/* * $Id: CampusApprover.java,v 2009/03/24 12:51:12 palli Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. Use is subject to * license terms. * */ package is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.presentation; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.business.ApartmentInfo; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.business.ApplicantInfo; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.business.ApplicationService; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.business.CampusApplicationWriter; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.business.ChildInfo; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.business.SpouseInfo; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data.ApplicantFamily; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data.Applied; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data.CampusApplication; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data.CampusApplicationHome; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.block.application.data.Priority; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.data.ApplicationSubjectInfo; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.data.ApplicationSubjectInfoHome; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.presentation.CampusBlock; import is.idega.idegaweb.campus.presentation.Edit; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.block.application.business.ReferenceNumberHandler; import com.idega.block.application.data.Applicant; import com.idega.block.application.data.Application; import com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicationSubject; import com.idega.block.application.data.Status; import com.idega.block.building.data.ApartmentSubcategory; import com.idega.data.IDOException; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.data.IDORelationshipException; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DataTable; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DateInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextArea; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * * @author <a href="mailto:aron@idega.is">Aron </a> * @version 1.0 */ public class CampusApprover extends CampusBlock { private static final String APP_SUBJECT_ID = "app_subject_id"; private static final String PRM_PRIORITY = "priority_drop"; private static final String PRM_STATUS = "status_drop"; private static final String ACT_NEW_APPLICATION = "new_app"; private static final String ACT_SAVE = "save"; private static final String ACT_VIEWER = "viewer"; private static final String ACT_EDITOR = "editor"; private static final String PRM_CAM_APPLICATION_ID = "application_id"; private static final String PRM_FORM_INDEX = "app_form_id"; private static final String PARAM_SCHOOL = "school"; private static final String PARAM_HAS_PET = "has_pet"; private static final String PARAM_EXTRA_ADMIN_INFO = "admin_info"; private static final String ACT_TRASH_APPLICATION = "cam_app_trash"; private int iSubjectId = -99, iGlobalSize = -1, applicationIndex = 0; private String sGlobalStatus = "S", sGlobalOrder = null; private static final String ACT_VIEW = "app_view"; protected boolean isAdmin = false; private Collection listOfSubjects = null; private boolean infoCheck = true; boolean bEdit = false; private Integer applicationID = new Integer(-1); private Integer previous_application_id = new Integer(-1); private Integer next_application_id = new Integer(-1); private static final String PRM_INDEX = "app_idx"; private ApplicationService applicationService = null; /* * Bl?r litur ? topp # 27324B Hv?tur litur fyrir ne?an ?a? # FFFFFF Lj?sbl?r * litur ? t?flu # ECEEF0 Auka litur ?rl?ti? dekkri (? lagi a? nota l?ka) # * CBCFD3 */ public String getLocalizedNameKey() { return "approver"; } public String getLocalizedNameValue() { return "Approver"; } protected void control(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { debugParameters(iwc); init(iwc); if (isAdmin) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_TRASH_APPLICATION)) { int trashid = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(ACT_TRASH_APPLICATION)); trashApplication(trashid); } if (iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_VIEW)) { applicationID = Integer.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(ACT_VIEW)); add(makeApplicationTable(iwc)); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_CAM_APPLICATION_ID)) { applicationID = Integer.valueOf(iwc.getParameter(PRM_CAM_APPLICATION_ID)); if (iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_VIEWER)) { bEdit = false; } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_EDITOR)) { bEdit = true; } if (iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_SAVE)) { this.setValuesForPreviousAndNextApplication(iwc); if (bEdit) updateWholeApplication(iwc); if (iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_PRIORITY)) { updatePriorityLevel(iwc); } if (iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_STATUS)) { updateApplicationStatus(iwc); } } if (bEdit) { add(makeApplicationForm(iwc)); } else { add(makeApplicationTable(iwc)); } } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_NEW_APPLICATION)) { add(makeApplicationForm(iwc)); } else if (infoCheck) { add(subjectForm()); add(makeSubjectStatisticsTable(iwc)); } else { add(subjectForm()); add(makeApplicantTable(iwc)); } } else add(getNoAccessObject(iwc)); // add(String.valueOf(iSubjectId)); } private void init(IWContext iwc) { try { applicationService = getApplicationService(iwc); } catch (RemoteException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { listOfSubjects = applicationService.getSubjectHome().findAll(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (iwc.getSessionAttribute("iterator") != null) { // iterator = (ListIterator) iwc.getSessionAttribute("iterator"); } if (iwc.getParameter(APP_SUBJECT_ID) != null) { infoCheck = false; this.iSubjectId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(APP_SUBJECT_ID)); iwc.setSessionAttribute("subject_id", new Integer(iSubjectId)); } else if (iwc.getSessionAttribute("subject_id") != null) { this.iSubjectId = ((Integer) iwc.getSessionAttribute("subject_id")).intValue(); } if (iwc.getParameter("global_status") != null) { infoCheck = false; this.sGlobalStatus = (iwc.getParameter("global_status")); iwc.setSessionAttribute("gl_status", sGlobalStatus); } else if (iwc.getSessionAttribute("gl_status") != null) { this.sGlobalStatus = ((String) iwc.getSessionAttribute("gl_status")); } if (iwc.getParameter("global_size") != null) { infoCheck = false; this.iGlobalSize = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("global_size")); iwc.setSessionAttribute("gl_size", new Integer(iGlobalSize)); } else if (iwc.getSessionAttribute("gl_size") != null) { this.iGlobalSize = ((Integer) iwc.getSessionAttribute("gl_size")).intValue(); } if (iwc.getParameter("global_order") != null) { infoCheck = false; this.sGlobalOrder = (iwc.getParameter("global_order")); if (sGlobalOrder != null) iwc.setSessionAttribute("gl_order", sGlobalOrder); } else if (iwc.getSessionAttribute("gl_order") != null) { this.sGlobalOrder = ((String) iwc.getSessionAttribute("gl_order")); } if (iwc.isParameterSet("subj_info") && iwc.getParameter("subj_info").equals("true")) infoCheck = true; if (iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_INDEX)) { this.applicationIndex = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(PRM_INDEX)); } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_FORM_INDEX)) { this.applicationIndex = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(PRM_FORM_INDEX)); } if (sGlobalOrder == null) { sGlobalOrder = "submitted"; } } public PresentationObject makeLinkTable(int menuNr) { Table LinkTable = new Table(6, 1); return LinkTable; } private void updateApplicationStatus(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { String intervalString = getBundle().getProperty("TRANSFER_INTERVAL", "5"); String intervalPriorityString = getBundle().getProperty("TRANSFER_PRIORITY", "C"); int transferInterval = 5; transferInterval = Integer.parseInt(intervalString); String status = iwc.getParameter(PRM_STATUS); setValuesForPreviousAndNextApplication(iwc); boolean statusChanged = applicationService.storeApplicationStatus(applicationID, status, transferInterval, intervalPriorityString); if (statusChanged) { if (next_application_id.intValue() != -1) { applicationID = next_application_id; } else if (previous_application_id.intValue() != -1) { applicationID = previous_application_id; applicationIndex--; } } } private void updatePriorityLevel(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { // int id = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("application_id")); String level = iwc.getParameter(PRM_PRIORITY); applicationService.storePriorityLevel(applicationID, level); } private void trashApplication(int id) throws RemoteException { // int id = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("application_id")); applicationService.storeApplicationStatus(new Integer(id), Status.GARBAGE.toString(), -1, null); } private void updateWholeApplication(IWContext iwc) { ApplicantInfo aInfo = getApplicantInfo(iwc); ApartmentInfo aprtInfo = getApartmentInfo(iwc); SpouseInfo spouseInfo = getSpouseInfo(iwc); List childInfo = getChildrenInfo(iwc); String schoolID = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_SCHOOL); Boolean hasPet = new Boolean(iwc.getParameter(PARAM_HAS_PET)); String adminInfo = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_EXTRA_ADMIN_INFO); String subject = iwc.getParameter("subject"); // String newStatus = iwc.getParameter(PRM_STATUS); try { CampusApplication app = applicationService.storeWholeApplication(applicationID, new Integer(iSubjectId), aInfo, aprtInfo, spouseInfo, childInfo); if (schoolID != null && !"".equals(schoolID)) { app.setSchoolID(Integer.parseInt(schoolID)); } app.setHasPet(hasPet.booleanValue()); app.setExtraAdminInfo(adminInfo); app.store(); Application application = app.getApplication(); application.setSubjectId(new Integer(subject)); application.store(); applicationID = ((Integer) app.getPrimaryKey()); } catch (Exception e) { applicationID = null; e.printStackTrace(); } } public PresentationObject makeApplicantTable(IWContext iwc) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setTitlesHorizontal(true); int row = 1; int col = 1; Image printImage = getBundle().getImage("print.gif"); Image viewImage = getBundle().getImage("view.gif"); Image trashImage = getBundle().getImage("trashcan.gif"); T.add(getHeader(localize("nr", "Nr")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("prior", "Pr")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("refnum", "Ref. num")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("ssn", "Socialnumber")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("legal_residence", "Legal Residence")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("residence", "Residence")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("po", "PO")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("phone", "Residence phone")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("mobile_phone", "Mobile phone")), col++, row); try { // Collection L = // ApplicationFinder.listOfApplicationHoldersInSubject(iSubjectId, // sGlobalStatus, sGlobalOrder); if ("-1".equals(sGlobalOrder)) sGlobalOrder = "submitted"; CampusApplicationHome cappHome = applicationService.getCampusApplicationHome(); int count = cappHome.getCountBySubjectAndStatus(new Integer(iSubjectId), sGlobalStatus); System.out.println("sGlobalOrder = " + sGlobalOrder); Collection L = cappHome.findBySubjectAndStatus(new Integer(iSubjectId), sGlobalStatus, sGlobalOrder, this.iGlobalSize, -1); if (L != null) { Iterator iterator = L.iterator(); iwc.setSessionAttribute("iterator", iterator); int len = L.size(); if (iGlobalSize > 0 && iGlobalSize <= len) { len = iGlobalSize; } T.addTitle(localize("applicants", "Applicants") + " " + localize("showing", "showing") + " " + len + " " + localize("of", "of") + " " + count); if (sGlobalStatus.equals(com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicationBMPBean.STATUS_REJECTED)) { T.add(getHeader(localize("g", "g")), col++, row); } int lastcol = 1; int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = L.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { // ApplicationHolder AH = (ApplicationHolder) iter.next(); CampusApplication campusApplication = (CampusApplication) iter.next(); row = i + 2; col = 1; Application a = campusApplication.getApplication();// AH.getApplication(); Applicant A = a.getApplicant(); String cypher = null; if (a != null && ((Integer) a.getPrimaryKey()).intValue() != -1) { String key = ReferenceNumberHandler.getCypherKey(iwc); com.idega.util.CypherText ct = new com.idega.util.CypherText(iwc); String id = a.getPrimaryKey().toString(); String refLen = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getProperty("CAMPUS_REFERENCE_LENGTH", "7"); int iRefLen = new Integer(refLen).intValue(); while (id.length() < iRefLen) id = "0" + id; cypher = ct.doCyper(id, key); } T.add(getText(String.valueOf(i + 1)), col++, row); if (campusApplication.getPriorityLevel() != null) T.add(getText(campusApplication.getPriorityLevel()), col++, row); else col++; T.add(getText(cypher), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getFullName()), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getSSN() != null ? A.getSSN() : ""), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getLegalResidence() != null ? A.getLegalResidence() : ""), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getResidence() != null ? A.getResidence() : ""), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getPO() != null ? A.getPO() : ""), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getResidencePhone() != null ? A.getResidencePhone() : ""), col++, row); T.add(getText(A.getMobilePhone() != null ? A.getMobilePhone() : ""), col++, row); T.add((getPDFLink(iwc, printImage, ((Integer) campusApplication.getPrimaryKey()).intValue())), col++, row); T.add(getCampusApplicationLink(viewImage, ((Integer) campusApplication.getPrimaryKey()), i), col++, row); T.add(getTrashLink(trashImage, ((Integer) campusApplication.getPrimaryKey())), col, row); //T.add(getText(new IWTimestamp(a.getSubmitted()).getDateString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")), col, row); if (lastcol < col) lastcol = col; i++; } } else { T.add(getHeader(localize("no_applications", "No applications in database"))); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return T; } public PresentationObject makeSubjectStatisticsTable(IWContext iwc) { DataTable DT = getDataTable(); DT.addTitle(localize("subject_info", "Subject Info")); DT.setTitlesHorizontal(true); int row = 1, col = 1; DT.add(getHeader(localize("subject", "Subject")), col++, row); DT.add(getHeader(localize("count", "Count")), col++, row); DT.add(getHeader(localize("status", "Status")), col++, row); DT.add(getHeader(localize("last_submission", "Last in")), col++, row); DT.add(getHeader(localize("first_submission", "First in")), col++, row); DT.add(getHeader(localize("last_changed", "Last change")), col++, row); DT.add(getHeader(localize("first_change", "First Change")), col++, row); col = 1; row++; try { Collection infos = ((ApplicationSubjectInfoHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ApplicationSubjectInfo.class)).findAllNonExpired(IWTimestamp.RightNow().getDate()); // List infos = // com.idega.data.EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(ApplicationSubjectInfo.class); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); if (infos != null) { java.util.Iterator iter = infos.iterator(); ApplicationSubjectInfo info; while (iter.hasNext()) { info = (ApplicationSubjectInfo) iter.next(); Link subjLink = new Link(getText(info.getSubjectName())); subjLink.addParameter(APP_SUBJECT_ID, info.getSubjectId()); subjLink.addParameter("global_status", info.getStatus()); DT.add(subjLink, col++, row); DT.add(getText(String.valueOf(info.getNumber())), col++, row); DT.add(getText(getStatus(info.getStatus())), col++, row); DT.add(getText(df.format((Date) info.getLastSubmission())), col++, row); DT.add(getText(df.format((Date) info.getFirstSubmission())), col++, row); DT.add(getText(df.format((Date) info.getLastChange())), col++, row); DT.add(getText(df.format((Date) info.getFirstChange())), col++, row); row++; col = 1; } } } catch (Exception fex) { fex.printStackTrace(); } DT.getContentTable().setColumnAlignment(4, "right"); DT.getContentTable().setColumnAlignment(5, "right"); DT.getContentTable().setColumnAlignment(6, "right"); DT.getContentTable().setColumnAlignment(7, "right"); return DT; } public PresentationObject makeApplicationTable(IWContext iwc) { Form theForm = new Form(); theForm.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_CAM_APPLICATION_ID, String.valueOf(applicationID))); theForm.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_FORM_INDEX, String.valueOf(applicationIndex))); try { CampusApplication eCampusApplication = null; Application eApplication = null; Applicant eApplicant = null; if (applicationID != null && applicationID.intValue() > 0) { eCampusApplication = applicationService.getCampusApplicationHome().findByPrimaryKey(applicationID); eApplication = eCampusApplication.getApplication(); eApplicant = eApplication.getApplicant(); } if (eApplication != null && eApplicant != null) { ApplicantFamily family = new ApplicantFamily(eApplicant); Applicant spouse = family.getSpouse(); List children = family.getChildren(); if (eCampusApplication != null) { Collection L = applicationService.getAppliedHome().findByApplicationID( (Integer) eCampusApplication.getPrimaryKey()); int border = 0; Table OuterFrame = new Table(3, 2); OuterFrame.setCellpadding(2); OuterFrame.setCellspacing(0); OuterFrame.setBorder(border); OuterFrame.setRowVerticalAlignment(2, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); Table Left = new Table(1, 3); Left.add(getViewApplicant(eApplicant, eCampusApplication), 1, 1); Left.add(getViewSpouse(spouse, eCampusApplication), 1, 2); Left.add(getViewChildren(children), 1, 3); Table Middle = new Table(1, 4); Middle.add(getViewApplication(eApplication), 1, 1); Middle.add(getViewApartment(eCampusApplication, L, iwc), 1, 2); Middle.add(getViewApartmentExtra(eCampusApplication, iwc), 1, 3); Middle.add(getOtherInfo(eCampusApplication, iwc, false), 1, 3); Table Right = new Table(1, 3); Right.add(getSubject(eApplication, false, iwc), 1, 1); Right.add(getKnobs(), 1, 2); Right.add(getButtons(eApplication, eApplication.getStatus(), eCampusApplication.getPriorityLevel(), bEdit), 1, 3); OuterFrame.add(Left, 1, 2); OuterFrame.add(Middle, 2, 2); OuterFrame.add(Right, 3, 2); OuterFrame.mergeCells(1, 1, 3, 1); OuterFrame.add(getPreviousAndNextApplicationsLinks(iwc, eCampusApplication), 1, 1); theForm.add(OuterFrame); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return theForm; } public PresentationObject getPreviousAndNextApplicationsLinks(IWContext iwc, CampusApplication application) { Table T = new Table(4, 1); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setWidth(1, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); try { Collection L = applicationService.getCampusApplicationHome().findBySubjectAndStatus( new Integer(iSubjectId), sGlobalStatus, sGlobalOrder, 3, this.applicationIndex - 1); int idx = 1; boolean next = false, prevAdded = false; boolean prev = false, nextAdded = false; boolean currentEntered = false; for (Iterator iter = L.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CampusApplication app = (CampusApplication) iter.next(); // this.log("name = " + app.getApplication().getApplicant().getName()); Integer ID = (Integer) app.getPrimaryKey(); if (!(this.applicationID.intValue() == ID.intValue())) { switch (idx) { case 1: prev = true; next = false; break; case 2: if (currentEntered) { prev = false; next = true; } else { prev = true; next = false; } break; case 3: prev = false; next = true; break; } if (prev && !prevAdded) { Link prevLink = getCampusApplicationLink( getHeader(localize("previous_application", "Previous")), ID, this.applicationIndex - 1); T.add(prevLink, 2, 1); prevAdded = true; } else if (next && !nextAdded) { Link nextLink = getCampusApplicationLink(getHeader(localize("next_application", "Next")), ID, this.applicationIndex + 1); T.add(nextLink, 4, 1); nextAdded = true; } } else { currentEntered = true; } idx++; } Link listLink = new Link(getHeader(localize("view_list", "List"))); listLink.addParameter(APP_SUBJECT_ID, this.iSubjectId); T.add(listLink, 3, 1); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return T; } private void setValuesForPreviousAndNextApplication(IWContext iwc) { Table T = new Table(4, 1); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setWidth(1, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); try { Collection L = applicationService.getCampusApplicationHome().findBySubjectAndStatus( new Integer(iSubjectId), sGlobalStatus, sGlobalOrder, 3, this.applicationIndex - 1); int idx = 1; boolean next = false, prevAdded = false; boolean prev = false, nextAdded = false; previous_application_id = new Integer(-1); next_application_id = new Integer(-1); boolean currentEntered = false; for (Iterator iter = L.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CampusApplication app = (CampusApplication) iter.next(); // this.log("name = " + app.getApplication().getApplicant().getName()); Integer ID = (Integer) app.getPrimaryKey(); if (!(this.applicationID.intValue() == ID.intValue())) { switch (idx) { case 1: prev = true; next = false; break; case 2: if (currentEntered) { prev = false; next = true; } else { prev = true; next = false; } break; case 3: prev = false; next = true; break; } if (prev && !prevAdded) { prevAdded = true; previous_application_id = ID; } else if (next && !nextAdded) { nextAdded = true; next_application_id = ID; } } else { currentEntered = true; } idx++; } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public PresentationObject makeApplicationForm(IWContext iwc) { Form theForm = new Form(); theForm.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_CAM_APPLICATION_ID, String.valueOf(applicationID))); theForm.add(new HiddenInput(PRM_FORM_INDEX, String.valueOf(applicationIndex))); if (!iwc.isParameterSet(ACT_VIEWER)) theForm.add(new HiddenInput(ACT_EDITOR, "true")); try { // CampusApplication A = null; CampusApplication eCampusApplication = null; Application eApplication = null; Applicant spouse = null; List children = null; Applicant eApplicant = null; /* * if ( applicationID!=null && applicationID.intValue() < -1 && * iterator != null) { ApplicationHolder AS = null; if * (applicationID.intValue() == -2 && iterator.hasPrevious()) { AS = * (ApplicationHolder) iterator.previous(); } else if * (applicationID.intValue() == -4 && iterator.hasNext()) { AS = * (ApplicationHolder) iterator.next(); } if (AS != null) { * eApplication = AS.getApplication(); eApplicant = * AS.getApplicant(); applicationID = * ((Integer)eApplication.getPrimaryKey()); } } else { */ if (applicationID.intValue() > 0) { eCampusApplication = applicationService.getCampusApplicationHome().findByPrimaryKey(applicationID); eApplication = eCampusApplication.getApplication(); eApplicant = eApplication.getApplicant(); } // } Collection L = null; if (eApplication != null && eApplicant != null) { ApplicantFamily family = new ApplicantFamily(eApplicant); spouse = family.getSpouse(); children = family.getChildren(); if (eCampusApplication != null) L = applicationService.getAppliedHome().findByApplicationID( (Integer) eCampusApplication.getPrimaryKey()); } int border = 0; Table OuterFrame = new Table(3, 2); OuterFrame.setCellpadding(2); OuterFrame.setCellspacing(0); OuterFrame.setBorder(border); OuterFrame.setRowVerticalAlignment(2, "top"); // OuterFrame.setWidth(1,"550"); Table Left = new Table(1, 3); Left.add(getFieldsApplicant(iwc, eApplicant, eCampusApplication), 1, 1); Left.add(getFieldsSpouse(spouse, eCampusApplication), 1, 2); Left.add(getFieldsChildren(children), 1, 3); Table Middle = new Table(1, 4); Middle.add(getViewApplication(eApplication), 1, 1); Middle.add(getFieldsApartment(eCampusApplication, L, iwc), 1, 2); Middle.add(getFieldsApartmentExtra(eCampusApplication, iwc), 1, 3); Middle.add(getOtherInfo(eCampusApplication, iwc, true), 1, 4); Table Right = new Table(1, 3); Right.add(getSubject(eApplication, true, iwc), 1, 1); Right.add(getKnobs(), 1, 2); String status = eApplication != null ? eApplication.getStatus() : ""; String pStatus = eCampusApplication != null ? eCampusApplication.getPriorityLevel() : ""; Right.add(getButtons(eApplication, status, pStatus, bEdit), 1, 3); OuterFrame.add(Left, 1, 2); OuterFrame.add(Middle, 2, 2); OuterFrame.add(Right, 3, 2); OuterFrame.mergeCells(1, 1, 3, 1); OuterFrame.add(getPreviousAndNextApplicationsLinks(iwc, eCampusApplication), 1, 1); theForm.add(OuterFrame); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return theForm; } public PresentationObject getViewApplicant(Applicant eApplicant, CampusApplication eCampusApplication) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setUseBottom(false); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("applicant", "Applicant")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("ssn", "Socialnumber")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("legal_residence", "Legal Residence")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("residence", "Residence")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("po", "PO")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("phone", "Residence phone")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("mobile_phone", "Mobile phone")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("email", "Email")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("school", "School")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("faculty", "Faculty")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("studytrack", "Study Track")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_begins", "Study begins")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_ends", "Study ends")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("hasPet", "Has pet")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("extraAdminInfo", "Extra info")), col, row++); // T.add(getHeader(localize("income","Income")),col,row++); col = 2; row = 1; T.add(getText(eApplicant.getFullName()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplicant.getSSN()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplicant.getLegalResidence()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplicant.getResidence()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplicant.getPO()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplicant.getResidencePhone()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplicant.getMobilePhone()), col, row++); String email = eCampusApplication.getEmail(); try { //validating the email I guess javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress emailAddress = new javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress(email); } catch (Exception e) { email = null; } if (email != null) { T.add(new Link(getText(email), "mailto:" + email), col, row++); } else { Text noEmailText = new Text(localize("no_email", "No email address")); noEmailText.setFontColor("#FF0000"); noEmailText.setBold(); T.add(noEmailText, col, row++); } if (eCampusApplication.getSchool() != null) { T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getSchool().getName()), col, row++); } else { row++; } if (eCampusApplication.getFaculty() != null) { T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getFaculty()), col, row++); } else { row++; } if(eCampusApplication.getStudyTrack()!=null){ T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getStudyTrack()), col, row++); } else{ row++; } if(eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginMonth()!=null){ String beginMonth = (eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginMonth().toString()); T.add(getText(beginMonth + " " + eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginYear().intValue()), col, row++); } else{ row++; } if(eCampusApplication.getStudyEndMonth()!=null){ String endMonth = (eCampusApplication.getStudyEndMonth().toString()); T.add(getText(endMonth + " " + eCampusApplication.getStudyEndYear().intValue()), col, row++); } else{ row++; } if (eCampusApplication.getHasPet()) { T.add(getText("X"), col, row++); } else { row++; } if (eCampusApplication.getExtraAdminInfo()!=null) { T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getExtraAdminInfo()), col, row++); } else { row++; } // T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getIncome().intValue()),col,row); return T; } public PresentationObject getFieldsApplicant(IWContext iwc, Applicant eApplicant, CampusApplication eCampusApplication) { int year = IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear(); DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("applicant", "Applicant")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("ssn", "Socialnumber")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("legal_residence", "Legal Residence")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("residence", "Residence")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("po", "PO")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("phone", "Residence phone")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("mobile_phone", "Mobile phone")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("email", "Email")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("school", "School")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("faculty", "Faculty")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("studytrack", "Study Track")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_begins", "Study begins")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_ends", "Study ends")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("hasPet", "Has pet")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("extraAdminInfo", "Extra info")), col, row++); // T.add(getHeader(localize("income","Income")),col,row++); col = 2; row = 1; TextInput tiFullName = new TextInput("ti_full"); Edit.setStyle(tiFullName); TextInput tiSsn = new TextInput("ti_ssn"); Edit.setStyle(tiSsn); TextInput tiLegRes = new TextInput("ti_legres"); Edit.setStyle(tiLegRes); TextInput tiRes = new TextInput("ti_res"); Edit.setStyle(tiRes); TextInput tiPo = new TextInput("ti_po"); Edit.setStyle(tiPo); TextInput tiResPho = new TextInput("ti_respho"); Edit.setStyle(tiResPho); TextInput tiMobPho = new TextInput("ti_mobpho"); Edit.setStyle(tiMobPho); TextInput tiEmail = new TextInput("ti_email"); String needEmail = localize("warning_provide_email", "No email address is supplied"); tiEmail.setAsEmail(needEmail); tiEmail.setAsNotEmpty(needEmail); Edit.setStyle(tiEmail); TextInput tiFac = new TextInput("ti_facult"); Edit.setStyle(tiFac); TextInput tiTrack = new TextInput("ti_track"); Edit.setStyle(tiTrack); Collection schools = null; try { schools = getCampusService(iwc).getSchoolHome().findAll(); } catch (RemoteException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } DropdownMenu schoolSelect = new DropdownMenu(schools, PARAM_SCHOOL); CheckBox hasPet = new CheckBox(PARAM_HAS_PET, "true"); TextArea extraAdminInfo = new TextArea(PARAM_EXTRA_ADMIN_INFO); extraAdminInfo.setRows(5); extraAdminInfo.setColumns(35); /* * TextInput tiIncome= new TextInput("ti_income"); * Edit.setStyle(tiIncome); tiIncome.setAsIntegers(); */ IWTimestamp today = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); String beginMonth = String.valueOf(today.getMonth()); String beginYear = String.valueOf(today.getYear()); String endMonth = String.valueOf(today.getMonth()); String endYear = String.valueOf(today.getYear()); if (eApplicant != null && eCampusApplication != null) { tiFullName.setContent(eApplicant.getFullName() != null ? eApplicant.getFullName() : ""); tiSsn.setContent(eApplicant.getSSN() != null ? eApplicant.getSSN() : ""); tiLegRes.setContent(eApplicant.getLegalResidence() != null ? eApplicant.getLegalResidence() : ""); tiRes.setContent(eApplicant.getResidence() != null ? eApplicant.getResidence() : ""); tiPo.setContent(eApplicant.getPO() != null ? eApplicant.getPO() : ""); tiResPho.setContent(eApplicant.getResidencePhone() != null ? eApplicant.getResidencePhone() : ""); tiMobPho.setContent(eApplicant.getMobilePhone() != null ? eApplicant.getMobilePhone() : ""); tiEmail.setContent(eCampusApplication.getEmail() != null ? eCampusApplication.getEmail() : ""); tiFac.setContent(eCampusApplication.getFaculty() != null ? eCampusApplication.getFaculty() : ""); tiTrack.setContent(eCampusApplication.getStudyTrack() != null ? eCampusApplication.getStudyTrack() : ""); // tiIncome.setContent(eCampusApplication.getIncome().toString()); beginMonth = (eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginMonth()!=null)? eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginMonth().toString():null; endMonth = (eCampusApplication.getStudyEndMonth()!=null)? eCampusApplication.getStudyEndMonth().toString():null; beginYear = (eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginYear()!=null)? eCampusApplication.getStudyBeginYear().toString(): (Integer.toString((new IWTimestamp()).getYear())); endYear = (eCampusApplication.getStudyEndYear()!=null)? eCampusApplication.getStudyEndYear().toString(): (Integer.toString((new IWTimestamp()).getYear())); schoolSelect.setSelectedElement(eCampusApplication.getSchoolID()); hasPet.setChecked(eCampusApplication.getHasPet()); if(eCampusApplication.getExtraAdminInfo()!=null){ extraAdminInfo.setContent(eCampusApplication.getExtraAdminInfo()); } } T.add(tiFullName, col, row++); T.add(tiSsn, col, row++); T.add(tiLegRes, col, row++); T.add(tiRes, col, row++); T.add(tiPo, col, row++); T.add(tiResPho, col, row++); T.add(tiMobPho, col, row++); T.add(tiEmail, col, row++); T.add(schoolSelect, col, row++); T.add(tiFac, col, row++); T.add(tiTrack, col, row++); DropdownMenu drBM = intDrop("dr_bm", beginMonth, 1, 12); DropdownMenu drEM = intDrop("dr_em", endMonth, 1, 12); DropdownMenu drBY = intDrop("dr_by", beginYear, year - 10, year + 10); DropdownMenu drEY = intDrop("dr_ey", endYear, year - 10, year + 10); Edit.setStyle(drBM); Edit.setStyle(drEM); Edit.setStyle(drBY); Edit.setStyle(drEY); T.add(drBM, col, row); T.add(drBY, col, row++); T.add(drEM, col, row); T.add(drEY, col, row++); T.add(hasPet, col, row++); T.add(extraAdminInfo,col,row++); // T.add(tiIncome,col,row); return T; } private ApplicantInfo getApplicantInfo(IWContext iwc) { String sFullName = iwc.getParameter("ti_full"); String sSsn = iwc.getParameter("ti_ssn"); String sLegRes = iwc.getParameter("ti_legres"); String sRes = iwc.getParameter("ti_res"); String sPo = iwc.getParameter("ti_po"); String sResPho = iwc.getParameter("ti_respho"); String sMobPho = iwc.getParameter("ti_mobpho"); String sEmail = iwc.getParameter("ti_email"); String sFac = iwc.getParameter("ti_facult"); String sTrack = iwc.getParameter("ti_track"); String sIncome = iwc.getParameter("ti_income"); String sBM = iwc.getParameter("dr_bm"); String sEM = iwc.getParameter("dr_em"); String sBY = iwc.getParameter("dr_by"); String sEY = iwc.getParameter("dr_ey"); return new ApplicantInfo(sFullName, sSsn, sLegRes, sRes, sPo, sResPho, sMobPho, sEmail, sFac, sTrack, sIncome != null ? new Double(sIncome) : null, sBM != null ? new Integer(sBM) : null, sBY != null ? new Integer(sBY) : null, sEM != null ? new Integer(sEM) : null, sEY != null ? new Integer(sEY) : null); } public PresentationObject getViewSpouse(Applicant spouse, CampusApplication eCampusApplication) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("spouse", "Spouse")); T.setUseBottom(false); int col = 1; int row = 1; if (spouse != null) { T.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("ssn", "Socialnumber")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("school", "School")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("studytrack", "Study Track")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_begins", "Study begins")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_ends", "Study ends")), col, row++); // T.add(getHeader(localize("income","Income")),col,row++); col = 2; row = 1; T.add(getText(spouse.getName() != null ? spouse.getName() : ""), col, row++); T.add(getText(spouse.getSSN() != null ? spouse.getSSN() : ""), col, row++); T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getSpouseSchool() != null ? eCampusApplication.getSpouseSchool() : ""), col, row++); T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyTrack()), col, row++); String beginMonth = (eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyBeginMonth().toString()); String endMonth = (eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyEndMonth().toString()); T.add(getText(beginMonth + " " + eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyBeginYear().intValue()), col, row++); T.add(getText(endMonth + " " + eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyEndYear().intValue()), col, row++); // T.add(getText(eCampusApplication.getSpouseIncome().intValue()),col,row); } return T; } public PresentationObject getFieldsSpouse(Applicant spouse, CampusApplication eCampusApplication) { int year = IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear(); DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("spouse", "Spouse")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("name", "Name")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("ssn", "Socialnumber")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("school", "School")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("studytrack", "Study Track")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_begins", "Study begins")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_ends", "Study ends")), col, row++); // T.add(getHeader(localize("income","Income")),col,row++); col = 2; row = 1; TextInput tiSpName = new TextInput("ti_sp_name"); TextInput tiSpSsn = new TextInput("ti_sp_ssn"); TextInput tiSpSchl = new TextInput("ti_sp_schl"); TextInput tiSpStTr = new TextInput("ti_sp_sttr"); // TextInput tiSPIncome = new TextInput("ti_sp_income"); IWTimestamp today = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); String beginMonth = String.valueOf(today.getMonth()); String beginYear = String.valueOf(today.getYear()); String endMonth = String.valueOf(today.getMonth()); String endYear = String.valueOf(today.getYear()); if (eCampusApplication != null && spouse != null) { // System.err.println("spouse "+spouse.getID()); tiSpName.setContent(spouse.getName() != null ? spouse.getName() : ""); tiSpSsn.setContent(spouse.getSSN() != null ? spouse.getSSN() : ""); tiSpSchl.setContent(eCampusApplication.getSpouseSchool() != null ? eCampusApplication.getSpouseSchool() : ""); tiSpStTr.setContent(eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyTrack() != null ? eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyTrack() : ""); // tiSPIncome.setContent(eCampusApplication.getSpouseIncome().toString()); beginMonth = eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyBeginMonth().toString(); endMonth = eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyEndMonth().toString(); beginYear = eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyBeginYear().toString(); endYear = eCampusApplication.getSpouseStudyEndYear().toString(); T.add(new HiddenInput("ti_sp_id", spouse.getPrimaryKey().toString())); } Edit.setStyle(tiSpName); Edit.setStyle(tiSpSsn); Edit.setStyle(tiSpSchl); Edit.setStyle(tiSpStTr); // Edit.setStyle(tiSPIncome); T.add(tiSpName, col, row++); T.add(tiSpSsn, col, row++); T.add(tiSpSchl, col, row++); T.add(tiSpStTr, col, row++); DropdownMenu drBM = intDrop("dr_sp_bm", beginMonth, 1, 12); DropdownMenu drEM = intDrop("dr_sp_em", endMonth, 1, 12); DropdownMenu drBY = intDrop("dr_sp_by", beginYear, year - 10, year + 10); DropdownMenu drEY = intDrop("dr_sp_ey", endYear, year - 10, year + 10); Edit.setStyle(drBM); Edit.setStyle(drEM); Edit.setStyle(drBY); Edit.setStyle(drEY); T.add(drBM, col, row); T.add(drBY, col, row++); T.add(drEM, col, row); T.add(drEY, col, row++); // T.add(tiSPIncome,col,row); return T; } private SpouseInfo getSpouseInfo(IWContext iwc) { String sSpId = iwc.getParameter("ti_sp_id"); String sSpName = iwc.getParameter("ti_sp_name"); String sSpSsn = iwc.getParameter("ti_sp_ssn"); String sSpSchl = iwc.getParameter("ti_sp_schl"); String sSpStTr = iwc.getParameter("ti_sp_sttr"); String sSPIncome = iwc.getParameter("ti_sp_income"); String sBM = iwc.getParameter("dr_sp_bm"); String sEM = iwc.getParameter("dr_sp_em"); String sBY = iwc.getParameter("dr_sp_by"); String sEY = iwc.getParameter("dr_sp_ey"); return new SpouseInfo(sSpId != null ? new Integer(sSpId) : null, sSpName, sSpSsn, sSpSchl, sSpStTr, sSPIncome != null ? new Double(sSPIncome) : null, sBM != null ? new Integer(sBM) : null, sBY != null ? new Integer(sBY) : null, sEM != null ? new Integer(sEM) : null, sEY != null ? new Integer(sEY) : null); } public PresentationObject getViewChildren(List children) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("children", "Children")); T.setUseTitles(false); int row = 1; if (children != null) { Applicant child; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { child = (Applicant) children.get(i); T.add(getText(child.getName()), 1, row); T.add(getText(child.getSSN()), 2, row++); } } return T; } public PresentationObject getFieldsChildren(List children) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("children", "Children")); T.setUseTitles(false); int count = 4; int childcount = children != null ? children.size() : 0; count = Math.max(count, childcount); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TextInput childName = new TextInput("child_name" + i); TextInput childBirth = new TextInput("child_birth" + i); childName.setLength(30); childBirth.setLength(10); childBirth.setMaxlength(10); Edit.setStyle(childName); Edit.setStyle(childBirth); T.add(childName, 1, i + 1); T.add(childBirth, 2, i + 1); if (childcount > i) { Applicant child = (Applicant) children.get(i); childName.setContent(child.getName()); childBirth.setContent(child.getSSN()); T.add(new HiddenInput("ti_child_id" + i, child.getPrimaryKey().toString())); } } T.add(new HiddenInput("ti_child_count", String.valueOf(count))); return T; } private List getChildrenInfo(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet("ti_child_count")) { int count = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("ti_child_count")); if (count > 0) { List l = new Vector(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String childName = iwc.getParameter("child_name" + i); String childSSN = iwc.getParameter("child_birth" + i); int childId = iwc.isParameterSet("ti_child_id" + i) ? Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter("ti_child_id" + i)) : -1; if (childName.length() > 0) { l.add(new ChildInfo(new Integer(childId), childName, childSSN)); } } return l; } } return null; } public PresentationObject getViewApartment(CampusApplication eCampusApplication, Collection lApplied, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException, FinderException { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("applied", "Applied")); int row = 1; if (lApplied != null) { int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = lApplied.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Applied A = (Applied) iter.next(); T.add(getText(String.valueOf(i + 1)), 1, row); if (A.getSubcategory() != null) { T.add(getText(A.getSubcategory().getName() + " (" + A.getSubcategory().getApartmentCategory().getName() + ")"), 2, row++); } else { T.add(getText("missing"), 2, row++); } i++; } } return T; } public PresentationObject getViewApartmentExtra(CampusApplication eCampusApplication, IWContext iwc) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("requests", "Requests")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("housingfrom", "Housing from")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("wantfurniture", "Wants furniture")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("onwaitinglist", "On waitinglist")), col, row++); col = 2; row = 1; if(eCampusApplication.getHousingFrom()!=null){ IWTimestamp iT = new IWTimestamp(eCampusApplication.getHousingFrom()); T.add(getText(iT.getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale())), col, row++); } else{ row++; } if (eCampusApplication.getWantFurniture()){ T.add(getText("X"), col, row++); } else{ row++; } if (eCampusApplication.getOnWaitinglist()) T.add(getText("X"), col, row++); return T; } public PresentationObject getOtherInfo(CampusApplication eCampusApplication, IWContext iwc, boolean editable) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("otherinfo", "Other info")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("comment", "Comment")), col, row); String comment = null; if (eCampusApplication != null) { comment = eCampusApplication.getOtherInfo(); } col = 2; row = 1; TextArea commentArea = new TextArea("ap_comment", comment); if (editable) { commentArea.setReadOnly(false); commentArea.setRows(5); commentArea.setColumns(35); } else { commentArea.setReadOnly(true); commentArea.setRows(5); } // commentArea Edit.setStyle(commentArea); T.add(commentArea, col, row); return T; } public DropdownMenu drpTypes(Collection coll, String name, String selected, boolean firstEmpty) { DropdownMenu drpTypes = new DropdownMenu(name); Edit.setStyle(drpTypes); if (firstEmpty) drpTypes.addMenuElementFirst("-1", "-"); for (Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ApartmentSubcategory element = (ApartmentSubcategory) iter.next(); drpTypes.addMenuElement(((Integer)element.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), element.getName() + " (" + element.getApartmentCategory().getName() + ")"); } drpTypes.setSelectedElement(selected); return drpTypes; } public PresentationObject getFieldsApartment(CampusApplication eCampusApplication, Collection lApplied, IWContext iwc) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("applied", "Applied")); int row = 1; String sOne = "-1", sTwo = "-1", sThree = "-3"; if (lApplied != null) { int len = lApplied.size(); Applied A; Iterator iter = lApplied.iterator(); if (len >= 1) { A = (Applied) iter.next(); sOne = A.getSubcategory().getPrimaryKey().toString(); } if (len >= 2) { A = (Applied) iter.next(); sTwo = A.getSubcategory().getPrimaryKey().toString(); } if (len >= 3) { A = (Applied) iter.next(); sThree = A.getSubcategory().getPrimaryKey().toString(); } } try { Collection typeHelpers = applicationService.getBuildingService().getApartmentSubcategoryHome().findAll(); DropdownMenu drpOne = drpTypes(typeHelpers, "drp_one", sOne, false); DropdownMenu drpTwo = drpTypes(typeHelpers, "drp_two", sTwo, true); DropdownMenu drpThree = drpTypes(typeHelpers, "drp_three", sThree, true); drpOne = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(drpOne); drpTwo = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(drpTwo); drpThree = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(drpThree); T.add(getText("1"), 1, row); T.add(drpOne, 2, row++); T.add(getText("2"), 1, row); T.add(drpTwo, 2, row++); T.add(getText("3"), 1, row); T.add(drpThree, 2, row++); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return T; } public PresentationObject getFieldsApartmentExtra(CampusApplication eCampusApplication, IWContext iwc) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("requests", "Requests")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("housingfrom", "Housing from")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("wantfurniture", "Wants furniture")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("onwaitinglist", "On waitinglist")), col, row++); IWTimestamp iT = new IWTimestamp(); if (eCampusApplication != null && eCampusApplication.getHousingFrom()!=null) { iT = new IWTimestamp(eCampusApplication.getHousingFrom()); } col = 2; row = 1; DateInput diRentFrom = new DateInput("ap_rentfrom", true); diRentFrom.setDate(iT.getDate()); diRentFrom.setStyleAttribute("style", Edit.styleAttribute); T.add(diRentFrom, col, row++); CheckBox chkFurni = new CheckBox("ap_furni", "true"); Edit.setStyle(chkFurni); CheckBox chkWait = new CheckBox("ap_wait", "true"); Edit.setStyle(chkWait); if (eCampusApplication != null) { chkFurni.setChecked(eCampusApplication.getWantFurniture()); chkWait.setChecked(eCampusApplication.getOnWaitinglist()); } T.add(chkFurni, col, row++); T.add(chkWait, col, row++); return T; } private ApartmentInfo getApartmentInfo(IWContext iwc) { String sRentFrom = iwc.getParameter("ap_rentfrom"); String sFurni = iwc.getParameter("ap_furni"); String sWait = iwc.getParameter("ap_wait"); String comment = iwc.getParameter("ap_comment"); String key1 = iwc.getParameter("drp_one"); String key2 = iwc.getParameter("drp_two"); String key3 = iwc.getParameter("drp_three"); return new ApartmentInfo(new IWTimestamp(sRentFrom), new Boolean(sFurni).booleanValue(), new Boolean(sWait).booleanValue(), comment, key1, key2, key3); } public PresentationObject getViewApplication(Application eApplication) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.setUseBottom(false); T.addTitle(localize("application", "Application")); int row = 1; int col = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("submitted", "Submitted")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("changed", "Status change")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("status", "Status")), col, row++); col++; row = 1; if (eApplication != null) { T.add(getText(eApplication.getSubmitted().toString()), col, row++); T.add(getText(eApplication.getStatusChanged().toString()), col, row++); T.add(getText(getStatus(eApplication.getStatus())), col, row++); } return T; } /* private PresentationObject getRemoteControl() { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("extra", "Extra")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("tax_return", "Tax return")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("study_progress", "Study progress")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("choice1", "Choice 1")), col, row++); T.add(getHeader(localize("choice2", "Choice 2")), col, row++); col++; row = 1; TextInput units = new TextInput("unit"); units.setLength(1); Edit.setStyle(units); CheckBox choice1 = new CheckBox("choice1"); Edit.setStyle(choice1); CheckBox choice2 = new CheckBox("choice2"); Edit.setStyle(choice2); CheckBox choice3 = new CheckBox("choice3"); Edit.setStyle(choice3); T.add(choice1, col, row++); T.add(units, col, row++); T.add(choice2, col, row++); T.add(choice3, col, row++); return T; }*/ private PresentationObject getSubjectControl(Application app) { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("subject", "Subject")); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("current_subject", "Current Subject")), col, row++); col++; row = 1; DropdownMenu drp = subjectDrop("-99"); if (app != null) { drp.setSelectedElement(String.valueOf(app.getSubjectId())); } drp.setName(APP_SUBJECT_ID); T.add(drp, col, row); return T; } public PresentationObject getSubject(Application app, boolean edit, IWContext iwc) { DataTable subjectTable = getDataTable(); subjectTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); subjectTable.addTitle(localize("subject", "Subject")); int col = 1; int row = 1; subjectTable.add(getHeader(localize("current_subject", "Current Subject")), col, row++); col++; row = 1; if (!edit) { subjectTable.add(new Text(app.getSubject().getName()), col, row); } else { Collection subjects = null; try { subjects = getApplicationService(iwc).getSubjectHome() .findNonExpired(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DropdownMenu subject = new DropdownMenu("subject"); if (subjects != null) { ApplicationSubject entity = null; Iterator iter = subjects.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { entity = (ApplicationSubject) iter.next(); String id = entity.getPrimaryKey().toString(); subject.addMenuElement(id, entity.getName()); } subject.setSelectedElement(app.getSubject().getPrimaryKey().toString()); } subjectTable.add(subject, col, row); } return subjectTable; } private PresentationObject getButtons(Application eApplication, String sStatus, String sPriority, boolean bEdit) throws RemoteException { DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); T.addTitle(localize("control", "Control")); int row = 1; int col = 1; if (eApplication != null) { DropdownMenu status = statusDrop(PRM_STATUS, sStatus); // status.setToSubmit(); status = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(status); T.add(status, col, row); DropdownMenu priority = priorityDrop(PRM_PRIORITY, sPriority); priority = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(priority); T.add(priority, col, row); } row++; if (bEdit) { SubmitButton view = new SubmitButton(localize("view", "View"), ACT_VIEWER, "View"); view = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface(view); T.add(view, col, row); } else { SubmitButton edit = new SubmitButton(localize("edit", "Edit"), ACT_EDITOR, "Edit"); edit = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface(edit); T.add(edit, col, row); } SubmitButton save = new SubmitButton(localize(ACT_SAVE, "Save"), ACT_SAVE, "Save"); save = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface(save); T.add(save, col, row); return T; } private PresentationObject getKnobs() { Table T = new Table(5, 1); T.setHorizontalAlignment("center"); Link lList = new Link(getBundle().getImage("list.gif")); T.add(lList, 3, 1); T.setCellpadding(1); T.setCellspacing(1); T.setBorder(0); return T; } public void doUpdate(IWContext iwc) { String sDesc = iwc.getParameter("app_subj_desc").trim(); String sDate = iwc.getParameter("app_subj_xdate"); try { applicationService.createApplicationSubject(sDesc, sDate); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Form subjectForm() throws RemoteException { Form myForm = new Form(); DropdownMenu drp = subjectDrop(String.valueOf(this.iSubjectId)); DropdownMenu status = statusDrop("global_status", sGlobalStatus); DropdownMenu order = orderDrop("global_order", sGlobalOrder); DropdownMenu sizeMenu = sizeDrop("global_size", iGlobalSize); SubmitButton New = new SubmitButton(localize("btn_new", "New"), ACT_NEW_APPLICATION, "true"); New = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface(New); SubmitButton Info = new SubmitButton(localize("btn_info", "Info"), "subj_info", "true"); Info = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface(Info); SubmitButton fetch = new SubmitButton(localize("btn_fetch", "Fetch")); fetch = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface(fetch); // SubmitButton New = new SubmitButton("new","New"); // SubmitButton New2 = new SubmitButton("new2","New transfer"); /* * drp.setToSubmit(); status.setToSubmit(); order.setToSubmit(); * sizeMenu.setToSubmit(); */ drp = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(drp); status = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(status); order = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(order); sizeMenu = (DropdownMenu) getStyledInterface(sizeMenu); DataTable T = getDataTable(); T.addTitle(localize("filter", "Filter")); T.setTitlesHorizontal(true); T.setUseBottom(false); int col = 1; int row = 1; T.add(getHeader(localize("subject", "Subject")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("status", "Status")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("order", "Order")), col++, row); T.add(getHeader(localize("viewsize", "View size")), col++, row); row++; col = 1; T.add(drp, col++, row); T.add(status, col++, row); T.add(order, col++, row); T.add(sizeMenu, col++, row); T.add(fetch, col++, row); T.add(Info, col++, row); if (iSubjectId > 0) { T.add(New, col++, row); // T.add(New2,col++,row); } myForm.add(T); return myForm; } private DropdownMenu subjectDrop(String selected) { Collection L = listOfSubjects; DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(APP_SUBJECT_ID); drp.addMenuElement(-1, localize("subject", "Subject")); drp.addMenuElement(-99, localize("all_subject", "All")); boolean setsel = true; if (L != null) { ApplicationSubject AS; int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = L.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { AS = (ApplicationSubject) iter.next(); drp.addMenuElement(AS.getPrimaryKey().toString(), AS.getName()); if (i == 0 && selected.equals("-1")) { drp.setSelectedElement(AS.getPrimaryKey().toString()); setsel = false; } i++; } Edit.setStyle(drp); if (setsel) drp.setSelectedElement(selected); } return drp; } private String getStatus(String status) { String r = ""; Character stat = new Character(status.charAt(0)); if (stat.equals(Status.SUBMITTED)) r = localize("submitted", "Submitted"); else if (stat.equals(Status.APPROVED)) r = localize("approved", "Approved"); else if (stat.equals(Status.REJECTED)) r = localize("rejected", "Rejected"); else if (stat.equals(Status.SIGNED)) r = localize("contracted", "Contract"); else if (stat.equals(Status.GARBAGE)) r = localize("garbage", "Garbage"); return r; } private DropdownMenu intDrop(String name, String selected, int low, int high) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) { drp.addMenuElement(String.valueOf(i)); } if(selected!=null){ drp.setSelectedElement(selected); } return drp; } private DropdownMenu statusDrop(String name, String selected) throws RemoteException { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); String[] stats = applicationService.getApplicationStatuses(); for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { drp.addMenuElement(stats[i], getStatus(stats[i])); } drp.setSelectedElement(selected); return drp; } private DropdownMenu priorityDrop(String name, String selected) { boolean hasSelectedValue = false; DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); try { Collection priorities = this.applicationService.getPriorityHome().findAll(); for (Iterator iter = priorities.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Priority prior = (Priority) iter.next(); drp.addMenuElement(prior.getPriority(), prior.getDescription()); hasSelectedValue |= prior.getPriority().equals(selected); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!hasSelectedValue && selected != null) { drp.addMenuElement(selected, selected); } drp.setSelectedElement(selected); return drp; } private DropdownMenu sizeDrop(String name, int selected) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); drp.addMenuElement("10"); drp.addMenuElement("20"); drp.addMenuElement("50"); drp.addMenuElement("100"); drp.addMenuElement("500"); drp.addMenuElement("-1", "All"); drp.setSelectedElement(selected); return drp; } private DropdownMenu orderDrop(String name, String selected) { DropdownMenu drp = new DropdownMenu(name); drp.addMenuElement("submitted", localize("submitted", "Submitted")); drp.addMenuElement(com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicantBMPBean.getFullnameOrderValue(), localize("name", "Name")); drp.addMenuElement(com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicantBMPBean.COLUMN_SSN, localize("ssn", "Socialnumber")); drp.addMenuElement(com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicantBMPBean.COLUMN_LEGAL_RESIDENCE, localize( "legal_residence", "Legal Residence")); drp.addMenuElement(com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicantBMPBean.COLUMN_RESIDENCE, localize( "residence", "Residence")); drp.addMenuElement(com.idega.block.application.data.ApplicantBMPBean.COLUMN_PHONE, localize( "phone", "Residence phone")); drp.setSelectedElement(selected); return drp; } public Link getCampusApplicationLink(PresentationObject MO, Integer applicationID, int index) { Link L = new Link(MO); L.addParameter(ACT_VIEW, applicationID.toString()); L.addParameter(PRM_INDEX, index); return L; } public Link getTrashLink(PresentationObject MO, Integer cam_app_id) { Link L = new Link(MO); L.addParameter(ACT_TRASH_APPLICATION, cam_app_id.toString()); return L; } public Link getPDFLink(IWContext iwc, PresentationObject MO, int cam_app_id) { Link link = new Link(MO); link.setURL(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getMediaServletURI() + "application" + cam_app_id + ".pdf"); link.addParameter(CampusApplicationWriter.PRM_WRITABLE_CLASS, IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(CampusApplicationWriter.class)); link.addParameter(CampusApplicationWriter.PRM_CAMPUS_APPLICATION_ID, cam_app_id); return link; } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { try { isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); control(iwc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }