package; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 * Company: * @author Anders Lindman * @version 1.0 */ public class CheckBMPBean extends AbstractCaseBMPBean implements Check, Case { private static final String ENTITY_NAME = "CC_CHECK"; private static final String CASE_CODE_KEY = "MBANCHK"; private static final String CASE_CODE_DESCRIPTION = "Request for child care check"; private static final String[] CASE_STATUS_KEYS = { "NYTT", "UBEH", "OMPR", "BVJD", "CHIN" }; private static final String[] CASE_STATUS_DESCRIPTIONS = { "New case", "Case open", "Retrial", "Approved", "Redeemed" }; private static final String COLUMN_CHILD_CARE_TYPE = "CHILD_CARE_TYPE"; private static final String COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_1 = "WORK_SITUATION_1"; private static final String COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_2 = "WORK_SITUATION_2"; private static final String COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_MC = "MOTHER_TONGUE_MC"; private static final String COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_FC = "MOTHER_TONGUE_FC"; private static final String COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_P = "MOTHER_TONGUE_P"; private static final String COLUMN_CHILD_ID = "CHILD_ID"; private static final String COLUMN_METHOD = "METHOD"; private static final String COLUMN_AMOUNT = "AMOUNT"; private static final String COLUMN_CHECK_FEE = "CHECK_FEE"; private static final String COLUMN_MANAGER_ID = "MANAGER_ID"; private static final String COLUMN_NOTES = "NOTES"; private static final String COLUMN_RULE_1 = "RULE_1"; private static final String COLUMN_RULE_2 = "RULE_2"; private static final String COLUMN_RULE_3 = "RULE_3"; private static final String COLUMN_RULE_4 = "RULE_4"; private static final String COLUMN_RULE_5 = "RULE_5"; private static final String COLUMN_USER_NOTES = "USER_NOTES"; public CheckBMPBean() { } public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } public void initializeAttributes() { addGeneralCaseRelation(); // this.addAttribute(COLUMN_CHILD_CARE_TYPE,"Type of child care",Integer.class,MANY_TO_ONE,; this.addAttribute(COLUMN_CHILD_CARE_TYPE, "Type of child care", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_1, "Work situation for custodian 1", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_2, "Work situation for custodian 2", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_CHILD_ID, "Child id", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_MC, "Mother tongue Mother-Child", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_FC, "Mother tongue Father-Child", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_P, "Mother tongue Parents", String.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_METHOD, "Method used when applying for check (1 citizen, 2 quick)", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_AMOUNT, "Total check amount", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_CHECK_FEE, "The fee citizen pays", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID, "The manager for the check request", Integer.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_NOTES, "Notes from the manager for the check request", String.class, 1000); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_RULE_1, "Control rule for nationally registered", Boolean.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_RULE_2, "Control rule for child over one year", Boolean.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_RULE_3, "Control rule for work situation approved", Boolean.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_RULE_4, "Control rule for dept", Boolean.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_RULE_5, "Control rule for special need", Boolean.class); this.addAttribute(COLUMN_USER_NOTES, "Notes to the user about the check request", String.class, 1000); } public String getCaseCodeKey() { return CASE_CODE_KEY; } public String getCaseCodeDescription() { return CASE_CODE_DESCRIPTION; } public String[] getCaseStatusKeys() { return CASE_STATUS_KEYS; } public String[] getCaseStatusDescriptions() { return CASE_STATUS_DESCRIPTIONS; } public void setChildCareType(int type) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_CHILD_CARE_TYPE, type); } public int getChildCareType() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_CHILD_CARE_TYPE); } public void setWorkSituation1(int type) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_1, new Integer(type)); } public int getWorkSituation1() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_1); } public void setWorkSituation2(int type) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_2, new Integer(type)); } public int getWorkSituation2() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_WORK_SITUATION_2); } public void setMotherTongueMotherChild(String s) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_MC, s); } public String getMotherToungueMotherChild() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_MC); } public void setMotherTongueFatherChild(String s) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_FC, s); } public String getMotherToungueFatherChild() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_FC); } public void setMotherTongueParents(String s) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_P, s); } public String getMotherToungueParents() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_MOTHER_TONGUE_P); } public void setChildId(int id) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_CHILD_ID, new Integer(id)); } public int getChildId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_CHILD_ID); } public void setMethod(int type) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_METHOD, new Integer(type)); } public int getMethod() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_METHOD); } public void setAmount(int amount) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_AMOUNT, new Integer(amount)); } public int getAmount() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_AMOUNT); } public void setCheckFee(int fee) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_CHECK_FEE, new Integer(fee)); } public int getCheckFee() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_CHECK_FEE); } public void setManagerId(int id) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID, new Integer(id)); } public int getManagerId() { return this.getIntColumnValue(COLUMN_MANAGER_ID); } public void setNotes(String notes) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_NOTES, notes); } public String getNotes() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_NOTES); } public void setRule1(boolean flag) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_RULE_1, new Boolean(flag)); } public boolean getRule1() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_RULE_1); } public void setRule2(boolean flag) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_RULE_2, new Boolean(flag)); } public boolean getRule2() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_RULE_2); } public void setRule3(boolean flag) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_RULE_3, new Boolean(flag)); } public boolean getRule3() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_RULE_3); } public void setRule4(boolean flag) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_RULE_4, new Boolean(flag)); } public boolean getRule4() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_RULE_4); } public void setRule5(boolean flag) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_RULE_5, new Boolean(flag)); } public boolean getRule5() { return this.getBooleanColumnValue(COLUMN_RULE_5); } public void setUserNotes(String userNotes) { this.setColumn(COLUMN_USER_NOTES, userNotes); } public String getUserNotes() { return this.getStringColumnValue(COLUMN_USER_NOTES); } public Collection ejbFindChecks() throws FinderException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select * from "); sql.append(this.getEntityName()); return this.idoFindPKsBySQL(sql.toString()); } public Collection ejbFindChecksByUser(User user) throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByUser(user); } public Collection ejbFindChecksByUserAndStatus(User user,String caseStatus) throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByUserAndStatus(user,caseStatus); } public Collection ejbFindApprovedChecksByUser(User user) throws FinderException { return ejbFindChecksByUserAndStatus(user,this.getCaseStatusGranted()); } public Collection ejbFindNonApprovedChecks() throws FinderException { String[] statusArray = { getCaseStatusOpen(),CASE_STATUS_KEYS[2] }; return ejbFindAllCasesByStatusArray(statusArray); } /** * Finds all cases for all users with the specified caseStatus and the associated caseCode */ public Collection ejbFindAllCasesByStatus(CaseStatus caseStatus) throws FinderException { return super.ejbFindAllCasesByStatus(caseStatus.getStatus()); } public Integer ejbFindCheckForChild(int childID) throws FinderException { SelectQuery query = idoSelectQueryGetAllCases(); query.addCriteria(idoCriteriaForChild(new Integer(childID))); return (Integer) super.idoFindOnePKByQuery(query); } protected Criteria idoCriteriaForChild(Integer childID){ return new MatchCriteria(idoTableSubCase(),COLUMN_CHILD_ID,MatchCriteria.EQUALS,childID); } public Collection ejbFindByStatusAndChild(String status, Integer child) throws FinderException{ SelectQuery query = idoSelectQueryGetAllCasesByStatus(status); query.addCriteria(idoCriteriaForChild(child)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } public Collection ejbFindByUserAndChild(User user, Integer child) throws FinderException{ SelectQuery query = idoSelectQueryGetAllCasesByUser(user); query.addCriteria(idoCriteriaForChild(child)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } public Collection ejbFindByStatusAndUserAndChild(String status,User user,Integer childID) throws FinderException{ SelectQuery query = idoSelectQueryGetAllCasesByUserAndStatus(user,status); query.addCriteria(idoCriteriaForChild(childID)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } }