package is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.allocation.presentation; import; import; import; import; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.presentation.CampusWindow; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CloseButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DataTable; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DateInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: idegaclasses Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author <a href=""> * @version 1.0 */ public class ContractRenewWindow extends CampusWindow { private static final String PARAMETER_SAVE = "save"; private static final String PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS_DATE = "change_key_status_date"; private static final String PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS = "change_key_status"; private static final String PARAMETER_NEW_EMAIL = "new_email"; private static final String PARAMETER_MOVING_DATE = "moving_date"; private static final String PARAMETER_SYNC_DATES = "sync_dates"; private static final String PARAMETER_END_OLD_CONTRACT = "end_old_contr"; private static final String PARAMETER_TO_DATE = "to_date"; private static final String PARAMETER_FROM_DATE = "from_date"; protected final int ACT1 = 1, ACT2 = 2, ACT3 = 3, ACT4 = 4, ACT5 = 5; public final static String prmContractId = "cam_contract_id"; private boolean isAdmin; private boolean isLoggedOn; private String login = null; private String passwd = null; private boolean print = false; private Group group = null; private User eUser = null; private Contract contract = null; private Applicant applicant = null; private User contractUser = null; private Collection newContracts = null; private IWTimestamp lastDate = null; private Integer contractId = new Integer(-1); private boolean save = false; private ContractService ContractBusiness; private String errMsg = ""; /* * Bl?r litur ? topp # 27324B Hv?tur litur fyrir ne?an ?a? # FFFFFF Lj?sbl?r * litur ? t?flu # ECEEF0 Auka litur ?rl?ti? dekkri (? lagi a? nota l?ka) # * CBCFD3 */ public ContractRenewWindow() { setWidth(530); setHeight(370); setResizable(true); } protected void control(IWContext iwc) { init(iwc); if (iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_SAVE)) { save = doSaveContract(iwc); if (save) add(getHeader(localize("new_contract_was_made", "New contract was made"))); else { add(getHeader(localize("new_contract_could_not_be_made", "New contract could not be made"))); add(Text.getBreak()); add(getText(errMsg)); add(getEditTable(iwc)); } } else add(getEditTable(iwc)); } private void init(IWContext iwc) { contractId = Integer.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(prmContractId)); if (contractId.intValue() > 0 && !save) { try { ContractHome cHome = getContractService(iwc).getContractHome(); contract = cHome.findByPrimaryKey(contractId); applicant = contract.getApplicant(); contractUser = contract.getUser(); newContracts = cHome.findByApplicantInCreatedStatus(contract .getApplicantId()); java.sql.Date d = cHome.getLastValidToForApartment(contract .getApartmentId()); lastDate = d != null ? new IWTimestamp(d) : new IWTimestamp(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public PresentationObject makeLinkTable(int menuNr) { Table LinkTable = new Table(6, 1); return LinkTable; } private PresentationObject getEditTable(IWContext iwc) { DataTable T = new DataTable(); T.setWidth("100%"); T.addTitle(localize("contract_renewal", "Contract renewal")); T.addButton(new CloseButton(getBundle().getImage("close.gif"))); int row = 1; int col = 1; try { if (newContracts == null || newContracts.isEmpty()) { T.addButton(new SubmitButton(getResourceBundle().getImage( "save.gif"), PARAMETER_SAVE)); boolean isContractUser = contractUser.getPrimaryKey() .toString().equals(eUser.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (contractUser != null) { T.add(new HiddenInput(prmContractId, contract .getPrimaryKey().toString()), 1, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), 1, row); T.add(getText(contractUser.getName()), 2, row); row++; T.add(getHeader(localize("ssn", "SocialNumber")), 1, row); T.add(getText(applicant.getSSN()), 2, row); row++; T .add(getHeader(localize("apartment", "Apartment")), 1, row); T.add(getText(contract.getApartment().getName()), 2, row); row++; IWTimestamp today = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); IWTimestamp[] stamps = ContractBusiness .getContractStampsForApartment(contract .getApartmentId()); IWTimestamp fromDate = new IWTimestamp(contract .getValidFrom()); IWTimestamp toDate = new IWTimestamp(contract.getValidTo()); T.add( getHeader(localize("status_changed", "Status changed")), 1, row); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, iwc .getCurrentLocale()); T.add(getText(df.format(contract.getStatusDate())), 2, row); row++; T.add(getHeader(localize("status", "Status")), 1, row); T .add( getText(ContractBusiness .getLocalizedStatus( getResourceBundle(), contract.getStatus())), 2, row); row++; DateFormat df2 = DateFormat.getDateInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); T.add(getHeader(localize("current_valid_from", "Current valid from")), 1, row); T.add(getText(df2.format(fromDate.getDate())), 2, row); row++; T.add(getHeader(localize("current_valid_to", "Current valid to")), 1, row); T.add(getText(df2.format(toDate.getDate())), 2, row); row++; DateInput from = new DateInput(PARAMETER_FROM_DATE, true); from.setYearRange(today.getYear() - 3, today.getYear() + 7); if (lastDate.isLaterThan(fromDate)) { from.setDate(lastDate.getDate()); } else { from.setDate(fromDate.getDate()); } from.keepStatusOnAction(true); T.add( getHeader(localize("new_start_date", "New start date")), 1, row); T.add(from, 2, row); row++; DateInput to = new DateInput(PARAMETER_TO_DATE, true); to.setYearRange(today.getYear() - 3, today.getYear() + 7); to.setDate(toDate.getDate()); to.keepStatusOnAction(true); T.add(getHeader(localize("new_end_date", "New end date")), 1, row); T.add(to, 2, row); row++; if (contract.getStatus().equals( ContractBMPBean.STATUS_SIGNED)) { T.add(getHeader(localize("end_old_contract", "End old contract")), 1, row); CheckBox endOldContract = new CheckBox(PARAMETER_END_OLD_CONTRACT, "true"); T.add(endOldContract, 2, row); row++; T.add(getHeader(localize(PARAMETER_SYNC_DATES, "Synchronize dates")), 1, row); CheckBox syncDates = new CheckBox(PARAMETER_SYNC_DATES, "true"); T.add(syncDates, 2, row); T .add( getHeader(localize( "sets_enddate_same_as_movingdate ", "Sets the end date same as moving date below")), 2, row); row++; DateInput moving = new DateInput(PARAMETER_MOVING_DATE, true); moving.setYearRange(today.getYear() - 3, today .getYear() + 7); moving.setDate(today.getDate()); moving.keepStatusOnAction(); T .add(getHeader(localize(PARAMETER_MOVING_DATE, "Moving date")), 1, row); T.add(moving, 2, row); row++; CheckBox changeKeyStatusAutomatically = new CheckBox(PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS, "true"); T.add(changeKeyStatusAutomatically, 2, row); T .add( getHeader(localize( PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS, "Change key status automatically on the selected date")), 2, row); row++; DateInput changeKeyStatusOn = new DateInput(PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS_DATE, true); changeKeyStatusOn.setYearRange(today.getYear() - 3, today .getYear() + 7); IWTimestamp changeStatusOnDate = new IWTimestamp(toDate.getDate()); changeStatusOnDate.addDays(1); changeKeyStatusOn.setDate(changeStatusOnDate.getDate()); changeKeyStatusOn.keepStatusOnAction(); T .add(getHeader(localize(PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS_DATE, "Date of automatic change")), 1, row); T.add(changeKeyStatusOn, 2, row); row++; } } else T.add(getHeader(localize("no_contract_user", "No Contract user found")), 1, row); } else { T.add(getHeader(localize("has_already_new_contract", "Has already a new Contract")), 1, row); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } Form F = new Form(); F.add(T); return F; } private boolean doSaveContract(IWContext iwc) { try { Contract eContract = ContractBusiness.getContractHome() .findByPrimaryKey(contractId); IWTimestamp from = null; IWTimestamp to = null; IWTimestamp move = null; IWTimestamp changeKeyStatusAt = null; String sfrom = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_FROM_DATE); if (sfrom != null && sfrom.length() == 10) { from = new IWTimestamp(sfrom); } String to_date = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_TO_DATE); if (to_date != null && to_date.length() == 10) { to = new IWTimestamp(to_date); } boolean endOld = iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_END_OLD_CONTRACT); boolean syncDates = iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_SYNC_DATES); String move_date = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_MOVING_DATE); if (move_date != null && move_date.length() == 10) { move = new IWTimestamp(move_date); } boolean changeKeyStatus = iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS); String changeKeyStatusDate = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_CHANGE_KEY_STATUS_DATE); if (changeKeyStatusDate != null && changeKeyStatusDate.length() == 10) { changeKeyStatusAt = new IWTimestamp(changeKeyStatusDate); } if (endOld) { ContractBusiness .endContract((Integer) contract.getPrimaryKey(), move, "", syncDates); } if (from != null && to != null) if (from.isLaterThan(new IWTimestamp(contract.getValidTo()))) { Contract c = ContractBusiness.createNewContract( (Integer) contractUser.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) applicant.getPrimaryKey(), contract .getApartmentId(), from.getDate(), to .getDate(), new Integer(contract.getApplicationID())); if (c != null && changeKeyStatus) { c.setChangeKeyStatusAt(changeKeyStatusAt.getTimestamp()); c.setChangeKeyStatusTo(true);; contract.setChangeKeyStatusAt(changeKeyStatusAt.getTimestamp()); contract.setChangeKeyStatusTo(false);; } if (contract.getApplication() != null) { c.setApplication(contract.getApplication()); } return c != null; } else { this.errMsg = localize("contracts_overlap", "Contracts overlap"); return false; } else System.err.println("no dates in renewal"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private void doAddEmail(int iUserId, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { String sEmail = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_EMAIL); getUserService(iwc).addNewUserEmail(iUserId, sEmail); } private String getApartmentString(ApartmentView A) { StringBuffer S = new StringBuffer(); S.append(A.getApartmentName()); S.append(" "); S.append(A.getFloorName()); S.append(" "); S.append(A.getBuildingName()); S.append(" "); S.append(A.getComplexName()); return S.toString(); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { eUser = iwc.getCurrentUser(); isLoggedOn = iwc.isLoggedOn(); ContractBusiness = getContractService(iwc); control(iwc); } }