package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 * Company: * @author Anders Lindman * @version 1.0 */ public class ColumnList extends CommuneBlock { //private static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation"; private int cols = 0; private List rowList = null; private List bottomRowList = null; private PresentationObject[] headerRow = null; private PresentationObject[] tempRow = null; private int tempCol = 0; /** * Constructs a ListTable with the specified number of columns. */ public ColumnList(int cols) { this.cols = cols; headerRow = new PresentationObject[cols]; rowList = new ArrayList(); bottomRowList = new ArrayList(); tempRow = new PresentationObject[cols]; setWidth("100%"); } public void setHeader(String headerText,int col){ // Check boundaries, null? Text t = new Text(headerText); t.setFontStyle(getListHeaderFontStyle()); headerRow[col-1] = t; } public void setHeader(PresentationObject po,int col){ // Check boundaries, null? headerRow[col-1] = po; } public void addRow(PresentationObject[] rowObjects){ // Check boundaries, null? rowList.add(rowObjects); } public void addRow(String[] rowTexts){ // Check boundaries, null? PresentationObject[] rowObjects = new Text[this.cols]; for(int i=0; i<cols; i++){ String s = rowTexts[i]; if(s!=null){ Text t = new Text(rowTexts[i]); t.setFontStyle(getListFontStyle()); rowObjects[i] = t; } } addRow(rowObjects); } public void addBottomRow(PresentationObject[] rowObjects){ // Check boundaries, null? bottomRowList.add(rowObjects); } public void add(PresentationObject po){ if(po.getClass().getName().equals("com.idega.presentation.text.Link")){ ((Link) po).setFontStyle(getListLinkFontStyle()); } tempRow[tempCol] = po; tempCol++; if(tempCol==cols){ addRow(tempRow); tempCol = 0; tempRow = new PresentationObject[this.cols]; } } public void add(String text){ Text t = new Text(text); t.setFontStyle(getListFontStyle()); add(t); } public void skip(){ tempCol++; if(tempCol==cols){ addRow(tempRow); tempCol = 0; tempRow = new PresentationObject[this.cols]; } } public void skip(int nrOfColumns){ for(int i=0; i<nrOfColumns; i++){ skip(); } } public void main(IWContext iwc)throws Exception{ super.add(createListTable()); } private Table createListTable(){ //IWResourceBundle iwrb = this.getResourceBundle(iwc); int rows = 1 + rowList.size(); int cols = this.cols; Table t = new Table(cols,rows+bottomRowList.size()); t.setCellpadding(3); t.setCellspacing(0); t.setWidth(getWidth()); for(int col=1; col<=cols; col++){ PresentationObject po = headerRow[col-1]; if(po!=null){ t.add(po,col,1); } } for(int row=2; row<=rows; row++){ PresentationObject[] rowObjects = (PresentationObject[])rowList.get(row-2); for(int col=1; col<=cols; col++){ PresentationObject po = rowObjects[col-1]; if(po!=null){ t.add(po,col,row); } if(row%2==0){ t.setRowColor(row, getBackgroundColor()); } } } Iterator iter = bottomRowList.iterator(); int row = rows+1; while(iter.hasNext()){ PresentationObject[] rowObjects = (PresentationObject[]); for(int col=1; col<=cols; col++){ PresentationObject po = rowObjects[col-1]; if(po!=null){ t.add(po,col,row); } } row++; } return t; } }