package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import com.idega.util.StringHandler; /** * <p>Title: idegaWeb</p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> * @version 1.0 * Created on Jun 4, 2003 */ public class CriterionExpression implements DynamicExpression { public static final char DOT = '.'; public static final char WHITE_SPACE = ' '; public static final char APOSTROPHE = '\''; public static final char BRACKET_OPEN = '('; public static final char BRACKET_CLOSE = ')'; public static final String OR = "OR"; private static final String INTEGER = Integer.class.getName(); private Object identifier = null; private String id = null; private String valueField = null; private String firstColumnClass = null; private String comparison = null; private String patternField = null; private boolean isDynamic = false; private Map identifierValueMap = null; private Map identifierInputDescriptionMap = null; private String inputHandlerClass = null; private String inputHandlerDescription = null; private Map typeSQL = null; private IWContext iwc = null; { this.typeSQL = new HashMap(); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_LIKE, "LIKE"); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_EQ, "="); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_NEQ, "<>"); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_LT, "<"); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_GT, ">"); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_GEQ, ">="); this.typeSQL.put(QueryConditionPart.TYPE_LEQ, "<="); } public CriterionExpression(QueryConditionPart condition, Object identifier, SQLQuery sqlQuery, IWContext iwc) { = condition.getId(); this.identifier = identifier; = iwc; initialize(condition, sqlQuery, iwc); } protected void initialize(QueryConditionPart condition, SQLQuery sqlQuery, IWContext iwc) { String field = condition.getField(); String path = condition.getPath(); // set Handler this.inputHandlerDescription = sqlQuery.getHandlerDescriptionForField(path, field); this.inputHandlerClass = sqlQuery.getInputHandlerForField(path, field); this.firstColumnClass = sqlQuery.getTypeClassForField(path, field); this.valueField = sqlQuery.getUniqueNameForField(path,field); String type = condition.getType(); this.comparison = (String) this.typeSQL.get(type); // set pattern this.identifierValueMap = new LinkedHashMap(); String patternFieldName = condition.getPatternField(); String patternPath = condition.getPatternPath(); if (patternFieldName == null && patternPath == null) { Object pattern = null; if (condition.hasMoreThanOnePattern()) { pattern = condition.getPatterns(); } else { pattern = condition.getPattern(); } this.identifierValueMap.put(this.identifier, pattern); } else { this.patternField = sqlQuery.getUniqueNameForField(patternPath,patternFieldName); } this.identifierInputDescriptionMap = new LinkedHashMap(); String description = condition.getDescription(); if (description == null || description.length() == 0) { IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); // localization String localizedType = iwrb.getLocalizedString(StringHandler.concat(QueryConstants.LOCALIZATION_CONDITION_TYPE_PREFIX, type), type); String localizedField = iwrb.getLocalizedString(field, field); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(localizedField).append(" ").append(localizedType); description = buffer.toString(); } this.identifierInputDescriptionMap.put(this.identifier, new InputDescription(description, this.inputHandlerClass, this.inputHandlerDescription)); this.isDynamic = condition.isDynamic(); } private IWResourceBundle getResourceBundle(IWContext iwc) { Locale locale = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getDefaultLocale(); return iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(QueryConstants.QUERY_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getResourceBundle(locale); } public String toSQLString() { StringBuffer expression = new StringBuffer(this.valueField).append(WHITE_SPACE); expression.append(this.comparison); Object pattern = this.identifierValueMap.get(this.identifier); InputHandler inputHandler = getInputHandler(); // if the pattern is a collection use OR operator if (pattern != null) { // if there is an inputhandler get the resulting objects if (inputHandler != null) { String[] patternAsArray = null; if (pattern instanceof Collection) { patternAsArray = (String[]) ((Collection)pattern).toArray(new String[0]); } // pattern is not a collection else { patternAsArray = new String[] { (String) pattern }; } try { pattern = inputHandler.getResultingObject(patternAsArray,; } catch (Exception ex) { } } // inputhandler handling finished // ask again if NOW pattern is a collection (might have been changed) if (pattern instanceof Collection) { Iterator iterator = ((Collection) pattern).iterator(); // catch a special case if (((Collection) pattern).size() == 1) { return getSingleCondition(; } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object singlePattern =; buffer.append(BRACKET_OPEN).append(WHITE_SPACE); StringBuffer singleCondition = getSingleCondition( singlePattern); buffer.append(singleCondition); buffer.append(WHITE_SPACE).append(BRACKET_CLOSE); if (iterator.hasNext()) { buffer.append(WHITE_SPACE).append(OR).append(WHITE_SPACE); } } // bye bye return buffer.toString(); } // pattern is not a collection else { // bye bye return getSingleCondition(pattern).toString(); } } else if (this.patternField != null) { expression.append(WHITE_SPACE).append(this.patternField); // bye bye return expression.toString(); } // should not happen return ""; } private StringBuffer getSingleCondition(Object patternObject) { // change pattern to the corresponding string for the given type if (this.inputHandlerClass != null && patternObject != null) { InputHandler inputHandler = getInputHandler(); patternObject = inputHandler.convertSingleResultingObjectToType(patternObject, this.firstColumnClass).toString(); } StringBuffer expression = new StringBuffer(this.valueField).append(WHITE_SPACE); expression.append(this.comparison); if (patternObject != null) { expression.append(WHITE_SPACE); // if it is an integer do not use apostrophe: age = 22 if (INTEGER.equals(this.firstColumnClass)) { expression.append(patternObject); } // else use apostrophe: name = 'Thomas' else { expression.append(APOSTROPHE).append(patternObject).append(APOSTROPHE); } } return expression; } public boolean isDynamic() { return this.isDynamic; } public String getId() { return; } public Map getIdentifierValueMap() { return this.identifierValueMap; } public Map getIdentifierInputDescriptionMap() { return this.identifierInputDescriptionMap; } public void setIdentifierValueMap(Map identifierValueMap) { this.identifierValueMap = identifierValueMap; } public String getInputHandlerDescription() { return this.inputHandlerDescription; } public InputHandler getInputHandler() { // sometimes there isn't an inputhandler if (this.inputHandlerClass == null) { return null; } InputHandler inputHandler = null; try { inputHandler = (InputHandler) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(this.inputHandlerClass).newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { //TODO: thi implement log // log(ex); // logError("[CriterionExpression] Could not retrieve handler class"); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { // log(ex); // logError("[CriterionExpression] Could not instanciate handler class"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { // log(ex); // logError("[CriterionExpression] Could not instanciate handler class"); } return inputHandler; } public boolean isValid() { return true; // ( // StringHandler.isNotEmpty(valueField) && // StringHandler.isNotEmpty(pattern) && // StringHandler.isNotEmpty(comparison)); } }