package com.idega.block.text.presentation; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.block.image.presentation.ImageAttributeSetter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.core.localisation.presentation.ICLocalePresentation; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.block.presentation.Builderaware; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.texteditor.TextEditor; import com.idega.presentation.ui.AbstractChooserWindow; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CloseButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; /** * Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights * Reserved Company: idega * * @author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> * @version 1.1 */ public class TextEditorWindow extends AbstractChooserWindow { private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.text"; private boolean isAdmin = false; private boolean update = false; private boolean save = false; private int iUserId = -1; private int iObjInsId = -1; public final static String prmAttribute = "txe_attribute"; public final static String prmTextId = "txep_txtextid"; public final static String prmDelete = "txep_txdeleteid"; public final static String prmLocale = "txep_localedrp"; public final static String prmObjInstId = "txep_icobjinstid"; private final static String prmHeadline = "txep_headline"; private final static String prmBody = "txep_body"; public final static String imageAttributeKey = "txre_im_prop"; public boolean debugParameter = false; private String prmUsedTextId = prmTextId; // debug // private static String prmImageId = "txep.imageid"; private static String prmImageId = "txep_imageid"; // private static String prmTextId = "txep_txtextid"; private static String prmLocalizedTextId = "txep_loctextid"; private static String prmUseImage = "txep_useimage"; private static String prmDeleteFile = "txep_deletefile"; private static String prmSaveFile = "txep_savefile"; private static String actDelete = "txea_delete"; private static String actSave = "txea_save"; private static String actClose = "txea_close"; private static String actUpdate = "txea_update"; private static String actNew = "txea_new"; private static String modeNew = "txem_new"; private static String modeDelete = "txem_delete"; public static final String ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME = "textselect"; public static final String TEXT_ID_PARAMETER_NAME = "text_id"; public static final String TEXT_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "text_name"; private boolean parentReload = true; private String sTextId = null; private TextHelper textHelper; private IWBundle iwb, core; private IWResourceBundle iwrb; public TextEditorWindow() { super(); setWidth(570); setHeight(550); setResizable(true); setUnMerged(); } private void control(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this.debugParameter) { debugParameters(iwc); } // Checks if the Window is being usen by the TextChooser // if chooserParameterName is null it is not being used by TextChooser String chooserParameterName = super.getSelectionParameter(iwc); if (chooserParameterName != null) { debug("chooserParameterName!=null"); debug("chooserParameterName=" + chooserParameterName); debug("iwc.getParameter(chooserParameterName)=" + iwc.getParameter(chooserParameterName)); if (iwc.isParameterSet(chooserParameterName)) { this.prmUsedTextId = chooserParameterName; } } else { debug("chooserParameterName==null"); } boolean doView = true; Locale currentLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); Locale chosenLocale; String sLocaleId = iwc.getParameter(prmLocale); this.sTextId = iwc.getParameter(this.prmUsedTextId); if (iwc.isParameterSet(actClose) || iwc.isParameterSet(actClose + ".x")) { if (chooserParameterName != null) { System.out .println("TextEditorWindow : " + chooserParameterName); System.out.println("SELECT_FUNCTION_NAME : " + SELECT_FUNCTION_NAME); System.out.println("sTextId : " + this.sTextId); getPage(iwc).setOnLoad( SELECT_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + this.sTextId + "','" + this.sTextId + "')"); } // else { if (this.parentReload) { setParentToReload(); } close(); // } } else { // LocaleHandling int iLocaleId = -1; if (sLocaleId != null) { iLocaleId = Integer.parseInt(sLocaleId); chosenLocale = ICLocaleBusiness .getLocaleReturnIcelandicLocaleIfNotFound(iLocaleId); } else { chosenLocale = currentLocale; iLocaleId = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(chosenLocale); } if (this.isAdmin) { // end of LocaleHandling // Text initialization String sAttribute = null; String sLocTextId = iwc.getParameter(prmLocalizedTextId); sAttribute = iwc.getParameter(prmAttribute); // Delete Request : if (iwc.getParameter(prmDelete) != null) { this.sTextId = iwc.getParameter(prmDelete); // add(""+iObjInsId); confirmDelete(this.sTextId, this.iObjInsId); doView = false; } // Object Instance Request : if (iwc.getParameter(prmObjInstId) != null) { this.iObjInsId = Integer .parseInt(iwc.getParameter(prmObjInstId)); } // end of Text initialization // Form processing processForm(iwc, this.sTextId, sLocTextId, sAttribute); if (doView) { doViewText(iwc, this.sTextId, sAttribute, chosenLocale, iLocaleId); } } else { noAccess(); } } } // Form Processing : private void processForm(IWContext iwc, String sTextId, String sLocTextId, String sAttribute) { // Save : if (iwc.getParameter(actSave) != null || iwc.getParameter(actSave + ".x") != null) { IWMainApplication.getIWCacheManager().invalidateCache( TextReader.CACHE_KEY); saveText(iwc, sTextId, sLocTextId, sAttribute); } // Delete : else if (iwc.getParameter(actDelete) != null || iwc.getParameter(actDelete + ".x") != null) { IWMainApplication.getIWCacheManager().invalidateCache( TextReader.CACHE_KEY); try { if (iwc.getParameter(modeDelete) != null) { int I = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(modeDelete)); deleteText(I); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // New: /** @todo make possible */ else if (iwc.getParameter(actNew) != null || iwc.getParameter(actNew + ".x") != null) { sTextId = null; sAttribute = null; } else if (iwc.getParameter(prmDeleteFile) != null) { if (sTextId != null) { String sFileId = iwc.getParameter(prmDeleteFile); deleteFile(sTextId, sFileId); } } else if (iwc.getParameter(prmSaveFile) != null || iwc.getParameter(prmSaveFile + ".x") != null) { if (sTextId != null) { String sFileId = iwc.getParameter(prmImageId); saveFile(sTextId, sFileId); } } // end of Form Actions } private void doViewText(IWContext iwc, String sTextId, String sAttribute, Locale locale, int iLocaleId) { ContentHelper contentHelper = null; TxText eTxText = null; int iTextId = -1; if (sTextId != null) { iTextId = Integer.parseInt(sTextId); eTxText = TextFinder.getText(iTextId); if (iLocaleId > 0) { contentHelper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(iTextId, iLocaleId); } else { contentHelper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(iTextId, locale); } } else if (sAttribute != null) { contentHelper = TextFinder.getContentHelper(sAttribute, iLocaleId); } addLocalizedTextFields(iwc, eTxText, contentHelper, iLocaleId, sAttribute, this.iObjInsId); } private void addLocalizedTextFields(IWContext iwc, TxText txText, ContentHelper contentHelper, int iLocaleId, String sAttribute, int iObjInsId) { LocalizedText locText = null; boolean hasTxText = (txText != null); // boolean hasLocalizedText = ( locText != null ) ? true: false; boolean hasContent = (contentHelper != null); if (hasContent) { locText = contentHelper.getLocalizedText(ICLocaleBusiness .getLocaleReturnIcelandicLocaleIfNotFound(iLocaleId)); } boolean hasLocalizedText = (locText != null); TextInput tiHeadline = new TextInput(prmHeadline); tiHeadline.setLength(40); tiHeadline.setMaxlength(255); DropdownMenu LocaleDrop = ICLocalePresentation .getLocaleDropdownIdKeyed(prmLocale); LocaleDrop.setToSubmit(); LocaleDrop.setSelectedElement(Integer.toString(iLocaleId)); // TextArea taBody = new TextArea(prmBody,65,18); TextEditor taBody = new TextEditor(); taBody.setInputName(prmBody); if (hasLocalizedText) { if (locText.getHeadline() != null) { tiHeadline.setContent(locText.getHeadline()); } if (locText.getBody() != null) { taBody.setContent(locText.getBody()); } addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(prmLocalizedTextId, String .valueOf(locText.getID()))); } if (hasTxText) { addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(this.prmUsedTextId, Integer .toString(txText.getID()))); } if (sAttribute != null) { addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(prmAttribute, sAttribute)); } if (iObjInsId > 0) { addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(prmObjInstId, String .valueOf(iObjInsId))); } SubmitButton addButton = null; addButton = new SubmitButton(this.core.getImage("/shared/create.gif"), prmSaveFile); ImageInserter imageInsert = new ImageInserter(); imageInsert.setImSessionImageName(prmImageId); imageInsert.setUseBoxParameterName(prmUseImage); imageInsert.setMaxImageWidth(130); imageInsert.setHasUseBox(false); imageInsert.setSelected(false); Table imageTable = new Table(); int row = 1; // imageTable.mergeCells(1,row,3,row); // imageTable.add(formatText(iwrb.getLocalizedString("image","Chosen // image :")),1,row++); imageTable.mergeCells(1, row, 3, row); imageTable.add(imageInsert, 1, row++); imageTable.mergeCells(1, row, 3, row); // imageTable.add(leftButton,1,row); imageTable.add(addButton, 1, row++); if (hasContent) { List files = contentHelper.getFiles(); if (files != null && files.size() > 0) { imageTable.mergeCells(1, row, 3, row); imageTable.add(formatText(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("textimages", "Text images :")), 1, row++); ICFile file1 = (ICFile) files.get(0); imageInsert.setImageId(((Integer) file1.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue()); Iterator I = files.iterator(); while (I.hasNext()) { try { ICFile f = (ICFile); Image immi = new Image(((Integer) f.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue()); immi.setMaxImageWidth(50); imageTable.add(immi, 1, row); // Link edit = new // Link(iwb.getImage("/shared/edit.gif")); Link edit = ImageAttributeSetter .getLink(this.iwb.getImage("/shared/edit.gif"), ((Integer) f.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue(), imageAttributeKey); Link delete = new Link(this.core .getImage("/shared/delete.gif")); maintainParameter(iwc, delete); delete.addParameter(prmDeleteFile, ((Integer) f .getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); delete.addParameter(this.prmUsedTextId, txText.getID()); imageTable.add(edit, 2, row); imageTable.add(delete, 3, row); row++; } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("title", "Title"), tiHeadline, true); addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("locale", "Locale"), LocaleDrop, true); addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("body", "Text"), taBody, true); addRight(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("image", "Image"), imageTable, true, false); SubmitButton save = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton( "save", "Save"), actSave); SubmitButton close = new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton( "close", "Close"), actClose); getAssociatedScript().addFunction( ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, "function " + ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "(" + TEXT_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME + "," + TEXT_ID_PARAMETER_NAME + "){ }"); getAssociatedScript().addToFunction( ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME, AbstractChooserWindow.SELECT_FUNCTION_NAME + "(" + TEXT_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME + "," + TEXT_ID_PARAMETER_NAME + ")"); if (txText != null) { close.setOnClick(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + txText.getID() + "','" + txText.getID() + "')"); } addSubmitButton(save); addSubmitButton(close); } private void noAccess() throws IOException, SQLException { addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("no_access", "Login first!")); this.addSubmitButton(new CloseButton()); } private void saveFile(String sTextId, String sFileId) { TxText tx = TextFinder.getText(Integer.parseInt(sTextId)); ContentBusiness.addFileToContent(tx.getContentId(), Integer .parseInt(sFileId)); } private void deleteFile(String sTextId, String sFileId) { TxText tx = TextFinder.getText(Integer.parseInt(sTextId)); ContentBusiness.removeFileFromContent(tx.getContentId(), Integer .parseInt(sFileId)); } private void confirmDelete(String sTextId, int iObjInsId) throws IOException, SQLException { int iTextId = Integer.parseInt(sTextId); TxText txText = TextFinder.getText(iTextId); if (txText != null) { addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("text_to_delete", "Text to delete")); addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("confirm_delete", "Are you sure?")); addSubmitButton(new SubmitButton(this.iwrb.getLocalizedImageButton( "delete", "Delete"), actDelete)); // addSubmitButton(new // SubmitButton(iwrb.getImage("delete.gif"),actDelete)); addHiddenInput(new HiddenInput(modeDelete, String.valueOf(txText .getID()))); } else { addLeft(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("not_exists", "Text already deleted or not available.")); addSubmitButton(new CloseButton()); } } private void saveText(IWContext iwc, String sTxTextId, String sLocalizedTextId, String sAttribute) { String sHeadline = iwc.getParameter(prmHeadline); String sBody = iwc.getParameter(prmBody); String sImageId = iwc.getParameter(prmImageId); String sLocaleId = iwc.getParameter(prmLocale); if (sHeadline != null || sBody != null) { int iTxTextId = sTxTextId != null ? Integer.parseInt(sTxTextId) : -1; int iLocalizedTextId = sLocalizedTextId != null ? Integer .parseInt(sLocalizedTextId) : -1; int iLocaleId = sLocaleId != null ? Integer.parseInt(sLocaleId) : -1; int iImageId = sImageId != null ? Integer.parseInt(sImageId) : -1; Vector files = null; try { ICFileHome fileHome = (ICFileHome) IDOLookup .getHome(ICFile.class); ICFile file = fileHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(iImageId)); files = new Vector(); files.add(file); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } TxText tx = TextBusiness.saveText(iTxTextId, iLocalizedTextId, iLocaleId, this.iUserId, this.iObjInsId, null, null, sHeadline, "", sBody, sAttribute, files); if (tx != null) { this.sTextId = tx.getPrimaryKey().toString(); } } } private void deleteText(int iTextId) { /** * @todo hondla fyrir TextChooser */ TextBusiness.deleteText(iTextId); setParentToReload(); close(); } public void displaySelection(IWContext iwc) { // super.main(iwc); this.isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(new TextReader()); User u = iwc.getCurrentUser(); this.iUserId = u != null ? u.getID() : -1; this.isAdmin = true; this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this.core = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle( Builderaware.IW_CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); reloadCheck(iwc); addTitle(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("text_editor", "Text Editor")); try { control(iwc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } private void reloadCheck(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.getSessionAttribute(TextChooser.RELOAD_PARENT_PARAMETER) != null) { this.parentReload = false; } } public void setDebugParameters(boolean debug) { this.debugParameter = debug; } public void setParentToReload(boolean reload) { this.parentReload = reload; } /* * public void displaySelection(IWContext iwc) { } */ }