package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import; import; import; import; /** * Title: IW Core * Description: Use this class to get and manipulate ICObject and ICObjectInstance data objects rather than constructing them with "new" * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author 2000-2002 - idega team - <a href="">Gu�mundur �g�st S�mundsson</>,<a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ICObjectBusiness implements Singleton { private static Instantiator instantiator = new Instantiator() { public Object getInstance() { return new ICObjectBusiness();}}; private Map icoInstanceMap; private Map icObjectMap; private ICObjectBusiness(){ // empty } private Map getIcoInstanceMap(){ if(this.icoInstanceMap==null){ this.icoInstanceMap = new HashMap(); } return this.icoInstanceMap; } private Map getIcObjectMap(){ if(this.icObjectMap==null){ this.icObjectMap = new HashMap(); } return this.icObjectMap; } /** * Returns an instance of this business object */ public static ICObjectBusiness getInstance(){ return (ICObjectBusiness) SingletonRepository.getRepository().getInstance(ICObjectBusiness.class, instantiator); } /** * Returns the Class associated with the ICObjectInstance */ public Class getICObjectClassForInstance(int ICObjectInstanceId) { ICObjectInstance instance = this.getICObjectInstance(ICObjectInstanceId); ICObject obj = instance.getObject(); if(obj != null){ try { return obj.getObjectClass(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the Class associated with the ICObject */ public Class getICObjectClass(int ICObjectId) { ICObject obj = this.getICObject(ICObjectId); if(obj != null){ try { return obj.getObjectClass(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else { return null; } } public PresentationObject getNewObjectInstance(Class icObjectClass){ PresentationObject inst = null; try{ inst = (PresentationObject)icObjectClass.newInstance(); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return inst; } /** * Constructs a new PresentationObject with the class associated with the ICObjectInstance , icObjectClassName must be in the form of a int */ public PresentationObject getNewObjectInstance(String icObjectClassName){ PresentationObject inst = null; try{ inst = getNewObjectInstance(RefactorClassRegistry.forName(icObjectClassName)); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return inst; } /** * Constructs a new PresentationObject with the class associated with the ICObjectInstance */ public PresentationObject getNewObjectInstance(int icObjectInstanceID){ PresentationObject inst = null; if (icObjectInstanceID > -1) { try{ ICObjectInstance ico = this.getICObjectInstance(icObjectInstanceID); inst = ico.getNewInstance(); inst.setICObjectInstance(ico); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } return inst; } /** * Returns the IWBundle that the ICObjectInstance is registered to, icObjectInstanceID must be of the form of an int */ public IWBundle getBundleForInstance(String icObjectInstanceID,IWMainApplication iwma){ return getBundleForInstance(Integer.parseInt(icObjectInstanceID),iwma); } /** * Returns the IWBundle that the ICObjectInstance is registered to */ public IWBundle getBundleForInstance(int icObjectInstanceID,IWMainApplication iwma){ try{ if(icObjectInstanceID==-1){ return iwma.getBundle(PresentationObject.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); } else{ ICObjectInstance instance = getICObjectInstance(icObjectInstanceID); return instance.getObject().getBundle(iwma); } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns the Class that the ICObjectInstance is associated with, icObjectInstanceID must be of the form of an int */ public Class getClassForInstance(String icObjectInstanceID)throws ClassNotFoundException{ return getClassForInstance(Integer.parseInt(icObjectInstanceID)); } /** * Returns the Class that the ICObjectInstance is associated with */ public Class getClassForInstance(int icObjectInstanceID)throws ClassNotFoundException{ if (icObjectInstanceID == -1) { return(com.idega.presentation.Page.class); } else { return getICObjectInstance(icObjectInstanceID).getObject().getObjectClass(); } } /** * Returns ICObjectInstance that has the specific icObjectInstanceID */ public ICObjectInstance getICObjectInstance(String icObjectInstanceID) { return getICObjectInstance(Integer.parseInt(icObjectInstanceID)); } /** * Returns ICObject that has the specific icObjectID */ public ICObject getICObject(int icObjectID){ try{ Integer key = new Integer(icObjectID); ICObject theReturn = (ICObject)getIcObjectMap().get(key); if(theReturn == null){ theReturn = ((; getIcObjectMap().put(key,theReturn); } return theReturn; } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Error getting ICObject for id="+icObjectID+" - message: "+e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns ICObjectInstance that has the specific icObjectInstanceID */ public ICObjectInstance getICObjectInstance(int icObjectInstanceID){ try{ Integer key = new Integer(icObjectInstanceID); ICObjectInstance theReturn = (ICObjectInstance)getIcoInstanceMap().get(key); if(theReturn == null){ theReturn = ((; getIcoInstanceMap().put(key,theReturn); } return theReturn; } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Error getting ICObjectInstance for id="+icObjectInstanceID+" - message: "+e.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates a new empty ICObjectInstance * Catches any possible Exceptions and throws a RuntimeException if anything occurres */ public ICObjectInstance createICObjectInstance() throws IDOCreateException{ try{ return ((; } catch(RuntimeException re){ throw new IDOCreateException(re); } } /** * Creates a new empty ICObject * Catches any possible Exceptions and throws a RuntimeException if anything occurres */ public ICObject createICObject()throws IDOCreateException{ try{ return ((; } catch(RuntimeException re){ throw new IDOCreateException(re); } } /** * Creates a new empty ICObjectInstance * Catches any possible Exceptions and throws a RuntimeException if anything occurres */ public ICObjectInstance createICObjectInstanceLegacy(){ try{ return createICObjectInstance(); } catch(IDOCreateException idoe){ throw new RuntimeException(idoe.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates a new empty ICObject * Catches any possible Exceptions and throws a RuntimeException if anything occurres */ public ICObject createICObjectLegacy(){ try{ return createICObject(); } catch(IDOCreateException idoe){ throw new RuntimeException(idoe.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the related object's id relative to the objectinstance we have * Catches the error if there is any and returns the number -2 * @todo cache somehow */ public int getRelatedEntityId(ICObjectInstance icObjectInstance, Class entityToGetIdFromClass){ try { IDOEntity entityToGetIdFrom = GenericEntity.getStaticInstanceIDO(entityToGetIdFromClass); String columnName = entityToGetIdFrom.getEntityDefinition().getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName(); String SQLQuery = EntityFinder.getInstance().getFindRelatedSQLQuery(icObjectInstance,entityToGetIdFromClass); int theReturn = SimpleQuerier.executeIntQuery(SQLQuery,columnName); return theReturn; /* List L = EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(icObjectInstance,entityToGetIdFromClass); if(!L.isEmpty()){ return ((IDOLegacyEntity) L.get(0)).getID(); } else return -1; */ } catch (Exception e) { return -2; } } /** * Returns the related object's id relative to the objectinstance we have * Catches the error if there is any and returns null if there was an error * @todo cache somehow */ public IDOLegacyEntity getRelatedEntity(ICObjectInstance icObjectInstance, Class entityToGetIdFromClass) throws IDOFinderException{ /*List L = EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(icObjectInstance,entityToGetIdFrom); if(!L.isEmpty()){ return (IDOLegacyEntity) L.get(0); } else{ throw new IDOFinderException("Nothing found for ICObjectInstance with id="+icObjectInstance.getID()+" and "+entityToGetIdFrom.getName()); }*/ int id = getRelatedEntityId(icObjectInstance,entityToGetIdFromClass); IDOHome entityToGetIdFromHome; try { entityToGetIdFromHome = IDOLookup.getHome(entityToGetIdFromClass); Integer pk = new Integer(id); return (IDOLegacyEntity) IDOContainer.getInstance().findByPrimaryKey(entityToGetIdFromClass,pk,entityToGetIdFromHome); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } } // Class