package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author <a href="">Joe Walnes </a> */ public class SelectQuery implements Outputable,PlaceHolder,Cloneable,Flag { public static final int indentSize = 4; private Table baseTable; private Vector columns; private Vector leftJoins; private Vector criteria; private Vector order; private Vector groupBy; private boolean _countQuery = false; private boolean _distinct =false; private boolean flag = false; public SelectQuery(Table baseTable) { this.baseTable = baseTable; this.columns = new Vector(); this.leftJoins = new Vector(); this.criteria = new Vector(); this.order = new Vector(); this.groupBy = new Vector(); } public Table getBaseTable() { return this.baseTable; } public void addColumn(Column column) { this.columns.add(column); } /** * Syntax sugar for addColumn(Column). */ public void addColumn(Table table, String columname) { addColumn(table.getColumn(columname)); } /** * Syntax sugar for addColumn(Column). */ public void addColumn(Table table, String columname, boolean distinct) { Column column = table.getColumn(columname); if (distinct) { column.setAsDistinct(); } addColumn(column); } public void addGroupByColumn(Column column) { this.groupBy.add(column); } /** * Syntax sugar for addColumn(Column). */ public void addGroupByColumn(Table table, String columname) { this.groupBy.add(table.getColumn(columname)); } public void removeColumn(Column column) { this.columns.remove(column); } public void removeAllColumns() { this.columns.clear(); } public void removeGroupByColumn(Column column) { this.groupBy.remove(column); } public void removeAllGroupByColumns() { this.groupBy.clear(); } public List listColumns() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.columns); } public List listGroupByColumns() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.groupBy); } public void addCriteria(Criteria criteria) { this.criteria.add(criteria); } public void removeCriteria(Criteria criteria) { this.criteria.remove(criteria); } public void removeAllCriteria(){ this.criteria.clear(); } public List listCriteria() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.criteria); } /** * Syntax sugar for addCriteria(JoinCriteria) */ public void addJoin(Table srcTable, String srcColumnname, Table destTable, String destColumnname) { addCriteria(new JoinCriteria(srcTable.getColumn(srcColumnname), destTable.getColumn(destColumnname))); } public void addJoin(Table srcTable, Table destTable) throws IDORelationshipException { if (srcTable.hasEntityDefinition() && destTable.hasEntityDefinition()) { IDOEntityDefinition source = srcTable.getEntityDefinition(); IDOEntityDefinition destination = destTable.getEntityDefinition(); IDOEntityField[] fields = source.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { IDOEntityField field = fields[i]; if (field.isPartOfManyToOneRelationship()) { if (field.getManyToOneRelated().equals(destination)) { try { addCriteria(new JoinCriteria(srcTable.getColumn(field.getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()), destTable.getColumn(destination.getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()))); } catch (IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException e) { throw new IDORelationshipException(e.getMessage()); } return; } } } addManyToManyJoin(srcTable, destTable); return; } throw new IDORelationshipException("No relation found between tables " + srcTable.getName().toUpperCase() + " and " + destTable.getName().toUpperCase()); } public void addJoin(Table srcTable, Table destTable, String columnName) throws IDORelationshipException { if (srcTable.hasEntityDefinition() && destTable.hasEntityDefinition()) { IDOEntityDefinition source = srcTable.getEntityDefinition(); IDOEntityDefinition destination = destTable.getEntityDefinition(); IDOEntityField field = source.findFieldByUniqueName(columnName); if (field.isPartOfManyToOneRelationship()) { if (field.getManyToOneRelated().equals(destination)) { try { addCriteria(new JoinCriteria(srcTable.getColumn(field.getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()), destTable.getColumn(destination.getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()))); } catch (IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException e) { throw new IDORelationshipException(e.getMessage()); } return; } } addManyToManyJoin(srcTable, destTable); } throw new IDORelationshipException("No relation found between tables " + srcTable.getName().toUpperCase() + " and " + destTable.getName().toUpperCase() + " for column = " + columnName.toUpperCase()); } public void addManyToManyJoin(Table srcTable, Table destTable) throws IDORelationshipException { addManyToManyJoin(srcTable, destTable, null); } public void addManyToManyJoin(Table srcTable, Table destTable, String alias) throws IDORelationshipException { if (srcTable.hasEntityDefinition() && destTable.hasEntityDefinition()) { IDOEntityDefinition source = srcTable.getEntityDefinition(); IDOEntityDefinition destination = destTable.getEntityDefinition(); IDOEntityDefinition[] definitions = source.getManyToManyRelatedEntities(); if (definitions != null && definitions.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < definitions.length; i++) { IDOEntityDefinition definition = definitions[i]; if (destination.equals(definition)) { try { String middleTableName = source.getMiddleTableNameForRelation(destination.getSQLTableName()); if (middleTableName == null) { throw new IDORelationshipException("Middle table not found for tables " + srcTable.getName().toUpperCase() + " and " + destTable.getName().toUpperCase()); } Table middleTable = new Table(middleTableName, alias); addCriteria(new JoinCriteria(srcTable.getColumn(source.getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()), middleTable.getColumn(source.getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()))); addCriteria(new JoinCriteria(middleTable.getColumn(destination.getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()), destTable.getColumn(destination.getPrimaryKeyDefinition().getField().getSQLFieldName().toLowerCase()))); } catch (IDOCompositePrimaryKeyException e) { throw new IDORelationshipException(e.getMessage()); } return; } } } } throw new IDORelationshipException("No relation found between tables " + srcTable.getName().toUpperCase() + " and " + destTable.getName().toUpperCase()); } public void addOrder(Order order) { this.order.add(order); } /** * Syntax sugar for addOrder(Order). */ public void addOrder(Table table, String columnname, boolean ascending) { addOrder(new Order(table.getColumn(columnname), ascending)); } public void removeOrder(Order order) { this.order.remove(order); } public void removeAllOrder() { this.order.clear(); } public List listOrder() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.order); } public String toString() { //return ToStringer.toString(this); Output out = new Output(" "); out.flag(isFlagged()); this.write(out); return out.toString(); } public String toString(boolean flag){ Output out =new Output(""); out.flag(flag); this.write(out); return out.toString(); } public void write(Output out) { out.println("SELECT"); if (this._countQuery) { out.indent(); out.println("COUNT("); } if(this._distinct){ out.indent(); out.print(" distinct "); } // Add columns to select out.indent(); appendList(out, this.columns, ","); out.unindent(); if (this._countQuery) { out.println(")"); out.unindent(); } // Add tables to select from out.println("FROM"); // Determine all tables used in query out.indent(); if(this.leftJoins.isEmpty()){ appendList(out,findAllUsedTables(), ","); } else { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addAll( findAllUsedTables()); for (Iterator iter = this.leftJoins.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { LeftJoin join = (LeftJoin); v.removeAll(join.getTables()); v.add(join); } appendList(out,v, ","); } out.unindent(); // Add criteria if (this.criteria.size() > 0) { out.println("WHERE"); out.indent(); appendList(out, this.criteria, "AND"); out.unindent(); } // Add group by if (this.groupBy.size() > 0) { out.println("GROUP BY"); out.indent(); appendList(out, this.groupBy, ","); out.unindent(); } // Add order if (this.order.size() > 0) { out.println("ORDER BY"); out.indent(); appendList(out, this.order, ","); out.unindent(); } } /** * Recurse through criterias and get the correct order of placement values * @return */ public List getValues(){ Vector list = new Vector(); for (Iterator iter = this.criteria.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Criteria crit = (Criteria); if(crit instanceof PlaceHolder) { list.addAll(((PlaceHolder)crit).getValues()); } } return list; } /** * Iterate through a Collection and append all entries (using .toString()) to * a StringBuffer. */ private void appendList(Output out, Collection collection, String seperator) { Iterator i = collection.iterator(); boolean hasNext = i.hasNext(); while (hasNext) { Outputable curr = (Outputable); hasNext = i.hasNext(); if (curr != null) { curr.write(out); out.print(' '); if (hasNext) { out.print(seperator); } out.println(); } } } /** * Find all the tables used in the query (from columns, criteria and order). * * @return List of {@link com.truemesh.squiggle.Table}s */ private Set findAllUsedTables() { Set allTables = new HashSet(); allTables.add(this.baseTable); { // Get all tables used by columns Iterator i = this.columns.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Table curr = ((Column); if (curr != null && !curr.getName().equals("")) { allTables.add(curr); } } } { // Get all tables used by criteria Iterator i = this.criteria.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Criteria curr = (Criteria); if (curr.getTables() != null) { allTables.addAll(curr.getTables()); } } } { // Get all tables used by columns Iterator i = this.order.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Order curr = (Order); Table c = curr.getColumn().getTable(); if (c != null) { allTables.add(c); } } } return allTables; } /** * @param countQuery The countQuery to set. */ public void setAsCountQuery(boolean countQuery) { this._countQuery = countQuery; } /** * * @param distinct The distinct to set */ public void setAsDistinct(boolean distinct){ this._distinct = distinct; } public Object clone(){ SelectQuery obj = null; try { obj = (SelectQuery) super.clone(); obj.baseTable = this.baseTable; //obj.columns = (Vector)columns.clone(); //obj.criteria = (Vector)criteria.clone(); //obj.order = (Vector)order.clone(); //obj.groupBy = (Vector)groupBy.clone(); obj.columns = new Vector(); if(this.columns.size()>0){ obj.columns.setSize(this.columns.size()); Collections.copy(obj.columns,this.columns); } obj.leftJoins = new Vector(); if(this.leftJoins.size()>0){ obj.leftJoins.setSize(this.leftJoins.size()); Collections.copy(obj.leftJoins,this.leftJoins); } obj.criteria = new Vector(); if(this.criteria.size()>0){ obj.criteria.setSize(this.criteria.size()); Collections.copy(obj.criteria,this.criteria); } obj.order = new Vector(); if(this.order.size()>0){ obj.order.setSize(this.order.size()); Collections.copy(obj.order,this.order); } obj.groupBy = new Vector(); if(this.groupBy.size()>0){ obj.groupBy.setSize(this.groupBy.size()); Collections.copy(obj.groupBy,this.groupBy); } obj._countQuery = this._countQuery; obj._distinct = this._distinct; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return obj; } public Collection getCriteria(){ return this.criteria; } public Collection getOrder(){ return this.order; } public void flag(boolean flag) { this.flag = flag; } public boolean isFlagged() { return this.flag; } /** * @param resultTable * @param columnName * @param table * @param columnName2 */ public void addLeftJoin(Table table1, String columnName1, Table table2, String columnName2) { addLeftJoin(new LeftJoin(table1.getColumn(columnName1), table2.getColumn(columnName2))); } public void addLeftJoin(LeftJoin join) { this.leftJoins.add(join); } public void clearLeftJoins() { this.leftJoins.clear(); } }