package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import com.idega.block.login.presentation.LoginEditor; import com.idega.block.login.presentation.LoginEditorWindow; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.BackButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CloseButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.presentation.util.TextFormat; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.text.Name; /** * @author gimmi */ public class SchoolUserEditor extends Block { TextFormat _tFormat; IWResourceBundle _iwrb; IWBundle _iwb; protected School _school; public final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = ""; String PARAMETER_ACTION = "sue_act"; String ACTION_UPDATE_DEPM = "sue_up_dep"; String ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL = "sue_pvs"; String ACTION_UPDATE = "sue_up_usrs"; String ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL_DEPM = "sue_pvsd"; //String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID = "sue_sId"; public static String PARAMETER_TOPIC_EDITOR = "sue_to_edi"; public static String PARAMETER_TOPIC_DEPM = "sue_to_dep"; public static String PARAMETER_TOPIC_PERSON = "sue_to_per"; String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID = SchoolContentBusinessBean.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_NAME = "sue_un"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TELEPHONE = "sue_utf"; //private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_CELLPHONE = "sue_ucf"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_MOBILEPHONE = "sue_umf"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_EMAIL = "sue_uem"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_ID = "sue_uid"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE = "sue_sut"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT = "sch_dep"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_PHONE = "sch_dep_ph"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID = "sue_did"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID_DROP = "sue_did_dr"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT = "sue_show_cont"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT_EDIT = "sue_show_cont_edi"; private String PARAMETER_SCHOOL_MAIN_HEADMASTER = "sue_main_headm"; private boolean PARAMETER_SCHOOL_HIGHSCHOOL = false; private boolean PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL = false; private String PARAMETER_EDIT_USER = "sue_eds"; private String PARAMETER_DELTE_USER = "sue_dls"; private String PARAMETER_EDIT_SCH_DEP = "sue_edsd"; private String PARAMETER_DELETE_SCH_DEP = "sue_dlsd"; private static final String PARAMETER_IS_ECONOMICAL_RESP = "sue_is_economical_responsible"; public final static String STYLENAME_INTERFACE_BUTTON = "InterfaceButton"; private Text TEXT_NORMAL; private Text TEXT_TITLE; private String INPUT_STYLE; private int userToEdit = -1; private int depmToEdit = -1; private List parameterNames; private List parameterValues; private Collection schoolTypeIds; private int mobilePhoneType = PhoneType.MOBILE_PHONE_ID; private int workPhoneType = PhoneType.WORK_PHONE_ID; private boolean _highSchoolCategory = false; private boolean _hideLogin = false; private boolean _hideBackButton = false; private boolean _addCloseButton = false; public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public SchoolUserEditor() { } public boolean getHideLogin() { return this._hideLogin; } public void setHideLogin(boolean b) { this._hideLogin = b; } public boolean getHideBackButton() { return this._hideBackButton; } public void setHideBackButton(boolean b) { this._hideBackButton = b; } public boolean getAddCloseButton() { return this._addCloseButton; } public void setAddCloseButton(boolean b) { this._addCloseButton = b; } private Table schoolList(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Collection schools = new java.util.Vector(0); if (this.schoolTypeIds == null || this.schoolTypeIds.isEmpty()) { schools = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).findAllSchools(); } else { schools = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).findAllSchoolsByType(this.schoolTypeIds); } Table table = new Table(); int row = 0; if (schools != null) { Iterator iter = schools.iterator(); Link link; School school; int textFormatType = 1; while (iter.hasNext()) { ++row; school = (School) (; link = getLink(this._tFormat.format(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.edit", "edit"), TextFormat.NORMAL), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL, false); link.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID, school.getPrimaryKey().toString()); table.add(link, 1, row); if (school.equals(this._school)) { textFormatType = TextFormat.HEADER; } else { textFormatType = TextFormat.NORMAL; } table.add(this._tFormat.format(school.getName(), textFormatType), 2, row); } } return table; } private Form schoolUsers(IWContext iwc, School school) throws RemoteException { Form form = new Form(); try { if (this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_HIGHSCHOOL) { form.add(highschoolUsersTable(iwc, school, true)); } else { form.add(schoolUsersTable(iwc, school, true)); } } catch (Exception e) { } form.maintainParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID); if (this.parameterNames != null) { int pnLength = this.parameterNames.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pnLength; i++) { form.addParameter((String) this.parameterNames.get(i), (String) this.parameterValues.get(i)); } } return form; } private Text getTextNormal(String content) { if (this.TEXT_NORMAL == null) { return this._tFormat.format(content, TextFormat.NORMAL); } else { Text text = (Text) this.TEXT_NORMAL.clone(); text.setText(content); return text; } } private Text getTextTitle(String content) { if (this.TEXT_TITLE == null) { return this._tFormat.format(content, TextFormat.TITLE); } else { Text text = (Text) this.TEXT_TITLE.clone(); text.setText(content); return text; } } private Text getTextTitleGray(String content) { if (this.TEXT_TITLE == null) { return this._tFormat.format(content, TextFormat.TITLE); } else { Text text = (Text) this.TEXT_TITLE.clone(); text.setText(content); text.setFontColor("#386cb7"); return text; } } private Link getLink(Text text, String action, boolean maintainSchoolId) { Link link = new Link(text); link.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_ACTION, action); if (this._school != null && maintainSchoolId) { link.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID, this._school.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } if (this.parameterNames != null) { int pnLength = this.parameterNames.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pnLength; i++) { link.addParameter((String) this.parameterNames.get(i), (String) this.parameterValues.get(i)); } } return link; } private void setTextInputStyle(TextInput input) { if (this.INPUT_STYLE != null) { input.setMarkupAttribute("style", this.INPUT_STYLE); } else { input.setMarkupAttribute("class", "commune_Interface"); } } private Table schoolUsersTable(IWContext iwc, School school, boolean addSubmitButton) throws RemoteException { Table contTable = new Table(); int cRow = 0; boolean show = true; try { Collection suTypes = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolUserTypes(school); if(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL) { contTable.add(getShowInfoTable(), 1, ++cRow); } if (suTypes != null && !suTypes.isEmpty()) { String[] userType; Iterator iter = suTypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { userType = (String[]); ++cRow; Collection users = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUsers(school, Integer.parseInt(userType[2])); contTable.add(getTextTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(userType[0], userType[1])), 1, cRow); if (users != null && users.size() > 0) { Iterator userIter = users.iterator(); Table table = new Table(); int row = 1; while (userIter.hasNext()) { User hm = (User); show = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUserShowInContact(hm); int userId = ((Integer) hm.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (userId == this.userToEdit) { table.setHeight(row++, 3); if (this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL) { row = insertEditableHighschUserIntoTable(table, hm, Integer.parseInt(userType[2]), row, show); } else { row = insertEditableUserIntoTable(table, hm, Integer.parseInt(userType[2]), row); } table.setHeight(row++, 6); } else { if (this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL) { row = insertHighschUserIntoTable(table, hm, row, show); } else { row = insertUserIntoTable(table, hm, row); } } } contTable.add(table, 1, ++cRow); } else { contTable.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE+Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE+"-", 1, ++cRow); //contTable.add("<>", 1, ++cRow); } } } else { cRow = 1; } contTable.setColor(1, ++cRow, "#c7c7c7"); contTable.setHeight(1, cRow, "1"); Table tableUf = this.getUserForm(iwc, school); contTable.add(tableUf, 1, ++cRow); contTable.setColor(1, ++cRow, "#c7c7c7"); contTable.setHeight(1, cRow, "1"); //contTable.setBorder(1); ++cRow; if (!this._hideBackButton) { BackButton back = new BackButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.back", "Back")); back = (BackButton) this.setStyle(back, STYLENAME_INTERFACE_BUTTON); contTable.add(back, 1, cRow); } if (addSubmitButton) { SubmitButton update = new SubmitButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Save"), this.PARAMETER_ACTION, this.ACTION_UPDATE); update = (SubmitButton) this.setStyle(update, STYLENAME_INTERFACE_BUTTON); contTable.add(update, 1, cRow); } if (this._addCloseButton) { CloseButton close = new CloseButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.close", "Close")); close = (CloseButton) this.setStyle(close, STYLENAME_INTERFACE_BUTTON); contTable.add(close, 1, cRow); } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return contTable; } private Table highschoolUsersTable(IWContext iwc, School school, boolean addSubmitButton) throws Exception { Table contTable = new Table(); int cRow = 1; boolean show = true; boolean main_headmaster = false; String rowColor = "#C7C7C7"; Table tableDepForm = this.getDepartmentForm(); Table tableDep = this.schoolDepartmentTable(iwc, school); Table tableUser = this.getUserFormHighSchool(iwc, school); Table tableShowInfo = this.getShowInfoTable(); contTable.add(tableDepForm, 1, cRow); ++cRow; contTable.setColor(1, cRow, rowColor); contTable.setHeight(1, cRow, "1"); ++cRow; contTable.add(tableDep, 1, cRow); ++cRow; contTable.setColor(1, cRow, rowColor); contTable.setHeight(1, cRow, "1"); ++cRow; contTable.add(tableUser, 1, cRow); ++cRow; contTable.setColor(1, cRow, rowColor); contTable.setHeight(1, cRow, "1"); ++cRow; contTable.add(tableShowInfo, 1, cRow); ++cRow; contTable.setColor(1, cRow, rowColor); contTable.setHeight(1, cRow, "1"); ++cRow; ++cRow; try { Collection sDepartments = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getSchoolDepartmentHome().findAllDepartmentsBySchool(school); Text tMainHeadmaster = getTextTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.main_headmaster", "Main headmaster")); if (sDepartments != null & !sDepartments.isEmpty()) { Iterator depIter = sDepartments.iterator(); Collection suTypes = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolUserTypes(school); while (depIter.hasNext()) { SchoolDepartment schDep = (SchoolDepartment); ++cRow; contTable.setColor(1, cRow, rowColor); ++cRow; contTable.add(getTextTitleGray(schDep.getDepartment()), 1, cRow); ++cRow; if (suTypes != null && !suTypes.isEmpty()) { String[] userType; Iterator iter = suTypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { userType = (String[]); ++cRow; contTable.add(getTextTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(userType[0], userType[1])), 1, cRow); Collection users = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersByDepartm(school, Integer.parseInt(userType[2]), schDep.getDepartmentID()); //Collection users = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUsers(school, // Integer.parseInt(userType[2])); if (users != null && users.size() > 0) { Iterator userIter = users.iterator(); Table table = new Table(); Table tableMHM = new Table(); int row = 1; int rowMHM = 1; while (userIter.hasNext()) { User hm = (User); show = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUserShowInContact(hm); main_headmaster = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUserMainHeadmaster(hm); int userId = ((Integer) hm.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (main_headmaster) { contTable.add(tMainHeadmaster, 1, 9); if (userId == this.userToEdit) { table.setHeight(rowMHM++, 3); rowMHM = insertEditableHighschUserIntoTable(tableMHM, hm, Integer.parseInt(userType[2]), rowMHM, show); table.setHeight(rowMHM++, 6); } else { rowMHM = insertHighschUserIntoTable(tableMHM, hm, rowMHM, show); } contTable.add(tableMHM, 1, 10); } else { if (userId == this.userToEdit) { table.setHeight(row++, 3); row = insertEditableHighschUserIntoTable(table, hm, Integer.parseInt(userType[2]), row, show); table.setHeight(row++, 6); } else { row = insertHighschUserIntoTable(table, hm, row, show); } } } contTable.add(table, 1, ++cRow); ++cRow; //contTable.setBorder(1); //contTable.setBorderColor("black"); } } //end while suTypes // Malin /* * Collection schUsers = * getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolUsers(school, hm); Iterator * iterUsers = schUsers.iterator(); SchoolUser schUser; boolean * showcontact; while (iterUsers.hasNext()) { schUser = (SchoolUser) *; showcontact = schUser.getShowInContact(); * } */ // } } } else { cRow = 1; } if (addSubmitButton) { ++cRow; SubmitButton update = new SubmitButton(this._iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("", "Save"), this.PARAMETER_ACTION, this.ACTION_UPDATE); contTable.add(update, 1, cRow); } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return contTable; } private Table schoolDepartmentTable(IWContext iwc, School school) { Table contTable = new Table(); int schoolId = ((Integer) school.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); try { int cRow = 1; Collection sDepartments = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getSchoolDepartmentHome().findAllDepartmentsBySchool(school); if (sDepartments == null || sDepartments.isEmpty()) { getSchoolBusiness(iwc).storeSchoolDepartment(" ", " ", new Integer(schoolId).intValue(), -1); sDepartments = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getSchoolDepartmentHome().findAllDepartmentsBySchool(school); } if (sDepartments != null && !sDepartments.isEmpty()) { contTable.add(getTextTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.department")), 1, cRow); Iterator departmIter = sDepartments.iterator(); Table table = new Table(); int row = 1; while (departmIter.hasNext()) { SchoolDepartment schDep = (SchoolDepartment); int departmId = ((Integer) schDep.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (departmId == this.depmToEdit) { row = insertEditableDepmIntoTable(table, schDep, row); } else { row = insertDepmIntoTable(table, schDep, row); } } contTable.add(table, 1, ++cRow); } else { cRow = 1; } } //end try catch (Exception e) { } return contTable; } private Table getShowInfoTable() { Table contTable = new Table(); contTable.setWidth(2, "5"); contTable.setWidth(4, "5"); //Image imgContactGreen = // getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_green.gif", 11, 11); Image imgContactRed = getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_red.gif", 11, 11); Text tShowInList = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.show_in_contactl", "Show in contactlist")); Text tNotShowInList = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.show_not_in_contactl", "Don't show in contactlist")); //Link newLink = new Link(core.getImage("/shared/create.gif")); Link imgContactGreen = new Link(getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_green.gif")); contTable.add(imgContactGreen, 1, 1); contTable.add(" = ", 1, 1); contTable.add(tShowInList, 1, 1); contTable.add(imgContactRed, 3, 1); contTable.add(" = ", 3, 1); contTable.add(tNotShowInList, 3, 1); return contTable; } private int insertDepmIntoTable(Table table, SchoolDepartment schDep, int row) { table.setWidth(2, "5"); table.setWidth(4, "5"); table.setWidth(6, "5"); table.setWidth(8, "5"); //table.setWidth(10, "5"); //table.setWidth(12, "5"); String schDepId = schDep.getPrimaryKey().toString(); String phone = schDep.getDepartmentPhone(); String department = schDep.getDepartment(); Text tNameDep = getTextNormal(department); Link edit = getLink(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.edit", "Edit")), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL_DEPM, true); edit.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_EDIT_SCH_DEP, schDepId); Link delete = getLink(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.delete", "Delete")), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL_DEPM, true); delete.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_DELETE_SCH_DEP, schDepId); if (department != null) { table.add(tNameDep, 1, row); } table.add(edit, 5, row); table.add(delete, 7, row); if (phone != null) { table.add(getTextNormal(phone), 3, row); } ++row; //mRow = row; //row = uRow; //mobRow = uRow; //PhoneTypeHome ptHome = (PhoneTypeHome)IDOLookup.getHome(PhoneType.class); /* * if (department != null) { table.add(getTextNormal(department), 5, * mobRow); ++row; } */ /* * if (row >= mRow && row >= mobRow) { ++row; }else if (mobRow >= row && * mobRow >= mRow) { row = mobRow + 1; }else { row = mRow + 1; } */ return row; } private int insertEditableDepmIntoTable(Table table, SchoolDepartment schDep, int row) { String sdepname = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT; String sphone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_PHONE; String sdid = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID; //int uRow = row; //int mRow; //int mobRow; String schDepId = schDep.getPrimaryKey().toString(); //String department = schDep.getDepartment(); //String phone = schDep.getDepartmentPhone(); HiddenInput inp = new HiddenInput(sdid, schDepId); //HiddenInput dphInp = new // HiddenInput(PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_PHONE+"_"+hmId, // Integer.toString(userType)); TextInput pDepName = new TextInput(sdepname + "_" + schDepId, schDep.getDepartment()); this.setTextInputStyle(pDepName); //Link login = new // Link(getTextNormal(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.login","Login"))); //login.setWindowToOpen(LoginEditorWindow.class); //login.addParameter(LoginEditor.prmUserId, hmId); table.add(inp, 1, row); //table.add(utInp, 1, row); //table.add(login, 9, row); table.add(pDepName, 1, row); //if (phone != null) { TextInput pPhone = new TextInput(sphone + "_" + schDepId, schDep.getDepartmentPhone()); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(pPhone, 3, row); //} ++row; //TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(semail+"_"+hmId ); //this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); //table.add(pEmail, 3, row); // this.addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_email","Add E-mail"), // pEmail, true); //mRow = row; //row = uRow; //mobRow = uRow; // this.addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_phone","Add Phone"), // pPhone, true); /* * if (row >= mRow && row >= mobRow) { * * ++row; }else if (mobRow >= row && mobRow >= mRow) { row = mobRow + 1; * }else { row = mRow + 1; } */ return row; } private int insertHighschUserIntoTable(Table table, User hm, int row, boolean show) { Collection emails; Collection phones; int uRow; int mRow; int mobRow; table.setWidth(2, "5"); table.setWidth(4, "5"); table.setWidth(6, "5"); table.setWidth(8, "5"); table.setWidth(10, "5"); table.setWidth(12, "5"); table.setWidth(14, "5"); uRow = row; String hmId = hm.getPrimaryKey().toString(); emails = hm.getEmails(); phones = hm.getPhones(); Text tName = getTextNormal(hm.getName()); Link login = new Link(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.login", "Login"))); login.setWindowToOpen(LoginEditorWindow.class); login.addParameter(LoginEditor.prmUserId, hmId); Link edit = getLink(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.edit", "Edit")), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL, true); edit.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_EDIT_USER, hmId); Link delete = getLink(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.delete", "Delete")), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL, true); delete.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_DELTE_USER, hmId); Image imgContact; if (show) { imgContact = getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_green.gif", 11, 11); } else { imgContact = getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_red.gif", 11, 11); } table.add(imgContact, 1, row); table.add(tName, 3, row); table.add(edit, 11, row); table.add(login, 13, row); table.add(delete, 15, row); if (emails != null) { Email email; Iterator iEm = emails.iterator(); while (iEm.hasNext()) { email = (Email); table.add(getTextNormal(email.getEmailAddress()), 5, row); ++row; } } mRow = row; row = uRow; mobRow = uRow; //PhoneTypeHome ptHome = (PhoneTypeHome)IDOLookup.getHome(PhoneType.class); if (phones != null) { Phone phone; Iterator iPh = phones.iterator(); while (iPh.hasNext()) { phone = (Phone); //Malin if (phone.getPhoneTypeId() == this.mobilePhoneType) { table.add(getTextNormal(phone.getNumber()), 9, mobRow); ++mobRow; } else { table.add(getTextNormal(phone.getNumber()), 7, row); ++row; } } } if (row >= mRow && row >= mobRow) { ++row; } else if (mobRow >= row && mobRow >= mRow) { row = mobRow + 1; } else { row = mRow + 1; } return row; } private int insertEditableHighschUserIntoTable(Table table, User hm, int userType, int row, boolean show) { String sname = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_NAME; String semail = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_EMAIL; String sphone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TELEPHONE; String smobilephone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_MOBILEPHONE; String sid = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_ID; //String schDepId = PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID; Collection emails; Collection phones; int uRow = row; int mRow; int mobRow; String hmId = hm.getPrimaryKey().toString(); emails = hm.getEmails(); phones = hm.getPhones(); HiddenInput inp = new HiddenInput(sid, hmId); HiddenInput utInp = new HiddenInput(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE + "_" + hmId, Integer.toString(userType)); //HiddenInput depInp = new // HiddenInput(PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID+"_"+hmId, // Integer.toString(dpmID)); //Malin //HiddenInput showInp = new HiddenInput(PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT, // Boolean.toString(hm.get)); //Malin TextInput pName = new TextInput(sname + "_" + hmId, hm.getName()); this.setTextInputStyle(pName); Link login = new Link(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.login", "Login"))); login.setWindowToOpen(LoginEditorWindow.class); login.addParameter(LoginEditor.prmUserId, hmId); CheckBox chbShow = new CheckBox(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT_EDIT, "true"); if (show) { chbShow.setChecked(true); } else { chbShow.setChecked(false); } table.add(inp, 1, row); table.add(utInp, 1, row); table.add(login, 11, row); table.add(chbShow, 1, row); table.add(pName, 3, row); if (emails != null) { Email email; Iterator iEm = emails.iterator(); while (iEm.hasNext()) { email = (Email); TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(semail + "_" + hmId + "_" + email.getPrimaryKey(), email.getEmailAddress()); this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); table.add(pEmail, 5, row); ++row; } } TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(semail + "_" + hmId); this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); table.add(pEmail, 5, row); // this.addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_email","Add E-mail"), // pEmail, true); mRow = row; row = uRow; mobRow = uRow; if (phones != null) { Phone phone; Iterator iPhHome = phones.iterator(); while (iPhHome.hasNext()) { phone = (Phone); TextInput pPhone; if (phone.getPhoneTypeId() != this.mobilePhoneType) { pPhone = new TextInput(sphone + "_" + hmId + "_" + phone.getPrimaryKey(), phone.getNumber()); //String adsad = phone.getNumber(); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(pPhone, 7, row); ++row; } else if (phone.getPhoneTypeId() == this.mobilePhoneType) { pPhone = new TextInput(smobilephone + "_" + hmId + "_" + phone.getPrimaryKey(), phone.getNumber()); //String adsad = phone.getNumber(); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(pPhone, 9, mobRow); ++mobRow; } } TextInput pPhone = new TextInput(sphone + "_" + hmId); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(pPhone, 7, row); if (this._highSchoolCategory) { TextInput pMobilePhone = new TextInput(smobilephone + "_" + hmId); this.setTextInputStyle(pMobilePhone); table.add(pMobilePhone, 9, mobRow); } } // this.addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_phone","Add Phone"), // pPhone, true); if (row >= mRow && row >= mobRow) { ++row; } else if (mobRow >= row && mobRow >= mRow) { row = mobRow; } else { row = mRow; } table.setHeight(row++, 6); addIsEconomicalResponsibleCheckBox(table, row++, hm); magnifyTableRows(table, uRow, row); return row; } private void magnifyTableRows(final Table table, final int startRow, final int endRow) { for (int i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) { table.setRowColor(i, "#d0daea"); } table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); } private int insertUserIntoTable(Table table, User hm, int row) { Collection emails; Collection phones; int uRow; int mRow; table.setWidth(2, "5"); table.setWidth(4, "5"); table.setWidth(6, "5"); table.setWidth(8, "5"); table.setWidth(10, "5"); uRow = row; String hmId = hm.getPrimaryKey().toString(); emails = hm.getEmails(); phones = hm.getPhones(); Text tName = getTextNormal(hm.getName()); Link login = new Link(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.login", "Login"))); login.setWindowToOpen(LoginEditorWindow.class); login.addParameter(LoginEditor.prmUserId, hmId); Link edit = getLink(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.edit", "Edit")), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL, true); edit.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_EDIT_USER, hmId); Link delete = getLink(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.delete", "Delete")), this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL, true); delete.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_DELTE_USER, hmId); /* Image imgContact; if (show) { imgContact = getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_green.gif", 11, 11); } else { imgContact = getBundle().getImage("shared/checkmark_red.gif", 11, 11); } table.add(imgContact, 1, row); */ table.add(tName, 1, row); table.add(edit, 7, row); if (this._hideLogin) { table.add(delete, 9, row); } else { table.add(login, 9, row); table.add(delete, 11, row); } if (emails != null) { Email email; Iterator iEm = emails.iterator(); while (iEm.hasNext()) { email = (Email); table.add(getTextNormal(email.getEmailAddress()), 3, row); ++row; } } mRow = row; row = uRow; if (phones != null) { Phone phone; Iterator iPh = phones.iterator(); while (iPh.hasNext()) { phone = (Phone); table.add(getTextNormal(phone.getNumber()), 5, row); ++row; } } if (row >= mRow) { ++row; } else { row = mRow + 1; } return row; } private int insertEditableUserIntoTable(Table table, User hm, int userType, int row) { String sname = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_NAME; String semail = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_EMAIL; String sphone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TELEPHONE; String sid = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_ID; Collection emails; Collection phones; int uRow = row; int mRow; String hmId = hm.getPrimaryKey().toString(); emails = hm.getEmails(); phones = hm.getPhones(); HiddenInput inp = new HiddenInput(sid, hmId); HiddenInput utInp = new HiddenInput(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE + "_" + hmId, Integer.toString(userType)); TextInput pName = new TextInput(sname + "_" + hmId, hm.getName()); //TextInput pName = (TextInput) getStyledInterface(new TextInput(sname + "_" + hmId, hm.getName())); this.setTextInputStyle(pName); Link login = new Link(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.login", "Login"))); login.setWindowToOpen(LoginEditorWindow.class); login.addParameter(LoginEditor.prmUserId, hmId); table.add(inp, 1, row); table.add(utInp, 1, row); table.add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("","Name")), 1, row); table.add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("","Email")), 3, row++); if (!this._hideLogin) { table.add(login, 7, row); } table.add(pName, 1, row); if (emails != null) { Email email; Iterator iEm = emails.iterator(); while (iEm.hasNext()) { email = (Email); TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(semail + "_" + hmId + "_" + email.getPrimaryKey(), email.getEmailAddress()); this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); table.add(pEmail, 3, row); ++row; } } TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(semail + "_" + hmId); this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); table.add(pEmail, 3, row); // this.addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_email","Add E-mail"), // pEmail, true); mRow = row; row = uRow; if (phones != null) { table.add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("","Phone")), 5, row++); Phone phone; Iterator iPh = phones.iterator(); while (iPh.hasNext()) { phone = (Phone); TextInput pPhone = new TextInput(sphone + "_" + hmId + "_" + phone.getPrimaryKey(), phone.getNumber()); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(pPhone, 5, row); ++row; } } TextInput pPhone = new TextInput(sphone + "_" + hmId); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(pPhone, 5, row); // this.addLeft(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_phone","Add Phone"), // pPhone, true); if (row < mRow) { row = mRow; } table.setHeight(row++, 6); addIsEconomicalResponsibleCheckBox(table, row++, hm); magnifyTableRows(table, uRow, row); return row; } private void addIsEconomicalResponsibleCheckBox(final Table table, final int row, final User user) { boolean isEconomicalResponsible = false; if (null != user) { try { final Collection users = getSchoolUserHome().findByUser(user); if (null != users && !users.isEmpty()) { final SchoolUser schoolUser = (SchoolUser) users.iterator().next(); isEconomicalResponsible = schoolUser.isEconomicalResponsible(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } final String parameterKey = getIsEconomicalResponsibleKey(user); final CheckBox isEconomicalResponsibleButton = new CheckBox(parameterKey, "true"); isEconomicalResponsibleButton.setChecked(isEconomicalResponsible); table.mergeCells(1, row, table.getColumns(), row); table.add(isEconomicalResponsibleButton, 1, row); table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 1, row); table.add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(PARAMETER_IS_ECONOMICAL_RESP, PARAMETER_IS_ECONOMICAL_RESP)), 1, row); } private static String getIsEconomicalResponsibleKey(final User user) { return getIsEconomicalResponsibleKey(null == user ? "" : user.getPrimaryKey() + ""); } private static String getIsEconomicalResponsibleKey(final String postFix) { final String result = PARAMETER_IS_ECONOMICAL_RESP + (null == postFix || 0 == postFix.length() ? "" : '_' + postFix); return result; } /** * Returns a UserForm * * @param userType * 1 = Headmaster, 2 = Assistant Headmaster, 3 = User * @return Table * */ private Table getUserForm(IWContext iwc, School school) { String name = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_NAME; String email = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_EMAIL; String phone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TELEPHONE; String showcontact = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT; Table table = new Table(); Text tName = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Name")); Text tEmail = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "E-post")); Text tPhone = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Phone")); Text tType = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.type", "Type")); Text tShowinContactlist = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.show_in_contactl", "Show in contactlist")); DropdownMenu pType = new DropdownMenu(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE); pType.setStyleClass("commune_Interface"); Collection suTypes; try { suTypes = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolUserTypes(school); if (suTypes != null && !suTypes.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = suTypes.iterator(); String[] str; while (iter.hasNext()) { str = (String[]); pType.addMenuElement(str[2], this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(str[0], str[1])); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } TextInput pName = new TextInput(name); TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(email); TextInput pPhone = new TextInput(phone); CheckBox chShowContact = new CheckBox(showcontact, "true"); this.setTextInputStyle(pName); this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); table.add(tType, 1, 1); table.add(pType, 2, 1); if (this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL){ table.add(chShowContact, 4, 1); table.add(tShowinContactlist, 5, 1); } table.add(tName, 1, 2); table.add(pName, 2, 2); table.add(tEmail, 1, 3); table.add(pEmail, 2, 3); table.add(tPhone, 1, 4); table.add(pPhone, 2, 4); addIsEconomicalResponsibleCheckBox(table, 5, null); return table; } private Table getUserFormHighSchool(IWContext iwc, School school) { String name = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_NAME; String email = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_EMAIL; String phone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TELEPHONE; String mobilephone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_MOBILEPHONE; //String school_department = PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT; //String school_department_phone = PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_PHONE; String showcontact = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT; String mainheadmaster = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_MAIN_HEADMASTER; Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth(2, "5"); table.setWidth(4, "5"); table.setWidth(6, "5"); Text tName = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Name")); Text tEmail = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "E-post")); Text tPhone = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Phone")); Text tMobilePhone = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Mobile")); Text tType = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.type", "Type")); //Malin departement = Enhet //Text tDepartment = // getTextTitle(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.department","Department")); Text tDepartmentNorm = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.department", "Department")); //Text tCreateDepm = // getTextTitle(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.create_department","Create // new department")); Text tAddPerson = getTextTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_person", "Add new person")); Text tShowinContactlist = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.show_in_contactl", "Show in contactlist")); Text tMainHeadmaster = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.main_headmaster", "Main headmaster")); DropdownMenu pDepartment = new DropdownMenu(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID_DROP); Collection sDepartments; try { //PresentationObject parent = this.getParentObject(); //while (!(parent instanceof SchoolContentEditorBlock)) { //parent = parent.getParentObject(); //} //if (parent != null && hasPermission("edit_department", parent, iwc)) { sDepartments = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getSchoolDepartmentHome().findAllDepartmentsBySchool(school); if (sDepartments != null && !sDepartments.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = sDepartments.iterator(); SchoolDepartment schDep; while (iter.hasNext()) { schDep = (SchoolDepartment); pDepartment.addMenuElement(schDep.getPrimaryKey().toString(), schDep.getDepartment()); } } //} } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } DropdownMenu pType = new DropdownMenu(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE); Collection suTypes; try { suTypes = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolUserTypes(school); if (suTypes != null && !suTypes.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = suTypes.iterator(); String[] str; while (iter.hasNext()) { str = (String[]); pType.addMenuElement(str[2], this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(str[0], str[1])); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } // pType.addMenuElement(SchoolUserBusinessBean.USER_TYPE_HEADMASTER , // _iwrb.getLocalizedString("headmaster","Headmaster")); // pType.addMenuElement(SchoolUserBusinessBean.USER_TYPE_ASSISTANT_HEADMASTER // , _iwrb.getLocalizedString("assistant_headmaster","Assistant // headmaster")); // pType.addMenuElement(SchoolUserBusinessBean.USER_TYPE_WEB_ADMIN, // _iwrb.getLocalizedString("web_administrator","Web administrator")); // pType.addMenuElement(SchoolUserBusinessBean.USER_TYPE_TEACHER , // _iwrb.getLocalizedString("teacher","Teacher")); TextInput pName = new TextInput(name); TextInput pEmail = new TextInput(email); TextInput pPhone = new TextInput(phone); TextInput pMobilePhone = new TextInput(mobilephone); CheckBox chShowContact = new CheckBox(showcontact, "true"); CheckBox chMainHeadmaster = new CheckBox(mainheadmaster, "true"); Link linkiPers = new Link(getBundle().getImage("shared/info.gif")); linkiPers.addParameter(PARAMETER_TOPIC_PERSON, SchoolEditorInfoText.PARAMETER_TOPIC_ID_PERSON); linkiPers.setWindowToOpen(SchoolEditorInfoText.class); this.setTextInputStyle(pName); this.setTextInputStyle(pEmail); this.setTextInputStyle(pPhone); this.setTextInputStyle(pMobilePhone); //this.setTextInputStyle(pDepartmentName); //this.setTextInputStyle(pDepartmentPhone); try { //if (hasPermission("edit_department", // this.parentObject.getParentObject(), iwc)) { /* * table.add(tCreateDepm, 1, 1); table.add(tDepartmentName, 1, 2); * table.add(pDepartmentName, 1, 3); table.add(tPhone, 2, 2); * table.add(tDepartment2, 2, 4); table.add(pDepartmentPhone, 2, 3); * table.add(pDepartment, 2, 5); table.mergeCells(2, 5, 3, 5); */ //} } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } table.add(tAddPerson, 1, 1); table.add(tType, 1, 2); //1,4 table.add(pType, 1, 3); //1,5 table.add(linkiPers, 3, 1); table.add(tDepartmentNorm, 1, 4); table.add(pDepartment, 1, 5); table.add(tName, 1, 6); //1,6 table.add(pName, 1, 7);//1,7 table.add(chShowContact, 5, 3); table.add(tShowinContactlist, 5, 3); table.add(chMainHeadmaster, 7, 3); table.add(tMainHeadmaster, 7, 3); table.add(tEmail, 3, 6); //2,6 table.add(pEmail, 3, 7); //2,7 table.add(tPhone, 5, 6); //3,6 table.add(pPhone, 5, 7);//3,7 table.add(tMobilePhone, 7, 6); //4,6 table.add(pMobilePhone, 7, 7); //4,7 table.mergeCells(1, 3, 3, 3); table.mergeCells(1, 5, 7, 5); addIsEconomicalResponsibleCheckBox(table, 8, null); return table; } private Table getDepartmentForm() { String school_department = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT; String school_department_phone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_PHONE; Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth(3, "300"); table.setAlignment(3, 1, "right"); //Malin departement = Enhet Text tPhone = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("", "Phone")); //Text tDepartment = // getTextTitle(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.department","Department")); Text tDepartmentName = getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.department_name", "Department name")); //Text tDepartment2 = // getTextNormal(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.department","Department")); Text tCreateDepm = getTextTitle(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.create_department", "Create new department")); //Text tAddPerson = // getTextTitle(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.add_person","Add new // person")); //Text tShowinContactlist = // getTextNormal(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.show_in_contactl","Show in // contactlist")); TextInput pDepartmentName = new TextInput(school_department); TextInput pDepartmentPhone = new TextInput(school_department_phone); Link linkiDepm = new Link(getBundle().getImage("shared/info.gif")); linkiDepm.addParameter(PARAMETER_TOPIC_DEPM, SchoolEditorInfoText.PARAMETER_TOPIC_ID_DEPM); linkiDepm.setWindowToOpen(SchoolEditorInfoText.class); Link linkiGeneralInfo = new Link(getBundle().getImage("shared/info.gif")); linkiGeneralInfo.addParameter(PARAMETER_TOPIC_EDITOR, SchoolEditorInfoText.PARAMETER_TOPIC_ID_EDITOR); linkiGeneralInfo.setWindowToOpen(SchoolEditorInfoText.class); //String sText = _iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.infoDepm","Om // organisationen �r enhetsindelad kan du i systemet skapa enheter genom att // skriva in enhetens namn och eventuellt telefonnummer under rubriken // 'Skapa en enhet' och klicka p� 'Spara'. "); //linkiDepm.setToolTip(sText); this.setTextInputStyle(pDepartmentName); this.setTextInputStyle(pDepartmentPhone); try { //if (hasPermission("edit_department", // this.parentObject.getParentObject(), iwc)) { table.add(linkiGeneralInfo, 3, 1); table.add(tCreateDepm, 1, 2); table.add(tDepartmentName, 1, 3); table.add(pDepartmentName, 1, 4); table.add(linkiDepm, 2, 2); table.add(tPhone, 2, 3); //table.add(tDepartment2, 2, 4); table.add(pDepartmentPhone, 2, 4); //table.add(pDepartment, 2, 5); table.mergeCells(2, 5, 3, 5); //} } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return table; } public void deleteUser(IWContext iwc, School school) throws RemoteException, FinderException { String uId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_DELTE_USER); if (uId != null) { UserHome userHome = (UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class); User user = userHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(uId)); try { if (iwc == null) { System.out.println("[SchoolUserEditor:deleteUser] iwc == null"); } if (user == null) { System.out.println("[SchoolUserEditor:deleteUser] user == null"); } if (school == null) { System.out.println("[SchoolUserEditor:deleteUser] school == null"); } // get current user (added by Thomas) User currentUser = iwc.getCurrentUser(); getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).removeUser(school, user, currentUser); // user.remove(); } catch (RemoveException e) { System.out.println("user to delete ERROR"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public boolean updateUsers(IWContext iwc, School school) throws RemoteException { String sname = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_NAME; String semail = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_EMAIL; String sphone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TELEPHONE; String smobilephone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_MOBILEPHONE; String sid = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_ID; String sdepid = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID_DROP; String sUserType = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE); String sDep_ID = iwc.getParameter(sdepid); boolean showcontact = Boolean.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT)).booleanValue(); boolean showcontactEdit = Boolean.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_SHOW_CONTACT_EDIT)).booleanValue(); boolean main_headmaster = Boolean.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_MAIN_HEADMASTER)).booleanValue(); int iUserType = Integer.parseInt(sUserType); String category = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolCategory(school); Group priGroup = null; try { int homeCommuneId = -1; try { homeCommuneId = ((Integer) getCommuneHome().findDefaultCommune().getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) {} if (school.getCommuneId() == homeCommuneId) { if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getElementarySchoolSchoolCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootSchoolAdministratorGroup(); } else if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getChildCareSchoolCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootProviderAdministratorGroup(); } else if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getHighSchoolSchoolCategory())) { if (iUserType == SchoolUserBMPBean.USER_TYPE_HEADMASTER) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootHighSchoolAdministratorGroup(); } else { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootProviderAdministratorGroup(); } } if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getCategoryMusicSchool().getCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootMusicSchoolAdministratorGroup(); } } else { if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getElementarySchoolSchoolCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootSchoolOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup(); } else if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getChildCareSchoolCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootProviderOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup(); } else if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getHighSchoolSchoolCategory())) { if (iUserType == SchoolUserBMPBean.USER_TYPE_HEADMASTER) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootHighSchoolOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup(); } else { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootProviderOtherCommuneAdministratorGroup(); } } if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getCategoryMusicSchool().getCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootMusicSchoolAdministratorGroup(); } } if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getCategoryAdultEducation().getCategory())) { priGroup = getSchoolBusiness(iwc).getRootAdultEducationAdministratorGroup(); } } catch (CreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } /** Updateing headmasters */ try { String hId = iwc.getParameter(sid); if (hId != null && priGroup != null) { UserHome userHome = (UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class); User user; user = userHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(hId)); Name name = new Name(iwc.getParameter(sname + "_" + hId)); sUserType = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_USER_TYPE + "_" + hId); iUserType = Integer.parseInt(sUserType); if (name.equals("")) { try { // get current user (added by Thomas) User currentUser = iwc.getCurrentUser(); getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).removeUser(school, user, currentUser); } catch (RemoveException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } else { getUserBusiness(iwc).updateUser(user, name.getFirstName(), name.getMiddleName(), name.getLastName(), null, null, null, null, null, (Integer) priGroup.getPrimaryKey()); final String parameterKey = getIsEconomicalResponsibleKey(hId); final boolean isEconomicalResponsible = Boolean.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(parameterKey)).booleanValue(); getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).updateSchUser(school, user, iUserType, showcontactEdit, isEconomicalResponsible); try { getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).setUserGroups(school, user, iUserType); } catch (Exception e) { debug("User already in headmasterGroup"); } Collection emails = user.getEmails(); Collection phones = user.getPhones(); if (emails != null) { user.removeAllEmails(); Email email; Iterator iter = emails.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object prK =; String sEmail = iwc.getParameter(semail + "_" + hId + "_" + prK); if (sEmail != null && !sEmail.equals("")) { email = (Email) prK; email.setEmailAddress(sEmail);; user.addEmail(email); } } } if (phones != null) { user.removeAllPhones(); Phone phone; Iterator iter = phones.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object prK =; String sPhone = iwc.getParameter(sphone + "_" + hId + "_" + prK); String sMobilePhone = iwc.getParameter(smobilephone + "_" + hId + "_" + prK); if (sPhone != null && !sPhone.equals("")) { phone = (Phone) prK; phone.setPhoneTypeId(this.workPhoneType); phone.setNumber(sPhone);; user.addPhone(phone); } else if (sMobilePhone != null && !sMobilePhone.equals("")) { phone = (Phone) prK; phone.setNumber(sMobilePhone); phone.setPhoneTypeId(phone.getPhoneTypeId());; user.addPhone(phone); } } } String newEmail = iwc.getParameter(semail + "_" + hId); String newPhone = iwc.getParameter(sphone + "_" + hId); String newMobilePhone = iwc.getParameter(smobilephone + "_" + hId); if (newEmail != null && !newEmail.equals("")) { Email email = ((EmailHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Email.class)).create(); email.setEmailAddress(newEmail);; user.addEmail(email); } if (newPhone != null && !newPhone.equals("")) { Phone phone = ((PhoneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Phone.class)).create(); phone.setNumber(newPhone); phone.setPhoneTypeId(this.workPhoneType);; user.addPhone(phone); } if (newMobilePhone != null && !newMobilePhone.equals("")) { Phone phone = ((PhoneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Phone.class)).create(); phone.setNumber(newMobilePhone); phone.setPhoneTypeId(this.mobilePhoneType);; user.addPhone(phone); } postSaveUpdate(school, user, iUserType); } } /** Adding headmaster */ Name headmaster = null; if (!iwc.getParameter(sname).equals("")) { headmaster = new Name(iwc.getParameter(sname)); } String hmEmail = iwc.getParameter(semail); String hmPhone = iwc.getParameter(sphone); String hmMobile = iwc.getParameter(smobilephone); if (hmEmail != null && !hmEmail.equals("") || hmPhone != null && !hmPhone.equals("")){ headmaster = new Name(iwc.getParameter(sname)); // this is to make it possible to store only a number or email as contact } int schdep_id = -1; if (sDep_ID != null && !sDep_ID.equals("")) { schdep_id = Integer.parseInt(sDep_ID); } if (headmaster != null && !headmaster.equals("") && priGroup != null || (hmEmail != null && !hmEmail.equals("")) || (hmPhone != null && !hmPhone.equals("")) ) { final String parameterKey = getIsEconomicalResponsibleKey(""); final boolean isEconomicalResponsible = Boolean.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(parameterKey)).booleanValue(); User user = getUserBusiness(iwc).createUser(headmaster.getFirstName(), headmaster.getMiddleName(), headmaster.getLastName(), ((Integer) priGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if (hmEmail != null && !hmEmail.equals("")) { Email email = ((EmailHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Email.class)).create(); email.setEmailAddress(hmEmail);; user.addEmail(email); } if (hmPhone != null && !hmPhone.equals("")) { Phone phone = ((PhoneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Phone.class)).create(); phone.setNumber(hmPhone); phone.setPhoneTypeId(this.workPhoneType);; user.addPhone(phone); } if (hmMobile != null && !hmMobile.equals("")) { Phone phone = ((PhoneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Phone.class)).create(); phone.setNumber(hmMobile); phone.setPhoneTypeId(this.mobilePhoneType);; user.addPhone(phone); } SchoolUser schUsr; if (this._highSchoolCategory || this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL) { schUsr = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).addUser(school, user, iUserType, showcontact, main_headmaster, isEconomicalResponsible); } else { schUsr = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).addUser(school, user, iUserType, isEconomicalResponsible); } postSaveNew(school, user, iUserType); try { if (schdep_id != -1) { getSchoolBusiness(iwc).addSchoolUsr(schdep_id, schUsr); } } catch (RemoteException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return false; } public void deleteDepartment(IWContext iwc, School school) throws FinderException, RemoteException { String depmId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_DELETE_SCH_DEP); if (depmId != null) { //String schoolId = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID); SchoolDepartmentHome schoolDepHome = (SchoolDepartmentHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolDepartment.class); SchoolDepartment schDep; schDep = schoolDepHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(depmId)); Collection sUsers = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersByDepartm(school, new Integer(depmId).intValue()); try { if (sUsers != null && !sUsers.isEmpty()) { add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("depmartment_not_deleted", "There are users belonging to this department. Start deleting user."))); } else { getSchoolBusiness(iwc).removeDepartment(schDep); } } catch (RemoveException e) { System.out.println("department to delete ERROR"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public boolean updateDepartment(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { String sdepartmentname = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT; String sdepartmentphone = this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_PHONE; String schoolId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID); String sdid = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_DEPARTMENT_ID); //String idid = iwc.getParameter(sdid); ////int school_id = PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID; //String dep_upd = iwc.getParameter(ACTION_UPDATE_DEPM); /** Updating departments */ //try { if (sdid != null) { /* * SchoolDepartmentHome schoolDepHome = (SchoolDepartmentHome) * IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolDepartment.class); SchoolDepartment schDep; try { * schDep = schoolDepHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(sdid)); }catch * (Exception e) { return false; } */ String departmentname = iwc.getParameter(sdepartmentname + "_" + sdid); String departmentphone = iwc.getParameter(sdepartmentphone + "_" + sdid); if (!departmentname.equals("")) { try { getSchoolBusiness(iwc).storeSchoolDepartment(departmentname, departmentphone, new Integer(schoolId).intValue(), new Integer(sdid).intValue()); //getSchoolBusiness(iwc).removeDepartment(schDep); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } } //end if sdid else { /** Adding department* */ //storeSchooldepartment(string string int, -1 for new department_id) String departmentname = iwc.getParameter(sdepartmentname); String departmentphone = iwc.getParameter(sdepartmentphone); if (departmentname != null && !departmentname.equals("")) { getSchoolBusiness(iwc).storeSchoolDepartment(departmentname, departmentphone, new Integer(schoolId).intValue(), -1); } /** Adding department end* */ } return true; } /** * Override me please. * * @param school * School * @param user * User */ protected void postSaveNew(School school, User user, int userType) throws RemoteException { // This is overridden in //, //so pahaaleeeeease do NOT remove the parameters, or the users int the // school system will create incorrectly } /** * Override me please. * * @param school * School * @param user * User */ protected void postSaveUpdate(School school, User user, int userType) throws RemoteException { // This is overridden in //, //so pahaaleeeeease do NOT remove the parameters, or the users int the // school system will create incorrectly } private Table mainForm(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table table = new Table(1, 2); //table.add(getTextTitle(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.select_school", "Select School")), 1, 1); table.add(getTextTitle(this._school.getName())); //table.add(schoolList(iwc), 1, 2); table.add(schoolUsers(iwc, this._school), 1, 2); // table.setVerticalAlignment(1, 2, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); // table.setVerticalAlignment(2, 2, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); return table; } protected UserBusiness getUserBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwac) throws RemoteException { return (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac, UserBusiness.class); } protected SchoolBusiness getSchoolBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (SchoolBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, SchoolBusiness.class); } protected SchoolHome getSchoolHome() throws RemoteException { return (SchoolHome) IDOLookup.getHome(School.class); } protected CommuneHome getCommuneHome() throws RemoteException { return (CommuneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Commune.class); } public Table getSchoolUsersTable(IWContext iwc, School school, boolean addSubmitButton) throws RemoteException { this._school = school; return schoolUsersTable(iwc, school, addSubmitButton); } public Table getHighSchoolUsersTable(IWContext iwc, School school, boolean addSubmitButton) throws Exception { this._school = school; return highschoolUsersTable(iwc, school, addSubmitButton); } private void init(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { this._iwrb = super.getResourceBundle(iwc); this._tFormat = TextFormat.getInstance(); this._iwb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); String schoolId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ID); if (schoolId != null && !schoolId.equals("")) { try { this._school = getSchoolHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(schoolId)); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } if (this._school!=null) { String category = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolCategory(this._school); this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_HIGHSCHOOL = category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getHighSchoolSchoolCategory()); this.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_ADULTSCHOOL = category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getCategoryAdultEducation().getCategory()); } } String uId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_EDIT_USER); if (uId != null) { this.userToEdit = Integer.parseInt(uId); } String schdepmId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_EDIT_SCH_DEP); if (schdepmId != null) { this.depmToEdit = Integer.parseInt(schdepmId); } try { deleteUser(iwc, this._school); } catch (FinderException e) { add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("user_not_deleted", "User not deleted"))); } try { deleteDepartment(iwc, this._school); } catch (FinderException e) { add(getTextNormal(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("depmartment_not_deleted", "Department not deleted"))); } } public SchoolUserEditor(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { init(iwc); } public void setTextStyleNormal(Text text) { this.TEXT_NORMAL = text; } public void setTextStyleTitle(Text text) { this.TEXT_TITLE = text; } public void setInputStyle(String style) { this.INPUT_STYLE = style; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { init(iwc); if (this._school != null) { try { Collection coll = this._school.getSchoolTypes(); Iterator iterCollection = coll.iterator(); while (iterCollection.hasNext()) { SchoolType schoolType = (SchoolType); String schoolCategory = schoolType.getSchoolCategory(); if (schoolCategory.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getHighSchoolSchoolCategory())) { this._highSchoolCategory = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { } } String action = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_ACTION); if (action == null) { add(schoolList(iwc)); } else if (action.equals(this.ACTION_VIEW_SCHOOL) && this._school != null) { add(mainForm(iwc)); } else if (action.equals(this.ACTION_UPDATE) && this._school != null) { updateUsers(iwc, this._school); add(mainForm(iwc)); } else if (action.equals(this.ACTION_UPDATE_DEPM)) { updateDepartment(iwc); //Malin add(mainForm(iwc)); } } protected SchoolUserBusiness getSchoolUserBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (SchoolUserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, SchoolUserBusiness.class); } public void addParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { if (parameterName != null && parameterValue != null) { if (this.parameterNames == null) { this.parameterNames = new Vector(); } if (this.parameterValues == null) { this.parameterValues = new Vector(); } this.parameterNames.add(parameterName); this.parameterValues.add(parameterValue); } } public IWBundle getBundle() { return this._iwb; } public void setSchoolTypeCategory(String typeCategory) { if (typeCategory != null && !typeCategory.equals("")) { try { SchoolTypeHome sth = (SchoolTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolType.class); this.schoolTypeIds = sth.findAllByCategory(typeCategory); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } private static SchoolUserHome getSchoolUserHome() throws IDOLookupException { return (SchoolUserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolUser.class); } }