package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * Title: Golf * <p> * Description: * <p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) idega 2000 * <p> * Company: idega Software * <p> * @author 2000 - idega team - <br><a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a><br> * @version 1.0 */ public class TeeTimeBusinessBean extends IBOServiceBean implements TeeTimeBusiness{ private TeeTime startTime; //nota�ur sem almennur hlutur til a� nalgast // almenn f�ll oha� id private StartingtimeFieldConfig fieldConfig; //nota�ur sem almennur hlutur // til a� nalgast almenn f�ll // oha� id private Field field; //nota�ur sem almennur hlutur til a� nalgast almenn f�ll // oha� id private Union union; //nota�ur sem almennur hlutur til a� nalgast almenn f�ll // oha� id public TeeTimeBusinessBean() { //throws SQLException{ super(); startTime = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(TeeTime.class); fieldConfig = (StartingtimeFieldConfig) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(StartingtimeFieldConfig.class); field = (Field) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Field.class); union = (Union) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(Union.class); } // Start.jsp /* * public int getFirstField(int union_id)throws SQLException{ return * ((Field[])field.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + field.getEntityName() + " WHERE * union_id = " + union_id ))[0].getID(); } */ public synchronized int getFirstField(String union_id) throws SQLException { try { return ((Field[]) field.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + field.getEntityName() + " WHERE union_id = " + union_id + " AND ONLINE_STARTINGTIME='Y' "))[0].getID(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return -1; } } // ##%%##%%##%%#%%## var a� breyta DESC til a� fa fyrstu menn fyrst, kanna // hvort virkar eftir a� Innskraning virkar public synchronized TeeTime[] getTableEntries(String date, int first_group, int last_group, int field_id) throws SQLException { return (TeeTime[]) startTime.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE startingtime_date = '" + date + "' and grup_num >= " + first_group + " and grup_num < " + last_group + " and field_id = " + field_id + " order by grup_num DESC, " + startTime.getIDColumnName()); // return (TeeTime[])startTime.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + // startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE startingtime_date = '" + date + " // 00:00:00.0' and grup_num >= " + first_group + " and grup_num < " + // last_group + " and field_id = " + field_id + " order by grup_num DESC"); } public synchronized List getStartingtimeTableEntries(IWTimestamp date, String field_id, int firstGroup, int lastGroup) throws SQLException { date.setHour(0); date.setMinute(0); date.setSecond(0); return EntityFinder.findAll(startTime, "SELECT * FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE startingtime_date = '" + date.toSQLDateString() + "' and field_id = " + field_id + " and grup_num >= " + firstGroup + " and grup_num <= " + lastGroup + " order by grup_num DESC, " + startTime.getIDColumnName()); } public List getStartingtimeTableEntries(IWTimestamp date, String field_id) throws SQLException { date.setHour(0); date.setMinute(0); date.setSecond(0); return EntityFinder.findAll(startTime, "SELECT * FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE startingtime_date = '" + date.toSQLDateString() + "' and field_id = " + field_id + " order by grup_num DESC, " + startTime.getIDColumnName()); } public synchronized Field[] getFields(String union_id) throws SQLException { return (Field[]) field.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + field.getEntityName() + " WHERE union_id = " + union_id + " AND ONLINE_STARTINGTIME='Y' ORDER BY " + field.getIDColumnName()); } public synchronized StartingtimeFieldConfig getFieldConfig(int field_id, String date) throws SQLException { StartingtimeFieldConfig[] temp = (StartingtimeFieldConfig[]) fieldConfig.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + fieldConfig.getEntityName() + " WHERE begin_date <= '" + date + " 23:59:59.0' and field_id = " + field_id + " ORDER BY begin_date DESC"); try { return temp[0]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } public synchronized StartingtimeFieldConfig getFieldConfig(int field_id, IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException { date.setHour(23); date.setMinute(59); date.setSecond(59); StartingtimeFieldConfig[] temp = (StartingtimeFieldConfig[]) fieldConfig.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + fieldConfig.getEntityName() + " WHERE begin_date <= '" + date.toSQLString() + "' and field_id = " + field_id + " ORDER BY begin_date DESC"); if(temp!=null&&temp.length>0){ return temp[0]; }else{ return null; } } // innskraning1.jsp public synchronized void preSetStartingtime(int group_num, String date, String field_id) throws SQLException { TeeTime insert = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.createLegacy(TeeTime.class); insert.setGroupNum(new Integer(group_num)); insert.setStartingtimeDate(new IWTimestamp(date).getSQLDate()); insert.setFieldID(new Integer(field_id)); insert.insert(); } public synchronized void setStartingtime(int group_num, IWTimestamp date, String field_id, String member_id, String owner_id, String player_name, String handicap, String union, String card, String card_no) throws SQLException { TeeTime insert = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.createLegacy(TeeTime.class); if (card != null) { insert.setCardName(card); } if (card_no != null) { insert.setCardNum(card_no); } if (union != null) { insert.setClubName(union); } else { insert.setClubName("-"); } // if(field_id != null){ insert.setFieldID(new Integer(field_id)); // } insert.setGroupNum(new Integer(group_num)); try { insert.setHandicap(Float.parseFloat(TextSoap.findAndReplace(handicap, ",", "."))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //System.err.println("forgj�f r�ng : " ); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //System.err.println("forgj�f null"); } if (member_id != null) { insert.setMemberID(new Integer(member_id)); } if (member_id != null) { insert.setOwnerID(new Integer(owner_id)); } // if(date != null){ insert.setPlayerName(player_name); // } // if(date != null){ insert.setStartingtimeDate(date.getSQLDate()); // } insert.insert(); } public synchronized void setStartingtime(int group_num, IWTimestamp date, String field_id, String member_id, String player_name, String handicap, String union, String card, String card_no) throws SQLException { setStartingtime(group_num, date, field_id, member_id, null, player_name, handicap, union, card, card_no); } public synchronized void setStartingtime(int group_num, String date, String field_id, String member_id, String player_name, String handicap, String union, String card, String card_no) throws SQLException { setStartingtime(group_num, new IWTimestamp(date), field_id, member_id, player_name, handicap, union, card, card_no); } public int countEntriesInGroup(int start_group_num, int end_group_num, String field_id, IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException { return this.startTime.getNumberOfRecords("SELECT count(*) FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE grup_num >= '" + start_group_num + "' AND grup_num <= '" + end_group_num + "' AND field_id = '" + field_id + "' AND startingtime_date = '" + date.toSQLDateString() + "'"); } public int countEntriesInGroup(int group_num, String field_id, IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException { return this.startTime.getNumberOfRecords("SELECT count(*) FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE grup_num = '" + group_num + "' AND field_id = '" + field_id + "' AND startingtime_date = '" + date.toSQLDateString() + "'"); } public int entriesInGroup(int group_num, String field_id, String date) throws SQLException { return countEntriesInGroup(group_num, field_id, new IWTimestamp(date)); } public int countOwnersEntries(int owner_id, String field_id, IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException { return this.startTime.getNumberOfRecords("SELECT count(*) FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE owner_id = '" + owner_id + "' AND field_id = '" + field_id + "' AND startingtime_date = '" + date.toSQLDateString() + "'"); } public int countMembersEntries(int member_id, String field_id, IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException { return this.startTime.getNumberOfRecords("SELECT count(*) FROM " + startTime.getEntityName() + " WHERE member_id = '" + member_id + "' AND field_id = '" + field_id + "' AND startingtime_date = '" + date.toSQLDateString() + "'"); } public TeeTime getStartingtime(int member_id, IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException { IDOLegacyEntity[] time = this.startTime.findAllByColumn("member_id", Integer.toString(member_id), "startingtime_date", date.toSQLDateString()); if (time != null && time.length > 0) { return (TeeTime) time[0]; } else { return null; } } // search.jsp // nota getTableEntries(String date, int first_group, int last_group, int // field_id ) fra start.jsp public synchronized Union[] getStartingEntryUnion() throws SQLException { return (Union[]) union.findAll("SELECT distinct, union_.union_id FROM union_,field where field.ONLINE_STARTINGTIME='Y' and union_.union_id=field.union_id ORDER BY"); } public synchronized Field[] getStartingEntryField() throws SQLException { return (Field[]) field.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + field.getEntityName() + " WHERE ONLINE_STARTINGTIME = 'Y' ORDER BY name"); } public synchronized String getFieldName(int field_id) throws SQLException, FinderException { return ((FieldHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Field.class)).findByPrimaryKey(field_id).getName(); } public synchronized IWTimestamp getFirstOpentime(IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException, FinderException { // IWTimestamp toReturn = new IWTimestamp(((StartingtimeFieldConfig[]) fieldConfig.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + fieldConfig.getEntityName() + " ORDER BY open_time"))[0].getOpenTime()); // toReturn.setAsTime(); // return toReturn; IWTimestamp t = null; Collection fConfigs = ((StartingtimeFieldConfigHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(StartingtimeFieldConfig.class)).findAllActiveTeetimeFieldConfigurations(date); for (Iterator iter = fConfigs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { StartingtimeFieldConfig sfc = (StartingtimeFieldConfig); IWTimestamp tempTime = new IWTimestamp(sfc.getOpenTime()); if(t == null){ t=tempTime; } else { t=((t.isTimePartEarlierThan(tempTime))?t:tempTime); } } if(t!=null){ t.setAsTime(); } return t; } public synchronized int getMaxDaysShown(IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException, FinderException { // return ((StartingtimeFieldConfig[]) fieldConfig.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + fieldConfig.getEntityName() + " ORDER BY days_shown"))[0].getDaysShown(); int days = 1; Collection fConfigs = ((StartingtimeFieldConfigHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(StartingtimeFieldConfig.class)).findAllActiveTeetimeFieldConfigurations(date); for (Iterator iter = fConfigs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { StartingtimeFieldConfig sfc = (StartingtimeFieldConfig); int tempDays = sfc.getDaysShownNonMember(); days=((days > tempDays)?days:tempDays); } return days; } public synchronized IWTimestamp getLastClosetime(IWTimestamp date) throws SQLException, FinderException { // IWTimestamp toReturn = new IWTimestamp(((StartingtimeFieldConfig[]) fieldConfig.findAll("SELECT * FROM " + fieldConfig.getEntityName() + " ORDER BY close_time desc"))[0].getCloseTime()); // toReturn.setAsTime(); // return toReturn; IWTimestamp t = null; Collection fConfigs = ((StartingtimeFieldConfigHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(StartingtimeFieldConfig.class)).findAllActiveTeetimeFieldConfigurations(date); for (Iterator iter = fConfigs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { StartingtimeFieldConfig sfc = (StartingtimeFieldConfig); IWTimestamp tempTime = new IWTimestamp(sfc.getCloseTime()); if(t == null){ t=tempTime; } else { t=((t.isTimePartLaterThan(tempTime))?t:tempTime); } } if(t!=null){ t.setAsTime(); } return t; } public synchronized int getFieldUnion(int field_id) throws SQLException, FinderException { return ((FieldHome) IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(Field.class)).findByPrimaryKey(field_id).getUnionID(); } public TeeTime[] findAllPlayersInFieldOrdered(String field_id, String orderby_clause) throws IOException, SQLException { TeeTime stime = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(TeeTime.class); TeeTime[] startingtimeimeArray = null; try { startingtimeimeArray = (TeeTime[]) stime.findAll("select * from startingtime where field_id = " + field_id + " and startingtime_date >= '" + IWTimestamp.RightNow().toSQLDateString() + "' order by " + orderby_clause); } catch (SQLException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } return startingtimeimeArray; } public TeeTime[] findAllPlayersByMemberOrdered(String field_id, String member_id, String orderby_clause) throws IOException, SQLException { TeeTime stime = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(TeeTime.class); TeeTime[] startingtimeimeArray = null; try { startingtimeimeArray = (TeeTime[]) stime.findAll("select * from startingtime where field_id = " + field_id + " and member_id = " + member_id + " and startingtime_date >= '" + IWTimestamp.RightNow().toSQLDateString() + "' order by " + orderby_clause); } catch (SQLException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } return startingtimeimeArray; } public TeeTime[] getPlayersStartingToDay(String columnName, String toFind) throws SQLException { TeeTime stime = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(TeeTime.class); TeeTime[] startArray = null; try { startArray = (TeeTime[]) stime.findAll("select * from " + stime.getEntityName() + " where " + columnName + " like '" + toFind + "' and startingtime_date >= '" + IWTimestamp.RightNow().toSQLDateString() + "'"); } catch (SQLException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } return startArray; } public TeeTime[] getPlayersStartingToDay(String column1, String toFind1, String column2, String toFind2) throws SQLException { TeeTime stime = (TeeTime) IDOLookup.instanciateEntity(TeeTime.class); TeeTime[] startArray = null; try { startArray = (TeeTime[]) stime.findAll("select * from " + stime.getEntityName() + " where " + column1 + " like '" + toFind1 + "' and " + column2 + " like '" + toFind2 + "' and startingtime_date >= '" + IWTimestamp.RightNow().toSQLDateString() + "'"); } catch (SQLException E) { E.printStackTrace(); } return startArray; } }