package; import; import*; import; import com.idega.presentation.*; import com.idega.presentation.text.*; import com.idega.presentation.ui.*; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import se.idega.idegaweb.commune.accounting.presentation.*; import; /** * InvoiceByCompensationView is an IdegaWeb block were the user can view and * edit the factoring by compensation field of school members in the current * season. * <p> * Last modified: $Date: 2004/11/03 10:07:16 $ by $Author: gimmi $ * * @author <a href="">Staffan N�teberg</a> * @version $Revision: 1.20 $ * @see * @see * @see javax.ejb */ public class InvoiceByCompensationView extends AccountingBlock { private static final String PREFIX = "CompByInv_"; private static final String BACK_DEFAULT = "Tillbaka"; private static final String BACK_KEY = PREFIX + "back"; private static final String CANCEL_DEFAULT = "Avbryt"; private static final String CANCEL_KEY = PREFIX + "cancel"; private static final String COMPENSATIONBYINVOICE_DEFAULT = "Ers�ttning mot faktura"; private static final String COMPENSATIONBYINVOICE_KEY = PREFIX + "compensationByInvoice"; private static final String ENDDATE_DEFAULT = "Avslutad"; private static final String ENDDATE_KEY = PREFIX + "endDate"; private static final String INVOICEINTERVAL_DEFAULT = "Fakturaintervall"; private static final String INVOICEINTERVAL_KEY = PREFIX + "invoiceInterval"; private static final String LATESTINVOICEDATE_DEFAULT = "Senaste fakturadatum"; private static final String LATESTINVOICEDATE_KEY = PREFIX + "latestInvoiceDate"; private static final String MAINACTIVITY_DEFAULT = "Huvudverksamhet"; private static final String MAINACTIVITY_KEY = PREFIX + "mainActivity"; private static final String MEMBERID_KEY = PREFIX + "memberId"; private static final String NAME_DEFAULT = "Namn"; private static final String NAME_KEY = PREFIX + "name"; private static final String PROVIDER_DEFAULT = "Anordnare"; private static final String PROVIDER_KEY = PREFIX + "provider"; private static final String SAVE_DEFAULT = "Spara"; private static final String SAVE_KEY = PREFIX + "save"; private static final String SCHOOLTYPE_KEY = PREFIX + "schoolType"; private static final String SCHOOLTYPE_DEFAULT = "Verksamhet"; private static final String SSN_DEFAULT = "Personnummer"; private static final String SSN_KEY = PREFIX + "ssn"; private static final String WRONGDATEFORMAT_DEFAULT = "Felaktigt datumformat"; private static final String WRONGDATEFORMAT_KEY = PREFIX + "wrongDateFormat"; private static final String ACTION_KEY = PREFIX + "action"; private static final String ACTION_SAVE_KEY = PREFIX + "actionSave"; private static final String ACTION_SHOWUSER_KEY = PREFIX + "actionShowUser"; private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static final SimpleDateFormat shortDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyyMMdd"); /** * Init is the event handler of InvoiceByCompensationForm. * * @param context session data like user info etc. */ public void init (final IWContext context) { setResourceBundle (getResourceBundle(context)); try { if (context.isParameterSet (ACTION_KEY) && ACTION_SHOWUSER_KEY.equals (context.getParameter (ACTION_KEY))) { showStudent (context); } else if (context.isParameterSet (ACTION_KEY) && ACTION_SAVE_KEY.equals (context.getParameter(ACTION_KEY))) { updateStudent (context); } else { showInvoiceByCompensationList (context); } } catch (final Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace (); logWarning ("Exception caught in " + getClass ().getName () + " " + (new Date ()).toString ()); logWarning ("Parameters:"); final Enumeration enumer = context.getParameterNames (); while (enumer.hasMoreElements ()) { final String key = (String) enumer.nextElement (); logWarning ('\t' + key + "='" + context.getParameter (key) + "'"); } log (exception); add ("Det intr�ffade ett fel. F�rs�k igen senare."); } } /** * Displays table with all school members that have invoice interval is set * * @param context session data like user info etc. * @exception FinderException if the school class wasn't found * @exception RemoteException if something fails in business layer */ private void showInvoiceByCompensationList (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException { // set up header row final String [][] columnNames = {{ SSN_KEY, SSN_DEFAULT }, { NAME_KEY, NAME_DEFAULT }, { PROVIDER_KEY, PROVIDER_DEFAULT }, { ENDDATE_KEY, ENDDATE_DEFAULT }, { INVOICEINTERVAL_KEY, INVOICEINTERVAL_DEFAULT }, { LATESTINVOICEDATE_KEY, LATESTINVOICEDATE_DEFAULT }}; final Table studentTable = new Table(); studentTable.setCellpadding(getCellpadding()); studentTable.setCellspacing(getCellspacing()); studentTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); studentTable.setColumns (columnNames.length); studentTable.setRowColor(1, getHeaderColor()); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { studentTable.add(getSmallHeader(localize (columnNames [i][0], columnNames [i][1])), i + 1, 1); } // get some business objects final SchoolCommuneBusiness communeBusiness = (SchoolCommuneBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, SchoolCommuneBusiness.class); // search the database for students to display final String operationalField = getSession ().getOperationalField (); final SchoolClassMember [] students = communeBusiness .getCurrentMembersWithInvoiceInterval (operationalField); // display each student for (int i = 0; i < students.length; i++) { final SchoolClassMember student = students [i]; int row = i + 2; showStudentInTableRow (studentTable, student, row); } // add to output add (createMainTable (studentTable)); } /** * Display information about one particular student on a row in a provided * table. * * @param studentTable table to put row in * @param member member to display * @param row the table row to use * @param FinderException if one of the entities are missing */ private void showStudentInTableRow (final Table studentTable, final SchoolClassMember member, int row) { int col = 1; studentTable.setRowColor (row, (row % 2 == 0) ? getZebraColor1 () : getZebraColor2 ()); final User user = member.getStudent (); final String ssn = user.getPersonalID (); final Link ssnLink = getSmallLink (ssn); final String userName = getName (user); final String schoolName = getSchoolName (member); final String endDate = getEndDate (member); ssnLink.addParameter (ACTION_KEY, ACTION_SHOWUSER_KEY); ssnLink.addParameter (MEMBERID_KEY, member.getPrimaryKey () + ""); studentTable.add (ssnLink, col++, row); studentTable.add (new Text(userName), col++, row); studentTable.add (new Text(schoolName), col++, row); studentTable.add (new Text(endDate), col++, row); studentTable.add (new Text(getIntervalString (member)), col++, row); final Date latestInvoiceDate = member.getLatestInvoiceDate (); if (null != latestInvoiceDate) { studentTable.add (new Text(dateFormatter.format (latestInvoiceDate)), col++, row); } } private static String getEndDate (final SchoolClassMember member) { if (null == member || null == member.getRemovedDate ()) return ""; return dateFormatter.format (member.getRemovedDate ()); } private static String getSchoolName (final SchoolClassMember member) { final SchoolClass group = null != member ? member.getSchoolClass () : null; final School school = null != group ? group.getSchool () : null; final String groupName = null != group ? group.getName () : ""; final String schoolName = null != group ? school.getSchoolName (): ""; return schoolName + '/' + groupName; } private static String getSchoolTypeName (final SchoolClassMember member) { final SchoolType type = null != member ? member.getSchoolType () : null; return null != type ? type.getSchoolTypeName () : ""; } private static String getName (final User user) { if (null == user) return ""; final String firstName = user.getFirstName (); final String lastName = user.getLastName (); return (firstName != null ? firstName + " " : "") + (lastName != null ? lastName : ""); } private String getIntervalString (final SchoolClassMember student) { final String intervalKey = student.getInvoiceInterval (); return (intervalKey == null || intervalKey.equals ("-1")) ? "" : localize (intervalKey, intervalKey); } /** * Displays user info form, where latest invoice date can be modified * * @param context session data like user info etc. * @exception FinderException if the school class member wasn't found * @exception RemoteException if something fails in business layer */ private void showStudent (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { // get some business objects final SchoolCommuneBusiness communeBusiness = (SchoolCommuneBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, SchoolCommuneBusiness.class); final SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = communeBusiness.getSchoolBusiness (); final SchoolClassMemberHome memberHome = schoolBusiness.getSchoolClassMemberHome (); // get student info final Integer studentId = new Integer (context.getParameter (MEMBERID_KEY)); final SchoolClassMember member = memberHome.findByPrimaryKey (studentId); final User user = member.getStudent (); final String ssn = user.getPersonalID (); final String userName = getName (user); final String schoolName = getSchoolName (member); final String endDate = getEndDate (member); final String schoolTypeName = getSchoolTypeName (member); final Date latestInvoiceDate = member.getLatestInvoiceDate (); // display student info final Table studentTable = getStudentInfoTable (ssn, userName, schoolTypeName, schoolName, endDate, latestInvoiceDate, getIntervalString (member)); // display buttons final Table buttonTable = getSaveButtonTable (); // put output together and publish final Table mainTable = new Table (); mainTable.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); mainTable.setCellspacing (getCellspacing ()); mainTable.add (studentTable, 1, 1); mainTable.add (buttonTable, 1, 2); final Form form = new Form (); form.add (mainTable); form.maintainParameter (MEMBERID_KEY); final Table formTable = new Table (); formTable.add (form, 1, 1); add (createMainTable (formTable)); } /** * Creates a table with save and cancel buttons * * @return table with save and cancel button */ private Table getSaveButtonTable () { final Table buttonTable = new Table (); buttonTable.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); buttonTable.setCellspacing (getCellspacing ()); buttonTable.setColumns (2); buttonTable.add (getButton (new SubmitButton (localize (SAVE_KEY, SAVE_DEFAULT), ACTION_KEY, ACTION_SAVE_KEY)), 1, 1); buttonTable.add (getButton (new SubmitButton (CANCEL_KEY, localize (CANCEL_KEY, CANCEL_DEFAULT))), 2, 1); return buttonTable; } /** * Creates a table with information about this student * * @param ssn social security number (personal id) for this person * @param studentName display name for this person * @param schoolName name of the school that this person is member of * @param latestInvoiceDate last time this person was invoiced * @param intervalString key for term, year etc. */ private Table getStudentInfoTable (final String ssn, final String studentName, final String schoolTypeName, final String schoolName, final String endDate, final Date latestInvoiceDate, final String intervalString) { final Table studentTable = new Table (); studentTable.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); studentTable.setCellspacing (getCellspacing ()); studentTable.setColumns (2); final String [][] cells = {{ SSN_KEY, SSN_DEFAULT, ssn }, { NAME_KEY, NAME_DEFAULT, studentName }, { SCHOOLTYPE_KEY, SCHOOLTYPE_DEFAULT, schoolTypeName }, { PROVIDER_KEY, PROVIDER_DEFAULT, schoolName }, { ENDDATE_KEY, ENDDATE_DEFAULT, endDate }, { INVOICEINTERVAL_KEY, INVOICEINTERVAL_DEFAULT, intervalString }}; final TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getStyledInterface (new TextInput (LATESTINVOICEDATE_KEY)); textInput.setLength (10); textInput.setContent (null == latestInvoiceDate ? shortDateFormatter.format (new Date ()) : shortDateFormatter.format (latestInvoiceDate)); int row = 1; for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { studentTable.add (getSmallHeader (localize (cells [i][0], cells [i][1]) + ":"), 1, row); studentTable.add(new Text (cells [i][2]), 2, row++); } studentTable.add (getSmallHeader (localize (LATESTINVOICEDATE_KEY, LATESTINVOICEDATE_DEFAULT) + ":"), 1, row); studentTable.add (textInput, 2, row++); return studentTable; } /** * Updates latest invoice date * * @param context session data like user info etc. * @exception FinderException if the school class member wasn't found * @exception RemoteException if something fails in business layer */ private void updateStudent (final IWContext context) throws RemoteException, FinderException { // get some business objects final SchoolCommuneBusiness communeBusiness = (SchoolCommuneBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance (context, SchoolCommuneBusiness.class); final SchoolBusiness schoolBusiness = communeBusiness.getSchoolBusiness (); final SchoolClassMemberHome memberHome = schoolBusiness.getSchoolClassMemberHome (); // get student info final Integer studentId = new Integer (context.getParameter (MEMBERID_KEY)); final SchoolClassMember student = memberHome.findByPrimaryKey (studentId); final String latestInvoiceDate = context.getParameter (LATESTINVOICEDATE_KEY); final Date date = getDateFromString (latestInvoiceDate); if (null != date) { student.setLatestInvoiceDate (new java.sql.Timestamp (date.getTime ())); (); } // display output final Table table = new Table (); table.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); table.setCellspacing (getCellspacing ()); if (null == date) { final Text text = new Text (localize (WRONGDATEFORMAT_KEY, WRONGDATEFORMAT_DEFAULT)); text.setFontColor ("#ff0000"); table.add (text, 1, 1); table.setHeight (2, 12); table.add (getSmallLink (localize (BACK_KEY, BACK_DEFAULT)), 1, 3); add (createMainTable (table)); } else { showInvoiceByCompensationList (context); } } /** * Returns a styled table with content placed properly * * @param content the page unique content * @return Table to add to output */ private Table createMainTable (final PresentationObject content) throws RemoteException { final Table mainTable = new Table(); mainTable.setCellpadding (getCellpadding ()); mainTable.setCellspacing (getCellspacing ()); mainTable.setWidth (Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); mainTable.setColumns (1); mainTable.setRowColor (1, getHeaderColor ()); mainTable.setRowAlignment(1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) ; mainTable.add (getSmallHeader (localize (COMPENSATIONBYINVOICE_KEY, COMPENSATIONBYINVOICE_DEFAULT)), 1, 1); final Table innerTable = new Table (); innerTable.setColumns (2); innerTable.add (getSmallHeader (localize (MAINACTIVITY_KEY, MAINACTIVITY_DEFAULT) + ":"), 1, 1); String operationalField = getSession ().getOperationalField(); operationalField = operationalField == null ? "" : operationalField; innerTable.add (new OperationalFieldsMenu (), 2, 1); mainTable.add (innerTable, 1, 2); mainTable.add (content, 1, 3); return mainTable; } private static Date getDateFromString (final String rawInput) { final StringBuffer digitOnlyInput = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rawInput.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(rawInput.charAt(i))) { digitOnlyInput.append(rawInput.charAt(i)); } } if (digitOnlyInput.length() == 6) { digitOnlyInput.insert(0, 20); } if (digitOnlyInput.length() != 8) { return null; } final int year = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(0, 4)).intValue(); final int month = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(4, 6)).intValue(); final int day = new Integer(digitOnlyInput.substring(6, 8)).intValue(); if (year < 2003 || month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31) { return null; } final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set (year, month - 1, day); return calendar.getTime (); } }