package com.idega.block.timesheet.presentation; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.FieldSet; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Legend; import com.idega.presentation.ui.PrintButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SelectionBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Window; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWCalendar; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; public class Timesheet extends Block { private static final String ACT_SAVE_PROJECT = "save_project"; private static final String ACT_CREATE_PROJECT = "actcreate_project"; private static final String PRM_LINECOUNT = "idega_timesheet_entry_number_of_lines"; private static final String PRM_DAYCOUNT = "idega_timesheet_entry_number_of_days"; private static final String PRM_YEAR = "idega_timesheet_entry_ar"; private static final String PRM_MONTH = "idega_timesheet_entry_manudur"; private static final String PRM_DAY = "idega_timesheet_entry_dagur"; private static final String ACT_PAST_ENTRY_CHECK = "checkPreviousEntries"; private static final String ACT_PROJECTS_MOVE = "move_project"; private static final String ACT_USER_PROJECTS = "my_projects"; private static final String ACT_BOOKED = "booked"; private static final String ACT_UNBOOKED = "unbooked"; private static final String ACT_PROJECT_HOURS_ALL = "hour_pr_project_all"; private static final String ACT_PROJECT_HOURS = "hour_pr_project"; private static final String ACT_EMLOYEE_HOURS = "hour_pr_employee"; private static final String ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES_ALL = "hreyfingVerkAll"; private static final String ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES = "hreyfingVerk"; private static final String ACT_EMPLOYEE_ENTRIES = "hreyfingStarfsmann"; private static final String ACT_SUBREPORT = "undirskyrsla"; private static final String ACT_REMOVE = "henda"; private static final String PRM_CORRECTION = "i_timesheet_correction"; private static final String PRM_PROJECT_ID = "i_timesheet_project_id"; private static final String PRM_PRINTABLE = "i_timesheet_printable"; private static final String PRM_ACTION = "idega_timesheet_entry_edit"; private static final String ENTRY_ID = "idega_timesheet_entry_timesheet_entry_id"; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.timesheet"; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; private IWBundle iwb; private boolean bookAllAtOnce = true; private boolean displayReportButton = true; private boolean allowCorrection = false; private boolean isPrintable = false; String timesheet_project_id = null; private boolean isAdmin; //private String URI; private int daysShown; private int extraLines; public int month, year, day; private int daysInMonth; private Date fromDate, toDate; private Integer projectID = null; private com.idega.util.IWCalendar FunctColl = new com.idega.util.IWCalendar(); private int days; private String monthName; private Text myDags; private String nameOfMonth; private User user; private Integer userID; private String temp_user_id; private String table_width; private String table_height; private int cellspacing; private int cellpadding; private String color_1; private String color_2; private String header_color; private String header_text_color; private int border; private boolean correct; private String edit; // private String URI = ""; private String hour_report_image_url; private String delete_image_url; private String report_image_url; private String next_image_url; private String previous_image_url; private String today_image_url; private String correction_image_url; private String back_image_url; private String save_image_url; private String employee_report_image_url; private String book_image_url; private String booked_image_url; private String register_image_url; private String language = "IS"; private IWTimestamp stamp; private int fjLinuIToflu = 40; //////////////////////////////////// STRENGIRNIR private String report_string = " "; private String day_string = " "; private String resource_string = " "; private String project_string = " "; private String quantity_string = " "; private String description_string = " "; private String delete_string = " "; private String total_hours_string = " "; private String previous_week_string = " "; private String next_week_string = " "; private String correct_string = " "; private String back_string = " "; private String today_string = " "; private String save_string = " "; private String total_string = " "; private String previous_month_string = " "; private String next_month_string = " "; private String employee_report_string = " "; private String project_id_string = " "; private String hours_string = " "; private String project_name_string = " "; private String must_login = " "; private int userDefinedProjectId = -1; private TimesheetSession timesheetSession = null; public synchronized Object clone() { Timesheet obj = null; try { obj = (Timesheet) super.clone(); // obj.FunctColl = this.FunctColl.clone(); if (this.myDags != null) { obj.myDags = (Text) this.myDags.clone(); } if (this.header_color != null) { obj.header_color = this.header_color; } if (this.header_text_color != null) { obj.header_text_color = this.header_text_color; // if (this.stamp != null) // obj.stamp = (IWTimestamp)stamp.clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /////////////////////////////////// public Timesheet() { super(); setDefaultValues(); setDate(); } public Timesheet(boolean isAdmin) { super(); setDefaultValues(); this.isAdmin = isAdmin; setDate(); } public Timesheet(int year, int month, int day) { super(); setDefaultValues(); this.year = year; this.month = month; = day; } public Timesheet(int year, int month, int day, boolean isAdmin) { super(); setDefaultValues(); this.year = year; this.month = month; = day; this.isAdmin = isAdmin; } private void setDefaultValues() { this.daysShown = 6; this.extraLines = 1; this.table_width = "20"; this.cellspacing = 0; this.cellpadding = 3; this.color_1 = "#DDDDDD"; this.color_2 = "#444444"; this.header_color = "#000000"; this.header_text_color = "#FFFFFF"; this.border = 0; this.language = "IS"; this.correct = false; } private void setImageUrls(IWContext iwc) { this.hour_report_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI(""); this.delete_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("delete.gif"); this.report_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("reports.gif"); this.next_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("next.gif"); this.previous_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("prev.gif"); this.today_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("today.gif"); this.correction_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("correction.gif"); this.back_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("back.gif"); this.save_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("save.gif"); this.employee_report_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI("employee.gif"); this.book_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI(""); this.booked_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI(""); this.register_image_url = this.iwrb.getImageURI(""); } private void setStrings(IWContext iwc) { this.report_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("reports", "Reports"); this.day_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date"); this.resource_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("resource", "Resource"); this.project_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project", "Project"); this.quantity_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("quantity", "Qty."); this.description_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("description", "Description"); this.delete_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("delete", "Delete"); this.total_hours_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("total_hours", "Total hours"); this.previous_week_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("prev_week", "Previous week"); this.next_week_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("next_week", "Next week"); this.correct_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("correction", "Correction"); this.back_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("back", "Back"); this.today_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("today", "Today"); this.save_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("save", "Save"); this.total_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("total", "Total"); this.previous_month_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("prev_month", "Previous month"); this.next_month_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("next_month", "Next month"); this.employee_report_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("employee_report", "Employee report"); this.project_id_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project_id", "Project #"); this.hours_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours"); this.project_name_string = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("nafn", "Name"); this.must_login = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("warning.not_logged_on", "You have to log on first"); } /* * public void setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language } */ public void setBookAllAtOnce(boolean bookAtOnce) { this.bookAllAtOnce = bookAtOnce; } public void setDisplayReportButton(boolean display) { this.displayReportButton = display; } public void setUserDefinedProjectId(int projectId) { this.userDefinedProjectId = projectId; } public void setAllowCorrection(boolean allowCorrection) { this.allowCorrection = allowCorrection; } public void setEmployeeReportImageUrl(String url) { this.employee_report_image_url = url; } public void setBookImageUrl(String url) { this.book_image_url = url; } public void setBookedImageUrl(String url) { this.booked_image_url = url; } public void setRegisterImageUrl(String url) { this.register_image_url = url; } public void setDeleteImageUrl(String url) { this.delete_image_url = url; } public void setSaveImageUrl(String url) { this.save_image_url = url; } public void setBackImageUrl(String url) { this.back_image_url = url; } public void setNextImageUrl(String url) { this.next_image_url = url; } public void setCorrectionImageUrl(String url) { this.correction_image_url = url; } public void setPreviousImageUrl(String url) { this.previous_image_url = url; } public void setTodayImageUrl(String url) { this.today_image_url = url; } public void setReportImageUrl(String url) { this.report_image_url = url; } public void setHourReportImageUrl(String url) { this.hour_report_image_url = url; } public void setDaysShown(int number_of_days_shown) { this.daysShown = number_of_days_shown; } public void setExtraLines(int number_if_extra_lines) { this.extraLines = number_if_extra_lines; } public void setWidth(String width) { this.table_width = width; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.table_height = Integer.toString(height); } public void setCellpadding(int cellpadding) { this.cellpadding = cellpadding; } public void setCellspacing(int cellspacing) { this.cellspacing = cellspacing; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color_1 = color; this.color_2 = color; } public void setZebraColors(String color1, String color2) { this.color_1 = color1; this.color_2 = color2; } public void setHeaderColor(String header_color) { this.header_color = header_color; } public void setHeaderTextColor(String header_text_color) { this.header_text_color = header_text_color; } public void setBorder(int border) { this.border = border; } private void initialize(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this.timesheetSession = (TimesheetSession) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc, TimesheetSession.class); this.isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this.save_image_url = this.iwrb.getImage("save.gif").getURL(); initDays(iwc); calculate(iwc); setStrings(iwc); setImageUrls(iwc); } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws SQLException, IOException, Exception { initialize(iwc); if (this.isAdmin) { Link prodMan = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project_manager", "Project manager")); //prodMan.setWindowToOpen(com.idega.block.projectmanager.presentation.ProjectAdminWindow.class); add(prodMan); add(Text.getBreak()); } String sIsPrintable = iwc.getParameter(PRM_PRINTABLE); this.isPrintable = (sIsPrintable != null && sIsPrintable.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); if (iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_PROJECT_ID)) { this.projectID = Integer.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID)); } /* * if (sIsPrintable != null &&) { if * (sIsPrintable.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { this.isPrintable = true; } */ this.timesheet_project_id = iwc.getParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID); if (this.edit == null) { this.edit = iwc.getParameter(PRM_ACTION); } if (this.edit == null) { this.edit = ""; } if (iwc.isLoggedOn()) { this.user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); this.userID = (Integer) this.user.getPrimaryKey(); String temp_member_id = iwc.getParameter("i_timesheet_member_id"); if (temp_member_id != null) { try { if (this.isAdmin) { this.user = ((UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class)).findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(this.temp_user_id)); this.userID = (Integer) this.user.getPrimaryKey(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } if (this.edit.equals(PRM_CORRECTION)) { this.correct = true; } if (this.edit.equals(ACT_REMOVE)) { processEntryRemoval(iwc); presentateToday(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals(this.save_string)) { processEntrySave(iwc); presentateToday(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_SUBREPORT)) { presentateSubreport(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { //add(getPrintableLink("undirskyrsla")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_EMPLOYEE_ENTRIES)) { presentateEmployeeEntries(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { //add(getPrintableLink("hreyfingStarfsmann")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES)) { presentateProjectEntries(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { //add(getPrintableLink("hreyfingVerk")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES_ALL)) { presentateAllProjectEntries(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { // add(getPrintableLink("hreyfingVerkAll")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_EMLOYEE_HOURS)) { presentateEmployeeHours(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { //add(getPrintableLink("hour_pr_employee")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_PROJECT_HOURS)) { presentateProjectHours(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { // add(getPrintableLink("hour_pr_project")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_PROJECT_HOURS_ALL)) { presentateAllProjectHours(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { //add(getPrintableLink("hour_pr_project_all")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_UNBOOKED)) { presentateUnbookedEntries(iwc, false); if (!this.isPrintable) { // add(getPrintableLink("unbooked")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_BOOKED)) { presentateBookedEntries(iwc); if (!this.isPrintable) { // add(getPrintableLink("booked")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals("save_booked")) { processBooking(iwc); presentateBookedEntries(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals("save_registered")) { processRegistration(iwc); presentateUserProjects(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_USER_PROJECTS)) { presentateUserProjects(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_PROJECTS_MOVE)) { processProjectMove(iwc); presentateUserProjects(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_PAST_ENTRY_CHECK)) { presentateUnbookedEntries(iwc, true); if (!this.isPrintable) { //add(getPrintableLink("checkPreviousEntries")); } else { add(getPrintButton()); } } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_CREATE_PROJECT)) { presentateProjectForm(iwc); } else if (this.edit.equals(ACT_SAVE_PROJECT)) { processProjectSave(iwc); presentateUserProjects(iwc); } else { presentateToday(iwc); } add(getMyProjectsLink()); } else { add(this.must_login); } } private void setDate() { this.month = this.FunctColl.getMonth(); this.year = this.FunctColl.getYear(); = this.FunctColl.getDay(); } private void initDays(IWContext iwc) { try { String temp_dagur = iwc.getParameter(PRM_DAY); String temp_manudur = iwc.getParameter(PRM_MONTH); String temp_ar = iwc.getParameter(PRM_YEAR); if (temp_manudur != null) { this.month = Integer.parseInt(temp_manudur); } if (temp_dagur != null) { = Integer.parseInt(temp_dagur); } if (temp_ar != null) { this.year = Integer.parseInt(temp_ar); } } catch (NumberFormatException n) { } if ( > this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year)) { = - this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year); ++this.month; if (this.month == 13) { this.month = 1; ++this.year; } } if (( < 1) { --this.month; if (this.month == 0) { this.month = 12; --this.year; } = this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year) +; } if (this.month == 13) { this.month = 1; ++this.year; } else if (this.month == 0) { this.month = 12; --this.year; } this.daysInMonth = this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year); this.fromDate = new IWTimestamp(1, this.month, this.year).getDate(); this.toDate = new IWTimestamp(this.daysInMonth, this.month, this.year).getDate(); } private void calculate(IWContext iwc) { String temp_daysShown = iwc.getParameter(PRM_DAYCOUNT); if (temp_daysShown != null) { try { this.daysShown = Integer.parseInt(temp_daysShown); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { } } String temp_extraLines = iwc.getParameter(PRM_LINECOUNT); if (temp_extraLines != null) { try { this.extraLines = Integer.parseInt(temp_extraLines); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { } } this.days = this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year); this.monthName = this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month); // String plus_lina = request.getParameter("nylina"); this.days = this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year); this.nameOfMonth = (this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month)); this.myDags = new Text(); this.myDags.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); this.myDags.setFontSize(3); this.myDags.setBold(); if (( - this.daysShown) < 1) { int mon = this.month - 1; if (mon == 0) { mon = 12; } this.myDags.addToText(this.FunctColl.getMonthName(mon, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + "/"); } this.myDags.addToText(this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); } private void presentateToday(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { boolean fridagur; String eining = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hour", "hr"); boolean skrifaDags = true; int current_row = 1; int vikuDagurNr; double heildartimar = 0; double timaridag = 0; String dags; ///////////////// DropdownMenu resources = new DropdownMenu(); resources.setName("resource"); resources.addMenuElement(-1, this.user.getName()); Collection res = this.timesheetSession.getResources(); if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) { String the_name; for (Iterator iter = res.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Resource resource = (Resource); the_name = resource.getName(); if (the_name.length() > 30) { resources.addMenuElement(resource.getPrimaryKey().toString(), the_name.substring(0, 30) + "..."); } else { resources.addMenuElement(resource.getPrimaryKey().toString(), the_name); } } } DropdownMenu projectSelect = new DropdownMenu(); if (this.userDefinedProjectId == -1) { projectSelect.setName("projects"); Collection projects = getTimesheetProjectHome().findUserRelated(this.user); if (projects != null && !projects.isEmpty()) { String the_name; for (Iterator iter = projects.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetProject project = (TimesheetProject); the_name = project.getName(); if (the_name.length() > 30) { projectSelect.addMenuElement( project.getPrimaryKey().toString() + "", the_name.substring(0, 30) + "..."); } else { projectSelect.addMenuElement(project.getPrimaryKey().toString() + "", the_name); } } } } DropdownMenu myDropdownTimar = new DropdownMenu("timar"); myDropdownTimar.addMenuElement("null", " "); if (this.correct) { for (int i = 0; i <= 24; i++) { if (i != 0) { myDropdownTimar.addMenuElement("-" + i + ".0", "-" + i + ".0"); } if (i != 24) { myDropdownTimar.addMenuElement("-" + i + ".5", "-" + i + ".5"); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i <= 24; i++) { if (i != 0) { myDropdownTimar.addMenuElement(i + ".0", i + ".0"); } if (i != 24) { myDropdownTimar.addMenuElement(i + ".5", i + ".5"); } } } ///////////////////////// User user = ((UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class)).findByPrimaryKey(this.userID); Form myForm = new Form(); Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); headerTable.add(this.myDags, 2, 1); myForm.add(headerTable); // add(myDags); Table myTable = new Table(); myForm.add(myTable); myTable.setWidth(this.table_width); if (this.table_height != null) { myTable.setHeight(this.table_height); } myTable.setCellspacing(this.cellspacing); myTable.setCellpadding(this.cellpadding); myTable.setColor(this.color_1); myTable.setBorder(this.border); Text dagur_text = new Text(this.day_string + "       "); dagur_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text fordi_text = new Text(this.resource_string); fordi_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text verk_text = new Text(this.project_string); verk_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text eining_text = new Text(this.quantity_string); eining_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text lysing_text = new Text(this.description_string); lysing_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(dagur_text, 1, 1); myTable.add(fordi_text, 2, 1); myTable.add(verk_text, 3, 1); myTable.add(eining_text, 4, 1); myTable.add(lysing_text, 5, 1); myTable.setColumnAlignment(6, "center"); TimesheetProject project; Resource resource; for (int u = 0; u <= this.daysShown; u++) { skrifaDags = true; fridagur = this.FunctColl.isHoliday(this.year, this.month, ( - u)); if (( - u) < 1) { --this.month; if (this.month == 0) { this.month = 12; --this.year; } = this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year) +; } vikuDagurNr = this.FunctColl.getDayOfWeek(this.year, this.month, ( - u); dags = (this.year + "-" + this.month + "-" + ( - u)); IWTimestamp date = new IWTimestamp( - u, this.month, this.year); if ((this.month < 10) && ( - u < 10)) { dags = (this.year + "-0" + this.month + "-0" + ( - u)); } else if ((this.month >= 10) && ( - u < 10)) { dags = (this.year + "-" + this.month + "-0" + ( - u)); } else if ((this.month < 10) && ( - u >= 10)) { dags = (this.year + "-0" + this.month + "-" + ( - u)); } java.util.Collection entries = ((TimesheetEntryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TimesheetEntry.class)).findByDateAndUser( date.getDate(), (this.userID)); if (entries != null && !entries.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry timesheetEntry = (TimesheetEntry); project = timesheetEntry.getProject(); int resource_id = 0; boolean resource_id_null = false; if (project != null) { ++current_row; if (skrifaDags) { Text myText1 = new Text(); myText1.setFontSize(1); if (fridagur) { myText1.setFontColor("red"); } else { } myText1.addToText( this.FunctColl.getDayName(vikuDagurNr, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG).substring( 0, 3) + " " + ( - u) + "."); myTable.add(myText1, 1, current_row); } skrifaDags = false; try { resource_id = timesheetEntry.getResourceId(); } catch (Exception e) { resource_id_null = true; } if (resource_id_null) { myTable.add(user.getName(), 2, current_row); } if (project.getName().length() > 27) { myTable.addText(project.getName().substring(0, 26) + "...", 3, current_row); } else { myTable.addText(project.getName(), 3, current_row); } if (!resource_id_null) { if ((resource_id != -1) && (resource_id != 0)) { resource = getResourceHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(resource_id)); myTable.add(resource.getName(), 2, current_row); if (resource.getUnitName() != null) { eining = resource.getUnitName(); } } else { myTable.add(user.getName(), 2, current_row); } } myTable.addText(timesheetEntry.getQuantity() + " " + eining, 4, current_row); if (eining.equalsIgnoreCase("klst")) { heildartimar += timesheetEntry.getQuantity(); timaridag += timesheetEntry.getQuantity(); } if (timesheetEntry.getDescription().length() > 30) { myTable.addText(timesheetEntry.getDescription().substring(0, 30) + "...", 5, current_row); } else { myTable.addText(timesheetEntry.getDescription(), 5, current_row); } if (!(timesheetEntry.isBooked())) { if (this.delete_image_url != null) { Image myTunna = new Image(this.delete_image_url, "Henda f�rslu"); Link hlekkur = new Link(myTunna); setLink(hlekkur, ACT_REMOVE, 0, 0, 0); hlekkur.addParameter("idega_timesheet_entry_resource_id", resource_id); hlekkur.addParameter(ENTRY_ID, timesheetEntry.getPrimaryKey().toString()); myTable.add(hlekkur, 6, current_row); } else { Link hlekkur = new Link(this.delete_string); setLink(hlekkur, ACT_REMOVE, 0, 0, 0); hlekkur.addParameter("idega_timesheet_entry_resource_id", resource_id); hlekkur.addParameter(ENTRY_ID, timesheetEntry.getPrimaryKey().toString()); myTable.add(hlekkur, 6, current_row); } } else { } } } } /* * if (u == fjLinuIToflu) { 2; myTable.resize(6,fjLinuIToflu); } } */ for (int y = 1; y <= this.extraLines; y++) { ++current_row; if (skrifaDags) { Text myTextAuka1 = new Text(); myTextAuka1.setFontSize(1); if (fridagur) { myTextAuka1.setFontColor("red"); } else { } myTextAuka1.addToText( this.FunctColl.getDayName(vikuDagurNr, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG).substring(0, 3) + " " + ( - u) + "."); myTable.add(myTextAuka1, 1, current_row); } skrifaDags = false; myTable.add(resources, 2, current_row); if (this.userDefinedProjectId == -1) { myTable.add(projectSelect, 3, current_row); } else { TimesheetProject userProject = getTimesheetProjectHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(this.userDefinedProjectId)); myTable.add(userProject.getName(), 3, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("projects", "" + this.userDefinedProjectId), 3, current_row); } myTable.add(myDropdownTimar, 4, current_row); TextInput myTextInputComment = new TextInput("description"); myTextInputComment.setSize(30); myTable.add(myTextInputComment, 5, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("timesheet_entry_id", "null"), 6, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("timesheet_date", dags), 6, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput("resource_id", "0"), 6, current_row); } ++current_row; for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { myTable.setColor(j, current_row, this.color_2); } myTable.addText(Double.toString(timaridag), 4, current_row); timaridag = 0; } //u endar; ++current_row; myTable.addText(this.total_hours_string, 3, current_row); myTable.addText(Double.toString(heildartimar), 4, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_YEAR, Integer.toString(this.year)), 6, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_DAY, Integer.toString(, 6, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_MONTH, Integer.toString(this.month)), 6, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_DAYCOUNT, "" + this.daysShown), 6, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_LINECOUNT, "" + this.extraLines), 6, current_row); ++current_row; if (this.previous_image_url != null) { Image prev = new Image(this.previous_image_url, this.previous_week_string); Link back = new Link(prev); setLink(back, "", 0, 0, -this.daysShown - 1); myTable.add(back, 2, current_row); } else { Text previous_week_text = new Text(this.previous_week_string); if (this.header_text_color != null) { previous_week_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); } Link back = new Link(previous_week_text); setLink(back, "", 0, 0, -this.daysShown - 1); myTable.add(back, 2, current_row); } myTable.add("  ", 2, current_row); if (this.today_image_url != null) { Image todayImg = new Image(this.today_image_url, this.today_string); myTable.add(new Link(todayImg), 2, current_row); } else { Text today_text = new Text(this.today_string); if (this.header_text_color != null) { today_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); } myTable.add(new Link(today_text), 2, current_row); } myTable.add("  ", 2, current_row); if (this.next_image_url != null) { Image nextImage = new Image(this.next_image_url, this.next_week_string); Link forward = new Link(nextImage); setLink(forward, "", 0, 0, this.daysShown + 1); myTable.add(forward, 2, current_row); } else { Text next_week_text = new Text(this.next_week_string); if (this.header_text_color != null) { next_week_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); } Link forward = new Link(next_week_text); setLink(forward, "", 0, 0, this.daysShown + 1); myTable.add(forward, 2, current_row); } if (this.displayReportButton) { if (this.report_image_url == null) { Text report_text = new Text(this.report_string); if (this.header_text_color != null) { report_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); } Link reports = new Link(report_text); setLink(reports, ACT_SUBREPORT, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(reports, 5, current_row); } else { Link reports = new Link(new Image(this.report_image_url, this.report_string)); setLink(reports, ACT_SUBREPORT, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(reports, 5, current_row); } } if (this.allowCorrection) { if (this.correction_image_url == null) { Link correct = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("correct", "Correct")); this.setLink(correct, PRM_CORRECTION, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(correct, 3, current_row); } else { Link correct = new Link(new Image(this.correction_image_url)); this.setLink(correct, PRM_CORRECTION, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(correct, 3, current_row); } } if (this.save_image_url != null) { Image saveImg = new Image(this.save_image_url, this.save_string); myTable.add(new SubmitButton(saveImg, PRM_ACTION, this.save_string), 5, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_ACTION, this.save_string), 6, current_row); } else { myTable.add(new SubmitButton(PRM_ACTION, this.save_string), 5, current_row); myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_ACTION, this.save_string), 6, current_row); } myTable.setAlignment(5, current_row, "right"); if (this.header_color != null) { myTable.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); myTable.setRowColor(current_row, this.color_2); } add(myForm); } private void presentateSubreport(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { Text myText; Text myName; int resource_id; double timarverk = 0; double samtals = 0; double[] timardag = new double[this.daysInMonth]; Collection userProjects = getTimesheetProjectHome().findEntryRelatedByUserWithinPeriod(this.userID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); int rows = 0; Form myForm = new Form(); add(myForm); Table headerTable = new Table(3, 1); headerTable.setCellpadding(0); headerTable.setCellspacing(0); headerTable.setColor(this.header_color); headerTable.setWidth(1, "17"); headerTable.setWidth(3, "17"); headerTable.setWidth(this.table_width); headerTable.setHeight("36"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, "top"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(2, 1, "middle"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(3, 1, "top"); headerTable.setAlignment(1, 1, "left"); headerTable.setAlignment(2, 1, "center"); headerTable.setAlignment(3, 1, "right"); //headerTable.setAlignment("center"); headerTable.add(this.iwb.getImage("shared/leftcorner.gif"), 1, 1); headerTable.add(this.iwb.getImage("shared/rightcorner.gif", ""), 3, 1); // Text header = new Text(FunctColl.getNameOfMonth(manudur, iwc) + " " // +ar); // header.setFontSize(5); // add(header); Text nafnPaMoned = new Text( "Unnir t�mar � " + this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text memberName = new Text(this.user.getName()); memberName.setFontSize(3); memberName.setBold(); memberName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(memberName, 2, 1); headerTable.add("      ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned, 2, 1); headerTable.setNoWrap(); myForm.add(headerTable); Table myTable = new Table(this.daysInMonth + 4, rows + 3); myForm.add(myTable); myTable.setBorder(this.border); // myTable.setBorder(1); myTable.setWidth(this.table_width); myTable.setColor(this.color_1); // myTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(color_1,color_2); myTable.setCellpadding(2); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setNoWrap(); Text project_id_text = new Text(this.project_string); project_id_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text project_name_text = new Text(this.project_name_string + "           "); project_name_text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); // myTable.add(project_id_text,1,1); myTable.add(project_name_text, 2, 1); myTable.setColumnAttribute(this.daysInMonth + 3, "align", "center"); for (int j = 1; j <= this.daysInMonth; j++) { myText = new Text(Integer.toString(j)); // myText.setFontSize(1); myText.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.setWidth(2 + j, "17"); if (this.FunctColl.isHoliday(this.year, this.month, j)) { myText.setFontColor("red"); } myTable.add(myText, 2 + j, 1); timardag[j - 1] = 0; } Text samtals_text1 = new Text(this.total_string); samtals_text1.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(samtals_text1, this.daysInMonth + 3, 1); int currentrow = 1; Collection insideEntries = null; TimesheetEntryHome entryHome = getTimesheetEntryHome(); IWTimestamp todayStamp; TimesheetProject project; double tala; double how_many_today; for (Iterator iter = userProjects.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { project = (TimesheetProject); timarverk = 0; String project_name = project.getName(); if (project_name != null) { if (project_name.length() > 15) { project_name = project_name.substring(0, 15) + "..."; } } myName = new Text(project_name); myName.setFontSize(1); Link myLinkName = new Link(myName); setLink(myLinkName, ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES, 0, 0, 0); myLinkName.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, project.getPrimaryKey().toString()); currentrow++; myTable.add(myLinkName, 2, currentrow); for (int j = 1; j <= this.daysInMonth; j++) { todayStamp = new IWTimestamp(j, this.month, this.year); myTable.setColumnAttribute(j + 2, "align", "center"); insideEntries = entryHome.findByDateAndUser(todayStamp.getDate(), this.userID); myTable.setVerticalAlignment(2 + j, currentrow, "top"); //if (inside_entry != null) { if (insideEntries != null && !insideEntries.isEmpty()) { how_many_today = 0; myText = new Text("0"); myText.setFontSize(1); for (Iterator iterator = insideEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); resource_id = entry.getResourceId(); if ((resource_id == 0) || (resource_id == -1)) { tala = entry.getQuantity(); how_many_today += tala; } } if (how_many_today != 0) { myText.setText(Double.toString(how_many_today)); } else { myText.setFontColor("gray"); } myTable.add(myText, 2 + j, currentrow); timarverk += how_many_today; timardag[j - 1] += how_many_today; } else { myTable.addText("  ", 2 + j, currentrow); } } myText = new Text(Double.toString(timarverk)); myText.setBold(); myText.setFontSize("1"); myTable.setVerticalAlignment(this.daysInMonth + 3, currentrow, "top"); myTable.add(myText, this.daysInMonth + 3, currentrow); samtals += timarverk; } Text samtals_text = new Text(this.total_string); samtals_text.setFontSize(1); myTable.add(samtals_text, 2, rows + 2); myTable.setAttribute(2, rows + 2, "align", "right"); for (int k = 1; k <= this.daysInMonth; k++) { if (timardag[k - 1] != 0) { myText = new Text(Double.toString(timardag[k - 1])); myText.setFontSize("1"); myText.setFontColor("black"); myText.setBold(); myTable.add(myText, 2 + k, rows + 2); } else { myText = new Text("0"); myText.setFontSize("1"); myText.setFontColor("gray"); myTable.add(myText, 2 + k, rows + 2); } } myText = new Text(Double.toString(samtals)); myText.setFontSize(1); myText.setBold(); myTable.setAlignment(this.daysInMonth + 3, rows + 2, "center"); myTable.add(myText, this.daysInMonth + 3, rows + 2); myTable.mergeCells(1, rows + 3, 25, rows + 3); myTable.mergeCells(26, rows + 3, this.daysInMonth + 3, rows + 3); myTable.add("   ", 1, rows + 3); if (!this.isPrintable) { Link bakka = this.getPreviousMonthLink(ACT_SUBREPORT); Link afram = this.getNextMonthLink(ACT_SUBREPORT); myTable.add(bakka, 1, rows + 3); myTable.add(afram, 1, rows + 3); if (this.employee_report_image_url != null) { Image staffRep = new Image(this.employee_report_image_url, this.employee_report_string); Link starfsmanns = new Link(staffRep); setLink(starfsmanns, ACT_EMPLOYEE_ENTRIES, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(starfsmanns, 26, rows + 3); } else { Link starfsmanns = new Link(this.employee_report_string); setLink(starfsmanns, ACT_EMPLOYEE_ENTRIES, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(starfsmanns, 26, rows + 3); } } myForm.add(new HiddenInput("edit", "valinskyrsla")); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("manudur", this.month + "")); myForm.add(new HiddenInput("ar", this.year + "")); myTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); myTable.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); myTable.setRowColor(rows + 3, this.header_color); } private void presentateProjectEntries(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String project_id = iwc.getParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID); if (project_id != null) { Collection entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByUserAndProjectWithinPeriod(this.userID, this.projectID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); presentateProjectEntries(iwc, entries, this.projectID, false); } } private void presentateAllProjectEntries(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String project_id = iwc.getParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID); if (this.isAdmin) { if (project_id != null) { Integer projectID = Integer.valueOf(project_id); Collection entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByProjectWithinPeriod(projectID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); presentateProjectEntries(iwc, entries, projectID, true); } } else { presentateProjectEntries(iwc); } } private void presentateProjectEntries(IWContext iwc, Collection tsEntries, Integer projectID, boolean viewAll) throws Exception { String edit_string = ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES; String hour_report_string = ACT_PROJECT_HOURS; User current_user = this.user; if (viewAll) { edit_string = ACT_PROJECT_ENTRIES_ALL; hour_report_string = ACT_PROJECT_HOURS_ALL; } TimesheetProject project = getTimesheetProjectHome().findByPrimaryKey(projectID); double vinnaSamtals = 0; double aksturSamtals = 0; //int rows = entry.length; int rows = tsEntries.size(); int row = 1; Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); Text nafnPaMoned = new Text( this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("work_report", "Workreport") + "      " + this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text projectName = new Text(project.getName()); projectName.setFontSize(3); projectName.setBold(); projectName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(projectName, 2, 1); headerTable.add("      ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned, 2, 1); add(headerTable); Table myTable = new Table(); myTable.setWidth(this.table_width); add(myTable); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setBorder(this.border); Text dags = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date")); Text the_member = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("employee", "Employee")); Text the_resource = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("supply", "Supply")); //"For�i"); Text horas = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours")); Text miles = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("driving", "Driving")); Text other = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("equipment_usage", "Equipment usage")); dags.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_member.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_resource.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); horas.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); miles.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); other.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(dags, 2, row); myTable.add(the_member, 3, row); myTable.add(the_resource, 4, row); myTable.add(horas, 5, row); myTable.add(miles, 6, row); myTable.mergeCells(7, 1, 8, row); myTable.add(other, 7, row); String resource_name = null; String resource_unit_name = null; Text themDags; Text themMember; Text themResource; Text themHours; Text themMiles; Text themOther; int fontSize = 1; ResourceHome resHome = getResourceHome(); Resource resource; for (Iterator iter = tsEntries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); Integer resourceID = new Integer(entry.getResourceId()); resource_name = null; resource_unit_name = null; if (resourceID.intValue() > 0) { resource = resHome.findByPrimaryKey(resourceID); resource_name = resource.getName(); resource_unit_name = resource.getUnitName(); } ++row; themDags = new Text(entry.getDate().toString().substring(0, 10)); if (viewAll) { current_user = entry.getUser(); } themMember = new Text(current_user.getName()); themDags.setFontSize(fontSize); themMember.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themDags, 2, row); myTable.add(themMember, 3, row); if (resource_name != null) { themResource = new Text(resource_name); themResource.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themResource, 4, row); if (resource_unit_name != null) { if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("klst")) { themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 5, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("km")) { themMiles = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themMiles, 6, row); aksturSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else { themOther = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themOther.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themOther, 7, row); } } } else { myTable.add("-", 4, row); themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 5, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } } row++; Text totalWork = new Text("" + vinnaSamtals); totalWork.setFontSize(fontSize); Text totalMiles = new Text("" + aksturSamtals); totalMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(totalWork, 5, row); myTable.add(totalMiles, 6, row); row++; myTable.mergeCells(2, row, 5, row); myTable.setHeight(row, "34"); myTable.setVerticalAlignment(2, row, "middle"); Link bakka = this.getPreviousMonthLink(edit_string); if (bakka != null) { bakka.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, projectID.toString()); } Link afram = this.getNextMonthLink(edit_string); if (afram != null) { afram.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, projectID.toString()); } myTable.add(bakka, 2, row); myTable.add(afram, 2, row); if (this.hour_report_image_url != null) { Image repImg = new Image(this.hour_report_image_url); Link hour_report = new Link(repImg); setLink(hour_report, hour_report_string, 0, 0, 0); hour_report.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, projectID.toString()); myTable.add(hour_report, 7, rows + 3); } else { Link hour_report = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("time_report", "Time report")); setLink(hour_report, hour_report_string, 0, 0, 0); hour_report.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, projectID.toString()); myTable.add(hour_report, 7, rows + 3); } myTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); myTable.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); myTable.setRowColor(row, this.header_color); } private void presentateEmployeeEntries(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { double vinnaSamtals = 0; double aksturSamtals = 0; Collection entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByUserWithinPeriod(this.userID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); TimesheetProjectHome projectHome = getTimesheetProjectHome(); ResourceHome resHome = getResourceHome(); TimesheetProject project; int rows = 0; if (entries != null) { rows = entries.size(); } Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); Text nafnPaMoned = new Text(this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text memberName = new Text( this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("employee_report", "Employee report") + "      " + this.user.getName()); memberName.setFontSize(3); memberName.setBold(); memberName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(memberName, 2, 1); headerTable.add("      ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned, 2, 1); add(headerTable); int row = 1; Table myTable = new Table(); myTable.setWidth(this.table_width); add(myTable); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setBorder(this.border); myTable.setNoWrap(); Text dags = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date")); Text the_member = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project", "Project")); Text the_resource = new Text("For�i"); Text horas = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours")); Text miles = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("driving", "Driving")); Text other = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("equipment_usage", "Equipment usage")); dags.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_member.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_resource.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); horas.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); miles.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); other.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(dags, 2, row); myTable.add(the_member, 3, row); myTable.add(the_resource, 4, row); myTable.add(horas, 5, row); myTable.add(miles, 6, row); myTable.mergeCells(7, 1, 8, row); myTable.add(other, 7, row); String resource_name = null; String resource_unit_name = null; Text themDags; Text themProject; Text themResource; Text themHours; Text themMiles; Text themOther; int fontSize = 1; for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); project = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(entry.getProjectId())); resource_name = null; resource_unit_name = null; if (entry.getResourceId() > 0) { Resource resource = resHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(entry.getResourceId())); resource_name = resource.getName(); resource_unit_name = resource.getUnitName(); } ++row; themDags = new Text(entry.getDate().toString().substring(0, 10)); themProject = new Text(project.getName()); themDags.setFontSize(fontSize); themProject.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themDags, 2, row); myTable.add(themProject, 3, row); if (resource_name != null) { themResource = new Text(resource_name); themResource.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themResource, 4, row); if (resource_unit_name != null) { if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("klst")) { themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 5, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("km")) { themMiles = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themMiles, 6, row); aksturSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else { themOther = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themOther.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themOther, 7, row); } } } else { myTable.add("-", 4, row); themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 5, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } } row++; Text totalWork = new Text("" + vinnaSamtals); totalWork.setFontSize(fontSize); Text totalMiles = new Text("" + aksturSamtals); totalMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(totalWork, 5, row); myTable.add(totalMiles, 6, row); row++; if (!this.isPrintable) { if (this.hour_report_image_url != null) { Image repImg = new Image(this.hour_report_image_url); Link hour_report = new Link(repImg); setLink(hour_report, ACT_EMLOYEE_HOURS, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(hour_report, 7, rows + 3); } else { Link hour_report = new Link("T�mask�rsla"); setLink(hour_report, ACT_EMLOYEE_HOURS, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(hour_report, 7, rows + 3); } } Link bakka = this.getPreviousMonthLink(ACT_EMPLOYEE_ENTRIES); Link afram = this.getNextMonthLink(ACT_EMPLOYEE_ENTRIES); myTable.add(bakka, 2, rows + 3); myTable.add(afram, 2, rows + 3); myTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); myTable.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); myTable.setRowColor(rows + 3, this.header_color); } public void processEntryRemoval(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String entry_id = iwc.getParameter(ENTRY_ID); TimesheetEntry entry = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(entry_id)); entry.remove(); } private void processProjectSave(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String projectName = iwc.getParameter("pr_name"); String projectNumber = iwc.getParameter("pr_number"); TimesheetProject project = getTimesheetProjectHome().create(); project.setName(projectName); project.setProjectNumber(projectNumber);; } private void processEntrySave(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { // String member_id = iwc.getParameter("member_id"); String project_id[] = iwc.getParameterValues("projects"); String resource_id[] = iwc.getParameterValues("resource"); String timar[] = iwc.getParameterValues("timar"); String entry_id[] = iwc.getParameterValues("timesheet_entry_id"); String date[] = iwc.getParameterValues("timesheet_date"); String description[] = iwc.getParameterValues("description"); if (entry_id != null) { System.out.println(""); IWTimestamp stamp; String timarString = "0"; for (int telja = 0; telja < date.length; telja++) { if (project_id != null) { if (entry_id[telja].equals("null")) { if (!timar[telja].equals("null")) { TimesheetEntry entry = getTimesheetEntryHome().create(); stamp = new IWTimestamp(date[telja]); entry.setDate(stamp.getTimestamp()); entry.setUserId(this.userID.intValue()); if (resource_id != null) { if (!resource_id[telja].equals("-1")) { if (!resource_id[telja].equals("0")) { entry.setResourceId(Integer.parseInt(resource_id[telja])); } } } entry.setProjectId(Integer.parseInt(project_id[telja])); timarString = timar[telja]; entry.setQuantity(Double.parseDouble(timarString)); entry.setDescription(description[telja]); if ((Double.parseDouble(timarString) < 0) && (description[telja].equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { entry.setDescription( this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("corrected_by", "Corrected by ") + this.user.getName()); } entry.setBooked(false); entry.setRegistered(false); //entry.insert();; } } /* * else { TimesheetEntry entry = * (([telja])); * * stamp = new IWTimestamp(date[telja]); * * entry.setDate(stamp.getTimestamp()); * entry.setMemberId(member_id); if * (!resource_id[telja].equals("0")) { * entry.setResourceId(Integer.parseInt(resource_id[telja])); } * entry.setProjectId(Integer.parseInt(project_id[telja])); * * timarString = timar[telja]; * * entry.setHowMany(Double.parseDouble(timarString)); * * entry.setDescription(description[telja]); * entry.setBooked(false); entry.setRegistered(false); * entry.update(); } */ } } } } private void presentateEmployeeHours(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { int dagariman = this.FunctColl.getLengthOfMonth(this.month, this.year); IWCalendar cal = new IWCalendar(); /* * Days[] days = (Days[])(new Days()).findAllOrdered("days_id"); */ double[] hoursPerDay = new double[8]; /* * for (int i = 0; i * < days.length; i++) { hoursPerDay[days[i].getID()] = * days[i].getWorkHours(); } */ double totalHours = 0; double totalOvertime = 0; double totalDay = 0; double totalOverhour = 0; String tableWidth = "0"; try { tableWidth = Integer.toString(2 * (Integer.parseInt(this.table_width) / 3)); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { tableWidth = "70%"; } Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); headerTable.setWidth(tableWidth); Text nafnPaMoned = new Text( this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("time_report", "Timereport") + "      " + this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text memberName = new Text(this.user.getName()); memberName.setFontSize(3); memberName.setBold(); memberName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(memberName, 2, 1); headerTable.add("      ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned, 2, 1); add(headerTable); Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth(tableWidth); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); add(table); int row = 1; Text dayTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date")); Text hoursTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours")); Text dayhourTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("daytime", "Daytime")); Text overhourTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("overtime", "Overtime")); Text differenceTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("difference", "Difference")); dayTxt.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); hoursTxt.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); dayhourTxt.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); overhourTxt.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); differenceTxt.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); table.add(dayTxt, 2, row); table.add(hoursTxt, 3, row); table.add(dayhourTxt, 4, row); table.add(overhourTxt, 5, row); table.add(differenceTxt, 6, row); Text dayTxt_reusable; Text hoursTxt_reusable; Text dayhourTxt_reusable; Text overhourTxt_reusable; Text overtimeTxt_reusable; Collection entries; int day_of_week; double total_hour; double day_hour; double over_hour; double over_time; for (int i = 1; i < dagariman + 1; i++) { ++row; entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByDateAndUser(new IWTimestamp(i, this.month, this.year).getDate(), this.userID); day_of_week = cal.getDayOfWeek(this.year, this.month, i); dayTxt_reusable = new Text(this.year + "-" + TextSoap.addZero(this.month) + "-" + TextSoap.addZero(i)); dayTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); table.add(dayTxt_reusable, 2, row); total_hour = 0; day_hour = 0; over_hour = 0; over_time = 0; for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); //total_hour += entry[j].getQuantity(); total_hour += entry.getQuantity(); } if (cal.isHoliday(this.year, this.month, i)) { dayTxt_reusable.setFontColor("red"); over_hour = total_hour; over_time = total_hour; } else { if (total_hour > hoursPerDay[day_of_week]) { over_hour = total_hour - hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; day_hour = hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; over_time = total_hour - hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; } else if (total_hour < hoursPerDay[day_of_week]) { over_hour = total_hour - hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; day_hour = total_hour; over_time = 0; } else { day_hour = total_hour; over_hour = 0; over_time = 0; } } hoursTxt_reusable = new Text("" + total_hour); dayhourTxt_reusable = new Text("" + day_hour); overhourTxt_reusable = new Text("" + over_hour); overtimeTxt_reusable = new Text("" + over_time); if (total_hour == 0) { hoursTxt_reusable.setFontColor("gray"); } if (day_hour == 0) { dayhourTxt_reusable.setFontColor("gray"); } if (over_hour == 0) { overhourTxt_reusable.setFontColor("gray"); } if (over_time == 0) { overtimeTxt_reusable.setFontColor("gray"); } if (i == dagariman) { hoursTxt_reusable.setUnderline(); dayhourTxt_reusable.setUnderline(); overhourTxt_reusable.setUnderline(); overtimeTxt_reusable.setUnderline(); } hoursTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); dayhourTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); overhourTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); overtimeTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); table.add(hoursTxt_reusable, 3, row); table.add(dayhourTxt_reusable, 4, row); table.add(overtimeTxt_reusable, 5, row); table.add(overhourTxt_reusable, 6, row); totalHours += total_hour; totalOverhour += over_hour; totalOvertime += over_time; totalDay += day_hour; } ++row; Text finalHours = new Text("" + totalHours); finalHours.setFontSize(1); finalHours.setBold(); Text finalDay = new Text("" + totalDay); finalDay.setFontSize(1); finalDay.setBold(); Text finalOvertime = new Text("" + totalOvertime); finalOvertime.setFontSize(1); finalOvertime.setBold(); Text finalOverhour = new Text("" + totalOverhour); finalOverhour.setFontSize(1); finalOverhour.setBold(); table.add(finalHours, 3, row); table.add(finalDay, 4, row); table.add(finalOvertime, 5, row); table.add(finalOverhour, 6, row); ++row; Link bakka = this.getPreviousMonthLink(ACT_EMLOYEE_HOURS); Link afram = this.getNextMonthLink(ACT_EMLOYEE_HOURS); table.add(bakka, 2, row); table.add(afram, 2, row); table.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); table.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); table.setRowColor(row, this.header_color); /* * from timesheet_entry where member_id="+this.member_id+" AND * timesheet_entry_date >= '"+dags1+"' AND timesheet_entry_date * <= '"+dags2+"' order by timesheet_entry_date,project_id"); // * member = * ((; * project; Days[] * days = (Days[])(new Days()).findAllOrdered("days_id"); double * totalHours = 0; double totalOvertime = 0; double totalDay = 0; * * * double[] hoursPerDay = new double[8]; for (int i = 0; i * < days.length; i++) { hoursPerDay[days[i].getID()] = days[i].getWorkHours(); } * * Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); Text nafnPaMoned = new * Text("T�mask�rsla      " + * FunctColl.getNameOfMonth(manudur, iwc) + " " +ar); * nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); * nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); * * Text memberName = new Text( * (((; * memberName.setFontSize(3); memberName.setBold(); * memberName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); * * headerTable.add(memberName,2,1); * headerTable.add("      ",2,1); * headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned,2,1); add(headerTable); * * Timestamp stamp; IWTimestamp i_stamp; IWCalendar cal = new * IWCalendar(); int day_of_week; double total_hour; double day_hour; * double over_hour; * * int row = 1; Table table = new Table(); * table.setWidth(this.table_width); table.setCellpadding(0); * table.setCellspacing(0); add(table); * * Text dayTxt = new Text("dags"); Text projectTxt = new Text("verk"); * Text hoursTxt = new Text("t�mar"); Text dayhourTxt = new * Text("dagvinna"); Text overhourTxt = new Text("yfirvinna"); * dayTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); projectTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); * hoursTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); * dayhourTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); * overhourTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); * * table.add(dayTxt,2,row); table.add(projectTxt,3,row); * table.add(hoursTxt,4,row); table.add(dayhourTxt,5,row); * table.add(overhourTxt,6,row); * * * Text dayTxt_reusable; Text projectTxt_reusable; Text * hoursTxt_reusable; Text dayhourTxt_reusable; Text * overhourTxt_reusable; * * for (int i = 0; i * < entry.length; i++) { if (entry[i].getResourceId() == 0 ) { ++row; * stamp = entry[i].getDate(); i_stamp = new IWTimestamp(stamp); * project = * (([i].getProjectId()); * day_of_week = * cal.getDayOfWeek(i_stamp.getYear(),i_stamp.getMonth(),i_stamp.getDate()); * total_hour = 0; day_hour = 0; over_hour = 0; * * total_hour = entry[i].getQuantity(); * * if (total_hour > hoursPerDay[day_of_week] ) { over_hour = total_hour - * hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; day_hour = hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; } * else { day_hour = total_hour; } * * totalHours += total_hour; totalOvertime += over_hour; totalDay += * day_hour; * * dayTxt_reusable = new * Text(entry[i].getDate().toString().substring(0,10)); * projectTxt_reusable = new Text(project.getName()); hoursTxt_reusable = * new Text(""+total_hour); dayhourTxt_reusable = new * Text(""+day_hour); overhourTxt_reusable = new Text(""+over_hour); * dayTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); projectTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); * hoursTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); * dayhourTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); * overhourTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); * * table.add(dayTxt_reusable,2,row); * table.add(projectTxt_reusable,3,row); * table.add(hoursTxt_reusable,4,row); * table.add(dayhourTxt_reusable,5,row); * table.add(overhourTxt_reusable,6,row); } } * * ++row; Text finalHours = new Text(""+totalHours); * finalHours.setFontSize(1); finalHours.setBold(); Text finalDay = new * Text(""+totalDay); finalDay.setFontSize(1); finalDay.setBold(); Text * finalOver = new Text(""+totalOvertime); finalOver.setFontSize(1); * finalOver.setBold(); * * table.add(finalHours,4,row); table.add(finalDay,5,row); * table.add(finalOver,6,row); * * ++row; * * Link bakka = this.getPreviousMonthLink("hour_pr_employee"); Link * afram = this.getNextMonthLink("hour_pr_employee"); * * table.add(bakka,2,row); table.add(afram,2,row); * * * table.setHorizontalZebraColored(color_1,color_2); * table.setRowColor(1,this.header_color); * table.setRowColor(row,this.header_color); * * * * */ } private void presentateProjectHours(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { Collection entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByUserAndProjectWithinPeriod(this.userID, this.projectID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); presentateHours(iwc, entries, this.projectID, false); } private void presentateAllProjectHours(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this.isAdmin) { Collection entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findByProjectWithinPeriod(this.projectID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); presentateHours(iwc, entries, this.projectID, true); } else { presentateProjectHours(iwc); } } private void presentateHours(IWContext iwc, Collection entries, Integer projectID, boolean viewAll) throws Exception { String edit_string = ACT_PROJECT_HOURS; User current_user = this.user; if (viewAll) { edit_string = ACT_PROJECT_HOURS_ALL; } //Days[] days = (Days[])(new Days()).findAllOrdered("days_id"); double totalHours = 0; double totalOvertime = 0; double totalDay = 0; double[] hoursPerDay = new double[8]; /* * for (int i = 0; i * < days.length; i++) { hoursPerDay[days[i].getID()] = * days[i].getWorkHours(); } */ Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); Text nafnPaMoned = new Text( "T�mask�rsla      " + this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); TimesheetProject project = getTimesheetProjectHome().findByPrimaryKey(projectID); Text memberName = new Text(project.getName()); memberName.setFontSize(3); memberName.setBold(); memberName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(memberName, 2, 1); headerTable.add("      ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned, 2, 1); add(headerTable); Timestamp stamp; IWTimestamp i_stamp; IWCalendar cal = new IWCalendar(); int day_of_week; double total_hour; double day_hour; double over_hour; int row = 1; Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth(this.table_width); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); add(table); Text dayTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date")); Text projectTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("employee", "Employee")); Text hoursTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours")); Text dayhourTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("daytime", "Daytime")); Text overhourTxt = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("overtime", "Overtime")); dayTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); projectTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); hoursTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); dayhourTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); overhourTxt.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); table.add(dayTxt, 2, row); table.add(projectTxt, 3, row); table.add(hoursTxt, 4, row); table.add(dayhourTxt, 5, row); table.add(overhourTxt, 6, row); Text dayTxt_reusable; Text projectTxt_reusable; Text hoursTxt_reusable; Text dayhourTxt_reusable; Text overhourTxt_reusable; String member_name = current_user.getName(); for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); if (entry.getResourceId() == 0) { ++row; stamp = entry.getDate(); i_stamp = new IWTimestamp(stamp); day_of_week = cal.getDayOfWeek(i_stamp.getYear(), i_stamp.getMonth(), i_stamp.getDay()); if (viewAll) { current_user = entry.getUser(); member_name = current_user.getName(); } total_hour = 0; day_hour = 0; over_hour = 0; total_hour = entry.getQuantity(); if (total_hour > hoursPerDay[day_of_week]) { over_hour = total_hour - hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; day_hour = hoursPerDay[day_of_week]; } else { day_hour = total_hour; } totalHours += total_hour; totalOvertime += over_hour; totalDay += day_hour; dayTxt_reusable = new Text(entry.getDate().toString().substring(0, 10)); projectTxt_reusable = new Text(member_name); hoursTxt_reusable = new Text("" + total_hour); dayhourTxt_reusable = new Text("" + day_hour); overhourTxt_reusable = new Text("" + over_hour); dayTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); projectTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); hoursTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); dayhourTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); overhourTxt_reusable.setFontSize(1); table.add(dayTxt_reusable, 2, row); table.add(projectTxt_reusable, 3, row); table.add(hoursTxt_reusable, 4, row); table.add(dayhourTxt_reusable, 5, row); table.add(overhourTxt_reusable, 6, row); } } ++row; Text finalHours = new Text("" + totalHours); finalHours.setFontSize(1); finalHours.setBold(); Text finalDay = new Text("" + totalDay); finalDay.setFontSize(1); finalDay.setBold(); Text finalOver = new Text("" + totalOvertime); finalOver.setFontSize(1); finalOver.setBold(); table.add(finalHours, 4, row); table.add(finalDay, 5, row); table.add(finalOver, 6, row); ++row; Link bakka = this.getPreviousMonthLink(edit_string); if (bakka != null) { bakka.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, projectID.toString()); } Link afram = this.getNextMonthLink(edit_string); if (afram != null) { afram.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, projectID.toString()); } table.add(bakka, 2, row); table.add(afram, 2, row); table.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); table.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); table.setRowColor(row, this.header_color); } private void presentateUnbookedEntries(IWContext iwc, boolean viewPrevious) throws Exception { boolean arePreviousEntries = false; double vinnaSamtals = 0; double aksturSamtals = 0; //TimesheetEntry[] entry = null; Collection entries = null; if (viewPrevious) { entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findUnbookedByUserBeforeDate(this.userID, new IWTimestamp(1, this.month, this.year).getDate()); } else { entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findUnbookedByUserWithinPeriod(this.userID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); arePreviousEntries = getTimesheetEntryHome().countByUserBeforeDate(this.userID, new IWTimestamp(1, this.month, this.year).getDate()) > 0; } TimesheetProject project; Form form = new Form(); Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); Text unBooked = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("unbooked_entries", "Unbooked entries")); unBooked.setFontSize(3); unBooked.setBold(); unBooked.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text memName = new Text(this.user.getName()); memName.setFontSize(3); memName.setBold(); memName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text monthName = new Text(this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); if (viewPrevious) { monthName.setText("fyrir " + monthName.getText()); add(monthName.getText()); } monthName.setFontSize(3); monthName.setBold(); monthName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(unBooked, 2, 1); headerTable.add( "               ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(memName, 2, 1); headerTable.add( "               ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(monthName, 2, 1); form.add(headerTable); add(form); int row = 1; Table myTable = new Table(); myTable.setWidth(this.table_width); form.add(myTable); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setBorder(this.border); Text dags = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date")); Text the_number = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project_number", "Project nr.")); Text the_member = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project", "Project")); Text the_resource = new Text("For�i"); Text horas = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours")); Text miles = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("driving", "Driving")); Text other = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("equipment_usage", "Equipment usage")); Text booked = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("book", "Book")); dags.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_number.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_member.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_resource.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); horas.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); miles.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); other.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(dags, 2, row); myTable.add(the_number, 3, row); myTable.add(the_member, 4, row); myTable.add(the_resource, 5, row); myTable.add(horas, 6, row); myTable.add(miles, 7, row); myTable.add(other, 8, row); if (!this.bookAllAtOnce) { booked.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(booked, 9, row); } String resource_name = null; String resource_unit_name = null; String project_name = null; String project_number; Text themDags; Text themProject; Text themProjectNumber; Text themResource; Text themHours; Text themMiles; Text themOther; int fontSize = 1; //for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) { TimesheetProjectHome projectHome = getTimesheetProjectHome(); ResourceHome resHome = getResourceHome(); for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); project = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(entry.getProjectId())); resource_name = null; resource_unit_name = null; project_name = null; project_number = null; //if (entry[i].getResource() != null) { if (entry.getResourceId() > 0) { Resource resource = resHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(entry.getResourceId())); resource_name = resource.getName(); resource_unit_name = resource.getUnitName(); } ++row; themDags = new Text(entry.getDate().toString().substring(0, 10)); project_number = project.getProjectNumber(); if (project_number == null) { project_number = ""; } project_name = project.getName(); if (project_name.length() > 30) { project_name = project_name.substring(0, 30) + "..."; } themProjectNumber = new Text(project_number); themProjectNumber.setFontSize(fontSize); themProject = new Text(project_name); themDags.setFontSize(fontSize); themProject.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themDags, 2, row); myTable.add(themProjectNumber, 3, row); myTable.add(themProject, 4, row); if (resource_name != null) { themResource = new Text(resource_name); themResource.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themResource, 5, row); if (resource_unit_name != null) { if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("klst")) { themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 6, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("km")) { themMiles = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themMiles, 7, row); aksturSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else { themOther = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themOther.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themOther, 8, row); } } } else { myTable.add("-", 5, row); themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 6, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } myTable.add(new HiddenInput("idega_timesheet_entry_id", entry.getPrimaryKey().toString() + ""), 9, row); if (!this.bookAllAtOnce) { myTable.add(new CheckBox("idega_timesheet_Book" + entry.getPrimaryKey().toString()), 9, row); } } row++; myTable.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_ACTION, "save_booked")); Text totalWork = new Text("" + vinnaSamtals); totalWork.setFontSize(fontSize); Text totalMiles = new Text("" + aksturSamtals); totalMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(totalWork, 6, row); myTable.add(totalMiles, 7, row); ++row; if (this.booked_image_url != null) { Link theBooked = new Link(new Image(this.booked_image_url)); setLink(theBooked, ACT_BOOKED, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(theBooked, 8, row); } else { Link theBooked = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("booked_hours", "Booked hours")); setLink(theBooked, ACT_BOOKED, 0, 0, 0); myTable.add(theBooked, 8, row); } if (this.book_image_url != null) { myTable.add(new SubmitButton(new Image(this.book_image_url)), 9, row); } else { myTable.add(new SubmitButton("action", "B�ka"), 9, row); } Link prev = this.getPreviousMonthLink(ACT_UNBOOKED); Link next = this.getNextMonthLink(ACT_UNBOOKED); myTable.add(prev, 2, row); myTable.add(next, 2, row); myTable.setWidth(2, "100"); myTable.setWidth(3, "90"); myTable.setWidth(8, "140"); myTable.setWidth(9, "80"); myTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); myTable.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); myTable.setRowColor(row, this.header_color); if (arePreviousEntries) { add("�� �tt �b�ka�ar f�rslur � fyrri m�nu�um - "); Link checkPrevious = new Link("listi"); this.setLink(checkPrevious, ACT_PAST_ENTRY_CHECK, 0, 0, 0); add(checkPrevious); } } private void presentateBookedEntries(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { double vinnaSamtals = 0; double aksturSamtals = 0; Collection entries = getTimesheetEntryHome().findBookedByUserWithinPeriod(this.userID, this.fromDate, this.toDate); TimesheetProject project; Form form = new Form(); Table headerTable = this.getHeaderTable(); Text unBooked = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("booked_entries", "Booked entries")); unBooked.setFontSize(3); unBooked.setBold(); unBooked.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text memName = new Text(this.user.getName()); memName.setFontSize(3); memName.setBold(); memName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text monthName = new Text(this.FunctColl.getMonthName(this.month, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG) + " " + this.year); monthName.setFontSize(3); monthName.setBold(); monthName.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(unBooked, 2, 1); headerTable.add( "               ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(memName, 2, 1); headerTable.add( "               ", 2, 1); headerTable.add(monthName, 2, 1); form.add(headerTable); add(form); int row = 1; Table myTable = new Table(); myTable.setWidth(this.table_width); form.add(myTable); myTable.setCellspacing(0); myTable.setCellpadding(0); myTable.setBorder(this.border); Text dags = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("date", "Date")); Text the_number = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project_number", "Project nr.")); Text the_member = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("project", "Project")); Text the_resource = new Text("For�i"); Text horas = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("hours", "Hours")); Text miles = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("driving", "Driving")); Text other = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("equipment_usage", "Equipment usage")); Text booked = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("book", "Book")); dags.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_number.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_member.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); the_resource.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); horas.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); miles.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); other.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); booked.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); myTable.add(dags, 2, row); myTable.add(the_number, 3, row); myTable.add(the_member, 4, row); myTable.add(the_resource, 5, row); myTable.add(horas, 6, row); myTable.add(miles, 7, row); myTable.add(other, 8, row); String resource_name = null; String resource_unit_name = null; String project_name = null; String project_number = null; Text themDags; Text themProject; Text themProjectNumber; Text themResource; Text themHours; Text themMiles; Text themOther; int fontSize = 1; TimesheetProjectHome projectHome = getTimesheetProjectHome(); ResourceHome resHome = getResourceHome(); for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetEntry entry = (TimesheetEntry); project = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(entry.getProjectId())); resource_name = null; resource_unit_name = null; project_name = null; project_number = null; if (entry.getResourceId() > 0) { Resource resource = resHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(entry.getResourceId())); resource_name = resource.getName(); resource_unit_name = resource.getUnitName(); } ++row; themDags = new Text(entry.getDate().toString().substring(0, 10)); project_number = project.getProjectNumber(); if (project_number == null) { project_number = ""; } project_name = project.getName(); if (project_name.length() > 30) { project_name = project_name.substring(0, 30) + "..."; } themProjectNumber = new Text(project_number); themProjectNumber.setFontSize(fontSize); themProject = new Text(project_name); themDags.setFontSize(fontSize); themProject.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themDags, 2, row); myTable.add(themProjectNumber, 3, row); myTable.add(themProject, 4, row); if (resource_name != null) { themResource = new Text(resource_name); themResource.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themResource, 5, row); if (resource_unit_name != null) { if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("klst")) { themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 6, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else if (resource_unit_name.equalsIgnoreCase("km")) { themMiles = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themMiles, 7, row); aksturSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } else { themOther = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themOther.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themOther, 8, row); } } } else { myTable.add("-", 5, row); themHours = new Text("" + entry.getQuantity()); themHours.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(themHours, 6, row); vinnaSamtals += entry.getQuantity(); } } row++; /* * if (this.register_image_url != null) { myTable.add(new * SubmitButton(new Image(register_image_url)),8,row); } else { * myTable.add(new SubmitButton("action","Skr�setja"),8,row); } */ Text totalWork = new Text("" + vinnaSamtals); totalWork.setFontSize(fontSize); Text totalMiles = new Text("" + aksturSamtals); totalMiles.setFontSize(fontSize); myTable.add(totalWork, 6, row); myTable.add(totalMiles, 7, row); row++; Link prev = this.getPreviousMonthLink(ACT_BOOKED); Link next = this.getNextMonthLink(ACT_BOOKED); myTable.add(prev, 2, row); myTable.add(next, 2, row); myTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(this.color_1, this.color_2); myTable.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); myTable.setRowColor(row, this.header_color); myTable.setWidth(2, "100"); myTable.setWidth(3, "90"); myTable.setWidth(8, "140"); } private void processBooking(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String[] entry_id = (String[]) iwc.getParameterValues("idega_timesheet_entry_id"); TimesheetEntry entry; String active = ""; if (entry_id != null) { TimesheetEntryHome entryHome = getTimesheetEntryHome(); for (int i = 0; i < entry_id.length; i++) { if (this.bookAllAtOnce) { entry = entryHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(entry_id[i])); entry.setBooked(true);; } else { active = ""; active = iwc.getParameter("idega_timesheet_Book" + entry_id[i]); if (active != null) { if (!active.equals("")) { entry = entryHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(entry_id[i])); entry.setBooked(true);; } } } } } } private void processRegistration(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String[] entry_id = (String[]) iwc.getParameterValues("idega_timesheet_entry_id"); TimesheetEntry entry; String active = ""; if (entry_id != null) { TimesheetEntryHome entryHome = getTimesheetEntryHome(); for (int i = 0; i < entry_id.length; i++) { active = ""; active = iwc.getParameter("idega_timesheet_Register" + entry_id[i]); if (active != null) { if (!active.equals("")) { entry = entryHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(entry_id[i])); entry.setRegistered(true);; } } } } } private void processProjectMove(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String where_to = iwc.getParameter("direction"); String[] project_id = iwc.getParameterValues(PRM_PROJECT_ID); if ((where_to != null) && (project_id != null)) { try { TimesheetProject project; TimesheetProjectHome projectHome = getTimesheetProjectHome(); if (where_to.equals("<=")) { for (int i = 0; i < project_id.length; i++) { project = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(project_id[i])); project.addUser(this.user); } } else if (where_to.equals("=>")) { for (int i = 0; i < project_id.length; i++) { project = projectHome.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(project_id[i])); project.removeUser(this.user); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } } private void presentateUserProjects(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { TimesheetProjectHome projectHome = getTimesheetProjectHome(); Collection projectsAll = projectHome.findAllOrderByNumber(); Collection projectsUsers = projectHome.findUserRelated(this.user); Vector projects_left = new Vector(); if (!projectsAll.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = projectsAll.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetProject project = (TimesheetProject); projects_left.addElement(project); } } SelectionBox projects_used = new SelectionBox(PRM_PROJECT_ID); projects_used.setMarkupAttribute("size", "20"); if (!projectsUsers.isEmpty()) { String project_number; String project_name; for (Iterator iter = projectsUsers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TimesheetProject project = (TimesheetProject); project_number = project.getProjectNumber(); project_name = project.getName(); for (int j = 0; j < projects_left.size(); j++) { if (((TimesheetProject) projects_left.elementAt(j)).equals(project)) { projects_left.removeElementAt(j); } } if (project_name.length() > 32) { project_name = project_name.substring(0, 32) + "..."; } if (project_number == null) { projects_used.addMenuElement(project.getPrimaryKey().toString(), project_name); } else { projects_used.addMenuElement( project.getPrimaryKey().toString(), project_number + " - " + project_name); } } } SelectionBox projects_available = new SelectionBox(PRM_PROJECT_ID); projects_available.setMarkupAttribute("size", "20"); if (projects_left.size() > 0) { TimesheetProject project; String project_number; String project_name; for (int i = 0; i < projects_left.size(); i++) { project = (TimesheetProject) projects_left.elementAt(i); project_number = project.getProjectNumber(); project_name = project.getName(); if (project_name.length() > 32) { project_name = project_name.substring(0, 32) + "..."; } if (project_number == null) { projects_available.addMenuElement(project.getPrimaryKey().toString(), project_name); } else { projects_available.addMenuElement( project.getPrimaryKey().toString(), project_number + " - " + project_name); } } } projects_used.addMenuElement( 0, "                                                                        "); projects_available.addMenuElement( 0, "                                                                        "); Form form = new Form(); Table headerTable = new Table(3, 1); headerTable.setCellpadding(0); headerTable.setCellspacing(0); headerTable.setColor(this.header_color); headerTable.setWidth(1, "17"); headerTable.setWidth(3, "17"); headerTable.setWidth(this.table_width); headerTable.setHeight("36"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, "top"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(2, 1, "middle"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(3, 1, "top"); headerTable.setAlignment(1, 1, "left"); headerTable.setAlignment(2, 1, "center"); headerTable.setAlignment(3, 1, "right"); headerTable.add(this.iwb.getImage("shared/leftcorner.gif", ""), 1, 1); headerTable.add(this.iwb.getImage("shared/rightcorner.gif", ""), 3, 1); Text nafnPaMoned = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString(ACT_USER_PROJECTS, "My projects")); nafnPaMoned.setFontSize(3); nafnPaMoned.setBold(); nafnPaMoned.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); headerTable.add(nafnPaMoned, 2, 1); form.add(headerTable); Table table = new Table(3, 4); form.add(table); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setBorder(0); table.setWidth(this.table_width); table.setAlignment(1, 1, "right"); table.setAlignment(1, 2, "right"); int row = 1; Text myProjects = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString(ACT_USER_PROJECTS, "My projects")); myProjects.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); Text otherProjects = new Text(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("other_projects", "Other projects")); otherProjects.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); table.add(myProjects, 1, row); table.add(otherProjects, 3, row); row++; table.add(projects_used, 1, row); table.add(projects_available, 3, row); table.add(new SubmitButton("direction", "<="), 2, row); table.addBreak(2, row); table.add(new SubmitButton("direction", "=>"), 2, row); table.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_ACTION, ACT_PROJECTS_MOVE)); ++row; Link createProjectLink = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("create_project", "Create project")); createProjectLink.addParameter(PRM_ACTION, ACT_CREATE_PROJECT); table.add(createProjectLink, 3, row++); table.setColor(this.color_1); table.setRowColor(1, this.header_color); table.setRowColor(row, this.header_color); add(form); } private void presentateProjectForm(IWContext iwc) { Table table = new Table(); TextInput nameInput = new TextInput("pr_name"); TextInput numberInput = new TextInput("pr_number"); table.add(getHeaderText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("name", "Name")), 1, 2); table.add(getHeaderText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("number", "Number")), 1, 3); table.add(nameInput, 2, 2); table.add(numberInput, 2, 3); SubmitButton save = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("save", "Save")); table.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_ACTION, ACT_SAVE_PROJECT)); table.add(save, 2, 5); Form form = new Form(); FieldSet set = new FieldSet(); set.add(new Legend("New project")); set.add(table); form.add(set); add(form); } private Table getHeaderTable() { Table headerTable = new Table(3, 1); headerTable.setCellpadding(0); headerTable.setCellspacing(0); headerTable.setColor(this.header_color); headerTable.setWidth(1, "17"); headerTable.setWidth(3, "17"); headerTable.setWidth(this.table_width); headerTable.setHeight("36"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, "top"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(2, 1, "middle"); headerTable.setVerticalAlignment(3, 1, "top"); headerTable.setAlignment(1, 1, "left"); headerTable.setAlignment(2, 1, "center"); headerTable.setAlignment(3, 1, "right"); Image leftcorner = this.iwb.getImage("shared/leftcorner.gif"); headerTable.add(leftcorner, 1, 1); Image rightcorner = this.iwb.getImage("shared/rightcorner.gif"); headerTable.add(rightcorner, 3, 1); headerTable.setNoWrap(); return headerTable; } private Link getPreviousMonthLink(String edit) { Link link = null; if (!this.isPrintable) { if (this.previous_image_url != null) { link = new Link(new Image(this.previous_image_url, this.previous_month_string)); } else { Text textinn = new Text(this.previous_month_string); if (this.header_text_color != null) { textinn.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); } link = new Link(textinn); } = 1; setLink(link, edit, 0, -1, 0); } return link; } private Link getNextMonthLink(String edit) { Link link = null; if (!this.isPrintable) { if (this.next_image_url != null) { link = new Link(new Image(this.next_image_url, this.next_month_string)); } else { Text textinn = new Text(this.next_month_string); if (this.header_text_color != null) { textinn.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); } link = new Link(textinn); } = 1; setLink(link, edit, 0, 1, 0); } return link; } private void setLink(Link link, String edit, int year_adjustment, int month_adjustment, int day_adjustment) { link.addParameter(PRM_ACTION, edit); link.addParameter(PRM_MONTH, (this.month + month_adjustment)); link.addParameter(PRM_YEAR, this.year + year_adjustment); link.addParameter(PRM_DAY, + day_adjustment); link.addParameter(PRM_DAYCOUNT, this.daysShown); link.addParameter(PRM_LINECOUNT, this.extraLines); link.addParameter("i_timesheet_member_id", this.userID.intValue()); } private Link getPrintableLink(String edit) { Window gluggi = new Window(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("printable", "Printable")); gluggi.setResizable(true); Link link = new Link(gluggi); setLink(link, edit, 0, 0, 0); link.addParameter(PRM_PRINTABLE, "true"); if (this.timesheet_project_id != null) { link.addParameter(PRM_PROJECT_ID, this.timesheet_project_id); } return link; } public Link getMyProjectsLink() { Link link = new Link(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString(ACT_USER_PROJECTS, "My projects")); link.addParameter(PRM_ACTION, ACT_USER_PROJECTS); return link; } public PrintButton getPrintButton() { return new PrintButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton("print", "Print")); } private Text getHeaderText(String caption) { Text text = new Text(caption); text.setFontColor(this.header_text_color); return text; } private TimesheetEntryHome getTimesheetEntryHome() throws RemoteException { return ((TimesheetEntryHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TimesheetEntry.class)); } private TimesheetProjectHome getTimesheetProjectHome() throws RemoteException { return (TimesheetProjectHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TimesheetProject.class); } private ResourceHome getResourceHome() throws RemoteException { return (ResourceHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Resource.class); } }