package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DateInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * * Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights * Reserved Company: idega * * @author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> * @version 1.1 * */ public class EntryGroups extends Finance { protected static final String LOC_KEY_REAL_COUNT = "real_count"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_FILE_NAME = "file_name"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_GROUP_DATE = "group_date"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_NEW = "new"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_VIEW = "view"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_GROUP_NOT_CREATED = "group_not_created"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_GROUP_CREATED = "group_created"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_INVALID_DATE = "invalid_date"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_SUCCESS = "succeded"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_FAILED = "failed"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_ACCESS_DENIED = "access_denied"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_NO_GROUPS = "no_groups"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_ENTRY_NAME = "entry_name"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_LAST_UPDATED = "last_updated"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_AMOUNT = "amount"; protected static final String LOC_KEY_IS_EMPTY = "is_empty"; protected static final String PARAM_DUE_DATE = "due_date"; protected static final String PARAM_PAYMENT_DATE = "payment_date"; protected static final String PARAM_COMMIT = "commit"; protected static final String PARAM_GROUP_DATE_FROM = "entries_from"; protected static final String PARAM_GROUP_DATE_TO = "entries_to"; protected static final String PARAM_ENTRY_GROUP_ID = "entry_group_id"; protected final int ACT1 = 1, ACT2 = 2, ACT3 = 3, ACT4 = 4, ACT5 = 5; public String strAction = "tt_action"; public String getLocalizedNameKey() { return "entrygroups"; } public String getLocalizedNameValue() { return "Entrygroups"; } protected void control(IWContext iwc) { if (this.isAdmin) { try { PresentationObject MO = new Text(); if (iwc.getParameter(this.strAction) == null) { MO = getTableOfGroups(iwc); } if (iwc.getParameter(this.strAction) != null) { String sAct = iwc.getParameter(this.strAction); int iAct = Integer.parseInt(sAct); switch (iAct) { case ACT1: MO = getTableOfGroups(iwc); break; case ACT2: MO = doMainTable(iwc); break; case ACT3: MO = doSomeThing(iwc); break; case ACT4: MO = getTableOfAssessmentAccounts(iwc); break; default: MO = getTableOfGroups(iwc); break; } } setLocalizedTitle(getLocalizedNameKey(), getLocalizedNameValue()); setSearchPanel(makeLinkTable(1)); setMainPanel(MO); } catch (Exception S) { S.printStackTrace(); } } else { add(getErrorText(localize(LOC_KEY_ACCESS_DENIED, "Access denies"))); } } protected PresentationObject doSomeThing(IWContext iwc) { PresentationObject MO = new Text(localize(LOC_KEY_INVALID_DATE, "Invalid to date")); String dateTo = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_TO); String paymentDateString = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_PAYMENT_DATE); String dueDateString = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_DUE_DATE); if (dateTo != null && !"".equals(dateTo) && paymentDateString != null && !"".equals(paymentDateString) && dueDateString != null && !"".equals(dueDateString)) { String dateFrom = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_FROM); IWTimestamp to = new IWTimestamp(dateTo); IWTimestamp from = null; if (dateFrom != null && !"".equals(dateFrom)) { from = new IWTimestamp(dateFrom); } IWTimestamp paymentDate = new IWTimestamp(paymentDateString); IWTimestamp dueDate = new IWTimestamp(dueDateString); doGroup(iwc, from, to, paymentDate, dueDate); return new Text(localize(LOC_KEY_SUCCESS, "Succeded")); } return MO; } protected PresentationObject doGroup(IWContext iwc, IWTimestamp from, IWTimestamp to, IWTimestamp paymentDate, IWTimestamp dueDate) { try { AssessmentBusiness assBuiz = (AssessmentBusiness), AssessmentBusiness.class); assBuiz.groupEntriesWithSQL(from, to, paymentDate, dueDate); return getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_GROUP_CREATED, "Group was created")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_GROUP_NOT_CREATED, "Group was not created")); } } protected PresentationObject makeLinkTable(int menuNr) { Table LinkTable = new Table(3, 1); int last = 3; LinkTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); LinkTable.setCellpadding(2); LinkTable.setCellspacing(1); LinkTable.setWidth(last, Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); Link Link1 = new Link(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_VIEW, "View"))); Link1.addParameter(this.strAction, String.valueOf(this.ACT1)); Link Link2 = new Link(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_NEW, "New"))); Link2.addParameter(this.strAction, String.valueOf(this.ACT2)); if (this.isAdmin) { LinkTable.add(Link1, 1, 1); LinkTable.add(Link2, 2, 1); } return LinkTable; } protected PresentationObject getTableOfGroups(IWContext iwc) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { Table displayTable = new Table(); int row = 1; Collection groups = null; try { groups = getFinanceService().getEntryGroupHome().findAll(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (groups != null) { displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_ENTRY_GROUP_ID, "Group id")), 1, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_GROUP_DATE, "Group date")), 2, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_FROM, "Entries from")), 3, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_TO, "Entries to")), 4, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_FILE_NAME, "File name")), 5, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_REAL_COUNT, "Real count")), 6, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_PAYMENT_DATE, "Payment date")), 7, row); displayTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_DUE_DATE, "Due date")), 8, row++); EntryGroup EG; for (Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { EG = (EntryGroup); displayTable.add(getGroupLink(EG.getName(), (Integer) EG.getPrimaryKey()), 1, row); displayTable.add(getText(new IWTimestamp(EG.getGroupDate()).getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale())), 2, row); displayTable.add(getText(String.valueOf(EG.getEntryIdFrom())), 3, row); displayTable.add(getText(String.valueOf(EG.getEntryIdTo())), 4, row); if (EG.getFileId() > 0) { displayTable.add(new Link(EG.getFileId()), 5, row); } AssessmentBusiness assBuiz = (AssessmentBusiness), AssessmentBusiness.class); displayTable.add(getText(String.valueOf(assBuiz.getGroupEntryCount(EG))), 6, row); if (EG.getFileInvoiceDate() != null) { displayTable.add( getText(new IWTimestamp(EG.getFileInvoiceDate()).getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale())), 7, row); } if (EG.getFileDueDate() != null) { displayTable.add(getText(new IWTimestamp(EG.getFileDueDate()).getLocaleDate(iwc.getCurrentLocale())), 8, row); } row++; } displayTable.setWidth("100%"); displayTable.setCellpadding(2); displayTable.setCellspacing(1); displayTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(getZebraColor1(), getZebraColor2()); displayTable.setRowColor(1, getHeaderColor()); row++; } else { displayTable.add(localize(LOC_KEY_NO_GROUPS, "No groups"), 1, row); } return displayTable; } protected PresentationObject getTableOfAssessmentAccounts(IWContext iwc) { Table T = new Table(); String id = iwc.getParameter(PARAM_ENTRY_GROUP_ID); if (id != null) { Collection entries = null; try { entries = getFinanceService().getAccountEntryHome().findByEntryGroup(Integer.valueOf(id)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (entries != null) { T.add(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_ENTRY_NAME, "Entry name")), 1, 1); T.add(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_LAST_UPDATED, "Last updated")), 2, 1); T.add(getHeader(localize(LOC_KEY_AMOUNT, "Amount")), 3, 1); int col = 1; int row = 2; AccountEntry A; for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { A = (AccountEntry); col = 1; T.add(getText(A.getName()), col++, row); T.add(getText(new IWTimestamp(A.getLastUpdated()).getLocaleDate(iwc)), col++, row); T.add(getAmountText((A.getTotal())), col++, row); row++; } T.setWidth("100%"); T.setCellpadding(2); T.setCellspacing(1); T.setHorizontalZebraColored(getZebraColor1(), getZebraColor2()); T.setRowColor(1, getHeaderColor()); row++; } else { add(getErrorText(localize(LOC_KEY_IS_EMPTY, "is empty"))); } } return T; } protected PresentationObject doMainTable(IWContext iwc) { Table inputTable = new Table(); int row = 2; inputTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_FROM, "Entries from")), 1, row); IWTimestamp today = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); DateInput di1 = new DateInput(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_FROM, true); inputTable.add(di1, 2, row++); inputTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_TO, "Entries to")), 1, row); DateInput di2 = new DateInput(PARAM_GROUP_DATE_TO, true); di2.setDate(today.getDate()); inputTable.add(di2, 2, row++); inputTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_PAYMENT_DATE, "Payment date")), 1, row); DateInput paymentDate = new DateInput(PARAM_PAYMENT_DATE, true); inputTable.add(paymentDate, 2, row++); inputTable.add(getHeader(localize(PARAM_DUE_DATE, "Due date")), 1, row); DateInput dueDate = new DateInput(PARAM_DUE_DATE, true); inputTable.add(dueDate, 2, row++); SubmitButton sb = new SubmitButton(PARAM_COMMIT, localize(PARAM_COMMIT, "Commit")); sb = (SubmitButton) setStyle(sb, STYLENAME_INTERFACE); inputTable.setAlignment(2, row, "RIGHT"); inputTable.add(sb, 2, row); inputTable.setHorizontalZebraColored(getZebraColor1(), getZebraColor2()); inputTable.setRowColor(1, getHeaderColor()); inputTable.mergeCells(1, 1, 2, 1); inputTable.setWidth("100%"); inputTable.add(new HiddenInput(this.strAction, String.valueOf(this.ACT3))); return inputTable; } protected Link getGroupLink(String name, Integer id) { Link L = new Link(getText(name)); L.addParameter(this.strAction, this.ACT4); L.addParameter(PARAM_ENTRY_GROUP_ID, id.toString()); return L; } public void main(IWContext iwc) { control(iwc); } }