package com.idega.block.category.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWProperty; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega multimedia * @author <a href=""></a> * @version 2.0 */ public abstract class CategoryBlock extends Block implements ICDynamicPageTriggerInheritable { private ICCategory icCategory; private int icCategoryId = -1; private int[] icCategoryIds = new int[0]; public final static String prmCategoryId = "catbl_catid"; private boolean autocreate = true; protected boolean invalidateBlockCache = true; protected boolean orderManually = false; protected final static String METADATAKEY_CATEGORY_MAIN_VIEWER_PAGE = "category_main_viewer_page"; public CategoryBlock(){ IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); if(iwc!=null){ IWProperty property = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getIWProperty("autocreate_categories"); if(property != null){ try { this.autocreate = Boolean.getBoolean(property.getValue()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { //Do nothing, keep old value; } } } } /** * Returns the first Category bound to this instance */ public int getCategoryId() { if (this.icCategoryId == -1 && this.icCategoryIds.length > 0) { this.icCategoryId = this.icCategoryIds[0]; } return this.icCategoryId; } /** * Returns an array of Category ids from */ public int[] getCategoryIds() { return this.icCategoryIds; } /** * Sets the first categoryId */ public void setCategoryId(int iCategoryId) { this.icCategoryId = iCategoryId; } /** * Sets the Category ids bound to this instance */ public void setCategoryIds(int[] iCategoryIds) { this.icCategoryIds = iCategoryIds; } /** * Turns Category autocreation on/off */ public void setAutoCreate(boolean autocreate) { this.autocreate = autocreate; } /** * Turns Manual ordering fidus on/off */ public void setOrderManually(boolean orderManually) { this.orderManually = orderManually; } public boolean getOrderManually() { return this.orderManually; } /** * Turns Manual ordering fidus on/off */ public void setInvalidateCache(boolean invalidateBlockCache) { this.invalidateBlockCache = invalidateBlockCache; } /** * Returns a collection of ICCategory objects bound to this instance * specified by default type */ public Collection getCategories(String type) { return CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategories(this.icCategoryIds, type); } /** * Returns a collection of ICCategory objects bound to this instance * @returns Collection */ public Collection getCategories() { return CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryForObjectInstanceId(getICObjectInstanceID(), this.orderManually); // return CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryForObjectInstanceId(getICObjectInstanceID()); } /** * Returns a collection of ICCategory objects bound to this instance, returns only root categories * @returns Collection */ public Collection getRootCategories() { return CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfRootCategoryForObjectInstanceId(getICObjectInstanceID(), this.orderManually); // return CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryForObjectInstanceId(getICObjectInstanceID()); } protected void initCategory(IWContext iwc) { //if (icCategoryId <= 0) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(prmCategoryId)) { this.icCategoryId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmCategoryId)); this.icCategory = CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategory(this.icCategoryId); //System.err.println("getting category from parameter:"+prmCategoryId+" cat: "+icCategory+" "+this.getClassName()); } else if (getICObjectInstanceID() > 0) { this.icCategoryIds = CategoryFinder.getInstance().getObjectInstanceCategoryIds(getICObjectInstanceID(), this.autocreate, getCategoryType()); //System.err.println("getting category from instance: "+getICObjectInstanceID()+" cat: "+icCategory+" "+this.getClassName()); //icCategoryId = CategoryFinder.getObjectInstanceCategoryId(getICObjectInstanceID(),autocreate,getCategoryType()); } //} } public void initializeInMain(IWContext iwc) { initCategory(iwc); } public synchronized Object clone() { CategoryBlock obj = null; try { obj = (CategoryBlock) super.clone(); obj.icCategory = this.icCategory; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /** * Returns a Link to CategoryWindow with specified type * for this intance */ public Link getCategoryLink(String type) { Link L = new Link(); L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmCategoryId, getCategoryId()); L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmObjInstId, getICObjectInstanceID()); L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmCategoryType, type); L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmBundleIdentifier, getBundleIdentifier()); if (getMultible()) { L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmMulti, "true"); } if (this.orderManually) { L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmOrder, "true"); } if (this.invalidateBlockCache && !getCacheKey().equals(IW_BLOCK_CACHE_KEY)) { // L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmCategoryId,getCacheKey()); // L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmCacheClearKey ,getCacheKey()); L.addParameter(CategoryWindow.prmCacheClearKey, super.getDerivedCacheKey()); } L.setWindowToOpen(CategoryWindow.class); return L; } /** * returns a Link to the CategoryWindow for this instance */ public Link getCategoryLink() { return getCategoryLink(getCategoryType()); } /** * Defines the type of categories this block handles */ public abstract String getCategoryType(); /** * Defines if multiple categories can bound to this instance */ public abstract boolean getMultible(); /** * Defines if ordering is allowed public abstract boolean getAllowOrdering(); */ /** * Removes all categories bound to this instance */ public final boolean removeInstanceCategories() { return CategoryBusiness.getInstance().removeInstanceCategories(this.getICObjectInstanceID()); } /** * Deletes this instance */ public boolean deleteBlock(int iObjectInstanceId) { return CategoryBusiness.getInstance().removeInstanceCategories(iObjectInstanceId); } public ICCategoryHome getCategoryHome() throws RemoteException { return (ICCategoryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICCategory.class); } public boolean copyICObjectInstance(String pageKey,int newInstanceID, ICDynamicPageTriggerCopySession copySession) { CategoryFinder finder = CategoryFinder.getInstance(); List categories = finder.listOfCategoryForObjectInstanceId(getICObjectInstanceID()); if(categories != null) { try { CategoryBusiness cb = CategoryBusiness.getInstance(); CategoryService service = (CategoryService) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(copySession.getIWApplicationContext(),CategoryService.class); int[] catIDs = new int[categories.size()]; int catIDIndex = 0; for (Iterator iter = categories.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { try { ICCategory category = (ICCategory); ICCategory newCategory = (ICCategory)copySession.getNewValue(CategoryBlock.class,category); if(newCategory==null) { newCategory = cb.createCategory(newInstanceID,getCategoryType(),category.getName(),category.getDescription()); copySession.setNewValue(CategoryBlock.class,category,newCategory); service.storeCategoryToParent(newCategory.getID(),category.getID()); catIDs[catIDIndex++] = newCategory.getID(); if(copySession.hasRootPage()) { newCategory.addMetaData(METADATAKEY_CATEGORY_MAIN_VIEWER_PAGE,pageKey);; } }else { catIDs[catIDIndex++] = newCategory.getID(); service.storeCategoryToParent(newCategory.getID(),category.getID()); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } cb.saveRelatedCategories(newInstanceID,catIDs); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } }