package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.CollectionNavigator; import com.idega.presentation.ExceptionWrapper; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Title: UserCases * Description: A class to view Cases for a User in the idegaWeb Commune application * Copyright: Copyright idega Software (c) 2002 * Company: idega Software * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class UserCases extends CommuneBlock { private String _dateWidth; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "se.idega.idegaweb.commune"; private final static int ACTION_VIEW_CASE_LIST = 1; //private final static String PARAM_CASE_ID = "USC_CASE_ID"; private final static String PARAM_MANAGER_ID = ManagerView.PARAM_MANAGER_ID; private int manager_page_id = -1; private int viewpointPageId = -1; private int reminderPageId = -1; private Map pageMap; private boolean _showName = false; private boolean _showManager = true; private boolean _showStatusAfterschoolCare = true; private boolean useStyleNames = false; //private boolean useBullets = false; private int firstColumnPadding = 12; private int _startCase = -1; private int _numberOfCases = 10; public final static String MYCASES_KEY = "usercases.myCases"; public final static String MYCASES_DEFAULT = "My Cases"; public final static String CASENUMBER_KEY = "usercases.caseNumber"; public final static String CASENUMBER_DEFAULT = "Case number"; public final static String CONCERNING_KEY = "usercases.concerning"; public final static String CONCERNING_DEFAULT = "Regarding"; public final static String NAME_KEY = ""; public final static String NAME_DEFAULT = "Name"; public final static String DATE_KEY = ""; public final static String DATE_DEFAULT = "Date"; public final static String MANAGER_KEY = "usercases.manager"; public final static String MANAGER_DEFAULT = "Manager"; public final static String STATUS_KEY = "usercases.status"; public final static String STATUS_DEFAULT = "Status"; public final static String NOONGOINGCASES_KEY = "usercases.noOngoingCases"; public final static String NOONGOINGCASES_DEFAULT = "Unhandled cases"; public final static String UNHANDLEDCASESINMYGROUPS_KEY = "usercases.unhandledCasesInMyGroups"; public final static String UNHANDLEDCASESINMYGROUPS_DEFAULT = "My group's unhandled cases"; public final static String SUBJECT_KEY = "usercases.subject"; public final static String SUBJECT_DEFAULT = "Subject"; public final static String HANDLERGROUP_KEY = "usercases.handlerGroup"; public final static String HANDLERGROUP_DEFAULT = "Handler group"; public final static String PARAMETER_START_CASE = "case_start_nr"; public final static String PARAMETER_END_CASE = "case_end_nr"; private boolean iUseUserInSession = false; private boolean showPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent = false; public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void main(IWContext iwc) { //this.setResourceBundle(getResourceBundle(iwc)); try { int action = parseAction(); switch (action) { case ACTION_VIEW_CASE_LIST : viewCaseList(iwc, new Table()); break; } } catch (Exception e) { super.add(new ExceptionWrapper(e, this)); } } private int parseAction() { int action = ACTION_VIEW_CASE_LIST; return action; } protected UserSession getUserSession(IWUserContext iwuc) { try { return (UserSession) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwuc, UserSession.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } } protected void viewCaseList(IWContext iwc, Table mainTable) throws Exception { mainTable.setCellpadding(0); mainTable.setCellspacing(0); mainTable.setWidth(getWidth()); add(mainTable); boolean showList = false; if (iUseUserInSession) { showList = getUserSession(iwc).getUser() != null; } else { showList = iwc.isLoggedOn(); } if (showList) { User user = null; if (iUseUserInSession) { user = getUserSession(iwc).getUser(); } else { user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); } final int userId = ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); CollectionNavigator navigator = getNavigator(iwc, user); //Finding cases List cases = getCases(iwc, user, _startCase, _numberOfCases); if (cases != null & !cases.isEmpty()) { Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(getCellpadding()); table.setCellspacing(getCellspacing()); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setColumns(getLastColumn()); if (useStyleNames) { table.setRowStyleClass(1, getHeadingRowClass()); table.mergeCells(1, 1, table.getColumns() - 2, 1); table.add(localize("case.cases", "Cases"), 1, 1); table.mergeCells(table.getColumns() - 1, 1, table.getColumns(), 1); table.setAlignment(table.getColumns() - 1, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); navigator.setUseShortText(true); navigator.setWidth(50); navigator.setLinkStyle(getStyleName(STYLENAME_SMALL_HEADER_LINK)); navigator.setTextStyle(getStyleName(STYLENAME_SMALL_HEADER)); table.add(navigator, table.getColumns() - 1, 1); } else { table.mergeCells(1, 1, table.getColumns(), 1); table.add(navigator, 1, 1); } Form form = new Form(); form.add(table); int row = addTableHeader(table, 2); Iterator iter = cases.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { try { final Case useCase = (Case); addCaseToMessageList(iwc, userId, useCase, table, row++); } catch (Exception e) { add(e); e.printStackTrace(); row--; } } mainTable.add(form, 1, 1); } else { if (useStyleNames) { mainTable.setCellpaddingLeft(1, 1, firstColumnPadding); } mainTable.add(getSmallHeader(localize(NOONGOINGCASES_KEY, NOONGOINGCASES_DEFAULT)), 1, 1); } } } /** * @param iwc * @param user * @return */ protected int getNumberOfCases(IWContext iwc, User user) { try { return getCommuneCaseBusiness(iwc).getCaseBusiness().getNumberOfCasesForUserExceptCodes(user, getCommuneCaseBusiness(iwc).getUserHiddenCaseCodes()); } catch (RemoteException e) { return 0; } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } protected int addTableHeader(Table table, int row) { if (useStyleNames) { table.setAlignment(getNumberColumn(), row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.setCellpaddingLeft(getNumberColumn(), row, firstColumnPadding); table.setRowStyleClass(row, getStyleName(STYLENAME_HEADER_ROW)); } else { table.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); } table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(CASENUMBER_KEY, CASENUMBER_DEFAULT)), getNumberColumn(), row); table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(CONCERNING_KEY, CONCERNING_DEFAULT)), getTypeColumn(), row); if (isShowName()){ table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(NAME_KEY, NAME_DEFAULT)), getNameColumn(), row); } table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(DATE_KEY, DATE_DEFAULT)), getDateColumn(), row); if (_showManager) { table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(MANAGER_KEY, MANAGER_DEFAULT)), getManagerColumn(), row); } table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(STATUS_KEY, STATUS_DEFAULT)), getStatusColumn(), row); return row + 1; } protected ICPage getPage(String caseCode, String caseStatus) { if (pageMap != null) { Object object = pageMap.get(caseCode); if (object != null) { if (object instanceof ICPage) { return (ICPage) object; } else if (object instanceof Map) { Map statusMap = (Map) object; return (ICPage) statusMap.get(caseStatus); } } } return null; } public void setPage(String caseCode, String caseStatus, ICPage page) { if (pageMap == null) { pageMap = new HashMap(); } Map statusMap = (Map) pageMap.get(caseCode); if (statusMap == null) { statusMap = new HashMap(); } statusMap.put(caseStatus, page); pageMap.put(caseCode, statusMap); } public void setPage(String caseCode, ICPage page) { if (pageMap == null) { pageMap = new HashMap(); } pageMap.put(caseCode, page); } protected List getCases(IWContext iwc, User user, int startingCase, int numberOfCases) throws RemoteException, FinderException, Exception { return new Vector(getCommuneCaseBusiness(iwc).getAllCasesDefaultVisibleForUser(user, startingCase, numberOfCases)); } protected Collection getGroups(IWContext iwc, final int userId) throws RemoteException { UserBusiness userBusiness = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, UserBusiness.class); Collection groupCollection = userBusiness.getUserGroups(userId); if (groupCollection == null){ groupCollection = new ArrayList(); //empty collection } return groupCollection; } protected void addCaseToMessageList(final IWContext iwc, final int userId, final Case useCase, final Table messageList, int row) throws Exception { DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); Date caseDate = new Date(useCase.getCreated().getTime()); Text caseNumber = getSmallHeader(useCase.getPrimaryKey().toString()); CaseBusiness caseBusiness = CaseCodeManager.getInstance().getCaseBusinessOrDefault(useCase.getCaseCode(), iwc); String localizedCaseDescription = null; try{ localizedCaseDescription = caseBusiness.getLocalizedCaseDescription(useCase, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); } catch(Exception ex){ localizedCaseDescription =localize("usercases.localised_description_missing","[ERROR: Localized description missing]"); } Text caseType = getSmallText(localizedCaseDescription); final Text date = getSmallText(dateFormat.format(caseDate)); Text manager = null; String managerName = ""; int managerID = -1; try { final Group handler = useCase.getHandler(); if (handler != null) { managerID = ((Integer) handler.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (managerID != userId) { managerName = getUserBusiness(iwc).getNameOfGroupOrUser(handler); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (managerName == null) { manager = getSmallText("-"); } else { manager = getSmallText(managerName); if (getManagerPage() != -1) { Link managerLink = getSmallLink(managerName); managerLink.setPage(getManagerPage()); managerLink.addParameter(PARAM_MANAGER_ID, managerID); manager = managerLink; } } String caseCode = useCase.getCode(); CaseStatus caseStatus = useCase.getCaseStatus(); CaseStatus caseStatusOpen = caseBusiness.getCaseStatusOpen(); CaseStatus caseStatusPlaced = caseBusiness.getCaseStatusPlaced(); PresentationObject status = null; // special cases at the beginning String caseCodeAS = new AfterSchoolChoiceBMPBean().getCaseCodeKey(); String caseCodeSc = new SchoolChoiceBMPBean().getCaseCodeKey(); SchoolChoiceBusiness schBuiz = (SchoolChoiceBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, SchoolChoiceBusiness.class); if (caseCode.equals(caseCodeAS) && !getShowStatusAfterSchoolCare()) { status = getSmallText("-"); } else if (this.showPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent && caseCode.equals(caseCodeSc) && useCase.getCaseStatus().equals(caseStatusPlaced)) { SchoolChoice choice = schBuiz.getSchoolChoice(((Integer) useCase.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if (choice != null && !choice.getHasReceivedPlacementMessage()) status = getStatus(iwc, caseStatusOpen); else status = getStatus(iwc, caseStatus); } else { List list = ImplementorRepository.getInstance().newInstances(SchoolCaseBusiness.class, this.getClass()); Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && status == null) { SchoolCaseBusiness schoolCaseBusiness = (SchoolCaseBusiness); if (schoolCaseBusiness.isCase(useCase) && useCase.getCaseStatus().equals(caseStatusPlaced)) { if (schoolCaseBusiness.caseIsOpen(useCase, iwc)) { status = getStatus(iwc, caseStatusOpen); } else { status = getStatus(iwc, caseStatus); } } } } // nothing was set yet if (status == null) { status = getStatus(iwc, caseStatus); } try { ViewpointBusiness viewpointBusiness = (ViewpointBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, ViewpointBusiness.class); String caseCodeKeyViewpoint = viewpointBusiness.getCaseCodeKeyForViewpoint(); if (useCase.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(caseCodeKeyViewpoint)) { Viewpoint viewpoint = viewpointBusiness.findViewpoint(Integer.parseInt(useCase.getPrimaryKey().toString())); caseType = getSmallText(viewpoint.getCategory()); if (getViewpointPage() != -1) { Link viewpointLink = viewpointBusiness.getLinkToPageForViewpoint(getViewpointPage(), viewpoint); caseNumber = getStyleLink(new Link(viewpointLink), STYLENAME_SMALL_LINK); } } } catch (IBOLookupException ex) { log(Level.INFO, "[UserCases] PointOfViewBusiness is not installed"); // nothing to do, sometimes point of view bundle is not installed } if (useStyleNames) { messageList.setAlignment(getNumberColumn(), row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); messageList.setCellpaddingLeft(getNumberColumn(), row, firstColumnPadding); if (row % 2 == 0) { messageList.setRowStyleClass(row, getStyleName(STYLENAME_LIGHT_ROW)); } else { messageList.setRowStyleClass(row, getStyleName(STYLENAME_DARK_ROW)); } } else { if (row % 2 == 0) { messageList.setRowColor(row, getZebraColor1()); } else { messageList.setRowColor(row, getZebraColor2()); } } int column = getNumberColumn(); messageList.setNoWrap(column, row); ICPage page = getPage(caseCode, caseStatus.getStatus()); if (page != null) { String caseNR = useCase.getPrimaryKey().toString(); Link link = getSmallLink(caseNR); Class eventListener = caseBusiness.getEventListener(); if (eventListener != null) { link.setEventListener(eventListener); } Map parameters = caseBusiness.getCaseParameters(useCase); if (parameters != null) { link.setParameter(parameters); } link.addParameter(caseBusiness.getSelectedCaseParameter(),caseNR); link.setPage(page); messageList.add(link, column, row); } else { messageList.add(caseNumber, column, row); } column = getTypeColumn(); messageList.add(caseType, column, row); if (isShowName()) { Text caseOwnerName = new Text(localize("usercases.owner_not_available","No name")); try{ User owner = useCase.getOwner(); caseOwnerName = getSmallText(owner.getFirstName() + " " + owner.getLastName()); } catch (NullPointerException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } column = getNameColumn(); messageList.setNoWrap(column, row); messageList.add(caseOwnerName, column, row); } column = getDateColumn(); if (_dateWidth != null) { messageList.setWidth(column, _dateWidth); } messageList.setNoWrap(column, row); messageList.add(date, column, row); if (_showManager) { column = getManagerColumn(); messageList.setNoWrap(column, row); messageList.add(manager, column, row); } column = getStatusColumn(); messageList.setNoWrap(column, row); messageList.add(status, column, row); } protected PresentationObject getStatus(IWContext iwc, CaseStatus status) throws Exception { return getSmallText(getCaseBusiness(iwc).getLocalizedCaseStatusDescription(status, iwc.getCurrentLocale())); } int getNumberColumn(){ return 1; } int getTypeColumn(){ return 2; } int getNameColumn(){ return 3; } int getDateColumn(){ return (isShowName() ? getNameColumn() : getTypeColumn()) + 1; } int getManagerColumn(){ return getDateColumn() + 1; } int getStatusColumn(){ return (_showManager ? getManagerColumn() + 1 : getDateColumn() + 1); } int getLastColumn(){ return getStatusColumn(); } private CollectionNavigator getNavigator(IWContext iwc, User user) { CollectionNavigator navigator = new CollectionNavigator(getNumberOfCases(iwc, user)); navigator.setTextStyle(STYLENAME_SMALL_TEXT); navigator.setLinkStyle(STYLENAME_SMALL_LINK); navigator.setNumberOfEntriesPerPage(_numberOfCases); navigator.setPadding(getCellpadding()); _startCase = navigator.getStart(iwc); return navigator; } protected CaseBusiness getCaseBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { return (CaseBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, CaseBusiness.class); } protected CommuneCaseBusiness getCommuneCaseBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { return (CommuneCaseBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, CommuneCaseBusiness.class); } public void setViewpointPage(final ICPage page) { viewpointPageId = ((Integer)page.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } public int getViewpointPage() { return viewpointPageId; } public void setReminderPage(final ICPage page) { reminderPageId = ((Integer)page.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } public int getReminderPage() { return reminderPageId; } public void setManagerPage(ICPage page) { manager_page_id = ((Integer)page.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } public void setManagerPage(int ib_page_id) { manager_page_id = ib_page_id; } public int getManagerPage() { return manager_page_id; } /** * Sets the showName. * @param showName The showName to set */ public void setShowName(boolean showName) { _showName = showName; } /** * Sets the showName. * @param showName The showName to set */ public void setShowManager(boolean showManager) { _showManager = showManager; } /** * Returns the showName. * @return boolean */ public boolean isShowName() { return _showName; } /** * @param width */ public void setDateWidth(String width) { _dateWidth = width; } public String getDateWidth() { return _dateWidth; } /** * @param width */ public void setDateWidth(int width) { setDateWidth(String.valueOf(width)); } public void setShowStatusAfterSchoolCare(boolean showStatusAfterschoolCare) { _showStatusAfterschoolCare = showStatusAfterschoolCare; } /** * Returns the showStatusAfterschoolCare. * @return boolean */ public boolean getShowStatusAfterSchoolCare() { return _showStatusAfterschoolCare; } /** * @param useStyleNames The useStyleNames to set. */ public void setUseStyleNames(boolean useStyleNames) { this.useStyleNames = useStyleNames; } /** * @param useBullets The useBullets to set. */ /*public void setUseBullets(boolean useBullets) { this.useBullets = useBullets; }*/ /** * @param firstColumnPadding The firstColumnPadding to set. */ public void setFirstColumnPadding(int firstColumnPadding) { this.firstColumnPadding = firstColumnPadding; } public void setUseUserInSession(boolean useUserInSession) { iUseUserInSession = useUserInSession; } public boolean getShowPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent() { return showPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent; } public void setShowPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent(boolean showPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent) { this.showPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent = showPlacedOnlyIFPlacementMessageSent; } }