package; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import bsh.EvalError; import bsh.Interpreter; import bsh.TargetError; import bsh.servlet.BshServlet; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.util.caching.Cache; /** * * An adaptor for running Beanshell scripts ( within an idegaWeb application. * * @author <a href="">Eirikur Hrafnsson</a> */ public class BSHEngineBean extends IBOServiceBean implements BSHEngine{ private String bshVersion; public BSHEngineBean() { } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script. * * @param theScript a string containing a bsh script to run * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScript(String theScript) throws EvalError { Object obj = null; Interpreter engine = getBSHInterpreter(); printBSHVersionNumber(engine); obj = engine.eval(theScript); return obj; } protected void printBSHVersionNumber(Interpreter engine) throws EvalError { engine.eval("print(\"[IdegaWeb Beanshell engine] - Beanshell version is : "+getBshVersion()+"\")"); } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script WITH all request parameters initialized as String variables * * @param theScript a string containing a bsh script to run * @param iwc * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScript(String theScript, IWContext iwc) throws EvalError,TargetError { Object obj = null; Interpreter engine = getInterpreterWithRequestParametersAndContextSet(iwc); //run the script printBSHVersionNumber(engine); obj = engine.eval(theScript); return obj; } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script WITH all request parameters initialized as String variables * * @param bundle The bundle the script file is in * @param scriptFileName The name of the bsh script file to run * @param iwc * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScriptFromBundle(IWBundle bundle, String scriptFileName, IWContext iwc) throws FileNotFoundException, EvalError { Object obj = null; obj = runScriptFromFileWithPath(bundle.getRealPathWithFileNameString(scriptFileName),iwc); return obj; } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script * * @param bundle The bundle the script file is in * @param scriptFileName The name of the bsh script file to run * @param iwc * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScriptFromBundle(IWBundle bundle, String scriptFileName) throws FileNotFoundException, EvalError { Object obj = null; obj = runScriptFromFileWithPath(bundle.getRealPathWithFileNameString(scriptFileName)); return obj; } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script * * @param scriptFileNameWithPath The name of the bsh script file to run with its path PREFIXED * @param iwc * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScriptFromFileWithPath(String scriptFileNameWithPath) throws FileNotFoundException, EvalError { Object obj = null; Interpreter engine = getBSHInterpreter(); //run the script printBSHVersionNumber(engine); obj = engine.eval(new FileReader(scriptFileNameWithPath)); return obj; } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script WITH all request parameters initialized as String variables * * @param scriptFileNameWithPath The name of the bsh script file to run with its path PREFIXED * @param iwc * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScriptFromFileWithPath(String scriptFileNameWithPath, IWContext iwc) throws FileNotFoundException, EvalError { Object obj = null; Interpreter engine = getInterpreterWithRequestParametersAndContextSet(iwc); //run the script printBSHVersionNumber(engine); obj = engine.eval(new FileReader(scriptFileNameWithPath)); return obj; } /** * A method that gets an Interpreter and runs the supplied bsh script WITH all request parameters initialized as String variables * * @param ICFile The bsh script file in the database to run * @param iwc * @return the object result, might be null */ public Object runScriptFromICFile(ICFile file, IWContext iwc) throws FileNotFoundException, EvalError { Object obj = null; Interpreter engine = getInterpreterWithRequestParametersAndContextSet(iwc); //run the script printBSHVersionNumber(engine); Cache fileInfo = MediaBusiness.getCachedFileInfo( ((Integer)file.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(),iwc.getIWMainApplication()); obj = engine.eval(new FileReader(fileInfo.getRealPathToFile())); return obj; } private Interpreter getInterpreterWithRequestParametersAndContextSet(IWContext iwc) throws EvalError { Enumeration enumer = iwc.getParameterNames(); Interpreter engine = getBSHInterpreter(); if (enumer != null) { while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) enumer.nextElement(); String[] values = iwc.getParameterValues(key); if (values != null && values.length > 1) { engine.set(key, values); //an array } else { engine.set(key, values[0]); //a string } } } engine.set("iwc", iwc); return engine; } public Interpreter getBSHInterpreter() { Interpreter engine = new bsh.Interpreter(); return engine; } public String getBshVersion() { if (this.bshVersion != null) { return this.bshVersion; } /* * We have included a getVersion() command to detect the version of bsh. If bsh is packaged in the WAR file it could access it directly as a * bsh command. But if bsh is in the app server's classpath it won't see it here, so we will source it directly. * * This command works around the lack of a coherent version number in the early versions. */ Interpreter bsh = new Interpreter(); try { bsh.eval(new InputStreamReader(BshServlet.class.getResource("getVersion.bsh").openStream())); this.bshVersion = (String) bsh.eval("getVersion()"); } catch (Exception e) { this.bshVersion = "BeanShell: unknown version"; } return this.bshVersion; } /* * Interpeter bsh = new Interpreter(); * // Evaluate statements and expressions bsh.eval("foo=Math.sin(0.5)"); 5; bar=Math.cos(bar);"); bsh.eval("for(i=0; i * <10; i++) { print(\"hello\"); }"); // same as above using java syntax and apis only bsh.eval("for(int i=0; i * <10; i++) { System.out.println(\"hello\"); }"); * // Source from files or streams bsh.source("myscript.bsh"); // or bsh.eval("source(\"myscript.bsh\")"); * // Use set() and get() to pass objects in and out of variables bsh.set( "date", new Date() ); Date date = (Date)bsh.get( "date" ); // This * would also work: Date date = (Date)bsh.eval( "date" ); * * bsh.eval("year = date.getYear()"); Integer year = (Integer)bsh.get("year"); // primitives use wrappers * // With Java1.3+ scripts can implement arbitrary interfaces... // Script an awt event handler (or source it from a file, more likely) * bsh.eval( "actionPerformed( e ) { print( e ); }"); // Get a reference to the script object (implementing the interface) ActionListener * scriptedHandler = (ActionListener)bsh.eval("return (ActionListener)this"); // Use the scripted event handler normally... new * JButton.addActionListener( script ); * */ }