package com.idega.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Title: idegaclasses * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ListUtil { private static final ArrayList emptyVector = new EmptyList(); private ListUtil() { } /** * Gets an instance of a list that is empty. * @return An immutable unsynchronized List with no values **/ public static List getEmptyList(){ return getEmptyVector(); } private static ArrayList getEmptyVector(){ return emptyVector; } /** * Converts an instance of List to an instance of Collection. * @param coll An input Collection * @return The input value coll if it is an instance of List. Else it will construct a list with the same values and return it. **/ public static List convertCollectionToList(Collection coll){ if(coll instanceof List){ return (List)coll; } else{ List theReturn = new ArrayList(coll); return theReturn; } } public static List reverseList(List list){ List theReturn = new ArrayList(); int size = list.size(); for (int i = size-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { Object item = list.get(i); if(item!=null){ theReturn.add(item); } } return theReturn; } /** * Return a list of the strings or a null if the string array is empty * @param stringArray * @return */ public static List convertStringArrayToList(String[] stringArray){ if(stringArray!=null && stringArray.length>0){ List returnList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { String string = stringArray[i]; returnList.add(i,string); } return returnList; } else { return null; } } /** * @param list A list of Strings * * @returns a String with comma separated values */ public static String convertListOfStringsToCommaseparatedString(List list) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); for (int g = 0; iter.hasNext(); g++) { String item = (String); if (g > 0) { sList.append(","); } if(item!=null) { sList.append(item); } } } return sList.toString(); } /** * Converts a comma separated string to a list of strings * @param commaSeparatedString A comma separated string e.g. "value1,value2,value3,..." * @returns a List of Strings or an empty list if no values where found */ public static List convertCommaSeparatedStringToList(String commaSeparatedString) { return ListUtil.convertTokenSeparatedStringToList(commaSeparatedString,","); } /** * Converts a [token] separated string to a list of strings * @param tokenSeparatedString A [token] separated string e.g. "value1[token]value2[token]value3[token]..." like "value1,value2,value3,..." for example * @param tokenSeparator The separator such as a "," or ";" for example * @returns a List of Strings or an empty list if no values where found */ public static List convertTokenSeparatedStringToList(String tokenSeparatedString, String tokenSeparator) { List list = new ArrayList(); if(tokenSeparatedString!=null && tokenSeparator!=null){ StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(tokenSeparatedString,tokenSeparator); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = tokens.nextToken(); list.add(value); } } else{ System.err.println("[ListUtil] - convertTokenSeparatedStringToList: String or token is null!"); } return list; } private static class EmptyList extends ArrayList{ public boolean add(Object o){ throw new RuntimeException("This empty list is final and cannot be modified"); } public void add(int index,Object o){ throw new RuntimeException("This empty list is final and cannot be modified"); } public boolean addAll(Collection o){ throw new RuntimeException("This empty list is final and cannot be modified"); } public boolean addAll(int index, Collection o){ throw new RuntimeException("This empty list is final and cannot be modified"); } public Object set(int index,Object o){ throw new RuntimeException("This empty list is final and cannot be modified"); } } }