package com.idega.block.entity.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.entity.event.EntityBrowserEvent; import com.idega.block.entity.event.EntityBrowserPS; import; import com.idega.builder.handler.SpecifiedChoiceProvider; import; import; import com.idega.event.IWPresentationEvent; import com.idega.event.IWPresentationState; import com.idega.event.IWStateMachine; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.StatefullPresentation; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.TableType; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.CheckBox; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.GenericButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Parameter; import com.idega.presentation.ui.ScrollTable; import com.idega.presentation.ui.StyledButton; import; import com.idega.util.SetIterator; /** *@author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> *@version 1.0 */ public class EntityBrowser extends Table implements SpecifiedChoiceProvider, StatefullPresentation { public final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.entity"; private final static String NEW_SUBSET_KEY = "new_subset_key"; private final static String NEW_SUBSET_FROM_LIST_KEY = "new_subset_from_list_key"; private final static String HEADER_FORM_KEY = "header_form_key"; private final static String BOTTOM_FORM_KEY = "bottom_form_key"; private final static String EXTERNAL_FORM_KEY = "external_form_key"; private final static String SHOW_ALL_KEY = "show_all_key"; private final static String All_ENTITIES_WERE_SHOWN = "all_entities_were_shown"; public final static String REQUEST_KEY = "re_key"; public final static String REQUEST_FROM_HEADER_FORM_KEY = HEADER_FORM_KEY + REQUEST_KEY; public final static String REQUEST_FROM_BOTTOM_FORM_KEY = BOTTOM_FORM_KEY + REQUEST_KEY; public final static String REQUEST_FROM_EXTERNAL_FORM_SHOW_ALL_ENTITIES_KEY = EXTERNAL_FORM_KEY + REQUEST_KEY; public final static String EXTERNAL_FORM_SHOW_ALL_ENTITIES_KEY = "req_show_all_entities"; // this parameter enables the entity browser to remove the // stored state in the session private final static String LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY = "last_my_id_key"; private final static String HEADER_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY = HEADER_FORM_KEY + LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY; private final static String BOTTOM_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY = BOTTOM_FORM_KEY + LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY; protected final static String ENTITY_BROWSER_IDENTIFICATION_NAME = "entity_browser_identification_name"; private final static String NEXT_SUBSET = "next"; private final static String PREVIOUS_SUBSET = "previous"; private static final String SET_ENTIY_METHOD_IDENTIFIER = ":method:1:implied:void:setLeadingEntity:java.lang.String:"; private static final String SET_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_METHOD_IDENTIFIER = ":method:1:implied:void:setDefaultColumns:int:java.lang.String:"; // some important default settings for the view private int defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage = 30; private int MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE = 1000; // this flag is set by a checkbox private boolean showAllEntities = false; private int defaultNumberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet = 4; private int defaultNumberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet = 4; private int rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation = 10; private boolean showHeaderNavigation = true; private boolean showBottomNavigation = true; private final static String STYLE = "font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; text-align: justify;"; private String styledLink = "styledLinkGeneral"; private String leadingEntityName = null; // foreign entities private List entityNames = null; private int xAnchorPosition = 0; private int yAnchorPosition = 0; // collection of entities that serves as source of the content private Collection entities = null; // collection of presentation objects that are added to the last row of the entity browser (e.g. delete buttons) private Collection additionalPresentationObjects = null; // an unique key for the collection // (only important if you use more than one entityBrowser on a web site) private String keyForEntityCollection = ""; private IWPresentationState presentationState = null; // map of converters private HashMap entityToPresentationConverters = null; // the default converter just shows a text private EntityToPresentationObjectConverter defaultConverter = null; // use tree map because of the order of the elements private TreeMap defaultColumns = null; private TreeMap mandatoryColumns = null; private TreeMap optionColumns = null; // map that assign a color to each column // set this variable to null because in most cases this feature is not used private Map entityPathShortKeyColorMap = null; private Map entityPathShortKeyAlignmentMap = null; private boolean useExternalForm = false; private boolean useEventSystem = false; /** this flag indicates if the browser should use and accept the settings of the user * If this flag is set to false the user settings button will not be shown even if the * showSettingButton flag is set to true. */ private boolean acceptUserSettings = true; private boolean showSettingsButton = true; private boolean showMirroredView = false; private boolean leadingEntityIsUndefined = false; private boolean useScrollbars = false; private int heightScrollTable = 100; private int widthScrollTable = 100; protected String nullValueForNumbers = ""; private String colorForEvenRows = null; private String colorForOddRows = "#EFEFEF"; private String colorForHeader= "#DFDFDF"; private String colorForButtonTable = "#FFFFFF"; protected Text defaultTextProxy = new Text(); protected Text columnTextProxy = new Text(); private int currentRow = -1; private int currentColumn = -1; private int currentIndexOfEntities= -1; private String myId = null; private Collection mandatoryParameters = null; /** * Returns an EntityBrowser using an own form. * The event system isn't used. * @return */ public static EntityBrowser getInstance() { return new EntityBrowser(); } /** Returns an EntityBrowser that doesn't use an own form. * The caller has to add the browser to a form. * The event system isn't used. * @return */ public static EntityBrowser getInstanceUsingExternalForm() { EntityBrowser browser = EntityBrowser.getInstance(); browser.setUseExternalForm(true); return browser; } /** * Returns an EntityBrowser using an own form. * The event system is used. * @return */ public static EntityBrowser getInstanceUsingEventSystem() { EntityBrowser browser = EntityBrowser.getInstance(); browser.setUseEventSystem(true); return browser; } /** * Returns an EntityBrowser that doesn't use a form. * The caller has to add the browser to a form. * The event system is used. * @return */ public static EntityBrowser getInstanceUsingEventSystemAndExternalForm() { EntityBrowser browser = EntityBrowser.getInstanceUsingExternalForm(); browser.setUseEventSystem(true); return browser; } private EntityBrowser() { super(); setCellspacing(0); setCellpadding(0); } public static void releaseBrowser(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(HEADER_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY)) { String id = iwc.getParameter(HEADER_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY); SetIterator.releaseStoredState(iwc, id); } if (iwc.isParameterSet(BOTTOM_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY)) { String id = iwc.getParameter(BOTTOM_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY); SetIterator.releaseStoredState(iwc, id); } } public Text getDefaultTextProxy() { return this.defaultTextProxy; } public void setDefaultNumberOfRows(int defaultNumberOfRows) { this.defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage = defaultNumberOfRows; } /** if you change the name of this method please change the * corresponding method identifier variable SET_ENTIY_METHOD_IDENTIFIER */ public void setLeadingEntity(String leadingEntityName) { this.leadingEntityIsUndefined = false; this.leadingEntityName = leadingEntityName; } public void setLeadingEntity(Class leadingEntityClass) { this.leadingEntityIsUndefined = false; this.leadingEntityName = leadingEntityClass.getName(); } public void setLeadingEntityIsUndefined() { this.leadingEntityIsUndefined = true; } /** * Usually this class uses its own form to handle the forward and the backward * buttons. In this case this flag is set to false. * * But if you want - for example - to add buttons to this table instance you * just can switch off the inherent form by setting this value to true and put * the whole object into an external form. Nothing else is to do, the forward * and backward buttons will further work. * * @param useExternalForm */ public void setUseExternalForm(boolean useExternalForm) { this.useExternalForm = useExternalForm; } public void setUseEventSystem(boolean useEventSystem) { this.useEventSystem = useEventSystem; } public void addEntity(String entityName) { if (this.entityNames == null) { this.entityNames = new ArrayList(); } if (this.entityNames.contains(entityName)) { return; } this.entityNames.add(entityName); } public void removeEntity(String entityName) { if (this.entityNames == null) { return; } // it does not matter if it does not exist this.entityNames.remove(entityName); } /** this method should only be used by the IWPropertyHandler * It provides the drop down menu in the property handler * that is used to set the default columns with a collection * of appropriate columnnames. * To do this this method fetches the current value of the * entity name property from the specified property handler. */ public Collection getSpecifiedChoice( IWContext iwc, String ICObjectInstanceID, String methodIdentifier, IBPropertyHandler propertyHandler) { Class entityClass; String anEntityClassName; // is the method correct? if (SET_DEFAULT_COLUMNS_METHOD_IDENTIFIER.equals(methodIdentifier)) { // get the set property value from the handler anEntityClassName = propertyHandler.getPropertyValue(iwc, ICObjectInstanceID, SET_ENTIY_METHOD_IDENTIFIER); } else { // the specified method is not handled here return new ArrayList(); } // create the desired collection try { entityClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(anEntityClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("[EntityBrowser] The class with the specified name: " + anEntityClassName + " was not found. Message is " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); return new ArrayList(); } SortedMap pathes = EntityPropertyHandler.getAllEntityPathes(entityClass); Collection entitiesTemp = pathes.values(); List list = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = entitiesTemp.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String shortKey = ((EntityPath); list.add(shortKey); } return list; } /**Sets an option column, that is the column is shown in the settings window * * Set a shortKey of an entity path with an order number. It is not * necessary to have order numbers that covers a complete range of integers * like e.g. 0 to 10. The order numbers are only used to determine the order of * the columns. Therefore it is well defined if the numbers are spread e.g. 2, * 7, 122 and 412 (example with four columns). */ public void setOptionColumn(int orderNumber, String entityPathShortKey) { if (this.optionColumns == null) { this.optionColumns = new TreeMap(); } this.optionColumns.put(new Integer(orderNumber), entityPathShortKey); } /**Sets the default columns, that is these columns are only shown if the user has not chosen * any columns yet. * * Set a shortKey of an entity path with an order number. It is not * necessary to have order numbers that covers a complete range of integers * like e.g. 0 to 10. The order numbers are only used to determine the order of * the columns. Therefore it is well defined if the numbers are spread e.g. 2, * 7, 122 and 412 (example with four columns). */ public void setDefaultColumn(int orderNumber, String entityPathShortKey) { if (this.defaultColumns == null) { this.defaultColumns = new TreeMap(); } this.defaultColumns.put(new Integer(orderNumber), entityPathShortKey); } /** Sets the mandatory columns, that is these columns are always shown indepedent * of the columns that the user has chosen. These columns are shown at the * beginning of the table. * * Set a shortKey of an entity path with an order * number. It is not necessary to have order numbers that covers a complete * range of integers like e.g. 0 to 10. The order numbers are only used to * determine the order of the columns. Therefore it is well defined if the * numbers are spread e.g. 2, 7, 122 and 412 (example with four columns). */ public void setMandatoryColumn(int orderNumber, String entityPathShortKey) { if (this.mandatoryColumns == null) { this.mandatoryColumns = new TreeMap(); } this.mandatoryColumns.put(new Integer(orderNumber), entityPathShortKey); } public void setMandatoryColumnWithConverter(int orderNumber, String entityPathShortKey, EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter) { setMandatoryColumn(orderNumber, entityPathShortKey); if (converter != null) { setEntityToPresentationConverter(entityPathShortKey, converter); } } /** * Sets the collection of entities that this browser should show. You have to * set a non empty collection otherwise this browser shows nothing. * @param keyForEntityCollection * very important if you use more than one entityBrowser on a web site, because * this key is used to identify the different states of the collections in the session. * Just use an unique string like "havannna", "paris" or "w123". * * @param a collection of entities */ public void setEntities(String keyForEntityCollection, Collection entities) { this.keyForEntityCollection = keyForEntityCollection; this.entities = entities; } /** * Sets the collection of entities that this browser should show. You have to * set a non empty collection otherwise this browser shows nothing. * All entities are shown within a single page. * After calling this method you can change the property how many * rows should appear per page by invoking the method * <code>setDefaultNumberOfRows(int)<code>. * * @param keyForEntityCollection * very important if you use more than one entityBrowser on a web site, because * this key is used to identify the different states of the collections in the session. * Just use an unique string like "havannna", "paris" or "w123". * * @param a collection of entities */ public void setShowAllEntities(String keyForEntityCollection, Collection entities) { setEntities(keyForEntityCollection, entities); if( entities!=null && !entities.isEmpty()) { setDefaultNumberOfRows(entities.size()); } } /** * Sets the collection of entities that this browser should show. You have to * set a non empty collection otherwise this browser shows nothing. * @param keyForEntityCollection * very important if you use more than one entityBrowser on a web site, because * this key is used to identify the different states of the collections in the session. * Just use an unique string like "havannna", "paris" or "w123". * * @param entities - a collection of entities * @param defaultNumberOfrowsPerPage - number of rows per page */ public void setEntities(String keyForEntityCollection, Collection entities, int defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage) { setEntities(keyForEntityCollection, entities); setDefaultNumberOfRows(defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage); } public void setLeftUpperCorner(int xAnchorPosition, int yAnchorPosition) { this.xAnchorPosition = xAnchorPosition; this.yAnchorPosition = yAnchorPosition; } public String getBundleIdentifier(){ return EntityBrowser.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public void setEntityToPresentationConverter(String pathShortKey, EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter) { // lazy initialization (in most cases you do not need this map) if (this.entityToPresentationConverters == null) { this.entityToPresentationConverters = new HashMap(); } this.entityToPresentationConverters.put(pathShortKey, converter); } private EntityToPresentationObjectConverter getEntityToPresentationConverter(EntityPath path) { EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter; if ( // are there any converters at all? this.entityToPresentationConverters == null // use the shortkey to find a suitable converter || ((( converter = (EntityToPresentationObjectConverter) this.entityToPresentationConverters.get(path.getShortKey())) == null ) // the key was not found, try to get a converter for the class && (( converter = (EntityToPresentationObjectConverter) this.entityToPresentationConverters.get(path.getSourceEntityClass().getName())) == null ))) { // okay we give up! return default converter return getDefaultConverter(); } return converter; } public IWPresentationEvent getPresentationEvent() { EntityBrowserEvent model = new EntityBrowserEvent(); model.setSource(this); return model; } public void addPresentationObjectToBottom(PresentationObject presentationObject) { if (this.additionalPresentationObjects == null) { this.additionalPresentationObjects = new ArrayList(); } this.additionalPresentationObjects.add(presentationObject); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super.main(iwc); // event model stuff EntityBrowserPS state = (EntityBrowserPS) getPresentationState( iwc); this.addActionListener(state); // get resource bundle IWResourceBundle resourceBundle = getResourceBundle(iwc); // get entity name from one element of the entity collection // if the entity name is not set and the collection is not empty if (this.leadingEntityIsUndefined) { this.leadingEntityName = "leading entity name is undefined"; } else if ( this.leadingEntityName == null || this.leadingEntityName.length() == 0 ) { if (this.entities == null || this.entities.isEmpty()) { setErrorContent(); return; } // sometimes entities is a collection of collections Class objectClass; Object object = this.entities.iterator().next(); if (object instanceof Collection) { Collection coll = (Collection) object; if (! coll.isEmpty()) { objectClass = coll.iterator().next().getClass(); } else { setErrorContent(); return; } } else { objectClass = object.getClass(); } Class[] interfaces = objectClass.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces.length > 0) { Class firstInterfaceClass = interfaces[0]; this.leadingEntityName = firstInterfaceClass.getName(); } else { setErrorContent(); return; } } // get user properties, set MultiPropertyhandler MultiEntityPropertyHandler multiPropertyHandler; try { multiPropertyHandler = (this.leadingEntityIsUndefined) ? new MultiEntityPropertyHandler(iwc) : new MultiEntityPropertyHandler(iwc, this.leadingEntityName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("[EntityBrowser] Class was not recognized: " + this.leadingEntityName + " Message was: " + e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(System.err); setErrorContent(); return; } if (this.entityNames != null) { Iterator iterator = this.entityNames.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { try { multiPropertyHandler.addEntity((String); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // do not show the error content, continue! System.err.println("[EntityBrowser] Class was not recognized: " + this.leadingEntityName + " Message was: " + e.getMessage()); //e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } List visibleOrderedEntityPathes = getVisibleOrderedEntityPathes(multiPropertyHandler); // check if all entities should be shown parseAndDoActionNumberOfRowsPerPage(iwc, state); int numberOfRowsPerPage = getNumberOfRowsPerPage(multiPropertyHandler, getName()); // get and save the state of the former iterator BEFORE changing the iterator SetIterator entityIterator = retrieveSetIterator(iwc, this.entities); String formerStateOfIterator = entityIterator.getStateAsString(); // set properties (it does not matter if they have change or not) entityIterator.setIncrement(numberOfRowsPerPage); entityIterator.setQuantity(numberOfRowsPerPage); // parse action use as key the state of the iterator: // If there is a reload of the page the action "next subset" or // "previous subset" will no be performed again. parseAndDoAction(iwc, state, formerStateOfIterator, entityIterator); // set size of table int necessaryRows = entityIterator.sizeSet(); int necessaryColumns = visibleOrderedEntityPathes.size(); if (this.showMirroredView) { int temp = necessaryColumns; necessaryColumns = necessaryRows; necessaryRows = temp; } if (this.showMirroredView) { // we need at least on column for buttons plus headers necessaryColumns = (necessaryColumns == 0) ? 2 : necessaryColumns; // plus rows for buttons } else if (this.useScrollbars) { // use one cell to put the scrallable table into it necessaryColumns = 1; necessaryRows = 3; } else { // we need at least on column for buttons necessaryColumns = (necessaryColumns == 0) ? 1 : necessaryColumns; // plus rows for header and buttons necessaryRows += 3; } setSize(necessaryColumns, necessaryRows); // get now the table if (this.useScrollbars) { fillScrollableEntityTable(visibleOrderedEntityPathes, entityIterator, iwc); } else { fillEntityTable(visibleOrderedEntityPathes , entityIterator, iwc); } //TODO: thi: enable the mirrored view to work together with the navigation panel if (this.showMirroredView) { return; } boolean enableForward = entityIterator.hasNextSet(); boolean enableBack = entityIterator.hasPreviousSet(); // get current subset position String currentStateOfIterator = entityIterator.getStateAsString(); // store state in session entityIterator.storeStateInSession(iwc, this.keyForEntityCollection, getMyId()); // set hidden input (important for releasing) if (this.useExternalForm) { HiddenInput hiddenInputLastUsedMyId = new HiddenInput(HEADER_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY, getMyId()); HiddenInput hiddenAllEntitiesWereShown = new HiddenInput(REQUEST_FROM_EXTERNAL_FORM_SHOW_ALL_ENTITIES_KEY, (new Boolean(this.showAllEntities)).toString()); add(hiddenInputLastUsedMyId); add(hiddenAllEntitiesWereShown); } boolean showHeaderNavigationPanel = (this.showHeaderNavigation && (enableBack || enableForward)); if (showHeaderNavigationPanel) { setNavigationPanel( HEADER_FORM_KEY, iwc, resourceBundle, entityIterator, currentStateOfIterator, enableBack, enableForward, 1, necessaryColumns, false); } boolean showBottomNavigationPanel = (this.showBottomNavigation && (enableBack || enableForward) && ( (! this.showHeaderNavigation) || (entityIterator.getIncrement() > this.rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation)) ); if (showBottomNavigationPanel) { setNavigationPanel( BOTTOM_FORM_KEY, iwc, resourceBundle, entityIterator, currentStateOfIterator, enableBack, enableForward, necessaryRows, necessaryColumns, true); } // special case: // if both panel were not set, set the settings button now... if (!showHeaderNavigationPanel && !showBottomNavigationPanel) { if (entityIterator.getIncrement() > this.rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation) { setOnlySettingsButtonHeader(HEADER_FORM_KEY, enableBack, enableForward, resourceBundle, 1, necessaryColumns); } setOnlySettingsButton(BOTTOM_FORM_KEY, enableBack, enableForward, resourceBundle,necessaryRows,necessaryColumns); } // special case: // if only the header panel was set, set the additional presentationObjects now if (showHeaderNavigationPanel && !showBottomNavigationPanel) { setOnlyAdditionalPresentationObjects(necessaryRows, necessaryColumns); } } private Table getAdditionalPresentationObjects() { if (this.additionalPresentationObjects == null) { return null; } int size = this.additionalPresentationObjects.size(); Table table = new Table(size, 1); Iterator iterator = this.additionalPresentationObjects.iterator(); int x = 1; while (iterator.hasNext()) { PresentationObject presentationObject = (PresentationObject); table.add(presentationObject, x++ , 1); } return table; } private void setOnlyAdditionalPresentationObjects(int bottomRightCornerY, int bottomRightCornerX) { // create table Table panelTable = getAdditionalPresentationObjects(); if (panelTable == null) { return; } // get the desired row and merge it int panelBeginxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + 1; int panelBeginypos = this.yAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerY; int panelEndxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerX; int panelEndypos = panelBeginypos; // merge cell mergeCells(panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos, panelEndxpos, panelEndypos); // now add the table in the row that was created by merging the cells of the last row add(panelTable, panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos); } private void setOnlySettingsButtonHeader( String formKey, boolean enableBack, boolean enableForward, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, int bottomRightCornerY, int bottomRightCornerX) { // get the desired row and merge it int panelBeginxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + 1; int panelBeginypos = this.yAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerY; int panelEndxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerX; int panelEndypos = panelBeginypos; // merge cell // create table Table panelTable = new Table(3,1); // add settings // panelTable.add(getSettingsButton(resourceBundle),2,1); // add show all check box Table showAllTable = getShowAllCheckBox(formKey, enableBack, enableForward, resourceBundle); if (showAllTable != null) { panelTable.add(showAllTable,1,1); mergeCells(panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos, panelEndxpos, panelEndypos); // add additional presentation objects //Table table = getAdditionalPresentationObjects(); //panelTable.add(table , 3, 1); // now add the table in the row that was created by merging the cells of the last row add(panelTable, panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos); if (this.useExternalForm) { HiddenInput hiddenInputRequestFrom = new HiddenInput(formKey + REQUEST_KEY); add(hiddenInputRequestFrom); } } } private void setOnlySettingsButton( String formKey, boolean enableBack, boolean enableForward, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, int bottomRightCornerY, int bottomRightCornerX) { // get the desired row and merge it int panelBeginxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + 1; int panelBeginypos = this.yAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerY; int panelEndxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerX; int panelEndypos = panelBeginypos; // merge cell mergeCells(panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos, panelEndxpos, panelEndypos); // create table Table panelTable = new Table(3,1); // add settings panelTable.add(getSettingsButton(resourceBundle),2,1); // add show all check box Table showAllTable = getShowAllCheckBox(formKey, enableBack, enableForward, resourceBundle); if (showAllTable != null) { panelTable.add(showAllTable,1,1); } // add additional presentation objects Table table = getAdditionalPresentationObjects(); panelTable.add(table , 3, 1); // now add the table in the row that was created by merging the cells of the last row Table surroundTable = new Table(1,1); surroundTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); surroundTable.setColor(this.colorForButtonTable); surroundTable.add(panelTable, 1, 1); add(surroundTable, panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos); if (this.useExternalForm) { HiddenInput hiddenInputRequestFrom = new HiddenInput(formKey + REQUEST_KEY); add(hiddenInputRequestFrom); } } private void setNavigationPanel( String formKey, IWContext iwc, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, SetIterator entityIterator, String currentStateOfIterator, boolean enableBack, boolean enableForward, int bottomRightCornerY, int bottomRightCornerX, boolean showAdditionalPresentationObject) { // get the desired row and merge it int panelBeginxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + 1; int panelBeginypos = this.yAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerY; int panelEndxpos = this.xAnchorPosition + bottomRightCornerX; int panelEndypos = panelBeginypos; // merge cell mergeCells(panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos, panelEndxpos, panelEndypos); // create table Table panelTable = new Table(4,1); // add settings panelTable.add(getSettingsButton(resourceBundle),3,1); // add show all check box Table showAllTable = getShowAllCheckBox(formKey , enableBack, enableForward, resourceBundle); if (showAllTable != null) { panelTable.add(showAllTable,2,1); } // get links Table goAndBackButtonPanel = getForwardAndBackButtons(formKey,iwc, resourceBundle, entityIterator, currentStateOfIterator, enableBack, enableForward); panelTable.add(goAndBackButtonPanel,1,1); // add additional presentation objects if (showAdditionalPresentationObject) { Table table = getAdditionalPresentationObjects(); if (table != null) { panelTable.add(table , 4, 1); } } // add form UIComponent panel; HiddenInput hiddenInputRequestFrom = new HiddenInput(formKey + REQUEST_KEY); if (! this.useExternalForm) { HiddenInput hiddenInputLastUsedMyId = new HiddenInput(formKey + LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY, getMyId()); Form panelForm = new Form(); panelForm.add(hiddenInputLastUsedMyId); panelForm.add(hiddenInputRequestFrom); if (this.useEventSystem) { panelForm.addEventModel(getPresentationEvent(),iwc); } panelForm.add(panelTable); panel = panelForm; } else { panel = panelTable; add(hiddenInputRequestFrom); } // now add the table in the row that was created by merging the cells of the last row add(panel, panelBeginxpos, panelBeginypos); } private void setSize(int columns, int rows ) { // add the anchor positions columns += this.xAnchorPosition; rows += this.yAnchorPosition; // set height and width if necessary if (columns > getColumns()) { setColumns(columns); } if (rows > getRows()) { setRows(rows); } } private void fillEntityTable( List visibleOrderedEntityPathes, SetIterator entitySetIterator, IWContext iwc) { // build table Iterator iterator = visibleOrderedEntityPathes.iterator(); // set header row of the table // set color for header int i = 1; if (this.colorForHeader != null) { if (this.showMirroredView) { setColumnColor(this.xAnchorPosition + 1, this.colorForHeader); } else { setRowColor(this.yAnchorPosition + 2, this.colorForHeader); } } while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPath entityPath = (EntityPath); EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter = getEntityToPresentationConverter(entityPath); PresentationObject presentation = converter.getHeaderPresentationObject(entityPath, this, iwc); if (this.showMirroredView) { add(presentation, this.xAnchorPosition + 1, this.yAnchorPosition + i); } else { add(presentation, this.xAnchorPosition + i , this.yAnchorPosition + 2); } i++; } // fill table boolean colorForOddRowsIsSet = (this.colorForOddRows != null); boolean colorForEvenRowsIsSet = (this.colorForEvenRows != null); int y = 3; while (entitySetIterator.hasNextInSet()) { Object genericEntity =; Iterator visibleOrderedEntityPathesIterator = visibleOrderedEntityPathes.iterator(); // set color of rows if (this.showMirroredView) { this.currentColumn = this.xAnchorPosition + y - 1; } else { this.currentRow = this.yAnchorPosition + y; } setColorForRow(this, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow, colorForOddRowsIsSet, colorForEvenRowsIsSet); int x = 1; // fill columns this.currentIndexOfEntities = entitySetIterator.currentIndexRelativeToZero(); while (visibleOrderedEntityPathesIterator.hasNext()) { if (this.showMirroredView) { this.currentRow = this.yAnchorPosition + x; } else { this.currentColumn = this.xAnchorPosition + x; } EntityPath path = (EntityPath); EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter = getEntityToPresentationConverter(path); PresentationObject presentation = converter.getPresentationObject(genericEntity, path, this, iwc); add(presentation, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); // set some settings for the current column String shortKey = path.getShortKey(); setColorForColumn(this, shortKey, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); setAlignmentForColumn(this, shortKey, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); // next column x++; } // nextRow y++; } this.currentColumn = -1; this.currentRow = -1; this.currentIndexOfEntities = -1; } private void fillScrollableEntityTable( List visibleOrderedEntityPathes, SetIterator entitySetIterator, IWContext iwc) { // build table ScrollTable scrollTable = new ScrollTable(); scrollTable.setCellpadding(0); scrollTable.setCellspacing(0); scrollTable.setNumberOfHeaderRows(1); scrollTable.setScrollLayerHeaderRowThickness(30); // prior 47 scrollTable.setWidth(this.widthScrollTable); scrollTable.setHeight(this.heightScrollTable); Iterator iterator = visibleOrderedEntityPathes.iterator(); // set header row of the table // set color for header int i = 1; if (this.colorForHeader != null) { if (this.showMirroredView) { scrollTable.setColumnColor(1, this.colorForHeader); } else { scrollTable.setRowColor(1, this.colorForHeader); } } while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPath entityPath = (EntityPath); EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter = getEntityToPresentationConverter(entityPath); PresentationObject presentation = converter.getHeaderPresentationObject(entityPath, this, iwc); if (this.showMirroredView) { scrollTable.add(presentation, 1, i); if (this.colorForHeader != null) { scrollTable.setColor(1, i,this.colorForHeader); } } else { scrollTable.add(presentation, i , 1); if (this.colorForHeader != null) { scrollTable.setColor(i, 1,this.colorForHeader); } } i++; } // fill table boolean colorForOddRowsIsSet = (this.colorForOddRows != null); boolean colorForEvenRowsIsSet = (this.colorForEvenRows != null); int y = 2; while (entitySetIterator.hasNextInSet()) { Object genericEntity =; Iterator visibleOrderedEntityPathesIterator = visibleOrderedEntityPathes.iterator(); // set color of rows if (this.showMirroredView) { this.currentColumn = y; } else { this.currentRow = y; } setColorForRow(scrollTable, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow, colorForOddRowsIsSet, colorForEvenRowsIsSet); int x = 1; // fill columns this.currentIndexOfEntities = entitySetIterator.currentIndexRelativeToZero(); while (visibleOrderedEntityPathesIterator.hasNext()) { if (this.showMirroredView) { this.currentRow = x; } else { this.currentColumn = x; } EntityPath path = (EntityPath); EntityToPresentationObjectConverter converter = getEntityToPresentationConverter(path); PresentationObject presentation = converter.getPresentationObject(genericEntity, path, this, iwc); scrollTable.add(presentation, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); // set some settings for the current column String shortKey = path.getShortKey(); setColorForColumn(scrollTable, shortKey, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); setAlignmentForColumn(scrollTable, shortKey, this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); // next column x++; } // nextRow y++; } this.currentColumn = -1; this.currentRow = -1; this.currentIndexOfEntities = -1; add(scrollTable, this.xAnchorPosition + 1, this.yAnchorPosition + 2); } private void setAlignmentForColumn(TableType table, String entityPathShortKey, int column, int row) { if (this.entityPathShortKeyAlignmentMap == null) { return; } String alignment = (String) this.entityPathShortKeyAlignmentMap.get(entityPathShortKey); if (alignment == null) { return; } table.setAlignment(column, row, alignment); } private void setColorForColumn(TableType table, String entityPathShortKey, int column, int row) { if (this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap == null) { return; } String color = (String) this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap.get(entityPathShortKey); if (color == null) { return; } if (this.showMirroredView) { table.setRowColor(row, color); } else { table.setColumnColor(column, color); } } private void setColorForRow(TableType table, int column, int row, boolean colorForOddRowsIsSet, boolean colorForEvenRowsIsSet) { if (this.showMirroredView) { boolean oddColumn = ((column % 2) == 0); if (colorForOddRowsIsSet && oddColumn) { table.setColumnColor(column, this.colorForOddRows); } else if (colorForEvenRowsIsSet && !oddColumn) { table.setColumnColor(column, this.colorForEvenRows); } } else { boolean oddRow = ((row % 2) == 0); if (colorForOddRowsIsSet && oddRow) { table.setRowColor(row, this.colorForOddRows); } else if (colorForEvenRowsIsSet && (! oddRow)) { table.setRowColor(row, this.colorForEvenRows); } } } private void parseAndDoActionNumberOfRowsPerPage(IWContext iwc, EntityBrowserPS state) { String allEntitiesWereShownFromRequest; String allEntitiesString; if ((allEntitiesString = getAction(iwc, state, EXTERNAL_FORM_SHOW_ALL_ENTITIES_KEY)) != null) { this.showAllEntities = (new Boolean(allEntitiesString)).booleanValue(); } // handle external form else if ((allEntitiesWereShownFromRequest = getAction(iwc, state, REQUEST_FROM_EXTERNAL_FORM_SHOW_ALL_ENTITIES_KEY)) != null) { boolean allEntitiesWereShown = new Boolean(allEntitiesWereShownFromRequest).booleanValue(); boolean showAllEntitiesHeader = (getAction(iwc, state, HEADER_FORM_KEY + SHOW_ALL_KEY) != null); boolean showAllEntitiesBottom = (getAction(iwc, state, BOTTOM_FORM_KEY + SHOW_ALL_KEY) != null); boolean headerFormExists = (getAction(iwc, state,REQUEST_FROM_HEADER_FORM_KEY) != null); boolean bottomFormExists = (getAction(iwc, state,REQUEST_FROM_BOTTOM_FORM_KEY) != null); if (headerFormExists && !bottomFormExists && showAllEntitiesHeader) { this.showAllEntities = true; } else if (!headerFormExists && bottomFormExists && showAllEntitiesBottom) { this.showAllEntities = true; } else if (!allEntitiesWereShown && (showAllEntitiesHeader || showAllEntitiesBottom)) { this.showAllEntities = true; } else if (allEntitiesWereShown && showAllEntitiesHeader && showAllEntitiesBottom) { this.showAllEntities = true; } else if( allEntitiesWereShown && !headerFormExists && showAllEntitiesBottom) { this.showAllEntities = true; } else { this.showAllEntities = false; } } else if (getAction(iwc, state,REQUEST_FROM_HEADER_FORM_KEY) != null) { String allEntitiesWereShown = getAction(iwc, state, HEADER_FORM_KEY + SHOW_ALL_KEY); this.showAllEntities = (allEntitiesWereShown != null); } else if (getAction(iwc, state,REQUEST_FROM_BOTTOM_FORM_KEY) != null) { String allEntitiesWereShown = getAction(iwc, state, BOTTOM_FORM_KEY + SHOW_ALL_KEY); this.showAllEntities = (allEntitiesWereShown != null); } else { String showAllEntitiesString = getAction(iwc, state, All_ENTITIES_WERE_SHOWN); if (showAllEntitiesString != null) { this.showAllEntities = new Boolean(showAllEntitiesString).booleanValue(); } } } private void parseAndDoAction(IWContext iwc, EntityBrowserPS state, String formerStateOfIterator, SetIterator setIterator) { if (! parseAndDoActionForForm(HEADER_FORM_KEY,iwc,state,formerStateOfIterator,setIterator)) { parseAndDoActionForForm(BOTTOM_FORM_KEY,iwc,state,formerStateOfIterator,setIterator); } } private boolean parseAndDoActionForForm( String formKey, IWContext iwc, EntityBrowserPS state, String formerStateOfIterator, SetIterator setIterator) { String keyForwardBack = getUniqueKeyForSubmitButton(formKey,NEW_SUBSET_KEY, formerStateOfIterator); String keySelectionFromList = getUniqueKeyForSubmitButton(formKey ,NEW_SUBSET_FROM_LIST_KEY, formerStateOfIterator); String forwardBackAction = getAction(iwc, state, keyForwardBack); String selectionFromListAction = getAction(iwc, state, keySelectionFromList); // action from list // current subset has always subset number zero int i; if (selectionFromListAction != null && (i = Integer.parseInt(selectionFromListAction)) != 0) { setIterator.goToSetRelativeToCurrentSet(i); } // action from buttons else if ( (NEXT_SUBSET).equals(forwardBackAction)) { setIterator.nextSet(); } else if ( (PREVIOUS_SUBSET).equals(forwardBackAction)) { setIterator.previousSet(); } else { setIterator.currentSet(); // there was no action return false; } return true; } private String getAction(IWContext iwc, EntityBrowserPS state, String keySubmit) { String action = null; String parameter = null; if (state.isParameterSet(keySubmit)) { parameter = state.getParameter(keySubmit); } if (parameter != null && parameter.length() != 0) { action = parameter; } else if (iwc.isParameterSet(keySubmit)) { action = iwc.getParameter(keySubmit); } return action; } private SetIterator retrieveSetIterator(IWContext iwc, Collection entityColl) { // initialize setIterator List entityList; // EntityList has not implemented the toArray() method that is used // during the execution of new ArrayList(Collection coll) method // therefore we simply try to get a list by casting. if (entityColl instanceof List) { entityList = (List) entityColl; } else if (entityColl == null) { entityList = new ArrayList(); } else { entityList = new ArrayList(entityColl); } SetIterator setIterator = new SetIterator(entityList); // retrieve old state of setIterator, use session setIterator.retrieveStateFromSession(iwc, this.keyForEntityCollection, getMyId()); return setIterator; } private Table getForwardAndBackButtons( String formKey, IWContext iwc, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, SetIterator setIterator, String currentStateOfIterator, boolean enableBack, boolean enableForward) { // if the list is completely shown do not show forward and backward buttons if ((! enableBack) && (! enableForward)) { return new Table(); } // show buttons String uniqueKey = getUniqueKeyForSubmitButton(formKey, NEW_SUBSET_KEY, currentStateOfIterator); // use links Link goBackLink = getLinkInstanceWithMandatoryParameters(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("back","Back")); Link goForwardLink = getLinkInstanceWithMandatoryParameters(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("forward","Forward")); // goBackLink.setFontStyle(FONT_STYLE_FOR_LINK); // goForwardLink.setFontStyle(FONT_STYLE_FOR_LINK); if (this.useEventSystem) { goBackLink.addEventModel(getPresentationEvent(),iwc); goForwardLink.addEventModel(getPresentationEvent(),iwc); } goBackLink.addParameter(uniqueKey, PREVIOUS_SUBSET); goForwardLink.addParameter(uniqueKey,NEXT_SUBSET); /* use this if you like to display buttons SubmitButton goBackButton = new SubmitButton(resourceBundle.getLocalizedImageButton("back","Back"), uniqueKey, PREVIOUS_SUBSET); SubmitButton goForwardButton = new SubmitButton(resourceBundle.getLocalizedImageButton("forward","Forward"), uniqueKey, NEXT_SUBSET); goForwardButton.setDisabled(! enableForward); oBackButton.setDisabled(! enableBack); */ Table table = new Table(2,1); table.setHeight(7); if (enableBack) { table.add(goBackLink,1,1); } Iterator iterator = getLinksToPage(formKey, iwc, setIterator, currentStateOfIterator).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Link link = (Link); table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(),1,1); table.add(link,1,1); table.setAlignment(2,1,Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP); } if (enableForward) { table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(),1,1); table.add(goForwardLink,1,1); } table.add(getPageList(formKey, resourceBundle, setIterator, currentStateOfIterator),2,1); return table; } private DropdownMenu getPageList(String formKey, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle, SetIterator setIterator, String currentStateOfIterator) { String key = getUniqueKeyForSubmitButton(formKey, NEW_SUBSET_FROM_LIST_KEY, currentStateOfIterator); DropdownMenu menu = new DropdownMenu(key); int size = setIterator.size(); int increment = setIterator.getIncrement(); int quantity = setIterator.getQuantity(); int setNumber = setIterator.getNegativeNumberOfPreviousSetsRelativeToCurrentSet(); int number = 1; while (number <= size) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // first index of subset is value buffer.append(number); int lastNumberOfSubset = number + quantity; if (quantity > 1) { buffer.append(" - "); lastNumberOfSubset = (lastNumberOfSubset > size) ? size : lastNumberOfSubset - 1; buffer.append(lastNumberOfSubset); } // add special string (e.g."of 12234") at the current shown subset // current subset has always subset number zero if (setNumber == 0) { buffer .append(" ") .append(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("of","of")) .append(" ") .append(size); } menu.addMenuElement(setNumber, buffer.toString()); // count sets number += increment; setNumber++; } // set selected element menu.setSelectedElement(0); // set to submit menu.setToSubmit(); menu.setStyleAttribute(STYLE); return menu; } private List getLinksToPage( String formKey, IWContext iwc, SetIterator setIterator, String currentStateOfIterator) { List listOfLinks = new ArrayList(); // trick: use the same key as the drop down menu String key = getUniqueKeyForSubmitButton(formKey, NEW_SUBSET_FROM_LIST_KEY, currentStateOfIterator); int size = setIterator.size(); int increment = setIterator.getIncrement(); int quantity = setIterator.getQuantity(); int preNumber = setIterator.getNegativeNumberOfPreviousSetsRelativeToCurrentSet(); int afterNumber = setIterator.getPositiveNumberOfNextSetsRelativeToCurrentSet(); // adjust number of possible links previous and after current set int numberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet = this.defaultNumberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet; int numberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet = -this.defaultNumberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet; // prenumber is negative if (preNumber > -this.defaultNumberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet) { numberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet += ( this.defaultNumberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet + preNumber); } if (afterNumber < this.defaultNumberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet) { numberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet -= (this.defaultNumberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet - afterNumber); } // prenumber is negative preNumber = (preNumber < numberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet) ? numberOfLinksPreviousToCurrentSet : preNumber; afterNumber = (afterNumber > numberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet) ? numberOfLinksAfterCurrentSet : afterNumber; int number = setIterator.currentFirstIndexSetRelativeToZero() + 1; // plus one because it starts with zero // prenumber is negative number += (preNumber * increment); while (preNumber <= afterNumber) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(number); int lastNumberOfSubset = number + quantity; if (quantity > 1) { buffer.append("-"); lastNumberOfSubset = (lastNumberOfSubset > size) ? size : lastNumberOfSubset - 1; buffer.append(lastNumberOfSubset); } Link link = getLinkInstanceWithMandatoryParameters(buffer.toString()); // link.setFontStyle(FONT_STYLE_FOR_LINK); if (preNumber == 0) { link.setBold(); } if (this.useEventSystem) { link.addEventModel(getPresentationEvent(),iwc); } link.addParameter(key, preNumber); listOfLinks.add(link); number += increment; preNumber++; } return listOfLinks; } /** * Get settings button */ private Table getSettingsButton(IWResourceBundle resourceBundle) { // sometimes settings button is not desired if (!this.showSettingsButton) { return new Table(); } String settings = resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("Settings","Settings"); GenericButton settingsButton = new GenericButton(settings); settingsButton.setWindowToOpen(EntityBrowserSettingsWindow.class); settingsButton.addParameter(EntityBrowserSettingsWindow.LEADING_ENTITY_NAME_KEY, this.leadingEntityName); settingsButton.addParameter(ENTITY_BROWSER_IDENTIFICATION_NAME, getName()); Collection defaultColumnValues = (this.defaultColumns == null) ? null : this.defaultColumns.values(); Collection optionColumnValues = (this.optionColumns == null) ? null : this.optionColumns.values(); EntityBrowserSettingsWindow.setParameters(settingsButton, this.entityNames, defaultColumnValues , optionColumnValues, this.defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage ); StyledButton styledSettingsButton = new StyledButton(settingsButton); Table table = new Table(); table.add(styledSettingsButton); return table; } private Table getShowAllCheckBox(String formKey, boolean enableBack, boolean enableForward, IWResourceBundle resourceBundle) { if ( (! enableBack) && (!enableForward) && (!this.showAllEntities) ) { // all entities are shown, it makes no sense to offer the checkbox return null; } Text showAll = new Text(resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("eb_show_all","show all")); // changed to set the font style to match the new style: showAll.setStyleClass(this.styledLink); // showAll.setFontStyle(FONT_STYLE_FOR_LINK); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(formKey); buffer.append(SHOW_ALL_KEY); CheckBox showAllCheckBox = new CheckBox(buffer.toString()); showAllCheckBox.setChecked(this.showAllEntities); showAllCheckBox.setToSubmit(); Table table = new Table(2,1); table.add(showAllCheckBox, 1,1); table.add(showAll,2,1); return table; } private String getUniqueKeyForSubmitButton(String formKey, String prefix, String stateOfIterator) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer .append(formKey) .append(prefix) .append(getMyId()) .append(stateOfIterator); return buffer.toString(); } private String getMyId() { // use object instance id if possible else compoundId if (this.myId == null) { int id; PresentationObject object = this; do { id = object.getICObjectInstanceID(); try{ object = (PresentationObject)object.getParent(); } catch(ClassCastException cce){ object=null; } } while (id == 0 && object != null); this.myId = (id != 0) ? Integer.toString(id) : getCompoundId(); } return this.myId; } private void setErrorContent() { // show nothing //// String message = resourceBundle.getLocalizedString("Blank table", "Blank table"); //// add(message); } private List getVisibleOrderedEntityPathes(MultiEntityPropertyHandler multiPropertyHandler) { // if the user settings should not be accepted set the columns // that are set by the user to an empty collection List columnsSetByUserList = (this.acceptUserSettings) ? multiPropertyHandler.getVisibleOrderedEntityPathes(getName()) : null; // use arrayList because the returned collection of a tree map does not support add operations List tempMandatoryColumns = (this.mandatoryColumns == null) ? null : new ArrayList(this.mandatoryColumns.values()); // columnsSetByUserList is empty... // there are no visible columns set by the user, therefore show the default columns // default columns is a tree map values returns an ordered collection if ( (columnsSetByUserList == null || columnsSetByUserList.isEmpty()) && this.defaultColumns != null) { Collection tempDefaultColumns = this.defaultColumns.values(); if (tempMandatoryColumns == null) { tempMandatoryColumns = new ArrayList(tempDefaultColumns); } else { tempMandatoryColumns.addAll(tempDefaultColumns); } } List list = new ArrayList(); if (tempMandatoryColumns != null) { Iterator mandatoryColumnsIterator = tempMandatoryColumns.iterator(); while (mandatoryColumnsIterator.hasNext()) { String shortKey = (String); EntityPath path = multiPropertyHandler.getEntityPath(shortKey); if (path != null) { list.add(path); } } } if (columnsSetByUserList != null) { list.addAll(columnsSetByUserList); } return list; } private int getNumberOfRowsPerPage(MultiEntityPropertyHandler multiPropertyHandler, String identificationName) { if (this.showAllEntities && this.entities != null) { int rowsPerPage; return ((rowsPerPage = this.entities.size()) > this.MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE) ? this.MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE : rowsPerPage; } if (! this.acceptUserSettings) { return this.defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage; } int rowsTemp = multiPropertyHandler.getNumberOfRowsPerPage(identificationName); if (rowsTemp == EntityPropertyHandler.NUMBER_OF_ROWS_PER_PAGE_NOT_SET) { return this.defaultNumberOfRowsPerPage; } return rowsTemp; } public EntityToPresentationObjectConverter getDefaultConverter() { if (this.defaultConverter == null) { this.defaultConverter = new EntityToPresentationObjectConverter() { IWResourceBundle resourceBundle = null; public PresentationObject getHeaderPresentationObject(EntityPath entityPath, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { // get resource bundle if (this.resourceBundle == null) { this.resourceBundle = getResourceBundle(iwc); } String columnName = entityPath.getLocalizedDescription(this.resourceBundle); Text text = (Text) EntityBrowser.this.columnTextProxy.clone(); text.setText(columnName); text.setBold(); return text; } public PresentationObject getPresentationObject(Object genericEntity, EntityPath path, EntityBrowser browser, IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer displayValues = new StringBuffer(); List list = path.getValues((EntityRepresentation) genericEntity); List classes = path.getClassesOfValues(); Iterator valueIterator = list.iterator(); Iterator classIterator = classes.iterator(); while (valueIterator.hasNext()) { Object object =; Class valueClass = (Class); // if there is no entry the object is null if (object == null) { // if the column is a number show zero if desired if (valueClass != null && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { object = EntityBrowser.this.nullValueForNumbers; } else { object = ""; } } displayValues.append(object.toString()); // append white space displayValues.append(' '); } Text text = (Text) EntityBrowser.this.defaultTextProxy.clone(); text.setText(displayValues.toString()); return text; } }; } return this.defaultConverter; } /** this method is used for the event model */ public IWPresentationState getPresentationState(IWUserContext iwuc){ if(this.presentationState == null){ try { IWStateMachine stateMachine = (IWStateMachine)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwuc,IWStateMachine.class); this.presentationState = stateMachine.getStateFor(getCompoundId(),EntityBrowserPS.class); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new RuntimeException(re.getMessage()); } } return this.presentationState; } /** mandatory method for interface StatefullPresentation * */ public Class getPresentationStateClass() { return EntityBrowserPS.class; } /** Sets the alignment for the specified column. * * @param entityPathShortKey * @param alignment */ public void setAlignmentForColumn(String entityPathShortKey, String alignment) { if (this.entityPathShortKeyAlignmentMap == null) { this.entityPathShortKeyAlignmentMap = new HashMap(); } this.entityPathShortKeyAlignmentMap.put(entityPathShortKey, alignment); } /** Sets the color for the specified column. * * @param colorForColumnr */ public void setColorForColumn(String entityPathShortKey, String color) { if (this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap == null) { this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap = new HashMap(); } this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap.put(entityPathShortKey, color); } /** Sets the color for the specified columns. * * @param entityPathShortKeyColorMap - map, uses entity path short keys as keys and color strings as value */ public void setColorForColumns(Map entityPathShortKeyColorMap) { if (this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap == null) { this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap = new HashMap(); } this.entityPathShortKeyColorMap.putAll(entityPathShortKeyColorMap); } /** Sets the color for the header row * @param colorForHeader */ public void setColorForHeader(String colorForHeader) { this.colorForHeader = colorForHeader; } /** * Sets the colorForEvenRows. * @param colorForEvenRows The colorForEvenRows to set */ public void setColorForEvenRows(String colorForEvenRows) { this.colorForEvenRows = colorForEvenRows; } /** * Sets the colorForOddRows. * @param colorForOddRows The colorForOddRows to set */ public void setColorForOddRows(String colorForOddRows) { this.colorForOddRows = colorForOddRows; } /** * Sets the showSettingButton. * @param showSettingButton The showSettingButton to set */ public void setAcceptUserSettingsShowUserSettingsButton(boolean acceptUserSettings, boolean showSettingButton) { this.acceptUserSettings = acceptUserSettings; // if acceptUserSettings is false do never show the user settings button! this.showSettingsButton = (acceptUserSettings) ? showSettingButton : false; } /** Changes the view: shows the columns as rows and vice versa. * @param showMirroredView - default value is false. */ public void setShowMirroredView(boolean showMirroredView) { this.showMirroredView = showMirroredView; } /** * Sets the columnTextProxy. * @param columnTextProxy The columnTextProxy to set */ public void setColumnTextProxy(Text columnTextProxy) { this.columnTextProxy = columnTextProxy; } /** * Sets the defaultTextProxy. * @param defaultTextProxy The defaultTextProxy to set */ public void setDefaultTextProxy(Text defaultTextProxy) { this.defaultTextProxy = defaultTextProxy; } /** * Sets the value that is shown if a number column is null. * The default value is an empty string. * @param value */ public void setNullValueForNumbers(String nullValueForNumbers) { this.nullValueForNumbers = nullValueForNumbers; } /** * Returns the currentColumn. * Used within EntityToPresentationObjectConverters during printing a cell. * Returns -1 if the browser is not printing the table. * @return int */ public int getCurrentColumn() { return this.currentColumn; } /** * Returns the currentRow. * Used within EntityToPresentationObjectConverters during printing a cell. * Returns -1 if the browser is not printing the table. * @return int */ public int getCurrentRow() { return this.currentRow; } /** * Returns the current index of the current entity within the specified collection of entities. * Used within EntityToPresentationObjectConverters during printing a cell. * First index is zero. * Returns -1 if the browser is not printing the table. */ public int getCurrentIndexOfEntities() { return this.currentIndexOfEntities; } /** * Sets the rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation. * @param rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation The rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation to set */ public void setPageLimitForShowingBottomNavigation(int rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation) { this.rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation = rowLimitForShowingBottomNavigation; } public void setShowNavigation(boolean showHeaderNavigation, boolean showBottomNavigation) { this.showHeaderNavigation = showHeaderNavigation; this.showBottomNavigation = showBottomNavigation; } /** Sets a parameter that is send with every request * * @param parameter */ public void addMandatoryParameter(Parameter parameter) { if (this.mandatoryParameters == null) { this.mandatoryParameters = new ArrayList(); } this.mandatoryParameters.add(parameter); } public void addMandatoryParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { addMandatoryParameter(new Parameter(parameterName, parameterValue)); } public void removeAllMandatoryParameters() { this.mandatoryParameters = null; } public void addMandatoryParameters(Collection parameters) { if (this.mandatoryParameters == null) { this.mandatoryParameters = new ArrayList(parameters); } this.mandatoryParameters.addAll(parameters); } public Parameter getShowAllEntriesParameter() { Parameter parameter = new Parameter(EXTERNAL_FORM_SHOW_ALL_ENTITIES_KEY, String.valueOf(this.showAllEntities)); return parameter; } public void setScrollableWithHeightAndWidth(int height, int width) { this.heightScrollTable = height; this.widthScrollTable = width; this.useScrollbars = true; } private Link getLinkInstanceWithMandatoryParameters(String text) { Link link = new Link(text); //added to match styled Links link.setStyleClass(this.styledLink); link.addParameter(HEADER_FORM_LAST_USED_MY_ID_KEY, getMyId()); link.addParameter(All_ENTITIES_WERE_SHOWN, (new Boolean(this.showAllEntities)).toString()); if (this.mandatoryParameters == null) { return link; } Iterator iterator = this.mandatoryParameters.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Parameter parameter = (Parameter); link.addParameter(parameter); } return link; } }