package com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; /** * Java's PropertyResourceBundle class is tragically * bad. Why a class intended for i18n use deliberately * restricts itself to 8859-1 characters, while using * a bizarre unicode escaping format rather than utf8, * is beyond me (and * certainly beyond any translators I need to send * stuff to.)<p> * * This class is a reimplementation that automatically * selects whether a file is 16bit unicode, utf-8, or * local character encoding, and loads it accordingly. * Otherwise it is intended to be functionally very * similar to PropertiesResourceBundle.<p> * * Note that this class does <i>not</i> extend ResourceBundle, * as ResourceBundle is difficult to * extend - all the functionality is hidden away * in private methods. So even though ResourceBundle * does some neat things, we won't be doing anything but a * bare bones rewrite here. * * <B>Important:</B> This uses a simplified form of the properties * file - keys and phrases are separated by an '=' sign, and while, * for backward compatibility, keys <i>can</i> have escaped characters, * except for '=', they don't have to. A further restriction is that * the '=' sign <i>may not</i> be immediately preceeded by an escaped * escape character (i.e. '\\=' is illegal) - the '=' sign must be * preceeded by a space character in this case. Any space characters * at the start and end of a key/description are trimmed.<p> * * e.g. [values in square brackets represent byte values within the file] * * potato = kartoffel // normal ascii (german) * help = [30 d8 30 eb 30d7] // 16 bit unicode (japanese) * file = [e6 96 87 e6 a1 a3] // utf-8 (chinese) * */ public class CBResourceBundle { Hashtable translations = new Hashtable(); /** * This creates a Resource bundle using only the name of the * the resource bundle (e.g. "language.JX"). It then uses * the default locale and resource loader to track down the * appropriate translation file. * @param baseName the name of the translation file to look up. * this name is extended using the standard locality rules * to try to find localised files (e.g. "language.JX" becomes * language/JX_fr_CA in french-speaking canada). */ public CBResourceBundle(String baseName) { loadBundle(baseName, Locale.getDefault(), ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); } /** * This creates a Resource bundle the name of the * the resource bundle (e.g. "language.JX"). It then uses * the specified locale to track down the * appropriate translation file. * @param baseName the name of the translation file to look up. * this name is extended using the standard locality rules * to try to find localised files (e.g. "language.JX" becomes * language/JX_fr_CA in french-speaking canada). * @param locale a specific locale to use in place of the default * system locale. */ public CBResourceBundle(String baseName, Locale locale) { loadBundle(baseName, locale, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); } /** * This creates a Resource bundle the name of the * the resource bundle (e.g. "language.JX"). It then uses * the specified locale to track down the * appropriate translation file, and teh specified class loader * to retrieve the file. * @param baseName the name of the translation file to look up. * this name is extended using the standard locality rules * to try to find localised files (e.g. "language.JX" becomes * language/JX_fr_CA in french-speaking canada). * @param locale a specific locale to use in place of the default * system locale. * @param loader a custom class loader (such as CBClassLoader) used to * retrieve the translation file. */ public CBResourceBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) { loadBundle(baseName, locale, loader); } /** * This method searches through all the valid permutations of the base * bundle name (modified for locale - e.g.,, * and <p> * If successful, it loads the data (the translation strings) into a local * data store (Hashtable). * * @param baseName the name of the translation file to look up. * this name is extended using the standard locality rules * to try to find localised files (e.g. "language.JX" becomes * language/JX_fr_CA in french-speaking canada). * @param locale a specific locale to use in place of the default * system locale. * @param loader a custom class loader (such as CBClassLoader) used to * retrieve the translation file. */ protected void loadBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) { Vector names = getBundleNames(baseName, locale); for (int i=names.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { URL url = loader.getResource(names.get(i).toString()); // XXX why getResource, not findResource??? if (loadData(url) == true) { return; // once a single file has been loaded, we're done. } } // couldn't succesfully load anything... CBUtility.log("unable to load resource bundle '" + baseName + "'"); return; } /** * Calculate the bundles along the search path from the base bundle to the * bundle specified by baseName and locale. * @param baseName the base bundle name * @param locale the locale * @param names the vector used to return the names of the bundles along * the search path. * */ protected static Vector getBundleNames(String baseName, Locale locale) { final Vector result = new Vector(8); final String language = locale.getLanguage(); final int languageLength = language.length(); final String country = locale.getCountry(); final int countryLength = country.length(); final String variant = locale.getVariant(); final int variantLength = variant.length(); if (baseName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".properties")) { baseName = baseName.substring(baseName.length()-11); } baseName = baseName.replace('.', '/'); // note forward slash used, rather than File.separator, for jar access etc. final StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(baseName); result.addElement(temp.toString() + ".properties"); result.addElement(temp.toString()); if (languageLength + countryLength + variantLength == 0) { return result; //The locale is "", "", "". } temp.append('_'); temp.append(language); result.addElement(temp.toString() + ".properties"); result.addElement(temp.toString()); if (countryLength + variantLength == 0) { return result; } temp.append('_'); temp.append(country); result.addElement(temp.toString() + ".properties"); result.addElement(temp.toString()); if (variantLength == 0) { return result; } temp.append('_'); temp.append(variant); result.addElement(temp.toString() + ".properties"); result.addElement(temp.toString()); return result; } /** * This loads the data from a translation file, checking on the way * what file format it is in. (UTF-8, 16bit unicode, or local encoding). * @param url the URL to read the data InputStream from. * @return whether the load data operation was successfull, or whether * it was interupted (for whatever reason; no file, error reading * file, bad encoding, yadda yadda yadda). */ protected boolean loadData(URL url) { if (url == null) { return false; // can't read from a null url! } CBUtility.log("Resource Bundle Reading data from " + ((url==null)?"null url":url.toString()), 6); try { /* * First, slurp all the data from the input stream into a byte array. */ byte[] data = CBUtility.readStream(url.openStream()); /* * Convert the byte array to a String using cunning auto-detecting * encoding methods. */ String text = CBUtility.readI18NByteArray(data); /* * Load up the translations hashtable with the parsed data found * in the string... */ return parseData(text); } catch (Exception e) { CBUtility.log("Unable to read data from url: " + ((url==null)?"(null url)":url.toString()) + " \n -> exception was " + e, 7); return false; } } /** * parses the byte array as per a normal resource file * (i.e. looking for key/data pairs seperated by an * unescaped '=' sign) after first converting the byte * array into a String, using whichever language encoding * (unicode16, utf8, locale-specific) seems appropriate. */ protected boolean parseData(String text) { int startSize = this.translations.size(); int start =0, end = 0; while ((end = text.indexOf('\n',start)) != -1) { String line = text.substring(start, end); line = line.trim(); if (line.length() != 0 && line.charAt(0) != '#') // ignore blank lines and commented lines. { try { int equalPos = 0; do // skip through all escaped equals characters until we find a non-escaped one. { equalPos = line.indexOf('=', equalPos + 1); } while (line.charAt(equalPos-1) == '\\'); String key = unescape(line.substring(0,equalPos)).trim(); String trans = line.substring(equalPos+1).trim(); this.translations.put(key, trans); } catch (Exception e) { CBUtility.log("Exception parsing data line '" + line + "' -> " + e, 8); } // prob. array ex. - ignore this line. } start = end+1; } // check if we added any new translations - if we did, then this was // at least partially successfull. boolean success = (startSize < this.translations.size()); if (success == false) { CBUtility.log("ParseData unsuccessfull - no new data found", 8); } return success; } /** * Removes all escapes ('\?' -> '?') from a string. * -> Not particularly efficient, but o.k. for short strings. */ protected String unescape(String escapeMe) { int pos = 0; while ((pos = escapeMe.indexOf('\\', pos)) >= 0) { escapeMe = escapeMe.substring(0, pos) + escapeMe.substring(pos+1); } return escapeMe; } /** * returns the translation keys. * @return an Enumeration of all the known keys (usually translatable * strings). */ public Enumeration keys() { return this.translations.keys(); } /** * returns the translation keys. Synonym for 'keys()', kept * for compatibility with ResourceBundle. * @return an Enumeration of all the known keys (usually translatable * strings). */ public Enumeration getKeys() { return this.translations.keys(); } /** * Returns the object corresponding to a given key. * @param key the original text to translate/look up * @return the corresponding translation/object */ public Object get(Object key) { return this.translations.get(key); } /** * Returns the object corresponding to a given key. kept * for compatibility with ResourceBundle. * @param key the original text to translate/look up * @return the corresponding translation/object */ public Object getObject(Object key) { return this.translations.get(key); } /** * Convenience class returning a particular object * as a String. If the object <i>was</i> a String * already it is passed back unchanged, otherwise * 'toString()' is called on the object before returning. * This class never throws a ClassCastException. * @param key the original text to translate/look up * @return the corresponding translation/object as a String */ public String getString(String key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } Object o = this.translations.get(key); if (o == null) { return ""; } return (o instanceof String)?(String)o:o.toString(); } }