/* * Created on 30.7.2004 * * Copyright (C) 2004 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.idega.block.application.data.Applicant; /** * @author aron * * ApplicantFamily TODO Describe this type */ public class ApplicantFamily { Applicant applicant = null; Applicant spouse = null; List children = new ArrayList(); public ApplicantFamily(Applicant applicant){ setApplicant(applicant); java.util.Iterator iter = applicant.getChildrenIterator(); if(iter !=null){ String status; while(iter.hasNext()){ Applicant cant = (Applicant) iter.next(); status = cant.getStatus(); if("P".equals(status)){ setSpouse(cant); } else if("C".equals(status)){ addChild(cant); } } } } /** * @return Returns the applicant. */ public Applicant getApplicant() { return applicant; } /** * @param applicant The applicant to set. */ public void setApplicant(Applicant applicant) { this.applicant = applicant; } /** * @return Returns the children. */ public List getChildren() { return children; } /** * @param children The children to set. */ public void setChildren(List children) { this.children = children; } /** * @return Returns the spouse. */ public Applicant getSpouse() { return spouse; } /** * @param spouse The spouse to set. */ public void setSpouse(Applicant spouse) { this.spouse = spouse; } public void addChild(Applicant child){ if(children==null) children = new ArrayList(); children.add(child); } }