/* * $Id: AppliedBMPBean.java,v 2007/05/31 17:07:52 palli Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.block.building.data.Apartment; import com.idega.block.building.data.ApartmentSubcategory; import com.idega.block.building.data.Complex; import com.idega.data.GenericEntity; /** * * @author <a href="mailto:palli@idega.is">Pall Helgason</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class AppliedBMPBean extends GenericEntity implements Applied { private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "cam_applied"; private static final String COLUMN_COMPLEX = "bu_complex_id"; //private static final String COLUMN_APARTMENT_TYPE = "bu_aprt_type_id"; private static final String COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY = "bu_subcategory_id"; private static final String COLUMN_APPLICATION = "cam_application_id"; private static final String COLUMN_ORDER = "ordered"; private static final String COLUMN_APARTMENT = "bu_apartment_id"; public AppliedBMPBean() { super(); } public AppliedBMPBean(int id) throws SQLException { super(id); } public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_COMPLEX, Complex.class); //addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_APARTMENT_TYPE, ApartmentType.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY, ApartmentSubcategory.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_APPLICATION, CampusApplication.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_APARTMENT, Apartment.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_ORDER, "Order", Integer.class); } public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } public String getComplexIdColumnName() { return COLUMN_COMPLEX; } /*public String getApartmentTypeIdColumnName() { return COLUMN_APARTMENT_TYPE; }*/ public String getSubcategoryColumnName() { return COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY; } public String getApplicationIdColumnName() { return COLUMN_APPLICATION; } public String getOrderColumnName() { return COLUMN_ORDER; } public void setComplexId(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_COMPLEX, id); } public void setComplexId(Integer id) { setColumn(COLUMN_COMPLEX, id); } public Integer getComplexId() { return getIntegerColumnValue(COLUMN_COMPLEX); } /*public void setApartmentTypeId(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_APARTMENT_TYPE, id); }*/ public void setSubcategoryID(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY, id); } /*public void setApartmentTypeId(Integer id) { setColumn(COLUMN_APARTMENT_TYPE, id); }*/ public void setSubcategoryID(Integer id) { setColumn(COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY, id); } /*public Integer getApartmentTypeId() { return getIntegerColumnValue(COLUMN_APARTMENT_TYPE); }*/ public int getSubcategoryID() { return getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY); } public ApartmentSubcategory getSubcategory() { return (ApartmentSubcategory) getColumnValue(COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY); } public void setApplicationId(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_APPLICATION, id); } public void setApplicationId(Integer id) { setColumn(COLUMN_APPLICATION, id); } public Integer getApplicationId() { return getIntegerColumnValue(COLUMN_APPLICATION); } public void setOrder(int order) { setColumn(COLUMN_ORDER, order); } public void setOrder(Integer order) { setColumn(COLUMN_ORDER, order); } public Integer getOrder() { return getIntegerColumnValue(COLUMN_ORDER); } public void setApartment(Apartment apartment) { setColumn(COLUMN_APARTMENT, apartment); } public void setApartmentID(int apartmentID) { setColumn(COLUMN_APARTMENT, apartmentID); } public Apartment getApartment() { return (Apartment) getColumnValue(COLUMN_APARTMENT); } public int getApartmentID() { return getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_APARTMENT); } public Collection ejbFindAll() throws FinderException { return super.idoFindAllIDsBySQL(); } public Collection ejbFindByApplicationID(Integer ID) throws FinderException { return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(super.idoQueryGetSelect() .appendWhereEquals(COLUMN_APPLICATION, ID.intValue())); } public Collection ejbFindBySQL(String sql) throws FinderException { return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql); } }