package se.idega.idegaweb.commune.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.ExceptionWrapper; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Break; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import; import; import com.idega.util.text.Name; /** * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ManagerView extends CommuneBlock { private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "se.idega.idegaweb.commune"; private final static int ACTION_VIEW_MANAGER = 1; final static String PARAM_MANAGER_ID = "USC_MANAGER_ID"; private Table mainTable = null; private int manager_id = -1; public ManagerView() { } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void main(IWContext iwc) { this.setResourceBundle(getResourceBundle(iwc)); try { int action = parseAction(); switch (action) { case ACTION_VIEW_MANAGER: viewManagerInfo(iwc); default: break; } super.add(mainTable); } catch (Exception e) { super.add(new ExceptionWrapper(e, this)); } } public void add(PresentationObject po) { if (mainTable == null) { mainTable = new Table(3, 1); mainTable.setCellpadding(0); mainTable.setCellspacing(0); mainTable.setWidth(2, "20"); mainTable.setWidth(400); mainTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); } mainTable.add(po); } private int parseAction() { int action = ACTION_VIEW_MANAGER; return action; } private void viewManagerInfo(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { IWResourceBundle iwrb = this.getResourceBundle(iwc); add(new Break()); User manager = null; boolean managerSelected = false; try { manager = getSelectedManager(iwc); managerSelected = true; } catch (Exception e) { } if (managerSelected) { Table leftTable = new Table(1, 8); mainTable.add(leftTable, 1, 1); int userImageID = manager.getSystemImageID(); Collection schUsers = getSchoolUserBusiness(iwc) .getSchoolUserHome().findByUser(manager); SchoolBusiness sb = (SchoolBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance( iwc, SchoolBusiness.class); School school = null; String schName = null; Iterator iterSchUsers = schUsers.iterator(); while (iterSchUsers.hasNext()) { SchoolUser schUser = (SchoolUser); school = sb.getSchool(new Integer(schUser.getSchoolId())); if (school != null) { if (schName != null) schName = schName + ", " + school.getSchoolName(); else schName = school.getSchoolName(); } } PresentationObject picture = null; if (userImageID == -1) { Table fakeImageTable = new Table(1, 1); fakeImageTable .setAlignment(1, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); fakeImageTable.setBorder(4); fakeImageTable.setHeight(140); fakeImageTable.setWidth(100); String fakeImageColor = "#CCCCCC"; Text photoText = new Text(iwrb.getLocalizedString( "managerview.photo_text", "Photo")); photoText.setBold(); photoText.setFontColor(fakeImageColor); photoText.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_12_STYLE_TAG); fakeImageTable.add(photoText, 1, 1); fakeImageTable.setBorderColor(fakeImageColor); picture = fakeImageTable; } else { Image image = new Image(); image.setImageID(userImageID); image.setWidth(100); picture = image; } mainTable.add(picture, 3, 1); if (schName != null) { Text tManagerSchool = getSmallHeader(schName); leftTable.add(tManagerSchool, 1, 1); } Name name = new Name(manager.getFirstName(), manager .getMiddleName(), manager.getLastName()); // String sManagerName = // name.getName(iwc.getApplicationSettings().getDefaultLocale(), // true); String sManagerName = name.getName(); Text tManagerName = getSmallHeader(sManagerName); leftTable.add(tManagerName, 1, 2); String sWorkGroup = getWorkGroupName(manager); Text tWorkGroup = getSmallText(sWorkGroup); leftTable.add(tWorkGroup, 1, 3); String sWorkGroupArea = ""; Text tWorkGroupArea = getSmallText(sWorkGroupArea); leftTable.add(tWorkGroupArea, 1, 4); String sManagerDescription = getManagerDescription(manager); Text tManagerDescription = getSmallText(sManagerDescription); leftTable.add(tManagerDescription, 1, 5); String sManagerEmail = getManagerEmail(manager, iwc); Text tManagerEmail = null; if (sManagerEmail.equals("")) { tManagerEmail = getSmallText(sManagerEmail); } else { tManagerEmail = getLink(sManagerEmail); Link lManagerEmail = (Link) tManagerEmail; lManagerEmail.setURL("mailto:" + sManagerEmail); } leftTable.add(tManagerEmail, 1, 7); String sManagerTelephone = getManagerTelephone(manager, iwc); Text tManagerTelephone = getSmallText(localize("", "Tel") + ": " + sManagerTelephone); leftTable.add(tManagerTelephone, 1, 8); } else { add(getSmallText(localize("managerview.no_manager_selected", "No manager selected"))); } // f.addParameter(PARAM_SHOW_DELETE_INFO,"true"); } /** * Method getManagerTelephone. * * @param manager * @return String */ private String getManagerTelephone(User manager, IWContext iwc) { try { int managerId = ((Integer) manager.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); Phone[] phones = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUserPhones(managerId); // Try to take the first phone Phone phone = phones[0]; if (phone != null) { String sPhone = phone.getNumber(); if (sPhone != null && !sPhone.equals("")) { return sPhone; } } return "-"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "-"; } } /** * Method getManagerEmail. * * @param manager * @return String */ private String getManagerEmail(User manager, IWContext iwc) { try { Email email = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUserMail(manager); if (email != null) { String sEmail = email.getEmailAddress(); if (sEmail != null && !sEmail.equals("")) { return sEmail; } } return "-"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "-"; } } /** * Method getWorkGroupDescription. * * @param manager * @return String */ private String getManagerDescription(User manager) { try { String s = manager.getDescription(); if (s != null) { return s; } } catch (Exception e) { return "-"; } return "-"; } /** * Method getWorkGroupName. * * @param manager * @return String */ private Group getWorkGroup(User manager) { try { return manager.getPrimaryGroup(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("No workgroup found for manager " + manager); } } /** * Method getWorkGroupName. * * @param manager * @return String */ private String getWorkGroupName(User manager) { try { return getWorkGroup(manager).getName(); } catch (Exception e) { return "-"; } } /** * Method getSelectedManager. * * @param iwc * @return User */ private User getSelectedManager(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { int iManagerID = getManagerID(); try { String pUserID = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_MANAGER_ID); iManagerID = Integer.parseInt(pUserID); setManager(iManagerID); } catch (Exception e) { } if (iManagerID != -1) { return getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(iManagerID); } else { throw new Exception("No manager selected"); } } /* * Commented out since it is never used... private GroupBusiness * getGroupBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { return (GroupBusiness) *, * GroupBusiness.class); } */ protected SchoolUserBusiness getSchoolUserBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return (SchoolUserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, SchoolUserBusiness.class); } public void setManager(User manager) { try { manager_id = ((Integer) manager.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[" + this.getClass().getName() + "] Exception getting primary key from user: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void setManager(int user_id) { manager_id = user_id; } public int getManagerID() { return manager_id; } }