package com.idega.block.entity.presentation.converter.editable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.entity.presentation.EntityBrowser; import com.idega.block.entity.presentation.converter.ConverterConstants; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Parameter; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; /** * <p>Title: idegaWeb</p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> * @version 1.0 * Created on Jul 3, 2003 */ public class TextEditorConverter implements EntityToPresentationObjectConverter{ private static final String LINK_KEY = "te_link"; private static final String TEXTINPUT_KEY = "te_input"; private static final String TEXTINPUT_KEY_PREVIOUS_VALUE = "te_prevValue"; private static final String SUBMIT_KEY = "te_submit"; private static final char DELIMITER = '|'; private List maintainParameterList = new ArrayList(0); private Form externalForm = null; // flag private boolean workWithExternalSubmitButton = true; // flag if editable private boolean editable = true; // if set the text input allows only float values private boolean isFloatField = false; private String setAsFloatMessage = null; // if set the text input allows only double values private boolean isDoubleField = false; private String setAsDoubleMessage = null; // if set the text input allows only social security numbers private boolean isIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberField = false; private String setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage = null; public void setEditable(boolean editable) { this.editable = editable; } public void setWorkWithExternalSubmitButton(boolean workWithExternalSubmitButton) { this.workWithExternalSubmitButton = workWithExternalSubmitButton; } public void setAsFloat(String setAsFloatMessage) { setAsFloatOrDoubleOrIclandicSocialSecurityNumber(setAsFloatMessage, null, null); } public void setAsDouble(String setAsDoubleMessage) { setAsFloatOrDoubleOrIclandicSocialSecurityNumber(null,setAsDoubleMessage, null); } public void setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumber(String setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage) { setAsFloatOrDoubleOrIclandicSocialSecurityNumber(null, null,setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage); } private void setAsFloatOrDoubleOrIclandicSocialSecurityNumber(String setAsFloatMessage, String setAsDoubleMessage, String setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage) { this.isFloatField = setAsFloatMessage != null; this.isDoubleField = setAsDoubleMessage != null; this.isIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberField = setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage != null; this.setAsFloatMessage = setAsFloatMessage; this.setAsDoubleMessage = setAsDoubleMessage; this.setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage = setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage; } public TextEditorConverter(Form externalForm) { this.externalForm = externalForm; } public static EntityPathValueContainer getResultByParsing(IWContext iwc) { String submitKey = getGeneralSubmitKey(); String entityPathShortKey = null; Integer id = null; if (iwc.isParameterSet(submitKey)) { String action = iwc.getParameter(submitKey); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(action, String.valueOf(DELIMITER)); // set short key of path if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { entityPathShortKey = tokenizer.nextToken(); } // set id of entity if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { try { id = new Integer(tokenizer.nextToken()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("[TextInputConverter] Could not retrieve id of entity. Message is: "+ ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); id = null; } } } return getResultByEntityIdAndEntityPathShortKey(id, entityPathShortKey, iwc) ; } public static EntityPathValueContainer getResultByEntityIdAndEntityPathShortKey(Integer id, String entityPathShortKey, IWContext iwc) { EntityPathValueContainer container = new EntityPathValueContainer(); container.setEntityId(id); container.setEntityPathShortKey(entityPathShortKey); // set current chosen value String key = getTextInputUniqueKey(id, entityPathShortKey); if (iwc.isParameterSet(key)) { Object value = iwc.getParameter(key); container.setValue(value); } else { container.setValue(""); } // set previous value (that is the current value of the entity) String keyPreviousValue = getTextInputUniqueKeyPreviousValue(id, entityPathShortKey); if (iwc.isParameterSet(keyPreviousValue)) { Object value = iwc.getParameter(keyPreviousValue); container.setPreviousValue(value); } return container; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, com.idega.block.entity.presentation.EntityBrowser, com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public PresentationObject getHeaderPresentationObject ( EntityPath entityPath, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { return browser.getDefaultConverter().getHeaderPresentationObject(entityPath, browser, iwc); } /** This method uses a copy of the specified list */ public void maintainParameters(List maintainParameters) { this.maintainParameterList.addAll(maintainParameters); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see,, com.idega.block.entity.presentation.EntityBrowser, com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public PresentationObject getPresentationObject( Object entity, EntityPath path, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { Integer id = (Integer) ((EntityRepresentation) entity).getPrimaryKey(); // show text input without a submit button if the entity is new boolean newEntity = id.equals(ConverterConstants.NEW_ENTITY_ID); String shortKeyPath = path.getShortKey(); String uniqueKeyLink = getLinkUniqueKey(id, shortKeyPath); boolean isRequestSender = iwc.isParameterSet(uniqueKeyLink); boolean editEntity = false; if (iwc.isParameterSet(ConverterConstants.EDIT_ENTITY_KEY)) { String idEditEntity = iwc.getParameter(ConverterConstants.EDIT_ENTITY_KEY); Integer primaryKey = null; try { primaryKey = new Integer(idEditEntity); editEntity = id.equals(primaryKey); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } } // decide to show a link or a text inputfield if (newEntity || editEntity || isRequestSender) { Object value = getValueForInput(entity, path, browser, iwc); String text = value.toString(); // show text input with submitButton String uniqueKeyTextInput = getTextInputUniqueKey(id, shortKeyPath); TextInput textInput = new TextInput( uniqueKeyTextInput, text); if (isRequestSender) { textInput.setInFocusOnPageLoad(true); } if (this.isFloatField) { textInput.setAsFloat(this.setAsFloatMessage); } else if (this.isDoubleField) { textInput.setAsDouble(this.setAsDoubleMessage); } else if (this.isIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberField) { textInput.setAsIcelandicSSNumber(this.setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage); textInput.setAsNotEmpty(this.setAsIcelandicSocialSecurityNumberMessage); } // add old value as hidden value this.externalForm.addParameter(getTextInputUniqueKeyPreviousValue(id, shortKeyPath), text); Table table = (newEntity) ? new Table(1,1) : new Table(2,1); table.add(textInput,1,1); if (! editEntity && ! newEntity) { SubmitButton button = new SubmitButton("OK", getGeneralSubmitKey(), getUniqueKey(id, shortKeyPath).toString()); button.setAsImageButton(true); table.add(button,2,1); } return table; } else { // show link Object value = getValueForLink(entity, path, browser, iwc); String text = value.toString(); text = (text.length() == 0) ? "_" : text; if (! this.editable) { return new Text(text); } Link link = new Link(text); if (this.workWithExternalSubmitButton) { link.addParameter(ConverterConstants.EDIT_ENTITY_KEY, id.toString()); link.addParameter(uniqueKeyLink,"dummy_Value"); } else { link.addParameter(uniqueKeyLink,"dummy_value"); } // add some parameters from browser Parameter showAllEntriesParameter = browser.getShowAllEntriesParameter(); link.addParameter(showAllEntriesParameter); // add maintain parameters Iterator iteratorList = this.maintainParameterList.iterator(); while (iteratorList.hasNext()) { String parameter = (String); link.maintainParameter(parameter, iwc); } return link; } } /** Overwrite this method if necessary */ protected Object getValueForLink( Object entity, EntityPath path, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { return getValue(entity, path, browser, iwc); } /** Overwrite this method if necessary */ protected Object getValueForInput( Object entity, EntityPath path, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { return getValue(entity, path, browser, iwc); } /** Overwrite this method if necessary */ protected Object getValue( Object entity, EntityPath path, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { Object object = path.getValue((EntityRepresentation) entity); return (object == null) ? "" : object; } protected String getLinkUniqueKey(Integer id, String shortKeyOfPath) { StringBuffer buffer = getUniqueKey(id, shortKeyOfPath).append(DELIMITER).append(LINK_KEY); return buffer.toString(); } private static String getTextInputUniqueKey(Integer id, String shortKeyOfPath) { StringBuffer buffer = getUniqueKey(id, shortKeyOfPath).append(DELIMITER).append(TEXTINPUT_KEY); return buffer.toString(); } private static String getTextInputUniqueKeyPreviousValue(Integer id, String shortKeyOfPath) { StringBuffer buffer = getUniqueKey(id, shortKeyOfPath).append(DELIMITER).append(TEXTINPUT_KEY_PREVIOUS_VALUE); return buffer.toString(); } private static String getGeneralSubmitKey() { return SUBMIT_KEY; } private static StringBuffer getUniqueKey(Integer id, String shortKeyOfPath) { if (id == null) { id = new Integer(-1); } if (shortKeyOfPath == null || shortKeyOfPath.length() == 0) { shortKeyOfPath = "dummy"; } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(shortKeyOfPath); buffer.append(DELIMITER); buffer.append(id); return buffer; } }