/* * $Id: ProviderAccountingPropertiesBMPBean.java,v 2006/01/26 14:36:34 palli Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2003 Agura IT. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Agura IT AB. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.care.data; import com.idega.block.school.data.School; import com.idega.data.GenericEntity; import com.idega.data.IDOQuery; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; /** * Entity bean holding accounting information for school (provider) entries. * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2006/01/26 14:36:34 $ by $Author: palli $ * * @author Anders Lindman * @version $Revision: $ */ public class ProviderAccountingPropertiesBMPBean extends GenericEntity implements ProviderAccountingProperties { private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "cacc_provider_acc_prop"; private static final String COLUMN_SCHOOL_ID = "school_id"; private static final String COLUMN_PROVIDER_TYPE_ID = "provider_type_id"; private static final String COLUMN_STATISTICS_TYPE = "statistics_type"; private static final String COLUMN_PAYMENT_BY_INVOICE = "payment_by_invoice"; private static final String COLUMN_STATE_SUBSIDY_GRANT = "state_subsidy_grant"; private static final String COLUMN_POSTGIRO = "postgiro"; private static final String COLUMN_BANKGIRO = "bankgiro"; private static final String COLUMN_OWN_POSTING = "own_posting"; private static final String COLUMN_DOUBLE_POSTING = "double_posting"; private static final String COLUMN_GIROTEXT = "girotext"; private static final String COLUMN_CREATE_INVOICE_RECORD = "invoiced"; /** * @see com.idega.data.GenericEntity#getEntityName() */ public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } /** * @see com.idega.data.GenericEntity#getIdColumnName() */ public String getIDColumnName() { return COLUMN_SCHOOL_ID; } /** * @see com.idega.data.GenericEntity#initializeAttributes() */ public void initializeAttributes() { addOneToOneRelationship(getIDColumnName(), School.class); setAsPrimaryKey (getIDColumnName(), true); addAttribute(COLUMN_PROVIDER_TYPE_ID, "Provider type (foreign key)", true, true, Integer.class, "many-to-one", ProviderType.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_STATISTICS_TYPE, "Provider statistics type (foreign key)", true, true, String.class, "many-to-one", ProviderStatisticsType.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_PAYMENT_BY_INVOICE, "Invoice yes/no", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_STATE_SUBSIDY_GRANT, "State subsidy grant yes/no", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_POSTGIRO, "Postgiro", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_BANKGIRO, "Bankgiro", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(COLUMN_OWN_POSTING, "Own posting string", true, true, String.class, 1000); addAttribute(COLUMN_DOUBLE_POSTING, "Double posting string", true, true, String.class, 1000); addAttribute(COLUMN_GIROTEXT, "Giro text", true, true, String.class, 255); addAttribute(COLUMN_CREATE_INVOICE_RECORD, "Create invoice record yes/no", true, true, Boolean.class); } public School getSchool() { return (School) getColumnValue(COLUMN_SCHOOL_ID); } public int getSchoolId() { return getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_SCHOOL_ID); } public ProviderType getProviderType() { return (ProviderType) getColumnValue(COLUMN_PROVIDER_TYPE_ID); } public int getProviderTypeId() { return getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_PROVIDER_TYPE_ID); } public String getStatisticsType() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_STATISTICS_TYPE); } public boolean getPaymentByInvoice() { Boolean b = (Boolean) getColumnValue(COLUMN_PAYMENT_BY_INVOICE); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } else { return false; } } public boolean getStateSubsidyGrant() { Boolean b = (Boolean) getColumnValue(COLUMN_STATE_SUBSIDY_GRANT); if (b != null) { return b.booleanValue(); } else { return false; } } public String getPostgiro() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_POSTGIRO); } public String getBankgiro() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_BANKGIRO); } public String getOwnPosting() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_OWN_POSTING); } public String getDoublePosting() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_DOUBLE_POSTING); } public String getGiroText() { return getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_GIROTEXT); } public boolean getCreateInvoiceRecord() { return getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_CREATE_INVOICE_RECORD, false); } public void setSchoolId(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_SCHOOL_ID, id); } public void setProviderTypeId(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_PROVIDER_TYPE_ID, id); } public void setStatisticsType(String type) { setColumn(COLUMN_STATISTICS_TYPE, type); } public void setPaymentByInvoice(boolean b) { setColumn(COLUMN_PAYMENT_BY_INVOICE, b); } public void setStateSubsidyGrant(boolean b) { setColumn(COLUMN_STATE_SUBSIDY_GRANT, b); } public void setPostgiro(String postgiro) { setColumn(COLUMN_POSTGIRO, postgiro); } public void setBankgiro(String bankgiro) { setColumn(COLUMN_BANKGIRO, bankgiro); } public void setOwnPosting(String s) { setColumn(COLUMN_OWN_POSTING, s); } public void setDoublePosting(String s) { setColumn(COLUMN_DOUBLE_POSTING, s); } public void setGiroText(String text) { setColumn(COLUMN_GIROTEXT, text); } public void setCreateInvoiceRecord(boolean createRecord) { setColumn(COLUMN_CREATE_INVOICE_RECORD, createRecord); } public Collection ejbFindAllByPaymentByInvoice (final boolean hasPaymentByInvoice) throws FinderException { final IDOQuery sql = idoQuery (); sql.appendSelectAllFrom (getTableName()); sql.appendWhereEquals (COLUMN_PAYMENT_BY_INVOICE, hasPaymentByInvoice); return idoFindPKsBySQL (sql.toString()); } }