package com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming; import javax.naming.CompositeName; import javax.naming.Name; import javax.naming.NameClassPair; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBArray; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBIntText; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.cbutil.CBUtility; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.jndi.AdvancedOps; /** * A wrapper for BasicOps that converts the jndi primative names into * objects... */ public class DXOps extends AdvancedOps { private final static Logger log = Logger .getLogger("com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming.DXOps"); /** * Initialise with the directory context. */ public DXOps(DirContext ctx) { super(ctx); } /** * This preparses a name, preparitory to passing to the jndi operation. * Usefull to over-ride if a Name needs to be escaped or re-formatted. * * @param name * the pre jndi operation name. * @return the version used by the operation. */ public Name preParse(Name name) { // (assuming jndi doesn't mess with the names it's given, we don't need // this...) // DN newName = (name instanceof DN)?new DN((DN)name):new DN(name); return name; } /** * This postparses a name, after it has been returned from the jndi * operation. Usefull to over-ride if the name needs to be unescaped or * reformatted. * * @param name * the post jndi operation name. * @return the re-formatted version used by the application. */ public Name postParse(Name name) { return postParse(name.toString()); } /** * This postparses a name, after it has been returned from the jndi * operation. It assumes that it has got a jndi <i>CompositeName</i> that * needs to be converted to a legal ldap dn (i.e. an ldap * <i>CompoundName</i>). If this is *not* the case, there will be trouble... * * @param name * the post jndi operation name. * @return the re-formatted version used by the application, as a DN object. */ public Name postParse(String name) { /* * EMERGENCY HACK (JNDI apparently does not handle terminating spaces * correctly - it retains the escape characters, but trims the actual * space, resulting in an illegal ldap dn) */ if (name.charAt(name.length() - 1) == '\\') { name = NameUtility.checkEndSpaces(name); } try { Name cn = new CompositeName(name); if (cn.size() == 0) { return new DN(); // ... just return an empty DN } return new DN(cn.get(cn.size() - 1)); // get the last element of the // composite name, which // will be the ldap compound // name, and init the DN // with that. } catch (NamingException e) // should never happen :-) (ROTFL) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "unexpected error: bad name back from jndi ftn in CBOps.postParse(" + name + ")?\n" + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); // System.exit(-1); return new DN(name); // bad server response? return (possibly) // corrupt name anyway... } } /** * This postparses a name, after it has been returned from the jndi * operation. It assumes that it has got a jndi <i>CompositeName</i> that * needs to be converted to a legal ldap dn (i.e. an ldap * <i>CompoundName</i>). If this is *not* the case, there will be trouble... * * @param name * the post jndi operation name. * @return the re-formatted version used by the application as an ldap * String. */ public String postParseString(String name) { /* * EMERGENCY HACK (JNDI apparently does not handle terminating spaces * correctly - it retains the escape characters, but trims the actual * space, resulting in an illegal ldap dn) */ if (name.length() == 0) { return name; } if (name.charAt(name.length() - 1) == '\\') { name = NameUtility.checkEndSpaces(name); } try { Name cn = new CompositeName(name); if (cn.size() == 0) { return ""; // ... just return an empty DN } return cn.get(cn.size() - 1); // get the last element of the // composite name, which will be the // ldap compound name, and init the // DN with that. } catch (NamingException e) // should never happen :-) (ROTFL) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "unexpected error: bad name back from jndi ftn in CBOps.postParseString(" + name + ")?\n" + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); return name; // bad server response? return (possibly) corrupt name // anyway... } } /** * This postparses a namingEnumeration of NameClassPairs, after it has been * returned from the jndi operation. Usefull to over-ride if the names in * the enumeration need to be unescaped or reformatted. * * @param e * the post jndi operation namingEnumeration. * @param base * the 'base' dn from which the names in the enumeration (may) be * relative. If the Names in the enumeration are suffixed by the * searchBase, they are unaltered, otherwise the searchBase is * added to the names to give the full DN in the namespace. * @return the re-formatted version used by the application. */ public NamingEnumeration postParseNameClassPairs(NamingEnumeration e, Name base) throws NamingException { log.log(Level.FINER, "parsing with base :" + base.toString()); DXNamingEnumeration dxe = new DXNamingEnumeration(); String baseString = null; if (base != null && base.isEmpty() == false) { baseString = base.toString(); } try { while (e.hasMore()) { NameClassPair ncp = (NameClassPair); String rawName = postParseString(ncp.getName()).toString(); // IMPORTANT! // This appends the 'base' DN to the enumerated DNs in order to // get absolute DNs... if (ncp.isRelative() && baseString != null) { if (rawName.length() != 0) { rawName = rawName + "," + baseString; } else { rawName = baseString; } } log.log(Level.FINER, "ended up with: '" + rawName + "'"); ncp.setName(rawName); dxe.add(ncp); } } catch (NamingException ex) { CBUtility.error(CBIntText.get("Search partially failed! - only ") + dxe.size() + CBIntText.get(" entries returned."), ex); } return dxe; } /** * Update an entry with the designated DN. * * @param oldEntry * the old entry containing the old set of attributes. * @param newEntry * the new entry containing the replacement set of attributes. * @return the operation's success status. */ public boolean modifyEntry(DXEntry oldEntry, DXEntry newEntry) { if (oldEntry == null && newEntry == null) { return true; // nothing to do. } if (oldEntry != null) { oldEntry.removeEmptyAttributes(); } if (newEntry != null) { newEntry.removeEmptyAttributes(); } if (oldEntry == null || (newEntry != null) && (newEntry.getStatus() == DXEntry.NEW)) // add { return addEntryToDirectory(newEntry); } else if (newEntry == null) // delete { deleteTree(oldEntry.getDN()); return true; } // sanity check if (oldEntry.getDN() == null || newEntry.getDN() == null) { CBUtility .log("Internal Error: Entry with null DN passed to JNDIBroker unthreadedModify! Modify Request Cancelled!"); return false; } // see if the name has changed, and modify it if it has if (handleAnyNameChange(oldEntry, newEntry) == false) { return false; } // check for change of attributes done in modify() return updateEntry(oldEntry, newEntry); } /** * Add the new entry to the directory & sets the status. * * @param newEntry * the new entry containing the replacement set of attributes. */ private boolean addEntryToDirectory(DXEntry newEntry) { if (addEntry(newEntry)) { newEntry.setStatus(DXEntry.NEW_WRITTEN); // once it's been added, // it's no longer new... return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Add the new entry to the directory. * * @param newEntry * the new entry containing the replacement set of attributes. * @return the operation's success status */ public boolean addEntry(DXEntry newEntry) { if (newEntry == null) { CBUtility .log("Internal Error: null Entry passed to DXOps addEntry"); return false; } else if (newEntry.getDN() == null) { CBUtility .log("Internal Error: Entry with null DN passed to DXOps addEntry"); return false; } return addObject(newEntry.getDN(), newEntry); } /** * If the entry has changed its name, make the required calls to set up the * display tree and make the directory changes. * * @param oldEntry * the old entry containing teh old set of attributes. * @param newEntry * the new entry containing the replacement set of attributes. */ private boolean handleAnyNameChange(DXEntry oldEntry, DXEntry newEntry) { // check for 'simple' rename from the tree, with no attributes involved. RDN oldRDN = oldEntry.getRDN(); RDN newRDN = newEntry.getRDN(); DN oldDN = oldEntry.getDN(); DN newDN = newEntry.getDN(); if (oldDN.equals(newDN)) { return true; // nothing to see here, just move along. } if (oldEntry.size() == 0 && newEntry.size() == 0) // a very simple // rename, probably // from the tree { return moveTree(oldDN, newDN); } else if (oldRDN.isMultiValued() == false && newRDN.isMultiValued() == false) { return renameSingleValuedRDNS(oldEntry, newEntry); } else { return renameComplexMultiValuedRDNs(oldEntry, newEntry); } } /** * do complex multi-valued RDN rename WARNING - this assumes that the size * and the values of the RDNs will not BOTH CHANGE AT THE SAME TIME! */ private boolean renameComplexMultiValuedRDNs(DXEntry oldEntry, DXEntry newEntry) { String[] oldRDNs = oldEntry.getRDN().getElements(); String[] newRDNs = newEntry.getRDN().getElements(); DN oldDN = oldEntry.getDN(); DN newDN = newEntry.getDN(); /* * Create a list of 'lost RDNs' -> one's that are in the old RDN set but * not in the new one. */ Object[] temp = CBArray.difference(oldRDNs, newRDNs); String[] lostRDNs = new String[temp.length]; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { lostRDNs[i] = temp[i].toString(); } /* * Cycle through the list of 'lost' RDNs, working out whether they are * *all* missing from the new Entry (in which case we can do a rename * with 'deleteOldRDNs=true'), or they are *all* in the new Entry (in * which case we can do a rename with 'deleteOldRDNs=false'). If some * are and some aren't, throw a hopefully useful error message. */ final int NOT_SET = 0; final int IN_NEW_ENTRY = 1; final int NOT_IN_NEW_ENTRY = -1; int deleteRDNState = NOT_SET; for (int i = 0; i < lostRDNs.length; i++) { String RDN = lostRDNs[i]; // get Attribute Value Assertions from // lostRDNs String type = RDN.substring(0, RDN.indexOf('=')); String value = RDN.substring(RDN.indexOf('=') + 1); if (newEntry.get(type).contains(value) == true) { if (deleteRDNState == NOT_SET) { deleteRDNState = IN_NEW_ENTRY; } if (deleteRDNState != IN_NEW_ENTRY) { return setWierdoRDNError(oldDN, newDN); } } else { if (deleteRDNState == NOT_SET) { deleteRDNState = NOT_IN_NEW_ENTRY; } if (deleteRDNState != NOT_IN_NEW_ENTRY) { return setWierdoRDNError(oldDN, newDN); } } } /* * perform the actual rename operation, followed by any entry tweaking * that is required to make everything consistant. */ if (deleteRDNState == NOT_SET || deleteRDNState == IN_NEW_ENTRY) { return renameObject(oldDN, newDN, false); } else { if (renameObject(oldDN, newDN, true) == true) { for (int i = 0; i < lostRDNs.length; i++) { String RDN = lostRDNs[i]; // get Attribute Value Assertions // from lostRDNs String type = RDN.substring(0, RDN.indexOf('=')); String value = RDN.substring(RDN.indexOf('=') + 1); oldEntry.get(type).remove(value); // remove old value so it // doesn't get double // deleted... } return true; } else { return false; } } } private boolean renameSingleValuedRDNS(DXEntry oldEntry, DXEntry newEntry) { RDN oldRDN = oldEntry.getRDN(); String type = oldRDN.getAtt(); String value = oldRDN.getRawVal(); Attribute oldNamingAttInNewEntry = newEntry.get(type); // if the old naming value does not exist in the new entry, drop it! if (!oldNamingAttInNewEntry.contains(value)) { if (renameObject(oldEntry.getDN(), newEntry.getDN(), true) == true) { oldEntry.get(type).remove(value); // remove old value so it // doesn't get double // deleted... return true; } else { return false; } } // if it *does* exist in the new entry, keep it. else { return renameObject(oldEntry.getDN(), newEntry.getDN(), false); } } /** * This sets the error state when the user has attempted a fiendishly * complex and stoopid request that requires a mixture of * 'deleteOldRDN=false' and 'deleteOldRDN=true'. Since JX does not handle * indeterminate quantum states, we throw an error instead. * * @param oldDN * @param newDN * @return */ private boolean setWierdoRDNError(DN oldDN, DN newDN) { String msg = CBIntText .get("The rename operation is too complex to proceed. Try to break it up into smaller stages.") + "\n " + oldDN.toString() + "\n => " + newDN.toString(); return error(msg, new NamingException(msg)); } /* * See if the name has changed, and make required mods if it has. */ // XXX - note case sensitive string compare to allow user to change // capitalization... // TE: XXX can't change case in RDNs???? IF delete RDN = false changing case // will fail b/c in the // TE: XXX dir the cn's are case insensitive so renaming from cn=A to cn=a // is asking the dir to // TE: XXX have two cn's in the entry that are the same because the old cn // will not be deleted i.e the // TE: XXX can't rename to an existing entry... /* * if (oldEntry.getDN().equals(newEntry.getDN()) == false) { //Do the * rename! * * moveTree(oldEntry.getDN(), newEntry.getDN()); } } */ /** * Update an entry with the designated DN. * * @param oldSet * the old entry containing teh old set of attributes. * @param newSet * the new entry containing the replacement set of attributes. * @return the operation's success status. */ public boolean updateEntry(DXEntry oldSet, DXEntry newSet) { try { if (DXAttributes.attributesEqual(oldSet, newSet)) { return true; // nothing to do. } DN nodeDN = newSet.getDN(); RDN newRDN = nodeDN.getLowestRDN(); DXAttributes adds = null; // use modify-add for new attribute values // (inc entirely new attribute) DXAttributes reps = null; // use modify-replace for changed // attribute values DXAttributes dels = null; // use modify-delete for deleted attribute // values (inc deleting entire // attribute) reps = DXAttributes.getReplacementSet(newRDN, oldSet, newSet); dels = DXAttributes.getDeletionSet(newRDN, oldSet, newSet); adds = DXAttributes.getAdditionSet(newRDN, oldSet, newSet); CBUtility.log("updateNode: ", 4); ModificationItem[] mods; mods = new ModificationItem[dels.size() + reps.size() + adds.size()]; int modIndex = 0; modIndex = loadMods(mods, dels.getAll(), DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, modIndex); modIndex = loadMods(mods, adds.getAll(), DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, modIndex); modIndex = loadMods(mods, reps.getAll(), DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modIndex); return modifyAttributes(nodeDN, mods); // TE: This may fail, // returning false. } catch (NamingException e) { error("Unable to update node " + oldSet.getDN() + "! " + e.toString(), e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (Exception e) { error("Unexpected Error updating node " + oldSet.getDN() + "! " + e.toString(), e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Utility ftn for updateNode - takes a list of attributes to modify, and * the type of modification, and adds them to an array of modifications * (starting at a particular index). * * @param mods * the array of modification items * @param atts * an enumeration of attributes to add to the mod array * @param TYPE * the type of modification (DELETE,REPLACE,ADD) * @param index * the position in the modification array to start filling * entries in * @return return the final index position reached. */ private int loadMods(ModificationItem[] mods, NamingEnumeration atts, int TYPE, int index) throws NamingException { while (atts.hasMore()) { Attribute temp = (Attribute); mods[index++] = new ModificationItem(TYPE, temp); } return index; } /** * Optional debug code. Very useful. NEVER REMOVE!!! * * @param oldSet * old entry. * @param newSet * new entry. * @param adds * list of attributes to add. * @param reps * list of attributes to replace. * @param dels * list of attributes to delete. */ private void printDebug(DXEntry oldSet, DXEntry newSet, DXAttributes adds, DXAttributes reps, DXAttributes dels) { System.out.println("\n*** entries are ***\n\nold:\n" + oldSet.toString() + "\n\nnew:\n" + newSet.toString()); System.out.println("\n-----------------\nreps:\n" + reps.toString()); System.out.println("\n-----------------\ndels:\n" + dels.toString()); System.out.println("\n-----------------\nadds:\n" + adds.toString()); // Thread.currentThread().dumpStack(); } }