package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p>Title: </p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p> * <p>Company: </p> * @author <br><a href="">Aron Birkir</a><br> * @version 1.0 */ public class SchoolBMPBean extends GenericEntity implements School, IDOLegacyEntity, MetaDataCapable{ public final static String SCHOOL = "sch_school"; public final static String NAME = "SCHOOL_NAME"; public final static String ADDRESS = "school_address"; public final static String INFO = "school_info"; public final static String HEADMASTER = "headmaster_group_id"; public final static String SCHOOLTYPE = "sch_school_type_id"; public final static String SCHOOLAREA = "sch_school_area_id"; public final static String SCHOOLSUBAREA = "sch_school_sub_area_id"; public final static String ZIPCODE = "zip_code"; public final static String ZIPAREA = "zip_area"; public final static String PHONE = "phone"; public final static String EMAIL = "email"; public final static String KEYCODE = "key_kode"; public final static String LONGITUDE = "longitude"; public final static String LATITUDE = "latitude"; /** Gimmi 4-5 Nov 2002 */ public final static String FAX = "fax_nr"; public final static String WEB_PAGE = "web_page"; //public final static String MANAGEMENT_TYPE_ID = "managment_type"; public final static String MANAGEMENT_TYPE = "management_type"; public final static String HEADMASTER_USER_ID = "headmaster_user_id"; public final static String ASSISTANT_HEADMASTER_GROUP_ID = "assistant_hm_grp_id"; public final static String MAP_URL = "map_url"; /** Kelly 13-14 May 2003 */ public final static String ACTIVITY = "activity"; public final static String OPEN_HOURS = "open_hours"; /** Laddi 3 Sep 2003 */ public final static String COMMUNE = "commune"; /** Anders 15 Sep 2003 */ public final static String ORGANIZATION_NUMBER = "organization_number"; public final static String EXTRA_PROVIDER_ID = "extra_provider_id"; public final static String TERMINATION_DATE = "termination_date"; public final static String COUNTRY = "country"; // Not connected to commune public final static String CENTRALIZED_ADMINISTRATION = "centralized_administration"; /** Malin 10 Dec 2003 **/ public final static String VISITADDRESS = "school_visit_address"; //MANY TO MANY RELATIONSHIP TABLES public final static String M2M_TX_TEXT_SCH_SCHOOL="TX_TEXT_SCH_SCHOOL"; public final static String M2M_TX_LOCALIZED_TEXT_SCH_SCHOOL="TX_LOCALIZED_TEXT_SCH_SCHOOL"; public final static String INVISIBLE_FOR_CITIZEN = "invisible_for_citizen"; /** Anders 10 Jan 2005 */ public final static String PROVIDER_STRING_ID = "provider_string_id"; public final static String JUNIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL = "junior_high_school_id"; public final static String AFTER_SCHOOL_CARE_PROVIDER = "after_school_care_id"; /** Dainis 23 Sep 2005 */ public final static String SORT_BY_BIRTHDATE = "sort_by_birthdate"; public static final String HAS_REFRESHMENTS = "has_refreshments"; /** Palli 24 Apr 2005*/ public final static String COLUMN_RESPONSIBLE_USER = "responsible_ic_user_id"; public void initializeAttributes() { this.addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); //this.addAttribute(SCHOOLTYPE,"Schooltype",true,true,Integer.class,this.MANY_TO_ONE,SchoolType.class); this.addAttribute(SCHOOLAREA, "Schoolarea", true, true, Integer.class, MANY_TO_ONE, SchoolArea.class); this.addAttribute(SCHOOLSUBAREA, "Schoolsubarea", true, true, Integer.class, MANY_TO_ONE, SchoolSubArea.class); this.addAttribute(NAME, "Schoolname", true, true, String.class); this.addAttribute(INFO, "Info", true, true, String.class, 4000); this.addAttribute(ADDRESS, "Address", true, true, String.class, 100); this.addAttribute(VISITADDRESS, "Visiting address", true, true, String.class, 400); this.addAttribute(ZIPAREA, "Ziparea", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(ZIPCODE, "Zipcode", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(PHONE, "phone", true, true, String.class, 60); this.addAttribute(EMAIL, "email", true, true, String.class, 60); this.addAttribute(KEYCODE, "keycode", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(LATITUDE, "latitude", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(LONGITUDE, "longitude", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(HEADMASTER, "Headmaster", true, true, Integer.class, MANY_TO_ONE, Group.class); /** Gimmi 4-5 Nov 2002 */ this.addAttribute(FAX, "fax", true, true, String.class, 50); this.addAttribute(WEB_PAGE, "web_page", true, true, String.class, 500); /** Laddi 3 Sep 2003 */ //this.addAttribute(MANAGEMENT_TYPE_ID, "management_type", true, true, Integer.class); addManyToOneRelationship(MANAGEMENT_TYPE, SchoolManagementType.class); this.addAttribute(HEADMASTER_USER_ID, "headmaster user id", true, true, Integer.class, MANY_TO_ONE, User.class); this.addAttribute(ASSISTANT_HEADMASTER_GROUP_ID, "assistant headmaster group id", true, true, Integer.class, MANY_TO_ONE, Group.class); this.addAttribute(MAP_URL, "url to map", true, true, String.class,500); /** Kelly 13-14 May 2003 */ this.addAttribute(ACTIVITY, "The schools activity", true, true, String.class, 256); this.addAttribute(OPEN_HOURS, "The school open hours", true, true, String.class, 256); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(SchoolType.class); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(SchoolYear.class, "sch_school_sch_school_year"); // Grimur 16.10.2002 this.addManyToManyRelationShip(LocalizedText.class,M2M_TX_LOCALIZED_TEXT_SCH_SCHOOL); // in for backwards compatability this.addManyToManyRelationShip(ICFile.class); // Gimmi 27.12.2002 this.addManyToManyRelationShip(TxText.class,M2M_TX_TEXT_SCH_SCHOOL); addManyToOneRelationship(COMMUNE, Commune.class); // Anders 15 Sep 2003 this.addAttribute(ORGANIZATION_NUMBER, "organisationsnummer", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(EXTRA_PROVIDER_ID, "user supplied provider id", true, true, String.class, 20); this.addAttribute(TERMINATION_DATE, "termination date", true, true, Date.class); addManyToOneRelationship(COUNTRY, Country.class); this.addAttribute(CENTRALIZED_ADMINISTRATION, "has provider centralized administration", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute(INVISIBLE_FOR_CITIZEN, "Do not show this provider for citizens", true, true, Boolean.class); this.addMetaDataRelationship(); this.addManyToManyRelationShip(SchoolStudyPath.class, "sch_school_study_path"); this.addAttribute(PROVIDER_STRING_ID, "Extra provider id", true, true, String.class, 40); addManyToOneRelationship(AFTER_SCHOOL_CARE_PROVIDER, School.class); addManyToOneRelationship(JUNIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL, School.class); // Dainis 23 Sep 2005 this.addAttribute(SORT_BY_BIRTHDATE, "Sorted by date of birth", true, true, Boolean.class); addAttribute(HAS_REFRESHMENTS, "Has refreshments", Boolean.class); /** Palli 24 Apr 2005*/ addManyToOneRelationship(COLUMN_RESPONSIBLE_USER, User.class); } public String getEntityName() { return SCHOOL; } public String getName() { return getSchoolName(); } public String getNameWithStarIfQueueSortedByBirthdate(){ return (this.getSortByBirthdate() ? "*" : "") + getSchoolName(); } public School getAfterSchoolCareProvider() { return (School) getColumnValue(AFTER_SCHOOL_CARE_PROVIDER); } public Object getAfterSchoolCareProviderPK() { return getIntegerColumnValue(AFTER_SCHOOL_CARE_PROVIDER); } public void setAfterSchoolCareProvider(School provider) { setColumn(AFTER_SCHOOL_CARE_PROVIDER, provider); } public void setAfterSchoolCareProvider(Object providerPK) { setColumn(AFTER_SCHOOL_CARE_PROVIDER, providerPK); } public School getJuniorHighSchool() { return (School) getColumnValue(JUNIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL); } public Object getJuniorHighSchoolPK() { return getIntegerColumnValue(JUNIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL); } public boolean hasRefreshments() { return getBooleanColumnValue(HAS_REFRESHMENTS); } public void setJuniorHighSchool(School school) { setColumn(JUNIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL, school); } public void setJuniorHighSchool(Object schoolPK) { setColumn(JUNIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL, schoolPK); } public int getSchoolAreaId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(SCHOOLAREA); } public int getSchoolSubAreaId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(SCHOOLSUBAREA); } public SchoolArea getSchoolArea() { return (SchoolArea) getColumnValue(SCHOOLAREA); } public SchoolSubArea getSchoolSubArea() { return (SchoolSubArea) getColumnValue(SCHOOLSUBAREA); } public void setSchoolAreaId(int id) { this.setColumn(SCHOOLAREA, id); } public void setSchoolArea(SchoolArea area) { this.setColumn(SCHOOLAREA, area); } public void setSchoolSubAreaId(int id) { this.setColumn(SCHOOLSUBAREA, id); } public Object getCommunePK() { Object communeId = getColumnValue(COMMUNE); if (communeId == null) { try { System.out.print("[SchoolBMPBean] communeId not found ..."); CommuneHome cHome = (CommuneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Commune.class); Commune comm = cHome.findDefaultCommune(); if (comm != null) { this.setCommunePK(comm.getPrimaryKey());; System.out.print("set as defaul (pk="+comm.getPrimaryKey()+")"); return comm.getPrimaryKey(); } System.out.print("NOT set. (Default not found)"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return communeId; } public Commune getCommune() { return (Commune) getColumnValue(COMMUNE); } public int getCommuneId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COMMUNE); } public void setCommunePK(Object pk) { this.setColumn(COMMUNE, pk); } public int getCountryId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COUNTRY); } public Country getCountry() { return (Country) getColumnValue(COUNTRY); } public void setCountryId(int id) { this.setColumn(COUNTRY, id); } public String getManagementTypeId() { return this.getStringColumnValue(MANAGEMENT_TYPE); } public SchoolManagementType getManagementType() { return (SchoolManagementType) getColumnValue(MANAGEMENT_TYPE); } public void setManagementTypeId(String id) { this.setColumn(MANAGEMENT_TYPE, id); } public String getSchoolName() { return this.getStringColumnValue(NAME); } public void setSchoolName(String name) { this.setColumn(NAME, name); } public String getSchoolInfo() { return this.getStringColumnValue(INFO); } public void setSchoolInfo(String info) { this.setColumn(INFO, info); } public String getSchoolAddress() { return this.getStringColumnValue(ADDRESS); } public void setSchoolAddress(String address) { this.setColumn(ADDRESS, address); } public String getSchoolVisitAddress() { return this.getStringColumnValue(VISITADDRESS); } public void setSchoolVisitAddress(String visitaddress) { this.setColumn(VISITADDRESS, visitaddress); } public void setHasRefreshments(boolean hasRefreshments) { setColumn(HAS_REFRESHMENTS, hasRefreshments); } public String getSchoolZipArea() { return this.getStringColumnValue(ZIPAREA); } public void setSchoolZipArea(String ziparea) { this.setColumn(ZIPAREA, ziparea); } public String getSchoolZipCode() { return this.getStringColumnValue(ZIPCODE); } public void setSchoolZipCode(String zipcode) { this.setColumn(ZIPCODE, zipcode); } public String getSchoolPhone() { return this.getStringColumnValue(PHONE); } public void setSchoolPhone(String phone) { this.setColumn(PHONE, phone); } public String getSchoolEmail() { return this.getStringColumnValue(EMAIL); } public void setSchoolEmail(String email) { this.setColumn(EMAIL, email); } public int getHeadmasterGroupId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(HEADMASTER); } public Group getHeadmasterGroup() throws RemoteException, FinderException { return ((GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(getHeadmasterGroupId())); } public void setHeadmasterGroupId(int masterGroupId) { this.setColumn(HEADMASTER, masterGroupId); } public String getSchoolKeyCode() { return this.getStringColumnValue(KEYCODE); } public void setSchoolKeyCode(String code) { this.setColumn(KEYCODE, code); } public String getSchoolLatitude() { return this.getStringColumnValue(LATITUDE); } public void setSchoolLatitude(String lat) { this.setColumn(LATITUDE, lat); } public String getSchoolLongitude() { return this.getStringColumnValue(LONGITUDE); } public void setSchoolLongitude(String lon) { this.setColumn(LONGITUDE, lon); } public String getOrganizationNumber() { return this.getStringColumnValue(ORGANIZATION_NUMBER); } public void setOrganizationNumber(String orgNo) { this.setColumn(ORGANIZATION_NUMBER, orgNo); } public String getExtraProviderId() { return this.getStringColumnValue(EXTRA_PROVIDER_ID); } public void setExtraProviderId(String id) { this.setColumn(EXTRA_PROVIDER_ID, id); } public Date getTerminationDate() { return (Date) this.getColumnValue(TERMINATION_DATE); } public void setTerminationDate(Date date) { this.setColumn(TERMINATION_DATE, date); } public boolean getCentralizedAdministration() { boolean isCA = false; Boolean b = (Boolean) this.getColumnValue(CENTRALIZED_ADMINISTRATION); if (b != null) { isCA = b.booleanValue(); } return isCA; } public void setCentralizedAdministration(boolean b) { this.setColumn(CENTRALIZED_ADMINISTRATION, b); } public boolean getInvisibleForCitizen() { return getBooleanColumnValue(INVISIBLE_FOR_CITIZEN, false); } public void setInvisibleForCitizen(boolean b) { setColumn(INVISIBLE_FOR_CITIZEN, b); } public String getProviderStringId() { return this.getStringColumnValue(PROVIDER_STRING_ID); } public void setProviderStringId(String id) { this.setColumn(PROVIDER_STRING_ID, id); } private Date getCurrentDate() { return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); } public void setResponsibleUserId(int id) { setColumn(COLUMN_RESPONSIBLE_USER, id); } public void setResponsibleUser(User user) { setColumn(COLUMN_RESPONSIBLE_USER, user); } public int getResponsibleUserId() { return getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_RESPONSIBLE_USER); } public User getResponsibleUser() { return (User) getColumnValue(COLUMN_RESPONSIBLE_USER); } public Collection ejbFindAllBySchoolType(Collection typeIds) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { if (typeIds == null || typeIds.size() < 1) { return null; } else { StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer("select distinct s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id in ("); select.append(getIDOUtil().convertListToCommaseparatedString(typeIds)); select.append(") and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id"); select.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); select.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select.toString()); } } public Collection ejbFindAllBySchoolType(int typeId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id = " + typeId + " and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllBySchoolType(SchoolType type) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id = " + type.getPrimaryKey().toString() + " and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaTypeManagement(int areaId, int typeId, String managementType) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id = " + typeId + " and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and " + SCHOOLAREA + " = " + areaId + " and " + MANAGEMENT_TYPE + " = '" + managementType + "'" + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaTypeManagementCommune(int areaId, int typeId, String managementType, int communeId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id = " + typeId + " and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and " + SCHOOLAREA + " = " + areaId + " and " + MANAGEMENT_TYPE + " = '" + managementType + "'" + " and " + COMMUNE + " = " + communeId + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaTypeManagementCommune(int areaId, int typeId, Collection managementTypes, int communeId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id = " + typeId + " and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and " + SCHOOLAREA + " = " + areaId + " and " + COMMUNE + " = " + communeId + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"; if (managementTypes != null && !managementTypes.isEmpty()) { select += (" and s." + MANAGEMENT_TYPE + " in ("); Iterator it = managementTypes.iterator(); String type = null; while (it.hasNext()) { type = (String); select += "'" + type + "'"; if (it.hasNext()) { select += ","; } } select += ")"; } select += " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaTypeManagementCommune(int areaId, Collection typeIds, Collection managementTypes, int communeId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select distinct s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and " + SCHOOLAREA + " = " + areaId + " and " + COMMUNE + " = " + communeId + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"; if (typeIds != null && !typeIds.isEmpty()) { select += (" and m.sch_school_type_id in ("); Iterator it = typeIds.iterator(); Integer type = null; while (it.hasNext()) { type = (Integer); select += "'" + type + "'"; if (it.hasNext()) { select += ","; } } select += ")"; } if (managementTypes != null && !managementTypes.isEmpty()) { select += (" and s." + MANAGEMENT_TYPE + " in ("); Iterator it = managementTypes.iterator(); String type = null; while (it.hasNext()) { type = (String); select += "'" + type + "'"; if (it.hasNext()) { select += ","; } } select += ")"; } select += " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaTypeCommune(int areaId, int typeId, int communeId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id = " + typeId + " and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + " and " + SCHOOLAREA + " = " + areaId + " and " + COMMUNE + " = " + communeId + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + " order by s."+NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllBySchoolName(String schoolName) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select * from " + SCHOOL + " where " + NAME + " = '" + schoolName + "'" + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select); } public Integer ejbFindBySchoolName(String schoolName) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String select = "select * from " + SCHOOL + " where " + NAME + " = '" + schoolName + "'" + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"; return (Integer)super.idoFindOnePKBySQL(select); } public Collection ejbFindAllCentralizedAdministrated() throws javax.ejb.FinderException { IDOQuery sql = idoQuery(); sql.appendSelectAllFrom(this.getEntityName()).appendWhereEqualsQuoted(CENTRALIZED_ADMINISTRATION, "Y"); sql.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); return super.idoFindPKsByQuery(sql); } public Collection ejbFindAllCentralizedAdministratedByType(Collection typeIds) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { if (typeIds == null || typeIds.size() < 1) { return null; } else { StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer("select distinct s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s,sch_school_sch_school_type m where m.sch_school_type_id in ("); select.append(getIDOUtil().convertListToCommaseparatedString(typeIds)); select.append(") and m.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id"); select.append(" and s."+CENTRALIZED_ADMINISTRATION+" like 'Y'"); select.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); select.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(select.toString()); } } public Collection ejbFindAllBySchoolArea(int areaId) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String sql = "select * from " + SCHOOL + " where " + SCHOOLAREA + " = " + areaId + " and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + " order by " + NAME; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql); } public Collection ejbFindAllSchools() throws javax.ejb.FinderException { // String sql = "select * from " + SCHOOL + " where " + // " (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')" + // " order by upper(" + NAME + ")"; try{ return super.idoFindPKsBySQL("select * from " + SCHOOL + " order by upper("+NAME+")"); }catch (IDOFinderException ex){ //some databases doesn't understand UPPER return super.idoFindPKsBySQL("select * from " + SCHOOL + " order by "+NAME); } } public Collection ejbFindAllSchoolsIncludingTerminated() throws javax.ejb.FinderException { // String sql = "select * from " + SCHOOL + " where " + // " order by upper(" + NAME + ")"; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL("select * from " + SCHOOL + " order by upper("+NAME+")"); } public Collection ejbFindAllSchoolsByCategoryIncludingTerminated(String category) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { String sql = "select unique s.* from " + SCHOOL + " s, " + "sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type st " + "where st.sch_school_type_id = t.sch_school_type_id " + "and st.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id " + "and t.school_category = '" + category + "' " + "order by upper(s." + NAME + ")"; return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql); } public void addSchoolTypes(int[] ids) { try { super.addTo(SchoolType.class, ids); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sql) { sql.printStackTrace(); } } public void addSchoolYears(int[] ids) { try { super.addTo(SchoolYear.class, ids); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sql) { } } public void addSchoolYear(SchoolYear year) throws IDOAddRelationshipException { super.idoAddTo(year); } public void addSchoolType(SchoolType type) throws IDOAddRelationshipException { super.idoAddTo(type); } public void addSchoolYearsRemoveOther(int[] ids) { try { super.removeFrom(SchoolYear.class); } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { } this.addSchoolYears(ids); } public void addSchoolTypesRemoveOther(int[] ids) { try { super.removeFrom(SchoolType.class); } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { } this.addSchoolTypes(ids); } public Collection findRelatedSchoolTypes() throws { return super.idoGetRelatedEntities(SchoolType.class); } public Collection findRelatedSchoolTypes(SchoolCategory category) throws IDORelationshipException { Collection coll = findRelatedSchoolTypes(); Collection types = new ArrayList(); ////debug System.out.print(this.getClass().getName() + ".findRelatedSchoolTypes(): coll=" ); System.out.println(coll); ////debug if (coll != null) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ///debug System.out.println("---------------------------------"); ////debug SchoolType type = (SchoolType); /////debug System.out.println("type.getSchoolCategory()=" + type.getSchoolCategory()); System.out.println("category.getCategory()=" + category.getCategory()); /////debug if (type.getSchoolCategory().equals(category.getCategory())) { types.add(type); } /////debug else { System.out.println("not equal"); } /////debug } } return types; } public Collection findRelatedSchoolTypesWithFreetime(SchoolCategory category) throws IDORelationshipException { Collection coll = findRelatedSchoolTypes(); Collection types = new ArrayList(); if (coll != null) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolType type = (SchoolType); if (type.getSchoolCategory().equals(category.getCategory())&&type.getIsFamilyFreetimeType()) { types.add(type); } } } return types; } public Collection findRelatedSchoolYears() throws { return super.idoGetRelatedEntities(SchoolYear.class); } public Collection findRelatedSchoolYearsSortedByName() throws IDOException { return this.idoGetRelatedEntitiesOrderedByColumn(SchoolYear.class, SchoolYearBMPBean.NAME); } public java.util.Collection findRelatedStudyPaths()throws{ return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(SchoolStudyPath.class); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaAndType(int area, int type) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select s.* "); sql.append(" from sch_school_area a, sch_school s, sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type m "); sql.append(" where a.sch_school_area_id = s.sch_school_area_id "); sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id = m.sch_school_type_id "); sql.append(" and s.sch_school_id = m.sch_school_id "); sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id = "); sql.append(type); sql.append(" and a.sch_school_area_id = "); sql.append(area); sql.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); sql.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindAllByInQuery(String inQuery) throws FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select * from sch_school where sch_school_id in ("); sql.append(inQuery).append(") order by ").append(NAME); return idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaAndTypeAndYear(int areaID, int typeID, int yearID) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select s.* "); sql.append(" from sch_school_sch_school_year ssy,sch_school_area a, sch_school s, sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type m "); sql.append(" where a.sch_school_area_id = s.sch_school_area_id "); sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id = m.sch_school_type_id "); sql.append(" and s.sch_school_id = m.sch_school_id "); sql.append(" and m.sch_school_id = ssy.sch_school_id "); sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id = "); sql.append(typeID); sql.append(" and a.sch_school_area_id = "); sql.append(areaID); sql.append(" and ssy.sch_school_year_id = "); sql.append(yearID); sql.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaAndTypes(int area, Collection types) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { return ejbFindAllByAreaAndTypesAndYear(area, types, -1); } public Collection ejbFindAllByAreaAndTypesAndYear(int area, Collection types, int yearID) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select distinct s.* "); sql.append(" from sch_school_area a, sch_school s, sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type m"); if (yearID != -1) { sql.append(", sch_school_sch_school_year ssy"); } sql.append(" where a.sch_school_area_id = s.sch_school_area_id "); sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id = m.sch_school_type_id "); sql.append(" and s.sch_school_id = m.sch_school_id "); if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) { sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id in ("); sql.append(getIDOUtil().convertListToCommaseparatedString(types)); sql.append(") "); } sql.append(" and a.sch_school_area_id = "); sql.append(area); sql.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); if (yearID != -1) { sql.append(" and s.sch_school_id = ssy.sch_school_id "); sql.append(" and ssy.sch_school_year_id = "); sql.append(yearID); } sql.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); this.getLogger().info(sql.toString() +" :::: "+area+", "+yearID); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindAllBySubAreaAndTypes(int subarea, Collection types) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select distinct s.* "); sql.append(" from sch_school_sub_area a, sch_school s, sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type m "); sql.append(" where a.sch_school_sub_area_id = s.sch_school_sub_area_id "); sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id = m.sch_school_type_id "); sql.append(" and s.sch_school_id = m.sch_school_id "); if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) { sql.append(" and t.sch_school_type_id in ("); sql.append(getIDOUtil().convertListToCommaseparatedString(types)); sql.append(") "); } sql.append(" and a.sch_school_sub_area_id = "); sql.append(subarea); sql.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); sql.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } /** * Finds all providers that is "part of" a category * @param schoolCategory * @return Collection of School * @throws javax.ejb.FinderException */ public Collection ejbFindAllByCategory(SchoolCategory schoolCategory) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { //String constants is concatenated at compile time... return super.idoFindPKsBySQL( "SELECT distinct s.* " + "FROM sch_school s, sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type m, sch_school_category c " + "WHERE s.sch_school_id = m.sch_school_id " + "AND m.sch_school_type_id = t.sch_school_type_id " + "AND t.school_category LIKE c.category " + "AND c.category LIKE '" + schoolCategory.getPrimaryKey() + "' order by s.school_name"); } public Collection ejbFindAllInHomeCommuneByCategory(SchoolCategory schoolCategory) throws IDOLookupException, EJBException, FinderException { int homeCommunePK = ((Integer)((CommuneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Commune.class)).findDefaultCommune().getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select distinct s.* "); sql.append(" from sch_school s, sch_school_type t, sch_school_sch_school_type m, sch_school_category c "); sql.append(" where s.sch_school_id = m.sch_school_id "); sql.append(" and m.sch_school_type_id = t.sch_school_type_id"); sql.append(" and t.school_category = c.category"); sql.append(" and c.category = '"+schoolCategory.getPrimaryKey().toString()+"'"); sql.append(" and s.commune = "+homeCommunePK); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindAllBySchoolGroup(Group schoolGroup) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("Select s.* "); sql.append(" from sch_school s "); sql.append(" where s.headmaster_group_id in ( "); sql.append(" select r.ic_group_id from ic_group_relation r "); sql.append(" where r.ic_group_id in(select headmaster_group_id from sch_school ) "); sql.append(" and r.related_ic_group_id = "); sql.append(schoolGroup.getPrimaryKey().toString()); sql.append(" ) "); sql.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); sql.append(" order by s.").append(NAME); return super.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public int ejbHomeGetNumberOfRelations(School school, SchoolYear year) throws IDOException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select count(*) from sch_school s, sch_school_sch_school_year middle"); sql.append(" where middle.sch_school_ID = ").append(school.getPrimaryKey().toString()); sql.append(" and middle.sch_school_year_ID = ").append(year.getPrimaryKey().toString()); sql.append(" and middle.sch_school_id = s.sch_school_id"); sql.append(" and (termination_date is null or termination_date > '" + getCurrentDate() + "')"); return super.idoGetNumberOfRecords(sql.toString()); } public int ejbHomeGetNumberOfFreetimeTypes(int schoolID) throws IDOException { IDOQuery query = idoQuery(); query.appendSelectCountFrom("sch_school_sch_school_type m, sch_school_type t"); query.appendWhereEquals("m.sch_school_type_id", "t.sch_school_type_id"); query.appendAndEquals("m.sch_school_id", schoolID); query.appendAndEquals("t.is_freetime_type", true); return idoGetNumberOfRecords(query); } public Collection ejbFindAllPrivate() throws IDOLookupException, EJBException, FinderException{ Integer managementType = (Integer)((SchoolManagementTypeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolManagementType.class)).findPrivateManagementType().getPrimaryKey(); IDOQuery sql = idoQuery(); sql.appendSelectAllFrom(this); sql.appendWhereEquals(MANAGEMENT_TYPE,managementType.intValue()); return idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public LocalizedText getLocalizedText(int localeId) throws IDORelationshipException{ Collection coll = getText(); //TxTextHome textHome = (TxTextHome) IDOLookup.getHome(TxText.class); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); TxText text; //try { text = (TxText); //text = textHome.findByPrimaryKey(; /* May want to use this... if (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println("[SchoolBMPBean] Found too many localizedTexts, removing this one ("+text.getID()+") and trying again.."); TextBusiness.deleteText(text.getID()); return getLocalizedText(localeId); }*/ //} catch (ClassCastException e) { // e.printStackTrace(System.err); // return null; //} LocalizedText lText = TextFinder.getContentHelper(text.getID(), localeId).getLocalizedText(); return lText; }else { /** trying backwards compatability */ try { LocalizedText text = TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); if (text != null) { int lTextId = text.getID(); TxText txText = TextBusiness.saveText(-1, lTextId, localeId, -1, -1, null, null, text.getHeadline(), text.getTitle(), text.getBody(), null, null); setText(txText); System.out.println("[SchoolBMPBean] : Backwards compatability for localized text (School = '"+getSchoolName()+"')"); return TextFinder.getContentHelper(txText.getID(), localeId).getLocalizedText(); }else { return TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); } // return TextFinder.getLocalizedText(text, localeId); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[SchoolBMPBean] : Backwards compatability for localized text (School = '"+getSchoolName()+"') - FAILED !!"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); return TextFinder.getLocalizedText(this, localeId); } } } private Collection getText() throws IDORelationshipException { return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(TxText.class); } private void setText(TxText text) throws IDOAddRelationshipException { this.idoAddTo(text); } public void setLocalizedText(String text, int localeId) throws IDORelationshipException { Collection coll= getText(); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { try { Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); TxText txText = (TxText); LocalizedText lText = TextFinder.getContentHelper(txText.getID(), localeId).getLocalizedText(); int lTextId = -1; if (lText != null) { lTextId = lText.getID(); } // boolean added =, txText); TextBusiness.saveText(txText.getID(), lTextId, localeId, -1, -1, null, null, null, null, text, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } }else { System.out.println("[SchoolBMPBean] : setLocalizedText : backwards compatability"); TxText txText = TextBusiness.saveText(-1, -1, localeId, -1, -1, null, null, null, null, text, null, null); idoAddTo(txText); this.idoRemoveFrom(LocalizedText.class); } //this.idoAddTo(text); } public String getSchoolFax() { return getStringColumnValue(FAX); } public void setSchoolFax(String fax) { setColumn(FAX, fax); } public String getSchoolWebPage() { return getStringColumnValue(WEB_PAGE); } public void setSchoolWebPage(String webPage) { setColumn(WEB_PAGE, webPage); } public String getMapUrl() { return getStringColumnValue(MAP_URL); } public void setMapUrl(String url) { setColumn(MAP_URL, url); } public String getActivity() { return getStringColumnValue(ACTIVITY); } public void setActivity(String activity) { setColumn(ACTIVITY, activity); } public String getOpenHours() { return getStringColumnValue(OPEN_HOURS); } public void setOpenHours(String openHours) { setColumn(OPEN_HOURS, openHours); } public String getSchoolManagementTypeString() { return getStringColumnValue(MANAGEMENT_TYPE); } public SchoolManagementType getSchoolManagementType() { return (SchoolManagementType) getColumnValue(MANAGEMENT_TYPE); } public void setSchoolManagementType(String managementType) { setColumn(MANAGEMENT_TYPE, managementType); } public Collection getImages() throws IDORelationshipException { return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(ICFile.class); } public Collection getSchoolTypes() throws IDORelationshipException { return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(SchoolType.class); } public void removeImages() throws IDORelationshipException { this.idoRemoveFrom(ICFile.class); } public void setImage(ICFile image) throws IDORelationshipException { removeImages(); this.idoAddTo(image); } public void addImage(ICFile image) throws IDORelationshipException { this.idoAddTo(image); } public void setImages(Collection images) throws IDORelationshipException, RemoteException { this.idoRemoveFrom(ICFile.class); if (images != null) { Iterator iter = images.iterator(); ICFile file; while (iter.hasNext()) { try { file = ((ICFileHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICFile.class)).findByPrimaryKey(; addImage(file); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { } } } } public int getHeadmasterUserId() { return getIntColumnValue(HEADMASTER_USER_ID); } public void setHeadmasterUserId(int userId) { setColumn(HEADMASTER_USER_ID, userId); } public int getAssistantHeadmasterGroupId() { return getIntColumnValue(ASSISTANT_HEADMASTER_GROUP_ID); } public void setAssistantHeadmasterGroupId(int groupId) { setColumn(ASSISTANT_HEADMASTER_GROUP_ID, groupId); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("hellu there"); } public void removeFromClass(Class entityInterfaceClass) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException { this.idoRemoveFrom(entityInterfaceClass); } public void addStudyPath(SchoolStudyPath studyPath) throws IDOAddRelationshipException { this.idoAddTo(studyPath); } public void removeStudyPath(SchoolStudyPath studyPath) throws IDORemoveRelationshipException { this.idoRemoveFrom(studyPath); } public Collection getStudyPaths() throws IDORelationshipException { return this.idoGetRelatedEntities(SchoolStudyPath.class); } public void removeAllStudyPaths() throws IDORemoveRelationshipException { this.idoRemoveFrom(SchoolStudyPath.class); } public boolean getSortByBirthdate() { return getBooleanColumnValue(SORT_BY_BIRTHDATE); } public void setSortByBirthdate(boolean arg) { setColumn(SORT_BY_BIRTHDATE, arg); } }