_URL); linkURL.setLength(30); if (this._linkUrl != null) { linkURL.setContent(this._linkUrl); } else { linkURL.setContent("http://"); } addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("link", "Link") + ":", linkURL, true); break; case DocBusiness.FILE : SimpleFileChooser fileChooser = new SimpleFileChooser(this.getUnderlyingForm(), _PRM_FILE_ID); this.setStyle(fileChooser); if (this._fileID != -1 && (this._action == _ACTION_CHANGETYPE || (this._mode == _MODE_EDITDOC && this._action == _ACTION_OPENWINDOW))) { fileChooser.setSelectedFile(this._fileID); } addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("file", "File") + ":", fileChooser, true); break; case DocBusiness.PAGE : IBPageChooser pageChooser = new IBPageChooser(_PRM_PAGE_ID, STYLE); if (this._pageID != -1) { ICPage page = DocBusiness.getPage(this._pageID); if (page != null) { pageChooser.setSelectedPage(this._pageID, page.getName()); } } addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("page", "Page") + ":", pageChooser, true); break; } addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("target", "Target") + ":", targetDrop, true); addSubmitButton(new SubmitButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save", "SAVE"), _PRM_ACTION, Integer.toString(_ACTION_SAVEDOC))); addSubmitButton(new SubmitButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("close", "CLOSE"), _PRM_ACTION, Integer.toString(_ACTION_CLOSEWITHOUTSAVING))); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ private boolean saveDocLink(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { int fileID = -1; int pageID = -1; String linkUrl = null; String docLinkName = "Untitled"; int folderID = -1; int localeID = this._contentLocaleId; if (this._contentLocaleId == -1 && this._localeID == -1) { localeID = iwc.getCurrentLocaleId(); } else if (this._contentLocaleId != -1) { localeID = this._contentLocaleId; } else { localeID = this._localeID; } switch (this._type) { case DocBusiness.LINK : if (this._linkUrl != null && !(this._linkUrl.equalsIgnoreCase("http://") && this._linkUrl.length() > 0)) { linkUrl = this._linkUrl; } break; case DocBusiness.FILE : fileID = this._fileID; break; case DocBusiness.PAGE : pageID = this._pageID; break; default : return false; } if (this._docLinkName != null && this._docLinkName.length() > 0) { docLinkName = this._docLinkName; } if (docLinkName != null && this._iObjInsId != -1) { if (this._folderID == -1) { InformationFolder folder =, this._iObjId, localeID, true); if (folder != null) { folderID = folder.getID(); } } else { folderID = this._folderID; } try { this._linkID = DocBusiness.saveLink(this._userID, this._infoCatID, folderID, this._linkID, docLinkName, fileID, pageID, linkUrl, this._target, localeID); this.addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(_PRM_DOC_ID, Integer.toString(this._linkID))); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } return false; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc Description of the Parameter */ private void deleteDocLink(IWContext iwc) { DocBusiness.deleteLink(this._linkID); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc Description of the Parameter */ private void closeEditor(IWContext iwc) { setParentToReload(); close(); } /** * Description of the Method * *@exception Exception Description of the Exception */ private void noAccess() throws Exception { addLeft(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_access", "Login first!")); addSubmitButton(new CloseButton(this._iwrb.getImage("close.gif"))); } /** * Gets the bundleIdentifier attribute of the DocEditorWindow object * *@return The bundleIdentifier value */ public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } }