package; /** *@author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> *@version 1.0 */ import*; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.*; public class FileSaver { public FileSaver(){ } static public void SaveFileToDir(IWContext iwc)throws IOException { File dir = null; try { MultipartParser mp = new MultipartParser(iwc.getRequest(), 10*1024*1024); // 10MB Part part; while ((part = mp.readNextPart()) != null) { if(part.isParam() && part.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(FileSaver.getUploadDirParameterName())){ ParamPart paramPart = (ParamPart) part; dir = new File(paramPart.getStringValue()); } if (part.isFile() && dir != null) { // it's a file part FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part; String fileName = filePart.getFileName(); if (fileName != null) { // the part actually contained a file filePart.writeTo(dir); } } } } catch (IOException lEx) { System.err.print( "error reading or saving file"); } } static public File FileToDir(IWContext iwc)throws IOException { File dir = null; try { MultipartParser mp = new MultipartParser(iwc.getRequest(), 10*1024*1024); // 10MB Part part; while ((part = mp.readNextPart()) != null) { if(part.isParam() && part.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(FileSaver.getUploadDirParameterName())){ ParamPart paramPart = (ParamPart) part; dir = new File(paramPart.getStringValue()); } if (part.isFile() && dir != null) { // it's a file part FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part; String fileName = filePart.getFileName(); if (fileName != null) { // the part actually contained a file filePart.writeTo(dir); } } } } catch (IOException lEx) { System.err.print( "error reading or saving file"); } return dir; } /* static public void SaveFileToOutPutStream(IWContext iwc,OutPutStream out)throws IOException { File dir; String dirName = sDirName; if (dirName == null) { throw new IOException("Please supply uploadDir parameter"); } dir = new File(dirName); try { MultipartParser mp = new MultipartParser(iwc.getRequest(), 10*1024*1024); // 10MB Part part; while ((part = mp.readNextPart()) != null) { if (part.isFile()) { // it's a file part FilePart filePart = (FilePart) part; String fileName = filePart.getFileName(); if (fileName != null) { // the part actually contained a file long size = filePart.writeTo(dir); } } } } catch (IOException lEx) { System.err.print( "error reading or saving file"); } } */ static public String getUploadDirParameterName(){ return "FileSaverUploadDir"; } static public String getUploadDir(IWContext iwc){ String s = (String) iwc.getSession().getAttribute(getUploadDirParameterName()); return s; } static public void setUploadDir(IWContext iwc,String sFilePath){ iwc.getSession().setAttribute(getUploadDirParameterName(),sFilePath); } }