/* * $Id: PageCacher.java,v 2007/01/12 19:31:47 idegaweb Exp $ * Created in 2001 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.builder.business; /** * The instance of this class holds an manages a cache of Builder pages that are instances * of CachedBuilderPage.<br> * * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:31:47 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPageHome; import com.idega.core.view.ViewNode; import com.idega.data.IDOLookupException; public class PageCacher { //Instance variables: private Map pageCache = new WeakHashMap(); //private Map pagesValid = new HashMap(); PageCacher() {} protected boolean isPageValid(String key) { boolean theReturn = false; //Boolean fetched = (Boolean) pagesValid.get(key); //if (fetched != null) //{ if (getPageCacheMap().get(key) != null) { //theReturn = fetched.booleanValue(); theReturn=true; } //} return theReturn; } protected boolean isPageInvalid(String key) { return !isPageValid(key); } public void flagPageInvalid(String key) { //flagPageValid(key, false); getPageCacheMap().remove(key); } /*public void flagPageValid(String key, boolean trueOrFalse) { if (trueOrFalse) { pagesValid.put(key, Boolean.TRUE); } else { pagesValid.put(key, Boolean.FALSE); } }*/ /*public Page getPage(String key, IWContext iwc) { IBXMLPage xml = null; xml = getXML(key); if (xml != null) { return xml.getNewPage(iwc); //return (Page) xml.getPopulatedPage().clonePermissionChecked(iwc); //return (Page)xml.getPopulatedPage().clone(); } return null; } public Page getPage(String key) { IBXMLPage xml = null; xml = getXML(key); if (xml != null) { return (Page) xml.getPopulatedPage().clone(); //return (Page)xml.getPopulatedPage(); } return null; }*/ /*public static Page getPage(String key, InputStream streamWithXML)throws Exception{ Page theReturn = null; IBXMLPage xml = null; xml = getXML(key,streamWithXML); if(xml!=null){ return (Page)xml.getPopulatedPage().clone(); } return null; }*/ public void storePage(String key,String format,String stringRepresentation)throws Exception{ CachedBuilderPage bPage = getCachedBuilderPage(key); //flagPageInvalid(key); bPage.setPageFormat(format); bPage.setSourceFromString(stringRepresentation); bPage.store(); flagPageInvalid(key); } public ComponentBasedPage getComponentBasedPage(String key) { return (ComponentBasedPage)getCachedBuilderPage(key); } public IBXMLPage getIBXML(String key) { return (IBXMLPage)getCachedBuilderPage(key); } public CachedBuilderPage getCachedBuilderPage(String key) { CachedBuilderPage bPage = null; if (isPageInvalid(key)) { ICPageHome pHome; try { pHome = (ICPageHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(ICPage.class); int pageId = Integer.parseInt(key); ICPage icPage = pHome.findByPrimaryKey(pageId); if(icPage.getIsFormattedInIBXML()){ bPage = new IBXMLPage(key); } else if (icPage.getIsFormattedInHTML()){ bPage= new HtmlBasedPage(key); } else if (icPage.getIsFormattedInJSP()){ bPage= new JspPage(key); } bPage.setICPage(icPage); //bPage.setPageKey(key); setPage(key, bPage); String uri = icPage.getDefaultPageURI(); if(uri!=null){ bPage.setPageUri(uri); } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { bPage = getCachedBuilderPageFromMap(key); } return bPage; /* if (isPageInvalid(key)){ try{ IBPage ibpage = ((com.idega.builder.data.IBPageHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(IBPage.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(Integer.parseInt(key)); xml = getXML(key,ibpage.getPageValue()); } catch(PageDoesNotExist pe){ xml = new IBXMLPage(false); xml.setPageAsEmptyPage(); } catch(NumberFormatException ne){ try{ InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(key); xml = getXML(key,stream); } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){ fnfe.printStackTrace(); } catch(PageDoesNotExist pe){ xml = new IBXMLPage(false); xml.setPageAsEmptyPage(); } //thePage= getPage(key,stream); } catch(Exception e){ //InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(key); //thePage= getPage(key,stream); e.printStackTrace(); } } else{ xml = getXMLPageCached(key); } return xml;*/ } /*public static IBXMLPage getXML(String key,InputStream streamWithXML)throws PageDoesNotExist{ IBXMLPage xml = null; if (isPageInvalid(key)){ xml = XMLReader.parseXML(streamWithXML); setPage(key,xml); return xml; } else{ return getXML(key); } }*/ private Object setPage(String key, ViewNode page) { //flagPageValid(key, true); return getPageCacheMap().put(key, page); } public Map getPageCacheMap() { return this.pageCache; } private CachedBuilderPage getCachedBuilderPageFromMap(String key) { return (CachedBuilderPage) getPageCacheMap().get(key); } /** * A function that gets the CachedBuilderPage if it exists in cache, otherwise it returns null. * * @param key The id of the CachedBuilderPage to get from cache. * * @return The CachedBuilderPage with id = key if it exists in cache, null otherwise. */ public CachedBuilderPage getCachedBuilderPageIfInCache(String key) { if (isPageInvalid(key)) { return null; } else { CachedBuilderPage xml = getCachedBuilderPageFromMap(key); return xml; } } /** * Method flagAllPagesInvalid. */ public synchronized void flagAllPagesInvalid() { //pagesValid.clear(); this.pageCache.clear(); } }