package com.idega.block.documents.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.category.presentation.FolderBlock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.block.presentation.Builderaware; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.text.StyleConstants; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; import com.idega.util.text.TextStyler; /** * Description of the Class * *@author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> *@created 15. mars 2002 *@version 1.0 */ public class Doc extends FolderBlock implements Builderaware, ICDynamicPageTriggerInheritable { private int _folderID = -1; private int _catID = -1; private boolean _isAdmin = false; private String _attribute; private int _iLocaleID; private int _layout = -1; private boolean iShowCategoryText = true; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static int BOX_VIEW = 1; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static int CATEGORY_VIEW = 2; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static int COLLECTION_VIEW = 3; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static String BOX_VIEW_STRING = "BOX VIEW"; /** * Description of the Field */ public final static String CATEGORY_VIEW_STRING = "CATEGORY VIEW"; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.documents"; /** * Description of the Field */ protected IWResourceBundle _iwrb; /** * Description of the Field */ protected IWBundle _iwbCore; /** * Description of the Field */ protected IWBundle _iwbDoc; private Image _deleteImage; private Image _createImage; private Image _editImage; private Image _detachImage; private Table _myTable; private boolean _newObjInst = false; private boolean _newWithAttribute = false; private boolean _styles = true; private int _numberOfColumns; private String _headerColor; private String _borderColor; private String _inlineColor; private String _boxWidth; private String _boxHeight; private int _boxSpacing; private int _numberOfDisplayed; private String _categoryStyle; private String _linkStyle; private String _visitedStyle; private String _activeStyle; private String _hoverStyle; private String _informationStyle; private String _name; private String _highlightColor = "#0000FF"; private String _target; private static String _addPermisson = "add"; //private static String _infoPermission = "info"; private boolean _hasEditPermission = false; private boolean _hasAddPermission = false; //private boolean _hasInfoPermission = false; /** * Constructor for the Doc object */ public Doc() { setDefaultValues(); } /** * Constructor for the Doc object * *@param folderID Description of the Parameter */ public Doc(int folderID) { this(); this._folderID = folderID; } /** * Constructor for the Doc object * *@param attribute Description of the Parameter */ public Doc(String attribute) { this(); this._attribute = attribute; } public void registerPermissionKeys() { registerPermissionKey(_addPermisson); //registerPermissionKey(_infoPermission); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param iwc Description of the Parameter *@exception Exception Description of the Exception */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this._iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this._iwbDoc = getBundle(iwc); this._iwbCore = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); this._createImage = this._iwbCore.getImage("shared/create.gif"); this._deleteImage = this._iwbCore.getImage("shared/delete.gif"); this._editImage = this._iwbCore.getImage("shared/edit.gif"); this._detachImage = this._iwbCore.getImage("shared/detach.gif"); this._isAdmin = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); //System.out.println("Doc . _isAdmin " + _isAdmin); this._hasEditPermission = iwc.hasEditPermission(this); if (this._hasEditPermission) { this._hasAddPermission = true; } else { this._hasAddPermission = iwc.hasPermission(_addPermisson, this); } //_isAdmin = true; this._iLocaleID = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); iwc.removeApplicationAttribute(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_LINK_ID); iwc.removeApplicationAttribute(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_NEW_OBJECT_INSTANCE); InformationFolder folder = null; if (this._folderID < 0) { folder = this.getWorkFolder(); if (folder != null) { this._folderID = folder.getID(); } } else { /** * @todo move from DocFinder to FolderBusiness */ folder = DocBusiness.getFolder(this._folderID); } this._myTable = new Table(1, 2); this._myTable.setCellpadding(0); this._myTable.setCellspacing(0); //_myTable.setBorder(1); //toolbar if(this._hasEditPermission){ Link change = getCategoryLink(); change.setImage(this._iwbCore.getImage("/shared/detach.gif")); this._myTable.add(change,1,1); } // if(_folderID <= 0){ // String sDocID = iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_FOLDER_ID); // if(sDocID != null) // _folderID = Integer.parseInt(sDocID); // else if(getICObjectInstanceID() > 0){ // _folderID = DocFinder.getObjectInstanceID(getICObjectInstance()); // if(_folderID <= 0 ){ // DocBusiness.saveDoc(_folderID,getICObjectInstanceID(),null); // _newObjInst = true; // } // } // } // // if ( _newObjInst ) { // _folderID = DocFinder.getObjectInstanceID(new ICObjectInstance(getICObjectInstanceID())); // } // // if(_folderID > 0) { // folder = DocFinder.getFolder(_folderID); // } // else if ( _attribute != null ){ // folder = DocFinder.getFolder(_attribute); // if ( folder != null ) { // _folderID = folder.getID(); // } // else { // DocBusiness.saveDoc(-1,-1,_attribute); // } // _newWithAttribute = true; // } // // if ( _newWithAttribute ) { // _folderID = DocFinder.getFolder(_attribute).getID(); // } if (iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID) != null) { try { this._catID = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this._catID = -1; } } int row = 1; if (this._hasEditPermission) { this._myTable.add(getAdminPart(), 1, row); row++; } // System.out.println("_myTable.add(getPresentation(folder,iwc),1,row);: " + folder + "," + iwc + "," + 1 + "," + row); this._myTable.add(getPresentation(folder, iwc), 1, row); add(this._myTable); } /** * Gets the presentation attribute of the Doc object * *@param folder Description of the Parameter *@param iwc Description of the Parameter *@return The presentation value */ private Table getPresentation(InformationFolder folder, IWContext iwc) { setStyles(); Table boxTable = new Table(); boxTable.setCellpadding(0); boxTable.setCellspacing(this._boxSpacing); InformationCategory[] categories = this.getCategoriesToView(); if (categories != null) { switch (this._layout) { case BOX_VIEW : System.out.println("getBoxView(folder,categories,boxTable);: " + folder + "," + categories + "," + boxTable); getBoxView(folder, categories, boxTable, iwc); break; case CATEGORY_VIEW : boxTable.setWidth(this._boxWidth); getCategoryView(folder, categories, boxTable, iwc); break; case COLLECTION_VIEW : boxTable.setWidth(this._boxWidth); boxTable.setCellspacing(0); getCollectionView(folder, categories, boxTable, iwc); break; } } return boxTable; } /** * Gets the boxView attribute of the Doc object * *@param folder Description of the Parameter *@param categories Description of the Parameter *@param boxTable Description of the Parameter */ private void getBoxView(InformationFolder folder, InformationCategory[] categories, Table boxTable, IWContext iwc) { int row = 1; int column = 1; if (categories != null) { for (int a = 0; a < categories.length; a++) { //tmp String categoryString = categories[a].getName(); //DocBusiness.getLocalizedString(categories[a],_iLocaleID); if (categoryString == null) { categoryString = "$language$"; } Text categoryText = new Text(categoryString); categoryText.setFontStyle(this._categoryStyle); Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpadding(3); table.setCellspacing(1); table.setWidth(this._boxWidth); table.setHeight(this._boxHeight); table.setHeight(2, "100%"); table.setColor(this._borderColor); table.setColor(1, 1, this._headerColor); table.setColor(1, 2, this._inlineColor); table.setAlignment(1, 1, "center"); table.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, "middle"); table.setVerticalAlignment(1, 2, "top"); table.add(categoryText, 1, 1); Table linksTable = new Table(); linksTable.setRows(this._numberOfDisplayed + 1); linksTable.setWidth("100%"); if (this._hasEditPermission) { linksTable.setHeight("100%"); } table.add(linksTable, 1, 2); int linkRow = 1; DocLink[] links = DocBusiness.getLinksInFolderCategory(folder, categories[a]); int linksLength = this._numberOfDisplayed; if (links != null) { if (links.length < linksLength) { linksLength = links.length; } for (int b = 0; b < linksLength; b++) { Link link = getLink(links[b], iwc); if (link != null) { linksTable.add(link, 1, linkRow); linksTable.setWidth(1, linkRow, "100%"); if (this._hasEditPermission || this._hasAddPermission) { linksTable.add(getEditLink(links[b].getID()), 2, linkRow); linksTable.add(getDeleteLink(links[b].getID()), 2, linkRow); } linkRow++; } } if (this._hasAddPermission) { linksTable.add(getAddLink(categories[a].getID()), 1, this._numberOfDisplayed + 1); linksTable.setHeight(1, this._numberOfDisplayed + 1, "100%"); linksTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, this._numberOfDisplayed + 1, "bottom"); } } if (column % this._numberOfColumns == 0) { boxTable.add(table, column, row); row++; column = 1; } else { boxTable.add(table, column, row); column++; } } } } /** * Gets the categoryView attribute of the Doc object * *@param folder Description of the Parameter *@param categories Description of the Parameter *@param boxTable Description of the Parameter *@param iwc Description of the Parameter */ private void getCategoryView(InformationFolder folder, InformationCategory[] categories, Table boxTable, IWContext iwc) { int row = 1; Table categoryTable = new Table(); categoryTable.setCellpadding(1); categoryTable.setCellspacing(0); categoryTable.setWidth(2, "100%"); int icObjectInstanceID = this.getICObjectInstanceID(); int ic_obj_inst_id = icObjectInstanceID; try { ic_obj_inst_id = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID)); } catch (Exception e) { ic_obj_inst_id = icObjectInstanceID; } TextStyler styler = new TextStyler(this._categoryStyle); styler.setStyleValue(StyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, this._highlightColor); Image categoryImage = this._iwbDoc.getImage("shared/category.gif"); for (int a = 0; a <= categories.length; a++) { if (a == 0 && (this._catID == -1 || ic_obj_inst_id != icObjectInstanceID)&&(a < categories.length)) { this._catID = categories[a].getID(); } //tmp String categoryString = null; if (a < categories.length) { categoryString = categories[a].getName(); // DocBusiness.getLocalizedString(categories[a],_iLocaleID); if (categoryString == null) { categoryString = "$language$"; } } else { categoryString = this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("all_documents", "All documents"); } int categoryID = 0; if (a < categories.length) { categoryID = categories[a].getID(); } Text categoryText = new Text(categoryString); if (this._catID == categoryID) { categoryText.setFontStyle(styler.getStyleString()); } else { categoryText.setFontStyle(this._categoryStyle); } Link categoryImageLink = new Link(categoryImage); categoryImageLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID, categoryID); categoryImageLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, icObjectInstanceID); Link categoryLink = new Link(categoryText); categoryLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CATEGORY_ID, categoryID); categoryLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, icObjectInstanceID); categoryTable.add(categoryImageLink, 1, a + 1); categoryTable.add(categoryLink, 2, a + 1); int documents = 0; if (a < categories.length) { documents = DocBusiness.getNumberOfLinksInFolderCategory(folder, categories[a]); } else { documents = DocBusiness.getNumberOfLinksInFolder(folder); } Text documentText = new Text(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE + "(" + String.valueOf(documents) + Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE + this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("documents", "documents") + ")"); documentText.setFontStyle(this._informationStyle); categoryTable.add(documentText, 3, a + 1); } InformationCategory category = DocBusiness.getCategory(this._catID); boxTable.add(categoryTable, 1, row); row++; boxTable.setHeight(1, row, "5"); row++; if (this._catID != -1) { int linkRow = 1; DocLink[] links = null; if (this._catID != 0) { links = DocBusiness.getLinksInFolderCategory(folder, category); } else { links = DocBusiness.getLinksInFolder(folder); } if (links != null && ic_obj_inst_id == icObjectInstanceID) { Table linksTable = new Table(); linksTable.setCellpadding(0); linksTable.setCellspacing(1); linksTable.setWidth("100%"); linksTable.setWidth(1, "100%"); Text documentNameText = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("document_name", "Document name")); documentNameText.setFontStyle(this._linkStyle + " font-weight: bold;"); linksTable.add(documentNameText, 1, linkRow); Text documentDateText = new Text(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("document_date", "Date")); documentDateText.setFontStyle(this._linkStyle + " font-weight: bold;"); linksTable.add(documentDateText, 2, linkRow); linkRow++; for (int b = 0; b < links.length; b++) { Link link = getLink(links[b], iwc); IWTimestamp stamp = null; try { stamp = new IWTimestamp(links[b].getCreationDate()); } catch (NullPointerException n) {} if (link != null) { linksTable.add(link, 1, linkRow); Text dateText = new Text(""); if (stamp != null) { dateText.setText(TextSoap.addZero(stamp.getDay()) + "." + TextSoap.addZero(stamp.getMonth()) + "." + Integer.toString(stamp.getYear())); } dateText.setFontStyle(this._linkStyle); linksTable.add(dateText, 2, linkRow); if (this._hasEditPermission || this._hasAddPermission) { linksTable.add(getEditLink(links[b].getID()), 3, linkRow); linksTable.add(getDeleteLink(links[b].getID()), 3, linkRow); } linkRow++; } } boxTable.add(linksTable, 1, row); row++; } } if (this._hasAddPermission && this._catID != -1 && this._catID != 0 && ic_obj_inst_id == icObjectInstanceID) { boxTable.add(getAddLink(category.getID()), 1, row); } } /** * Gets the collectionView attribute of the Doc object * *@param folder Description of the Parameter *@param categories Description of the Parameter *@param boxTable Description of the Parameter *@param iwc Description of the Parameter */ private void getCollectionView(InformationFolder folder, InformationCategory[] categories, Table boxTable, IWContext iwc) { int row = 1; Image image = Table.getTransparentCell(iwc); image.setHeight(this._boxSpacing); for (int a = 0; a < categories.length; a++) { //tmp String categoryString = categories[a].getName(); //DocBusiness.getLocalizedString(categories[a],_iLocaleID); if (categoryString == null) { categoryString = "$language$"; } Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(1); int linkRow = 1; if (this.iShowCategoryText) { Text categoryText = new Text(categoryString); categoryText.setFontStyle(this._categoryStyle); table.add(categoryText, 1, linkRow++); } DocLink[] links = DocBusiness.getLinksInFolderCategory(folder, categories[a]); if (links != null) { for (int b = 0; b < links.length; b++) { Link link = getLink(links[b], iwc); if (link != null) { table.add(link, 1, linkRow); table.setWidth(1, linkRow, "100%"); if (this._hasEditPermission || this._hasAddPermission) { table.add(getEditLink(links[b].getID()), 2, linkRow); table.add(getDeleteLink(links[b].getID()), 2, linkRow); } linkRow++; } } if (this._hasAddPermission) { table.add(getAddLink(categories[a].getID()), 1, linkRow); } } boxTable.add(table, 1, row++); if (this.iShowCategoryText) { boxTable.add(image, 1, row++); } } } /** * Gets the adminPart attribute of the Doc object * *@return The adminPart value */ private Table getAdminPart() { Table adminTable = new Table(); adminTable.setCellpadding(0); adminTable.setCellspacing(0); // Link adminLink = new Link(_createImage); // adminLink.setWindowToOpen(DocEditorWindow.class); // addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_ID,this.getICObjectID()); // adminLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_NEW_OBJECT_INSTANCE,DocBusiness.PARAMETER_TRUE); // adminLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, this.getICObjectInstanceID()); // if(this.getContentLocaleID() != -1){ // adminLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CONTENT_LOCALE_ID, this.getContentLocaleID()); // } // adminTable.add(adminLink,1,1); // Link categoryLink = new Link(_editImage); // categoryLink.setWindowToOpen(DocCategoryEditor.class); // categoryLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_BOX_ID,_folderID); // adminTable.add(categoryLink,2,1); // // Link detachLink = new Link(_detachImage); // detachLink.setWindowToOpen(DocCategoryChooser.class); // detachLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_BOX_ID,_folderID); // adminTable.add(detachLink,2,1); // return adminTable; } /** * Gets the link attribute of the Doc object * *@param docLink Description of the Parameter *@return The link value */ private Link getLink(DocLink docLink, IWContext iwc) { String linkString = docLink.getName(); //DocBusiness.getLocalizedString(boxLink,_iLocaleID); if (linkString != null) { Link link = new Link(linkString); if (this._styles) { link.setStyle(this._name); } else { link.setFontSize(1); } link.setOnMouseOver("window.status='" + linkString + "'; return true;"); link.setOnMouseOut("window.status=''; return true;"); String URL = docLink.getURL(); int fileID = docLink.getFileID(); int pageID = docLink.getPageID(); String target = docLink.getTarget(); if (URL != null) { if (URL.indexOf("http://") == -1) { URL = "http://" + URL; } link.setURL(URL); } else if (fileID != -1) { //System.out.println("link.setUrl(Mediabusiness.getMediaUrl(fileID,iwc))"); link.setFile(fileID); } else if (pageID != -1) { link.setPage(pageID); } if (target != null) { link.setTarget(target); } return link; } return null; } /** * Gets the addLink attribute of the Doc object * *@param categoryID Description of the Parameter *@return The addLink value */ private Link getAddLink(int categoryID) { Link addLink = new Link(this._createImage); addLink.setWindowToOpen(DocEditorWindow.class); addLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_OBJECT_ID, this.getICObjectID()); addLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_CATEGORY_ID, categoryID); addLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, this.getICObjectInstanceID()); if (this.getContentLocaleIdentifier() != null) { addLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER, this.getContentLocaleIdentifier()); addLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_FOLDER_ID, this._folderID); } return addLink; } /** * Gets the editLink attribute of the Doc object * *@param linkID Description of the Parameter *@return The editLink value */ private Link getEditLink(int linkID) { Link editLink = new Link(this._editImage); editLink.setWindowToOpen(DocEditorWindow.class); editLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_DOC_ID, linkID); editLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_MODE, DocEditorWindow._MODE_EDITDOC); editLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_OBJECT_ID, this.getICObjectID()); editLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, this.getICObjectInstanceID()); if (this.getContentLocaleIdentifier() != null) { editLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_CONTENT_LOCALE_IDENTIFIER, this.getContentLocaleIdentifier()); editLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_FOLDER_ID, this._folderID); } return editLink; } /** * Gets the deleteLink attribute of the Doc object * *@param linkID Description of the Parameter *@return The deleteLink value */ private Link getDeleteLink(int linkID) { Link deleteLink = new Link(this._deleteImage); deleteLink.setWindowToOpen(DocEditorWindow.class); deleteLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_DOC_ID, linkID); deleteLink.addParameter(DocEditorWindow._PRM_MODE, DocEditorWindow._MODE_DELETE); // deleteLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_FOLDER_ID, _folderID); // deleteLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID, this.getICObjectInstanceID()); // deleteLink.addParameter(DocBusiness.PARAMETER_DELETE, DocBusiness.PARAMETER_TRUE); return deleteLink; } /** * Sets the defaultValues attribute of the Doc object */ private void setDefaultValues() { this._layout = BOX_VIEW; this._numberOfColumns = 3; this._headerColor = "#D8D8D8"; this._borderColor = "#6E6E6E"; this._inlineColor = "#FFFFFF"; this._boxWidth = "120"; this._boxHeight = "120"; this._boxSpacing = 3; this._numberOfDisplayed = 4; this._informationStyle = "font-face: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #999999;"; this._categoryStyle = "font-face: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold"; this._linkStyle = "font-face: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000000;"; this._visitedStyle = "font-face: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000000;"; this._activeStyle = "font-face: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000000;"; this._hoverStyle = "font-face: Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000000;"; this._target = Link.TARGET_TOP_WINDOW; } /** * Sets the numberOfColumns attribute of the Doc object * *@param columns The new numberOfColumns value */ public void setNumberOfColumns(int columns) { this._numberOfColumns = columns; } /** * Sets the headerColor attribute of the Doc object * *@param color The new headerColor value */ public void setHeaderColor(String color) { this._headerColor = color; } /** * Sets the borderColor attribute of the Doc object * *@param color The new borderColor value */ public void setBorderColor(String color) { this._borderColor = color; } /** * Sets the inlineColor attribute of the Doc object * *@param color The new inlineColor value */ public void setInlineColor(String color) { this._inlineColor = color; } /** * Sets the width attribute of the Doc object * *@param width The new width value */ public void setWidth(String width) { this._boxWidth = width; } /** * Sets the width attribute of the Doc object * *@param width The new width value */ public void setWidth(int width) { setWidth(Integer.toString(width)); } /** * Sets the height attribute of the Doc object * *@param height The new height value */ public void setHeight(String height) { this._boxHeight = height; } /** * Sets the height attribute of the Doc object * *@param height The new height value */ public void setHeight(int height) { setHeight(Integer.toString(height)); } /** * Sets the layout attribute of the Doc object * *@param layout The new layout value */ public void setLayout(int layout) { this._layout = layout; } /** * Sets the boxSpacing attribute of the Doc object * *@param spacing The new boxSpacing value */ public void setBoxSpacing(int spacing) { this._boxSpacing = spacing; } /** * Sets the numberOfDisplayed attribute of the Doc object * *@param number The new numberOfDisplayed value */ public void setNumberOfDisplayed(int number) { this._numberOfDisplayed = number; } /** * Sets the categoryStyle attribute of the Doc object * *@param style The new categoryStyle value */ public void setCategoryStyle(String style) { this._categoryStyle = style; } /** * Sets the informationStyle attribute of the Doc object * *@param style The new informationStyle value */ public void setInformationStyle(String style) { this._informationStyle = style; } /** * Sets the target attribute of the Doc object * *@param target The new target value */ public void setTarget(String target) { this._target = target; } /** * Sets the linkStyle attribute of the Doc object * *@param linkStyle The new linkStyle value *@param activeStyle The new linkStyle value *@param visitedStyle The new linkStyle value *@param hoverStyle The new linkStyle value */ public void setLinkStyle(String linkStyle, String activeStyle, String visitedStyle, String hoverStyle) { this._linkStyle = linkStyle; this._visitedStyle = linkStyle; this._activeStyle = visitedStyle; this._hoverStyle = hoverStyle; } /** * Sets the selectedCategoryColor attribute of the Doc object * *@param color The new selectedCategoryColor value */ public void setSelectedCategoryColor(String color) { this._highlightColor = color; } /** * Sets the styles attribute of the Doc object */ private void setStyles() { if (this._name == null) { this._name = this.getName(); } if (this._name == null) { if (this._attribute == null) { this._name = "documents_" + Integer.toString(this._folderID); } else { this._name = "documents_" + this._attribute; } } if (getParentPage() != null) { getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name + ":link", this._linkStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name + ":visited", this._visitedStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name + ":active", this._activeStyle); getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("A." + this._name + ":hover", this._hoverStyle); } else { this._styles = false; } } // /** // * Description of the Method // * // *@param ICObjectInstanceId Description of the Parameter // *@return Description of the Return Value // */ // public boolean deleteBlock(int ICObjectInstanceId) { // return DocBusiness.deleteDoc(ICObjectInstanceId); // } /** * Gets the bundleIdentifier attribute of the Doc object * *@return The bundleIdentifier value */ public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /** * Description of the Method * *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Object clone() { Doc obj = null; try { obj = (Doc)super.clone(); if (this._myTable != null) { obj._myTable = (Table)this._myTable.clone(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /** * Gets the categoryType attribute of the Doc object * *@return The categoryType value */ public String getCategoryType() { return "doc_documents"; } public boolean copyICObjectInstance(String pageKey,int newInstanceID, ICDynamicPageTriggerCopySession copySession) { try { return ((FolderBlockBusiness)IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(getIWApplicationContext(),FolderBlockBusiness.class)).copyCategoryAttachments(this.getBlockInstanceID(), newInstanceID); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public void setShowCategoryText(boolean showCategoryText) { this.iShowCategoryText = showCategoryText; } }