package com.idega.user.presentation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import com.idega.event.IWLinkEvent; import com.idega.event.IWLinkListener; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import; import com.idega.presentation.ExceptionWrapper; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.IFrame; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.Disposable; /** * Title: User Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author 2000 - idega team - <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class UserGroupList extends UserTab implements Disposable, IWLinkListener { private static final String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.user"; private static final String TAB_NAME = "usr_grp_tab_name"; private static final String DEFAULT_TAB_NAME = "Groups"; private static final String HELP_TEXT_KEY = "user_group_list"; private Link addLink; private IFrame memberofFrame; private DropdownMenu primaryGroupField; private String primaryGroupFieldName; private Text primaryGroupText; public static final String PARAMETER_USER_ID = "ic_user_id"; public static final String SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_DIRECTLY_RELATED = "ic_user_ic_group_direct_UGL"; public static final String SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_NOT_DIRECTLY_RELATED = "ic_user_ic_group_not_direct_UGL"; protected Text memberof; public UserGroupList() { super(); IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); setName(iwrb.getLocalizedString(TAB_NAME, DEFAULT_TAB_NAME)); // this.setName("Groups"); } public void initFieldContents() { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); if (iwc.isSuperAdmin()) { this.addLink.setWindowToOpen(UserGroupSetter.class); this.addLink.addParameter(UserGroupList.PARAMETER_USER_ID, this.getUserId()); } try { UserBusiness userBusiness = this.getUserBusiness(this.getEventIWContext()); Collection userGroups = userBusiness.getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(this.getUserId()); if ((userGroups != null) && !userGroups.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = userGroups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if (item == null) { System.out.println("ITEM IS NULL!!!WHY? Temporary check. please fix this, that means you Tryggvi"); } else { Object prim = item.getPrimaryKey(); String groupId = prim.toString(); String groupName = item.getName(); if (groupName == null) { groupName = "untitled"; } this.primaryGroupField.addMenuElement(groupId, groupName); } } } //User user = // ((; User user = getUser(); int prgroupid = user.getPrimaryGroupID(); this.fieldValues.put(this.primaryGroupFieldName, (prgroupid != -1) ? Integer.toString(prgroupid) : ""); } catch (Exception ex) { add(new ExceptionWrapper(ex, this)); ex.printStackTrace(); } updateFieldsDisplayStatus(); } public void updateFieldsDisplayStatus() { this.primaryGroupField.setSelectedElement((String) this.fieldValues.get(this.primaryGroupFieldName)); } public void initializeFields() { this.memberofFrame = new IFrame("ic_user_memberof_ic_group", GroupList.class); this.memberofFrame.setHeight(280); this.memberofFrame.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); this.memberofFrame.setScrolling(IFrame.SCROLLING_YES); this.memberofFrame.setStyleAttribute("border", "1px #bbbbbb solid;"); this.primaryGroupField = new DropdownMenu(this.primaryGroupFieldName); this.primaryGroupField.keepStatusOnAction(); IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); if (iwc.isSuperAdmin()) { this.addLink = new Link(" " + iwrb.getLocalizedString("addRemove", "Add/Remove") + " "); this.addLink.setStyleClass("styledLink"); } } public void actionPerformed(IWLinkEvent e) { this.collect(e.getIWContext()); } public void initializeTexts() { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); this.memberof = new Text(iwrb.getLocalizedString("usr_grp_memberof","Member of") + ":"); this.memberof.setBold(); this.primaryGroupText = new Text(iwrb.getLocalizedString(this.primaryGroupFieldName,"Primarygroup") + ":"); this.primaryGroupText.setBold(); } public boolean store(IWContext iwc) { try { String pr = (String) this.fieldValues.get(this.primaryGroupFieldName); UserBusiness userBusiness = this.getUserBusiness(iwc); User user = getUser(); userBusiness.setPermissionGroup(user, ("".equals(pr)) ? null : new Integer(pr)); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } public Help getHelpButton() { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); IWBundle iwb = getBundle(iwc); Help help = new Help(); Image helpImage = iwb.getImage("help.gif"); help.setHelpTextBundle(UserConstants.HELP_BUNDLE_IDENTFIER); help.setHelpTextKey(HELP_TEXT_KEY); help.setImage(helpImage); return help; } public void lineUpFields() { this.resize(1, 1); Table table = new Table(1, 3); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(5); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setBorder(0); Table prTable = new Table(3, 1); prTable.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); prTable.setWidth(2, 3); prTable.add(this.primaryGroupText, 1, 1); prTable.add(this.primaryGroupField, 3, 1); table.add(prTable, 1, 1); table.add(this.memberof, 1, 2); table.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, 2); table.add(this.memberofFrame, 1, 2); if (this.addLink != null) { table.add(this.addLink, 1, 3); } add(table, 1, 1); } public boolean collect(IWContext iwc) { String prgroup = iwc.getParameter(this.primaryGroupFieldName); if (prgroup != null) { this.fieldValues.put(this.primaryGroupFieldName, prgroup); } return true; } public void initializeFieldNames() { this.primaryGroupFieldName = "primary_group"; } public void initializeFieldValues() { this.fieldValues.put(this.primaryGroupFieldName, ""); this.updateFieldsDisplayStatus(); } public void dispose(IWContext iwc) { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_DIRECTLY_RELATED); iwc.removeSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_NOT_DIRECTLY_RELATED); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { getPanel().addHelpButton(getHelpButton()); this.primaryGroupField.removeElements(); this.primaryGroupField.addSeparator(); UserBusiness userBusiness = this.getUserBusiness(iwc); Collection userGroups = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(userBusiness.getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(this.getUserId())); User user = getUser(); Collection directGroups = userGroups; Collection topGroupNodes = userBusiness.getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions(iwc.getCurrentUser(),iwc); directGroups = getFilteredGroups(iwc, directGroups, user,topGroupNodes); if (directGroups != null) { iwc.setSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_DIRECTLY_RELATED, directGroups); } else { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_DIRECTLY_RELATED); } Collection indirects = userBusiness.getParentGroupsInDirectForUser(this.getUserId()); Collection indirectGroups = null; if(indirects!=null){ indirectGroups = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(indirects); indirectGroups = getFilteredGroups(iwc, indirectGroups, user,topGroupNodes); } if (indirectGroups != null) { iwc.setSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_NOT_DIRECTLY_RELATED, indirectGroups); } else { iwc.removeSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_NOT_DIRECTLY_RELATED); } if (directGroups != null) { Iterator iter = directGroups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group item = (Group); if (item == null) { System.out.println("ITEM IS NULL!!!WHY? Temporary check. please fix this, that means you Tryggvi"); } else { Object prim = item.getPrimaryKey(); String groupId = prim.toString(); String groupName = item.getName(); if (groupName == null) { groupName = "untitled"; } this.primaryGroupField.addMenuElement(groupId, groupName); } } } this.primaryGroupField.setSelectedElement((String) this.fieldValues.get(this.primaryGroupFieldName)); } private Collection getFilteredGroups(IWContext iwc, Collection groups, User user, Collection topGroupNodes) { boolean isAdmin = iwc.isSuperAdmin(); boolean isSameUser = iwc.getUser().getPrimaryKey().equals(user.getPrimaryKey()); if (isAdmin || isSameUser) { return groups; } Collection result = new ArrayList(); UserBusiness userBusiness = this.getUserBusiness(iwc); Iterator groupIter = groups.iterator(); User currentUser = iwc.getCurrentUser(); while (groupIter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); boolean ok = false; ok = iwc.getAccessController().hasViewPermissionFor(group, iwc); if (ok) { result.add(group); } else { System.out.println("Group " + group.getName() + " not shown"); } } return result; } /** * Checks if a user is allowed to see membership of a certain user for a * certain group. * * @param viewer * The user veiwing membership * @param group * The group being veiwed for membership * @param user * The user being veiwed for membership * @return true if <code>viewer</code> is allowed to see <code>user</code> * s membership in <code>group</code> */ public boolean isUserAllowedToSeeGroupMembershipForUser(User viewer, Group group, User user) { /* * boolean ok = true; boolean isSameUser = * viewer.getPrimaryKey().toString()!=user.getPrimaryKey().toString(); * boolean viewerIsAdmin = false; try { viewerIsAdmin = * viewer.equals(.getAdministratorUser()); } catch (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } if(!(isSameUser || viewerIsAdmin)) { Group * topLevelGroup = viewer.getPrimaryGroup(); * } */ return true; } // public class GroupList extends Page { // // private List groups = null; // // public GroupList(){ // super(); // } // // public Table getGroupTable(IWContext iwc){ // // List direct = // (List)iwc.getSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_DIRECTLY_RELATED); // List notDirect = // (List)iwc.getSessionAttribute(UserGroupList.SESSIONADDRESS_USERGROUPS_NOT_DIRECTLY_RELATED); // // Table table = null; // try{ // Iterator iter = null; // int row = 1; // if(direct != null && notDirect != null){ // table = new Table(5,direct.size()+notDirect.size()); // // iter = direct.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // table.add("D",1,row); // table.add(((Group)item).getName(),3,row++); // } // // iter = notDirect.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // table.add("E",1,row); // table.add(((Group)item).getName(),3,row++); // } // // } else if(direct != null){ // table = new Table(5,direct.size()); // iter = direct.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // table.add("D",1,row); // table.add(((Group)item).getName(),3,row++); // } // } // } // catch(Exception e){ // add("Error: "+e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // if(table != null){ // table.setWidth("100%"); // table.setWidth(1,"10"); // table.setWidth(2,"3"); // table.setWidth(4,"10"); // table.setWidth(5,"10"); // } // // // // return table; // } // // public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { // this.getParentPage().setAllMargins(0); // Table tb = getGroupTable(iwc); // if(tb != null){ // this.add(tb); // } // } // // // // } // InnerClass // public class UserGroupSetter extends Window { // // private static final String FIELDNAME_SELECTION_DOUBLE_BOX = // "related_groups"; // // public UserGroupSetter(){ // super("add user to groups"); // this.setAllMargins(0); // this.setWidth(400); // this.setHeight(300); // this.setBackgroundColor("#d4d0c8"); // } // // // private void LineUpElements(IWContext iwc){ // // Form form = new Form(); // try{ // UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(iwc); // // Table frameTable = new Table(3,3); // frameTable.setWidth("100%"); // frameTable.setHeight("100%"); // //frameTable.setBorder(1); // // // SelectionDoubleBox sdb = new // SelectionDoubleBox(FIELDNAME_SELECTION_DOUBLE_BOX,"Not in","In"); // // SelectionBox left = sdb.getLeftBox(); // left.setHeight(8); // left.selectAllOnSubmit(); // // // SelectionBox right = sdb.getRightBox(); // right.setHeight(8); // right.selectAllOnSubmit(); // // // // String stringUserId = iwc.getParameter(UserGroupList.PARAMETER_USER_ID); // int userId = Integer.parseInt(stringUserId); // form.addParameter(UserGroupList.PARAMETER_USER_ID,stringUserId); // // Collection directGroups = // userBusiness.getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(userId); // // Iterator iter = null; // if(directGroups != null){ // iter = directGroups.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // right.addElement(((Group)item).getPrimaryKey().toString(),((Group)item).getName()); // } // } // Collection notDirectGroups = // userBusiness.getAllGroupsNotDirectlyRelated(userId,iwc); // if(notDirectGroups != null){ // iter = notDirectGroups.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // left.addElement(((Group)item).getPrimaryKey().toString(),((Group)item).getName()); // } // } // // // frameTable.setAlignment(2,2,"center"); // frameTable.add("UserId: "+userId,2,1); // frameTable.add(sdb,2,2); // frameTable.add(new SubmitButton(" Save ","save","true"),2,3); // frameTable.setAlignment(2,3,"right"); // form.add(frameTable); // } // catch(Exception e){ // add(new ExceptionWrapper(e,this)); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // this.add(form); // } // // public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { // // UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(iwc); // String save = iwc.getParameter("save"); // if(save != null){ // String stringUserId = iwc.getParameter(UserGroupList.PARAMETER_USER_ID); // int userId = Integer.parseInt(stringUserId); // // String[] related = // iwc.getParameterValues(UserGroupSetter.FIELDNAME_SELECTION_DOUBLE_BOX); // // //User user = // ((; // User user = userBusiness.getUser(userId); // Collection currentRelationShip = // userBusiness.getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(user); // // // if(related != null){ // // if(currentRelationShip != null){ // for (int i = 0; i < related.length; i++) { // int id = Integer.parseInt(related[i]); // //Group gr = // ((; // Group gr = userBusiness.getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(id)); // if(!currentRelationShip.remove(gr)){ // //user.addTo(gr); // gr.addUser(user); // } // } // // Iterator iter = currentRelationShip.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // //user.removeFrom((Group)item); // ((Group)item).removeUser(user); // } // // } else{ // for (int i = 0; i < related.length; i++) { // //user.addTo(Group.class,Integer.parseInt(related[i])); // //(([i])).addUser(user); // //[i]),user); // Group gr = userBusiness.getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKey(new // Integer(related[i])); // gr.addUser(user); // } // } // // }else if (currentRelationShip != null){ // Iterator iter = currentRelationShip.iterator(); // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // ((Group)item).removeUser(user); // } // } // // this.close(); // this.setParentToReload(); // } else { // LineUpElements(iwc); // } // ///* // Enumeration enum = iwc.getParameterNames(); // System.err.println("--------------------------------------------------"); // if(enum != null){ // while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { // Object item = enum.nextElement(); // if(item.equals("save")){ // this.close(); // } // String val[] = iwc.getParameterValues((String)item); // System.err.print(item+" = "); // if(val != null){ // for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { // System.err.print(val[i]+", "); // } // } // System.err.println(); // } // } //*/ // } // // } // InnerClass public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } } // Class