package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.childcare.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CitizenChildren; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock; import; import com.idega.block.navigation.presentation.UserHomeLink; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.DownloadLink; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.GenericButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.InterfaceObject; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.PersonalIDFormatter; /** * ChildCareOfferTable * @author <a href="">roar</a> * @version $Id:,v 2006/04/05 15:09:24 dainis Exp $ * @since 12.2.2003 */ public class ChildCareCustomerApplicationTable extends CommuneBlock { // changed from extends CommuneBlock 050622 //private final static String[] SUBMIT = { "ccot_submit", "Next" }, CANCEL = { "ccot_cancel", "Cancel" }, SUBMIT_ALERT_2 = { "ccot_alert_2", "Do you want to commit your choice? This can not be undone afterwards." }, NO_PLACEMENT = { "ccot_no_placement", "Detta barn har ingen placering" }, PLACED_AT = { "ccot_placed_at", "Placerad hos" }, PERSONAL_ID = { "ccot_personal_id", "Personal id" }, NAME = { "ccot_name", "Name" }, REQUEST_CONFIRM = { "ccot_request_sent_confirm", "Your request has been sent." }, NO_APPLICATION = { "ccot_no_application", "No application found" }, NEW_CARETIME = { "ccot_new_caretime", "New caretime" }, END_CARETIME = { "ccot_end_caretime", "Avsluta kontrakt" }, REQUEST_SUBJECT = { "ccot_request_subject", "Request for queue information" }, REQUEST_MESSAGE1 = { "ccot_request_message1", "Parents of" }, REQUEST_MESSAGE2 = { "ccot_request_message2", "are requesting queue information for preschool" }, SIGN_TOOLTIP = new String[] {"ccot_sign_tooltip", "Sign contract"}; private final static String[] SUBMIT = { "ccot_submit", "Next" }, CANCEL = { "ccot_cancel", "Cancel" }, SUBMIT_ALERT_2 = { "ccot_alert_2", "Do you want to commit your choice? This can not be undone afterwards." }, PLACED_AT = { "ccot_placed_at", "Placerad hos" }, PERSONAL_ID = { "ccot_personal_id", "Personal id" }, NAME = { "ccot_name", "Name" }, REQUEST_CONFIRM = { "ccot_request_sent_confirm", "Your request has been sent." }, NO_APPLICATION = { "ccot_no_application", "No application found" }, NEW_CARETIME = { "ccot_new_caretime", "New caretime" }, END_CARETIME = { "ccot_end_caretime", "Avsluta kontrakt" }, REQUEST_SUBJECT = { "ccot_request_subject", "Request for queue information" }, REQUEST_MESSAGE1 = { "ccot_request_message1", "Parents of" }, REQUEST_MESSAGE2 = { "ccot_request_message2", "are requesting queue information for preschool" }, SIGN_TOOLTIP = new String[] {"ccot_sign_tooltip", "Sign contract"}; private final static String[] SUBMIT_ANSWER = { "ccot_submit_answer", "Submit" }; private final static String[] FUTURE_CONTRACT= {"ccot_future_contract","Future contract"}; private final static String[] START_CARETIME= {"ccot_start_caretime","Start/caretime"}; public final static int PAGE_1 = 1; public final static int PAGE_2 = 2; //Redeclaration of constants from CaseBMPBean, because there they are not declared public... public final static String STATUS_BVJD = "BVJD"; public final static String STATUS_PREL = "PREL"; public final static String STATUS_TYST = "TYST"; //Session variable for disabling used request-buttons final static String REQ_BUTTON = "REQ_BUTTON"; //Session variable for rejected and cancelled applications final static String DELETED_APPLICATIONS = "DELETED_APPLICATIONS"; private static final String PROPERTY_CAN_KEEP_ALL_CHOICES_ON_ACCEPT = "can_keep_all_choices_when_acception_offer"; private final static String PARAMETER_APPLICATION_ID = "application_id"; private final static String PARAMETER_DELETE_OFFER = "delete_offer"; private final static int ACTION_DELETE_OFFER = 1111; private static final String LIST_OF_USER_DECISIONS = "listOfUserDecisions"; private String CHILD_ID = CitizenChildren.getChildIDParameterName(); private String CHILD_UNIQUE_ID = CitizenChildren.getChildUniqueIDParameterName(); private int childID = -1; ChildCareBusiness childCarebusiness = null; private boolean _showOnlyChildcare = false; private boolean _showOnlyAfterSchoolCare = false; private String _caseCode = null; private ICPage _renewQueuePage; private boolean _hasAcceptedApplication = false; private boolean hasPermission = false; /** * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#main(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (iwc.isInEditMode()){ return; } childID = getChildId(iwc); setCacheable(false); childCarebusiness = getChildCareBusiness(iwc); if (isAdministrator(iwc)){ hasPermission = true; } else{ User parent = iwc.getCurrentUser(); Collection children = childCarebusiness.getUserBusiness().getChildrenForUser(parent); Iterator theChild = children.iterator(); while(theChild.hasNext()){ User userChild = (User); int userChildId = ((Integer) userChild.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (userChildId == childID){ hasPermission = true; break; } } } if (_renewQueuePage != null) { if (_showOnlyChildcare && childCarebusiness.hasPendingApplications(childID, _caseCode)) { getChildCareSession(iwc).setChildID(childID); iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), _renewQueuePage); } } Form form = new Form(); Table layoutTbl = new Table(); layoutTbl.setCellpadding(0); layoutTbl.setCellspacing(0); layoutTbl.setWidth(getWidth()); int action = parseAction(iwc); Collection applications = findApplications(iwc); ChildCareApplication application = null; switch (action) { case CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_1 : iwc.setSessionAttribute(LIST_OF_USER_DECISIONS, getAcceptedStatus(iwc)); boolean forwardToEndPage = handleAcceptStatus(iwc, false); applications = findApplications(iwc); //throw out the application(s) which user has chosen, because they are not shown on the next page (page 2) throwOutApplicationsAcceptedByUser(iwc, applications); //dainis: I think this is not needed here //if (getChildCareBusiness(iwc).hasOutstandingOffers(childID, _caseCode)) { // form.setOnSubmit(createPagePhase1(iwc, layoutTbl, applications)); //} //else { if (forwardToEndPage) { //which actually means that these are after school applications handleAcceptStatus(iwc, true); //and so we must save to database if (getEndPage() != null) { iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); } else iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getUserBusiness().getHomePageForUser(iwc.getCurrentUser())); } else { form.setOnSubmit(createPagePhase2(iwc, layoutTbl, applications)); } //} break; case CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_2 : handleAcceptStatus(iwc, true); handleKeepQueueStatus(iwc, getKeepInQueue(iwc)); if (getEndPage() != null) { iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); } break; case CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_1 : case CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_2 : // if (getEndPage() != null) // iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); // else iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getUserBusiness().getHomePageForUser(iwc.getCurrentUser())); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_INFO : application = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getApplicationByPrimaryKey(iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.APPID)); getChildCareBusiness(iwc).sendMessageToProvider( application, localize(REQUEST_SUBJECT), localize(REQUEST_MESSAGE1) + " " + application.getChild().getName() + ", " + application.getChild().getPersonalID() + " " + localize(REQUEST_MESSAGE2) + " " + application.getProvider() + ".", application.getOwner()); iwc.setSessionAttribute(REQ_BUTTON + application.getNodeID(), new Boolean(true)); createRequestInfoConfirmPage(layoutTbl); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_DELETE : application = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getApplicationByPrimaryKey(iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.APPID)); // application.setApplicationStatus(childCarebusiness.getStatusRejected()); // application.setStatus(STATUS_TYST); deleteApplication(application); getChildCareBusiness(iwc).removeFromQueue(application, iwc.getCurrentUser()); applications = findApplications(iwc); form.setOnSubmit(createPagePhase1(iwc, layoutTbl, applications)); updateChoiceNumber(applications); break; case CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_CONFIRM : if (getEndPage() != null) iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); else iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getUserBusiness().getHomePageForUser(iwc.getCurrentUser())); break; case ACTION_DELETE_OFFER : deleteOffer(iwc); applications = findApplications(iwc); //iwc.removeSessionAttribute(DELETED_APPLICATIONS); form.setOnSubmit(createPagePhase1(iwc, layoutTbl, applications)); break; default : //iwc.removeSessionAttribute(DELETED_APPLICATIONS); form.setOnSubmit(createPagePhase1(iwc, layoutTbl, applications)); } if (hasPermission){ form.add(layoutTbl); add(form); } else{ add(getErrorText(localize("child_care.not_permitted", "You do not have permission"))); } } private void throwOutApplicationsAcceptedByUser(IWContext iwc, Collection applications) throws RemoteException { int acceptedChoiceNumber = 0; List listOfDecisions = (List) iwc.getSessionAttribute(LIST_OF_USER_DECISIONS); Iterator iter = listOfDecisions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AcceptedStatus status = (AcceptedStatus); if (status.isDefined()) { ChildCareApplication applicationToBeRemoved = childCarebusiness.getApplicationByPrimaryKey(status._appid); if (status.isAccepted()) { acceptedChoiceNumber = applicationToBeRemoved.getChoiceNumber(); applications.remove(applicationToBeRemoved); } } } boolean canKeepAllChoices = this.getBundle().getBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_CAN_KEEP_ALL_CHOICES_ON_ACCEPT, true); if (!canKeepAllChoices) { //If choice 1 accepted, choice 2 shall not be deleted, unless it is already an accepted offer int deleteFromChoice = acceptedChoiceNumber == 1 ? 2 : acceptedChoiceNumber; for (Iterator i = listOfDecisions.iterator();i.hasNext();) { AcceptedStatus status = (AcceptedStatus); ChildCareApplication app = childCarebusiness.getApplicationByPrimaryKey(status._appid); int choiceNumber = app.getChoiceNumber(); if (choiceNumber > deleteFromChoice) { applications.remove(app); } } } } /** * Finds and returns the command action * @param iwc * @return */ private int parseAction(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(CCConstants.ACTION)) { return Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.ACTION)); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(ChildCarePlaceOfferTable1.REQUEST_INFO[0])) { return CCConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_INFO; } _caseCode = null; if (_showOnlyChildcare) { _caseCode = CareConstants.CASE_CODE_KEY; } else if (_showOnlyAfterSchoolCare) { _caseCode = CareConstants.AFTER_SCHOOL_CASE_CODE_KEY; } else { _caseCode = null; } if (iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_DELETE_OFFER)) { return ACTION_DELETE_OFFER; } return CCConstants.NO_ACTION; } /** * Method handleKeepQueueStatus removes applications from the queue as specified in the second screen. * @param iwc * @param l List of String arraya of length 2. First index is application id, second is keep status. * @throws RemoteException * @throws RemoveException */ private void handleKeepQueueStatus(IWContext iwc, List l) throws RemoteException { Iterator i = l.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String[] status = (String[]); if (status[0] != null) { if (status[1] != null && status[1].equals(CCConstants.NO)) { getChildCareBusiness(iwc).removeFromQueue(new Integer(status[0]).intValue(), iwc.getCurrentUser()); } } } //delete all removed application from session //iwc.removeSessionAttribute(DELETED_APPLICATIONS); } /** * Method getKeepInQueue returns the applications keep request from screen 2. * @param iwc * @return List of String arrays of length two. Index 0 is application id, * index 1 is keep status. */ private List getKeepInQueue(IWContext iwc) { List list = new ArrayList(); int i = 1; while (iwc.isParameterSet(CCConstants.APPID + i)) { list.add(new String[] { iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.APPID + i), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.KEEP_IN_QUEUE + i)}); i++; } return list; } /** * Method handleAcceptStatus handles the accept/reject requests from screen 1. * @param iwc * @param listOfDecisions List of AcceptedStatus objects. * @throws RemoteException */ private boolean handleAcceptStatus(IWContext iwc, boolean saveToDatabase) throws RemoteException { List listOfDecisions = (List) iwc.getSessionAttribute(LIST_OF_USER_DECISIONS); Iterator i = listOfDecisions.iterator(); int acceptedChoiceNumber = 10; int acceptedApplicationID = -1; boolean isAfterSchoolApplication = false; while (i.hasNext()) { AcceptedStatus status = (AcceptedStatus); if (status.isDefined()) { ChildCareApplication application = childCarebusiness.getApplicationByPrimaryKey(status._appid); User child = application.getChild(); String subject = localize( "ccot_offer_answer_subject", "Svar p� erbjudande om plats"); if (childCarebusiness.isAfterSchoolApplication(application)) isAfterSchoolApplication = true; if (!saveToDatabase) { continue; } if (status.isAccepted()) { acceptedApplicationID = Integer.valueOf(status._appid).intValue(); getChildCareBusiness(iwc).parentsAgree(acceptedApplicationID, application.getOwner(), subject, localize("ccot_accept_msg1", "V�rdnadshavare f�r") + child.getName() + ", " + child.getPersonalID() + " " + localize( "ccot_accept_msg2", "tackar ja till erbjudandet om platsen hos") + " " + application.getProvider().getName()); acceptedChoiceNumber = application.getChoiceNumber(); } else if (status.isRejectedNewDate()) { getChildCareBusiness(iwc).rejectOfferWithNewDate(Integer.valueOf(status._appid).intValue(), application.getOwner(), status._date); getChildCareBusiness(iwc).sendMessageToProvider( application, subject, localize("ccot_new_date_msg1", "V�rdnadshavare f�r") + " " + child.getName() + ", " + child.getPersonalID() + " " + localize( "ccot_new_date_msg2", "vill flytta fram det �nskade placeringsdatumet til") + status._date, application.getOwner()); } else if (status.isRejected()) { getChildCareBusiness(iwc).rejectOffer(Integer.valueOf(status._appid).intValue(), application.getOwner()); deleteApplication(application); getChildCareBusiness(iwc).sendMessageToProvider( application, subject, localize("ccot_reject_msg1", "V�rdnadshavare f�r") + " " + child.getName() + ", " + child.getPersonalID() + " " + localize( "ccot_reject_msg2", "tackar nej till erbjudandet om platsen hos") + " " + application.getProvider().getName(), application.getOwner()); } } } if (saveToDatabase) { boolean canKeepAllChoices = this.getBundle().getBooleanProperty(PROPERTY_CAN_KEEP_ALL_CHOICES_ON_ACCEPT, true); if (!canKeepAllChoices) { //Removing other applications from the queue Collection applications = findApplications(iwc); Iterator allaps = applications.iterator(); //If choice 1 accepted, choice 2 shall not be deleted, unless it is already an accepted offer int deleteFromChoice = acceptedChoiceNumber == 1 ? 2 : acceptedChoiceNumber; while (allaps.hasNext()) { ChildCareApplication app = (ChildCareApplication); if (app.getChoiceNumber() > deleteFromChoice //TODO: This is probably not nessesary anymore (Roar) || (acceptedChoiceNumber == 2 && app.getChoiceNumber() == 1 && isAccepted(app))) { childCarebusiness.removeFromQueue(app.getNodeID(), app.getOwner()); //app.setApplicationStatus(childCarebusiness.getStatusCancelled()); deleteApplication(app); } } } } return isAfterSchoolApplication; } /** * Method getAcceptedStatus returns a List of AcceptedStatus objects, where each object * represent a accept/reject request for an applications. * @param iwc * @return List of AcceptedStatus objects */ private List getAcceptedStatus(IWContext iwc) { List list = new ArrayList(); int i = 1; while (iwc.isParameterSet(CCConstants.APPID + i)) { list.add(new AcceptedStatus(iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.APPID + i), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.ACCEPT_OFFER + i), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + i + "_day"), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + i + "_month"), iwc.getParameter(CCConstants.NEW_DATE + i + "_year"))); i++; } return list; } /** * Return true if the application has an accepted offer; it has status PREL/C * @param application * @return * @throws RemoteException */ private boolean isAccepted(ChildCareApplication application) throws RemoteException { return application.getStatus().equals(STATUS_PREL) && application.getApplicationStatus() == childCarebusiness.getStatusParentsAccept(); } private void deleteApplication(ChildCareApplication application) throws RemoteException { /*Collection deletedApps = (Collection) iwc.getSessionAttribute(DELETED_APPLICATIONS); if (deletedApps == null) { deletedApps = new ArrayList(); iwc.setSessionAttribute(DELETED_APPLICATIONS, deletedApps); }*/ //The application is given status TYST/Z, so that it will be rendered correctly (red font) // application.setMessage("Deleted!"); //Todo Roar for debugging only application.setApplicationStatus(childCarebusiness.getStatusRejected()); application.setStatus(STATUS_TYST);; //deletedApps.add(application); } private void updateChoiceNumber(Collection applications) { boolean index_exist[]; index_exist = new boolean[6]; index_exist[1] = false; index_exist[2] = false; index_exist[3] = false; index_exist[4] = false; index_exist[5] = false; int index_place[]; index_place = new int[6]; index_place[1]=0; index_place[2]=0; index_place[3]=0; index_place[4]=0; index_place[5]=0; Iterator allaps = applications.iterator(); while (allaps.hasNext()) { ChildCareApplication app = (ChildCareApplication); if(!app.isActive()){ if(app.getChoiceNumber()==1){ index_exist[1] = true; index_place[1] = 1; } if(app.getChoiceNumber()==2){ index_exist[2] = true; index_place[2] = 2; } if(app.getChoiceNumber()==3){ index_exist[3] = true; index_place[3] = 3; } if(app.getChoiceNumber()==4){ index_exist[4] = true; index_place[4] = 4; } if(app.getChoiceNumber()==5){ index_exist[5] = true; index_place[5] = 5; } } } for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){ if(index_exist[i]){ int choiceNumberCounter=1; for(int j=1;j<=5;j++){ if ((index_place[j]>0)&&(index_place[j] < index_place[i])) choiceNumberCounter++; } index_place[i] = choiceNumberCounter; } } allaps = applications.iterator(); while (allaps.hasNext()) { ChildCareApplication app = (ChildCareApplication); if(!app.isActive()){ if ((app.getChoiceNumber()==1) && (index_exist[1])){ app.setChoiceNumber(index_place[1]);; } if((app.getChoiceNumber()==2) && (index_exist[2])){ app.setChoiceNumber(index_place[2]);; } if((app.getChoiceNumber()==3) && (index_exist[3])){ app.setChoiceNumber(index_place[3]);; } if((app.getChoiceNumber()==4) && (index_exist[4])){ app.setChoiceNumber(index_place[4]);; } if((app.getChoiceNumber()==5) && (index_exist[5])){ app.setChoiceNumber(index_place[5]);; } } } } /** * Represent a accept/reject request for an applications * @author Roar * */ private class AcceptedStatus { String _appid, _status; Date _date; int _choiceNumber; AcceptedStatus(String appId, String status, String day, String month, String year) { _appid = appId; _status = status; if (day != null && month != null && year != null) { try { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(Integer.parseInt(day), Integer.parseInt(month), Integer.parseInt(year)); _date = stamp.getDate(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { _date = new Date(0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { _date = new Date(0); } } } boolean equals(String status) { return _status.equals(status); } boolean isAccepted() { return _status != null && _status.equals(CCConstants.YES); } boolean isRejected() { return _status != null && _status.equals(CCConstants.NO); } boolean isRejectedNewDate() { return _status != null && _status.equals(CCConstants.NO_NEW_DATE); } boolean isDefined() { return _status != null; } } // End class /** * Creates confirmation page after pressing request info button * @param layoutTbl * @throws RemoteException */ private void createRequestInfoConfirmPage(Table layoutTbl) { layoutTbl.add(new Text(localize(REQUEST_CONFIRM)), 1, 1); layoutTbl.setHeight(2, 12); layoutTbl.add(new UserHomeLink(), 1, 3); } /** * Construct the html for the first screen * @param iwc * @param layoutTbl * @return * @throws RemoteException */ private String createPagePhase1(IWContext iwc, Table layoutTbl, Collection applications) throws RemoteException { int numberOfApplications = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getNumberOfApplicationsForChildNotInactive(childID, _caseCode); if (numberOfApplications == 0) { layoutTbl.add(getSmallErrorText(localize(NO_APPLICATION)), 1, 1); return ""; } layoutTbl.add(new HiddenInput(CCConstants.ACTION, String.valueOf(CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_1)), 1, 1); boolean hasActiveApplication = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).hasActiveApplication(childID, _caseCode); Table placementInfo = getPlacedAtSchool(iwc, hasActiveApplication); boolean hasOffer = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).hasOutstandingOffers(childID, _caseCode); ChildCarePlaceOfferTable1 appTable = new ChildCarePlaceOfferTable1(iwc, this, sortApplications(applications, false), hasOffer, hasActiveApplication, _hasAcceptedApplication); GenericButton cancelBtn = getButton(new GenericButton("cancel", localize(CANCEL))); cancelBtn.setPageToOpen(getParentPageID()); cancelBtn.addParameterToPage(CCConstants.ACTION, CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_1); String[] submitName =_showOnlyAfterSchoolCare ? SUBMIT_ANSWER : SUBMIT; SubmitButton submitBtn = (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(localize(submitName))); int row = 1; layoutTbl.add(placementInfo, 1, row++); if (applications.size() > 0) { layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); if (appTable.isContainsSortedByBirthdateProvider()) { layoutTbl.add(getSortedByBirthdateExplanation(), 1, row++); layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 6); } layoutTbl.add(appTable, 1, row++); } if (hasOffer) { layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(cancelBtn, 1, row); layoutTbl.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(submitBtn, 1, row); layoutTbl.setAlignment(1, row++, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(getHelpTextPage1(), 1, row); } else { layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(new UserHomeLink(), 1, row); } return appTable.getOnSubmitHandler(); } private Table getPlacedAtSchool(IWContext iwc, boolean hasActiveApplication) throws RemoteException { hasActiveApplication = ! hasActiveApplication; //UNUSED! TODO: REMOVE THIS PARAMETER Table layoutTbl = new Table(); layoutTbl.setCellpadding(0); layoutTbl.setCellspacing(0); layoutTbl.setColumns(3); layoutTbl.setWidth(2, 6); int row = 1; /*String childId = iwc.getParameter(CHILD_ID); if (childId == null) { childId = (String) iwc.getSessionAttribute(CHILD_ID); }*/ //User child = UserBusiness.getUser(Integer.parseInt(childId)); //User child = UserBusiness.getUser(childID); User child = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getUserBusiness().getUser(childID); layoutTbl.add(getSmallHeader(localize(NAME) + ":"), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(child.getName()), 3, row++); layoutTbl.add(getSmallHeader(localize(PERSONAL_ID) + ":"), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(PersonalIDFormatter.format(child.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale())), 3, row++); ChildCareApplication acceptedApplication = getChildCareBusiness(iwc) .getAcceptedChildCareOrAfterSchoolCareApplicationByChild(childID); _hasAcceptedApplication = acceptedApplication != null; if (_hasAcceptedApplication) { IWTimestamp fromDate = new IWTimestamp(acceptedApplication.getFromDate()); layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(getSmallHeader(localize("child_care.in_process", "In process") + ":"), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(acceptedApplication.getProvider().getSchoolName()), 3, row++); layoutTbl.add(getSmallHeader(localize("child_care.placement_date", "Placement date") + ":"), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(fromDate.getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWTimestamp.SHORT)), 3, row++); Link delete = new Link(getDeleteIcon(localize("child_care.delete_offer", "Delete offer"))); delete.setOnClick("return confirm('" + localize("child_care.delete_offer_confirm", "Are you sure you want to delete this offer?") + "')"); delete.addParameter(PARAMETER_APPLICATION_ID, String.valueOf(acceptedApplication.getPrimaryKey())); delete.addParameter(PARAMETER_DELETE_OFFER, String.valueOf(true)); layoutTbl.add(delete, 5, row - 2); layoutTbl.mergeCells(5, row - 2, 5, row-1); boolean hasBankId = false; hasBankId = new NBSLoginBusinessBean().hasBankLogin(acceptedApplication.getOwner()); if (hasBankId){ Collection contracts = childCarebusiness.getContractsByApplication(acceptedApplication.getNodeID()); Iterator i = contracts.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()){ Contract c = ((ChildCareContract); //System.out.println("CONTRACT: " + c.getPrimaryKey()); if (! c.isSigned()){ Link signBtn = new Link(localize(SIGN_TOOLTIP)); signBtn.setWindowToOpen(ChildCareWindowBig.class); signBtn.addParameter(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_METHOD, ChildCareAdminWindow.METHOD_SIGN_CONTRACT); signBtn.setParameter(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_CONTRACT_ID, c.getPrimaryKey().toString()); signBtn.setAsImageButton(true); layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 6); layoutTbl.add(signBtn, 3, row++); } } } //if there is contract, let user print it if (acceptedApplication.getApplicationStatus() == getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getStatusContract()) { GenericButton contractPopup = getShowContractButton(iwc, acceptedApplication); if (contractPopup != null) { layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(contractPopup, 3, row++); } } } ChildCareApplication activeApplication = this.getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getActiveApplicationByChild(childID); if (activeApplication != null) { ChildCareContract archive = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getValidContract(((Integer)activeApplication.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); School school = activeApplication.getProvider(); boolean hasBankID = new NBSLoginBusinessBean().hasBankLogin(activeApplication.getOwner()); //Collection allContracts = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getContractsByApplication(((Integer)activeApplication.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); IWTimestamp today = new IWTimestamp(); IWTimestamp startdate = null; String careTime = null; int i = 1; layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(getSmallHeader(localize(PLACED_AT) + ":"), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(school.getName()), 3, row++); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(school.getSchoolAddress()), 3, row++); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(school.getSchoolPhone()), 3, row++); boolean cancelledContractStillActive = activeApplication.getApplicationStatus() == getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getStatusCancelled(); if (activeApplication.getOfferValidUntil() != null) { cancelledContractStillActive &= (new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).getTime() < activeApplication.getOfferValidUntil().getTime(); } cancelledContractStillActive |= activeApplication.getApplicationStatus() == getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getStatusWaiting(); cancelledContractStillActive |= activeApplication.getApplicationStatus() == getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getStatusParentTerminated(); if (activeApplication.getApplicationStatus() == getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getStatusReady() || cancelledContractStillActive) { layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); Collection contracts = childCarebusiness.getContractsByApplication(((Integer)activeApplication.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); Iterator iter = contracts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()){ //Contract c = ((ChildCareContract); ChildCareContract cc = ((ChildCareContract); startdate = new IWTimestamp (cc.getValidFromDate()); careTime = getCareTime(cc.getCareTime(), iwc); if (startdate != null && startdate.isLaterThan(today) && contracts.size() > 1){ if (i <= 1){ layoutTbl.add(getSmallHeader(localize(FUTURE_CONTRACT)), 1, row++); i++; } layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(localize(START_CARETIME) + ":"), 1, row); layoutTbl.add(getSmallText(startdate.getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWTimestamp.SHORT) + ", " + careTime), 3, row); for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) { layoutTbl.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 3, row); } DownloadLink futureContractLink = getPDFLink(cc.getContractFileID(), localize("child_care.show_contract", "Show contract")); layoutTbl.add(futureContractLink, 3, row++); } } layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); GenericButton careTimePopup = getButton(new GenericButton("new_care_time", localize(NEW_CARETIME))); careTimePopup.setWindowToOpen(ChildCareWindow.class); careTimePopup.addParameterToWindow(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(ChildCareAdminWindow.METHOD_NEW_CARE_TIME)); careTimePopup.addParameterToWindow(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_PAGE_ID, getParentPageID()); careTimePopup.addParameterToWindow(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_APPLICATION_ID, activeApplication.getNodeID()); careTimePopup.addParameterToWindow(CCConstants.APPID, activeApplication.getNodeID()); GenericButton cancelPopup = getButton(new GenericButton("end_contract", localize(END_CARETIME))); cancelPopup.setWindowToOpen(ChildCareWindow.class); cancelPopup.addParameterToWindow(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(ChildCareAdminWindow.METHOD_END_CONTRACT)); cancelPopup.addParameterToWindow(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_PAGE_ID, getParentPageID()); cancelPopup.addParameterToWindow(ChildCareAdminWindow.PARAMETER_APPLICATION_ID, activeApplication.getNodeID()); layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(careTimePopup, 3, row); layoutTbl.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 3, row); GenericButton cancelFileButton = null; if (cancelledContractStillActive) { if (activeApplication.getCancelFormFileID() > 0) { cancelFileButton = getButton(new GenericButton("cancel_file", localize("child_care.show_cancel_file", "Show cancel document"))); cancelFileButton.setFileToOpen(activeApplication.getCancelFormFileID()); } } else { layoutTbl.add(cancelPopup, 3, row); } if (archive != null) { GenericButton contractPopup = getShowContractButton(iwc, activeApplication); layoutTbl.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 3, row); layoutTbl.add(contractPopup, 3, row); } if (cancelFileButton != null) { layoutTbl.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 3, row); layoutTbl.add(cancelFileButton, 3, row); } } else if (activeApplication.getApplicationStatus() == getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getStatusWaiting() && hasBankID) { //TODO implement BankID stuff... } } /*else { layoutTbl.setHeight(row++, 12); layoutTbl.add(getSmallErrorText(localize(NO_PLACEMENT)), 1, row); layoutTbl.mergeCells(1, row, 3, row); }*/ return layoutTbl; } private GenericButton getShowContractButton(IWContext iwc, ChildCareApplication application) throws RemoteException { ChildCareContract archive = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getValidContract(((Integer)application.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if (archive != null) { GenericButton contractPopup = getButton(new GenericButton("contract", localize("child_care.show_contract", "Show contract"))); contractPopup.setFileToOpen(archive.getContractFileID()); return contractPopup; } return null; } protected String getCareTime(String careTime, IWContext iwc) { if (careTime == null) { return "-"; } try { Integer.parseInt(careTime); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { try { CareTime time = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getCareTime(careTime); return getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString(time.getLocalizedKey(), careTime); } catch (FinderException fe) { log(fe); } catch (RemoteException re) { log(re); } } return careTime; } /** * Construct the html for the second screen * @param layoutTbl * @param applications * @throws RemoteException */ private String createPagePhase2(IWContext iwc, Table layoutTbl, Collection applications) throws RemoteException { SortedSet apps = sortApplications(applications, true); if (apps.size() == 0) { if (getEndPage() != null) { handleAcceptStatus(iwc, true); //and so we must save to database iwc.forwardToIBPage(getParentPage(), getEndPage()); return "return true"; } } Table appTable = new ChildCarePlaceOfferTable2(iwc, this, apps); GenericButton cancelBtn = getButton(new GenericButton("cancel", localize(CANCEL))); cancelBtn.setPageToOpen(getParentPageID()); cancelBtn.addParameterToPage(CCConstants.ACTION, CCConstants.ACTION_CANCEL_2); SubmitButton submitBtn = (SubmitButton) getButton(new SubmitButton(localize(SUBMIT))); layoutTbl.add(new HiddenInput(CCConstants.ACTION, String.valueOf(CCConstants.ACTION_SUBMIT_2)), 1, 1); layoutTbl.add(appTable, 1, 1); layoutTbl.setHeight(2, 12); layoutTbl.add(cancelBtn, 1, 3); layoutTbl.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 1, 3); layoutTbl.add(submitBtn, 1, 3); layoutTbl.setAlignment(1, 3, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); return "return confirm('" + localize(SUBMIT_ALERT_2) + "')"; } private void deleteOffer(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_APPLICATION_ID)); ChildCareBusiness b = getChildCareBusiness(iwc); b.deleteOffer(applicationId, iwc.getCurrentUser()); ChildCareApplication app = b.getApplication(applicationId); app.setChoiceNumber(5); // Igors 2006.01.04 app.setContractId(null); //; // User child = app.getChild(); DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); Date today = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); b.sendMessageToProvider(app, localize("child_care.offer_removed_custodian_subject", "Application offer removed by custodian"), localize("child_care.offer_removed_for_child", "Application offer removed for child") + " " + child.getName() + " " + PersonalIDFormatter.format(child.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale()) + ", " + format.format(today) + "."); b.sendMessageToParents(app, localize("child_care.offer_removed_subject", "Application offer removed"), localize("child_care.offer_removed_for_child", "Application offer removed for child") + " " + child.getName() + " " + PersonalIDFormatter.format(child.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale()) + ", " + app.getProvider().getName() + " " + format.format(today) + "."); } /** * Method findApplications finds application for a specific child. * Removed applications from earlier sessions is not included. * Applications removed in this session is included. * @param iwc * @return Collection */ private Collection findApplications(IWContext iwc) { Collection applications = null; try { /* String childId = iwc.getParameter(CHILD_ID); if (childId != null) { iwc.setSessionAttribute(CHILD_ID, childId); } else { childId = (String) iwc.getSessionAttribute(CHILD_ID); } */ applications = getChildCareBusiness(iwc).getUnhandledApplicationsByChild(childID, _caseCode); //Add canceled and removed applications from this session /*Collection deletedApps = (Collection) iwc.getSessionAttribute(DELETED_APPLICATIONS); if (deletedApps != null) { applications.addAll(deletedApps); }*/ } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //parameter not a number return new ArrayList(); //empty collection } catch (NullPointerException e) { //no parameter set return new ArrayList(); //empty collection } return applications; } private int getChildId(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(CHILD_UNIQUE_ID)){ String childUniqueId = iwc.getParameter(CHILD_UNIQUE_ID); User child = null; Object objChildId = null; if (childUniqueId != null){ try { child = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUserByUniqueId(childUniqueId); } catch (IBOLookupException ibe){ log (ibe); } catch (FinderException fe){ log (fe); } catch (RemoteException re){ log (re); } if (child != null) objChildId = child.getPrimaryKey(); if(objChildId != null) { int childId = ((Integer) (objChildId)).intValue(); iwc.setSessionAttribute(CHILD_ID, String.valueOf(childId)); return childId; } else return -1; } else { return -1; } } else { String childId = iwc.getParameter(CHILD_ID); if (childId != null) { iwc.setSessionAttribute(CHILD_ID, childId); } else { childId = (String) iwc.getSessionAttribute(CHILD_ID); } if(childId!=null) return Integer.parseInt(childId); else return -1; } } /** * Method getChildCareBusiness returns the ChildCareBusiness object. * @param iwc * @return ChildCareBusiness */ ChildCareBusiness getChildCareBusiness(IWContext iwc) { try { return (ChildCareBusiness), ChildCareBusiness.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } } ChildCareSession getChildCareSession(IWContext iwc) { try { return (ChildCareSession), ChildCareSession.class); } catch (RemoteException e) { return null; } } /** * Method sortApplications sorts a Collection of applications. * @param apps * @param grantedFirst true implies that an application that is granted and accepted by the citizen is placed first * @return SortedSet the sorted set of applications */ public SortedSet sortApplications(Collection apps, boolean grantedFirst) { SortedSet set = new TreeSet(); Iterator i = apps.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { set.add(new ComparableApp(, grantedFirst)); } return set; } /** * Method getLocalHeader is used from classes that doens't subclass * CommuneBlock, but has a refernce to an object of this class. * @param key * @param defaultValue * @return Text */ public Text getLocalHeader(String key, String defaultValue) { return getSmallHeader(localize(key, defaultValue)); } private ICPage _endPage; /** * * Property method * @param page The page to return after finshed or cancelled */ public void setEndPage(ICPage page) { _endPage = page; } public ICPage getEndPage() { return _endPage; } //Because these methods is made protected in CommuneBlock, //they need to be made public to delegates public String getZebraColor1() { return super.getZebraColor1(); } public String getZebraColor2() { return super.getZebraColor2(); } public Text getSmallHeader(String s) { return super.getSmallHeader(s); } public String getHeaderColor() { return super.getHeaderColor(); } public int getCellpadding() { return super.getCellpadding(); } public int getCellspacing() { return super.getCellspacing(); } public Text getSmallText(String s) { return super.getSmallText(s); } public String getSmallTextFontStyle() { return super.getSmallTextFontStyle(); } public InterfaceObject getStyledInterface(InterfaceObject o) { return super.getStyledInterface(o); } public Image getEditIcon(String toolTip) { return super.getEditIcon(toolTip); } public Image getDeleteIcon(String toolTip) { return super.getDeleteIcon(toolTip); } public Image getSignIcon(String toolTip) { return super.getVariousIcon(toolTip); } public Image getQuestionIcon(String toolTip) { return super.getQuestionIcon(toolTip); } private Table getHelpTextPage1() { Table tbl = new Table(1, 1); tbl.setWidth(1, 1, 700); Text t = getLocalizedSmallText("ccot1_help", "Om du accepterar erbjudande kan du enbart kvarst� i k� till i de ovanst�ende valen. Du stryks automatiskt fr�n de underliggande alternativen. Om ditt erbjudande g�ller ditt f�rstahandsval har du m�jlighet att v�lja att kvarst� i k� f�r ETT alternativ av de underliggande alternativen."); t.setItalic(true); tbl.add(t, 1, 1); return tbl; } //property setDebug private boolean _debug = false; public void setDebug(boolean debug) { _debug = debug; } public boolean getDebug() { return _debug; } /** * Returns a string of debug information if the property setDebug is turned on, empty string otherwise. * @param app * @return * @throws RemoteException */ String getDebugInfo(ChildCareApplication app) { return (getDebug()) ? " (Id:" + app.getNodeID() + " - " + app.getStatus() + " - " + app.getApplicationStatus() + ")" : ""; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation.CommuneBlock#setResponsePage( */ public void setResponsePage(ICPage page) { setEndPage(page); } /** * @param showOnlyAfterSchoolCare The showOnlyAfterSchoolCare to set. */ public void setShowOnlyAfterSchoolCare(boolean showOnlyAfterSchoolCare) { this._showOnlyAfterSchoolCare = showOnlyAfterSchoolCare; if (showOnlyAfterSchoolCare) { this._showOnlyChildcare = false; } } /** * @param showOnlyChildcare The showOnlyChildcare to set. */ public void setShowOnlyChildcare(boolean showOnlyChildcare) { this._showOnlyChildcare = showOnlyChildcare; if (showOnlyChildcare) { this._showOnlyAfterSchoolCare = false; } } /** * @param renewQueuePage The renewQueuePage to set. */ public void setRenewQueuePage(ICPage renewQueuePage) { this._renewQueuePage = renewQueuePage; } }