package; import is.idega.idegaweb.member.util.IWMemberConstants; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; /** * Description: Use this business class to handle member information * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 * Company: Idega Software * @author <a href="">Eirikur Hrafnsson</a> * @version 1.1 */ public class MemberUserBusinessBean extends UserBusinessBean implements MemberUserBusiness, UserBusiness { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see,,, com.idega.util.IWTimestamp, com.idega.util.IWTimestamp) */ public static final String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "is.idega.idegaweb.member"; public boolean moveUserBetweenDivisions(User user, Group fromDivisionGroup, Group toDivisionGroup, IWTimestamp term, IWTimestamp init, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ //this method get the parents of the user and finds out which is of the correct type and then uses that. //the division that the user is sent to must have a child group of type iwme_temporary try { GroupBusiness groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); Collection usersParentGroup = groupBiz.getParentGroups(user); Collection childrenOfToDivisonGroup = groupBiz.getChildGroups(toDivisionGroup); Collection parentsOfToDivisionGroup = groupBiz.getParentGroupsRecursive(toDivisionGroup); Group fromLeagueGroup = groupBiz.getGroupByGroupID(Integer.parseInt(fromDivisionGroup.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_DIVISION_LEAGUE_CONNECTION))); Group toLeagueGroup = groupBiz.getGroupByGroupID(Integer.parseInt(toDivisionGroup.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_DIVISION_LEAGUE_CONNECTION))); Group fromRegionalUnionGroup = null; Group toRegionalUnionGroup = null; //find the player groups relations and set them to passive_pending if (usersParentGroup != null && !usersParentGroup.isEmpty() && childrenOfToDivisonGroup!=null && !childrenOfToDivisonGroup.isEmpty() ) {//user must have parents! Iterator iter = usersParentGroup.iterator(); boolean existsInFromDivision = false; //handle from division while (iter.hasNext()) { Group parent = (Group); String type = parent.getGroupType(); if ( IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_PLAYER.equals(type) ) { Collection par = groupBiz.getParentGroupsRecursive(parent); if (par.contains(fromDivisionGroup)) { //find the regional union Iterator parIter = par.iterator(); while (parIter.hasNext()) { Group parentGroup = (Group); if( IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_REGIONAL_UNION.equals(parentGroup.getGroupType()) ){ fromRegionalUnionGroup = parentGroup; break; } } //change all relation within that division to pending. To much maybe? existsInFromDivision = true; Collection col = groupBiz.getGroupRelationHome().findGroupsRelationshipsContainingBiDirectional( ((Integer)fromDivisionGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), ((Integer)parent.getPrimaryKey()).intValue() , "ST_ACTIVE" ); //Status liklega otharfi if(col!=null && !col.isEmpty()){ Iterator iterator = col.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { GroupRelation rel = (GroupRelation); rel.setPassivePending(); rel.setTerminationDate(term.getTimestamp());; //set passive by? } } } } } // handle to division if(existsInFromDivision){ //find the regional union Iterator parIter2 = parentsOfToDivisionGroup.iterator(); while (parIter2.hasNext()) { Group parentGroup = (Group); if( IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_REGIONAL_UNION.equals(parentGroup.getGroupType()) ){ toRegionalUnionGroup = parentGroup; break; } } //set the users relations to the new divisions temporary group to active_pending Iterator iter2 = childrenOfToDivisonGroup.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Group child = (Group); String type = child.getGroupType(); if (type.equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_TEMPORARY)) { GroupRelation rel = groupBiz.getGroupRelationHome().create(); rel.setRelatedGroup(user); rel.setGroup(child); rel.setRelationshipType(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_RELATION_TYPE_PARENT); rel.setActivePending(); rel.setInitiationDate(init.getTimestamp());; break;//should only have one temp group! } } return sendEmailsForMembersTransfer(user,fromDivisionGroup,toDivisionGroup,fromLeagueGroup,toLeagueGroup, fromRegionalUnionGroup, toRegionalUnionGroup, term, init, iwuc ); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Sends out a report via email to all parties concerned * @return boolean true if no errors occurred */ private boolean sendEmailsForMembersTransfer(User user, Group fromDivisionGroup, Group toDivisionGroup, Group fromLeagueGroup, Group toLeagueGroup, Group fromRegionalUnionGroup, Group toRegionalUnionGroup, IWTimestamp term, IWTimestamp init, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ if(!fromLeagueGroup.equals(toLeagueGroup)){ System.err.println("MemberUserBusiness : Error transfering user because the leagues are not the same! from: "+fromLeagueGroup.getName()+" to: "+toLeagueGroup.getName()); return false; } IWResourceBundle iwrb = this.getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getResourceBundle(iwuc.getCurrentLocale()); String toEmailAddress; String subject = iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_subject","IWMember transfer announcement"); StringBuffer theMessageBody = new StringBuffer(); try { theMessageBody.append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_body_automatic_message_text","This is an automatic confirmation message for a member transfer.")).append("\n\n") .append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_main_text","The member stated in this email will transfered from : ")) .append(getGroupBusiness().getNameOfGroupWithParentName(fromDivisionGroup)) .append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_main_to"," to : ")).append(getGroupBusiness().getNameOfGroupWithParentName(toDivisionGroup)).append(".\n"); } catch (RemoteException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } theMessageBody.append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_main_text_user_name","User : ")).append(user.getName()).append("\n") .append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_main_text_user_pin","Social security number : ")).append(user.getPersonalID()).append("\n") .append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_main_text_date_from","Date from : ")).append(term.toString()).append("\n") .append(iwrb.getLocalizedString("member_transfer.email_main_text_date_to","Date to : ")).append(init.toString()).append("\n"); String body = theMessageBody.toString(); Collection userEmails = user.getEmails(); if(userEmails!=null && !userEmails.isEmpty()){ toEmailAddress = ((Email) userEmails.iterator().next()).getEmailAddress(); try { sendEmailFromIWMemberSystemAdministrator(toEmailAddress, null, null, subject, body); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Collection leagueEmails = fromLeagueGroup.getEmails();//is same as to league if(leagueEmails!=null && !leagueEmails.isEmpty()){ toEmailAddress = ((Email) leagueEmails.iterator().next()).getEmailAddress(); try { sendEmailFromIWMemberSystemAdministrator(toEmailAddress, null, null, subject, body); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if(toRegionalUnionGroup!=null){ Collection toRegionalEmails = toRegionalUnionGroup.getEmails(); if(toRegionalEmails!=null && !toRegionalEmails.isEmpty()){ toEmailAddress = ((Email) toRegionalEmails.iterator().next()).getEmailAddress(); try { sendEmailFromIWMemberSystemAdministrator(toEmailAddress, null, null, subject, body); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if(toRegionalUnionGroup!=null){ Collection fromRegionalEmails = fromRegionalUnionGroup.getEmails(); if(fromRegionalEmails!=null && !fromRegionalEmails.isEmpty()){ toEmailAddress = ((Email) fromRegionalEmails.iterator().next()).getEmailAddress(); try { sendEmailFromIWMemberSystemAdministrator(toEmailAddress, null, null, subject, body); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return true; } /** * Checks the groups parents for a regional union and returns the first it finds. * @param club (Group) * @return the regional union for that club if it exists, otherwise throws an exception * @throws NoRegionalUnionFoundException */ public Group getRegionalUnionGroupForClubGroup(Group club) throws NoRegionalUnionFoundException{ List parents = club.getParentGroups(); Iterator it = parents.iterator(); Group regionalUnionGroup = null; if (it != null) { while (it.hasNext()) { Group parent = (Group); if (IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_REGIONAL_UNION.equals(parent.getGroupType())){ regionalUnionGroup = parent; } } } if(regionalUnionGroup==null){ throw new NoRegionalUnionFoundException(club.getName()); } else{ return regionalUnionGroup; } } /** * TEMP IMPLEMENTATION : Gets all groups of the type iwme_federation if there are more than one than it only returns the first one! * @param club (Group) * @return the federation union for that club if it exists, otherwise throws an exception * @throws NoFederationFoundException */ public Group getFederationGroupForClubGroup(Group club) throws NoFederationFoundException, RemoteException{ try { Collection federations = this.getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByType(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_FEDERATION); return (Group) federations.iterator().next(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NoFederationFoundException(club.getName()); } } /** * Checks the groups children for club divisons and then gets the division league connection and add to the list it returns * @param club (Group) * @return a list of leagues for that club if it has connections to any, otherwise throws an exception * @throws NoLeagueFoundException */ public List getLeagueGroupListForClubGroup(Group club) throws NoLeagueFoundException, RemoteException{ String[] divisionType = {IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION}; List children = club.getChildGroups(divisionType,true); List list = new ArrayList(); if(children!=null && !children.isEmpty()){ Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Group div = (Group); String leagueId = div.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_DIVISION_LEAGUE_CONNECTION); if(leagueId!=null){ int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(leagueId); Group league; league = this.getGroupBusiness().getGroupByGroupID(id); list.add(league); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } if(list.isEmpty()){ throw new NoLeagueFoundException(club.getName()); } else{ return list; } } public boolean sendEmailFromIWMemberSystemAdministrator(String toEmailAddress, String CC, String BCC,String subject, String theMessageBody) throws MessagingException{ String systemEmailAddress = this.getIWApplicationContext().getApplicationSettings().getProperty(IWMemberConstants.APPLICATION_PARAMETER_ADMINISTRATOR_MAIN_EMAIL); String systemMailServer = this.getIWApplicationContext().getApplicationSettings().getProperty(IWMemberConstants.APPLICATION_PARAMETER_MAIL_SERVER); com.idega.util.SendMail.send(systemEmailAddress,toEmailAddress,CC,BCC,systemMailServer,subject,theMessageBody); return true; } //temp refactor this class to MemberBusiness or move this method to that class /** * @return A collection of groups (of the type iwme_club_division) */ public Collection getAllClubDivisionsForLeague(Group league) throws RemoteException{ Collection groups = null; try { groups = getGroupHome().findGroupsByMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_DIVISION_LEAGUE_CONNECTION,league.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return groups; } /* * Return a list of League groups if the user has a league as a top node. */ public List getLeaguesListForUserFromTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ return getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(user,IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_LEAGUE,iwuc); } /* * Return a list of Federation groups if the user has a Federation as a top node. */ public List getFederationListForUserFromTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ return getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(user,IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_FEDERATION,iwuc); } /* * Return a list of Union groups if the user has a Union as a top node. */ public List getUnionListForUserFromTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ return getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(user,IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_UNION,iwuc); } /* * Return a list of Club groups if the user has a club as a top node. */ public List getClubListForUserFromTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ return getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(user,IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB,iwuc); } /* * Return a list of Division groups if the user has a division as a top node. */ public List getDivisionListForUserFromTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ return getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(user,IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION,iwuc); } /* * Return a list of Regional Union groups if the user has a Regional Union as a top node. */ public List getRegionalUnionListForUserFromTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ return getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(user,IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_REGIONAL_UNION,iwuc); } public List getGroupListForUserFromTopNodesAndGroupType(User user, String groupType, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException{ Collection tops = getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions(user,iwuc); List list = new Vector(); if(tops!=null && !tops.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = tops.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); if(groupType.equals(group.getGroupType())){ list.add(group); } } } return list; } /** * @return All groups with a certain type * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getAllGroupsByGroupType(String groupType) throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByType(groupType); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * @return All groups with the type iwme_regional_union * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getAllRegionalUnionGroups() throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByType(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_REGIONAL_UNION); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * @return All groups with the type iwme_league * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getAllLeagueGroups() throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByType(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_LEAGUE); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * @return All groups with the type iwme_club * @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getAllClubGroups() throws RemoteException{ try { return this.getGroupBusiness().getGroupHome().findGroupsByType(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * @return All groups with the type iwme_club that are children of the supplied regional union group */ public Collection getClubGroupsForRegionUnionGroup(Group regionalUnion) throws RemoteException{ String[] clubType = { IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB }; return regionalUnion.getChildGroups(clubType,true); } /* * Returns a list of all the clubs the user is a member of. */ public List getClubListForUser(User user) throws NoClubFoundException,RemoteException{ Collection parents = getGroupBusiness().getParentGroupsRecursive(user); List list = new Vector(); if(parents!=null && !parents.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); if(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB.equals(group.getGroupType())){ list.add(group); } } } if(list.isEmpty()){ //if no club is found we throw the exception throw new NoClubFoundException(user.getName()); } else { return list; } } /* * Returns a list of all the divisions the user is a member of. */ public List getDivisionListForUser(User user) throws NoDivisionFoundException,RemoteException{ Collection parents = getGroupBusiness().getParentGroupsRecursive(user); List list = new Vector(); if(parents!=null && !parents.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); if(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION.equals(group.getGroupType())){ list.add(group); } } } if(list.isEmpty()){ //if no division is found we throw the exception throw new NoDivisionFoundException(user.getName()); } else { return list; } } /* * Returns the club that is a parent for this group. */ public Group getClubForGroup(Group group) throws NoClubFoundException, RemoteException{ Collection parents = getGroupBusiness().getParentGroupsRecursive(group); if(parents!=null && !parents.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group parentGroup = (Group); if(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB.equals(parentGroup.getGroupType())){ return parentGroup;//there should only be one } } } //if no club is found we throw the exception throw new NoClubFoundException(group.getName()); } /** * @param targetGroup * @throws NoClubFoundException * @throws RemoteException */ public String getClubNumberForGroup(Group group) throws NoClubFoundException, RemoteException { Group club = getClubForGroup(group); return club.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_NUMBER); } /* * Returns the division that is a parent for this group. */ public Group getDivisionForGroup(Group group) throws NoDivisionFoundException, RemoteException{ Collection parents = getGroupBusiness().getParentGroupsRecursive(group); if(parents!=null && !parents.isEmpty()){ Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group parentGroup = (Group); if(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION.equals(parentGroup.getGroupType())){ return parentGroup;//there should only be one } } } //if no division is found we throw the exception throw new NoDivisionFoundException(group.getName()); } /** * A method to find the first Division for a club. * @param club * @return */ public Group getDivisionForClub(Group club) throws NoDivisionFoundException, RemoteException { Collection children = club.getChildren(); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Group child = (Group); if (child.getGroupType().equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_CLUB_DIVISION)) { return child; } } } //if no club is found we throw the exception throw new NoDivisionFoundException(club.getName()); } /** * A method to find the club collection group for a league * @param league * @return * @throws NoLeagueClubCollectionGroup */ public Group getClubCollectionGroupForLeague(Group league) throws RemoteException, NoLeagueClubCollectionGroup { Collection children = league.getChildren(); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = children.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Group child = (Group); if (child.getGroupType().equals(IWMemberConstants.GROUP_TYPE_LEAGUE_CLUB_COLLECTION)) { return child; } } } throw new NoLeagueClubCollectionGroup(league.getName()); } public String getClubMemberNumberForUser(User user, Group club) throws RemoteException{ String id = user.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_USER_CLUB_MEMBER_NUMBER_PREFIX+club.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if(id!=null){ return id; }else{ return null; } } /** * Checks the metadata (IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_USING_SYSTEM) of a group to see if is using the member system * @param group * @return a boolean */ public boolean isClubUsingTheMemberSystem(Group group) throws RemoteException{ String using = group.getMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_CLUB_USING_SYSTEM); return ( using != null && "TRUE".equals(using.toUpperCase())); } /** * @return false if number is already taken, else true */ public synchronized boolean setClubMemberNumberForUser(String number, User user, Group club) throws RemoteException{ boolean setNumber = false; String clubId = club.getPrimaryKey().toString(); try { Collection users = getUserHome().findUsersByMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_USER_CLUB_MEMBER_NUMBER_PREFIX+clubId,number); Iterator iter = users.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User thingy = (User); if(thingy.equals(user)){ setNumber = true;//updating } break;//only one user should have this number } } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (FinderException e) { setNumber = true; } if(setNumber){ user.setMetaData(IWMemberConstants.META_DATA_USER_CLUB_MEMBER_NUMBER_PREFIX+clubId,number);; } return true; } }